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# -*- sh -*-
2005-06-02 18:28:35 +00:00
# General yaps example configuration file
2005-06-02 18:28:35 +00:00
# global section #
2005-06-02 18:28:35 +00:00
# +--------------------------------------
# | angepasste Version: 2004-11-28
# | Heiko Teichmeier <>
# +--------------------------------------
# | Changelog:
# | ----------
# | 2004-11-28
# | <> Service Cityruf hinzugefuegt - Tip von Ralf Soergel
# | <> Alias-Section einbinden einer externen Text-Datei
# | (yaps-alias.txt)
# +--------------------------------------
# This is a comma seperated list of available services. This
# is required for autodetect the matching service for a
# pager-id
services D1_0151,D1_0160,D1_0170,D1_0171,D1_0175
+services D2_0152,D2_0162,D2_0172,D2_0173,D2_0174
+services E+_0163,E+_0177,E+_0178
+services O2_0159,O2_0176,O2_0179
+services Telmi,Telmi-Fun,Telmi-Family,Telmi-Top,Telmi-Pro
+services Skyper,Quix
+services Cityruf
# This is the default caller-id. If the protocol/service allowes
# it, this is inserted in the message (and the receiver gets this
# as the sender's number)
call-id +49-(3777)-1234
# If you forget to sign your message, you can automatically append
# this string to each message.
signature (Heiko's Linux-Server!)
# You can either switch the use of the signature here on for all
# services or in each service section for that particular service.
use-signature True
# To get more verbose output when running yaps increase this value.
# Currently 4 is the highest supported value.
verbose 0
# If you'd like to log every sending session define this. It should
# point to a writeable file. If you install the software setgid, then
# change the group of this file to the same yaps uses and make it
# group writeable.
logfile /var/log/yaps.log
# A comma seperated list of modem sections. You can also define this
# in each service section.
modems standard
# some global defaults for the serial interface (even if the most
# protocols are assuming 7e1, these settings seem to work well)
speed 38400
bits-per-byte 8
parity none
stopbits 1
2005-06-02 18:28:35 +00:00
# To calculate the cost for each call, you can define some globales
# here and do the fine tuning in each protocol
cost cost=0.0023,unit=Euro,remainder=2,entity-length=1.0
###+cost timetable=wk0800-1800=5.7;Wk1800-0800=11.4;Ss=11.4
2005-06-02 18:28:35 +00:00
# These are two example of internal conversion tables. The can be
# used using the `convert' entry (see below).
cv-default {
<20> [
<20> \
<20> ]
<20> {
<20> |
<20> }
<20> ~
2005-06-02 18:28:35 +00:00
cv-extend {
\l \s
\n \s
\r \s
\f \s
\t \s
cv-d1 {
<20> [
<20> \
<20> ~
<20> {
<20> |
<20> ~
<20> ^]
cv-cityruf {
<09> @
2005-06-02 18:28:35 +00:00
insert-pager-id True
2005-06-02 18:28:35 +00:00
rm-invalids-pid + (-)
2005-06-02 18:28:35 +00:00
rm-invalids-cid + (-)
lock-prefix /var/lock/LCK..
lock-method sysv4
2005-06-02 18:28:35 +00:00
# service section #
2005-06-02 18:28:35 +00:00
# Mir z.Zt. bekannte Vorwahlen:
# =============================
# D1 01712521001 (ISDN)
2005-06-02 18:28:35 +00:00
# Nach einem Tip von Michael H<>ttig eine neue Modem-Einwahl-Nr.
# f<>r D1
# D1 01712521002 (Modem)
2005-06-02 18:28:35 +00:00
# D2 01722278010 (ISDN)
# 01722278020 (analog)
# E-Plus 01771167 (ISDN)
# O2 01722278010 (ISDN)!!! D2-SMSCenter benutzen
# 01722278020 (analog)
2005-06-02 18:28:35 +00:00
# D1 (by Deutsche Telekom)
# jetzt: t-mobile
protocol tap
valid-pid 0151|0049151|49151
change-pid 0151
convert *no-8bit,cv-d1
# use this number for modem-dialin:
#phone 01712521002
# use this number for isdn-dialin:
phone 01712521001
max-size 160
may-split True
use-call-id False
tap-old True
protocol tap
valid-pid 0160|0049160|49160
change-pid 0160
convert *no-8bit,cv-d1
# use this number for modem-dialin:
#phone 01712521002
# use this number for isdn-dialin:
phone 01712521001
max-size 160
may-split True
use-call-id False
tap-old True
protocol tap
valid-pid 0170|0049170|49170
change-pid 0170
convert *no-8bit,cv-d1
# use this number for modem-dialin:
#phone 01712521002
# use this number for isdn-dialin:
phone 01712521001
max-size 160
may-split True
use-call-id False
tap-old True
protocol tap
valid-pid 0171|0049171|49171
change-pid 0171
convert *no-8bit,cv-d1
# use this number for modem-dialin:
#phone 01712521002
# use this number for isdn-dialin:
phone 01712521001
max-size 160
may-split True
use-call-id False
tap-old True
protocol tap
valid-pid 0175|0049175|49175
change-pid 0175
convert *no-8bit,cv-d1
# use this number for modem-dialin:
#phone 01712521002
# use this number for isdn-dialin:
phone 01712521001
max-size 160
may-split True
use-call-id False
tap-old True
# D2 (by Mannesmann Mobilfunk)
# jetzt: vodafone
modem standard-d2
protocol ucp
valid-pid 0152|0049152|49152|+49152
change-pid 0152
convert *no-8bit,cv-default
# phone 01722278020
# use this number for isdn-dialin:
phone 01722278010
max-size 160
may-split True
use-call-id True
can-delay True
can-expire True
can-rds True
check-call-id >1111111111111111<
check-pager-id >1111111111111111<
ucp-extend True
modem standard-d2
protocol ucp
valid-pid 0162|0049162|49162|+49162
change-pid 0162
convert *no-8bit,cv-default
# phone 01722278020
# use this number for isdn-dialin:
phone 01722278010
max-size 160
may-split True
use-call-id True
can-delay True
can-expire True
can-rds True
check-call-id >1111111111111111<
check-pager-id >1111111111111111<
ucp-extend True
modem standard-d2
protocol ucp
valid-pid 0172|0049172|49172|+49172
change-pid 0172
convert *no-8bit,cv-default
# phone 01722278020
# use this number for isdn-dialin:
phone 01722278010
max-size 160
may-split True
use-call-id True
can-delay True
can-expire True
can-rds True
check-call-id >1111111111111111<
check-pager-id >1111111111111111<
ucp-extend True
modem standard-d2
protocol ucp
valid-pid 0173|0049173|49173|+49173
change-pid 0173
convert *no-8bit,cv-default
# phone 01722278020
# use this number for isdn-dialin:
phone 01722278010
max-size 160
may-split True
use-call-id True
can-delay True
can-expire True
can-rds True
check-call-id >1111111111111111<
check-pager-id >1111111111111111<
ucp-extend True
modem standard-d2
protocol ucp
valid-pid 0174|0049174|49174|+49174
change-pid 0174
convert *no-8bit,cv-default
# phone 01722278020
# use this number for isdn-dialin:
phone 01722278010
max-size 160
may-split True
use-call-id True
can-delay True
can-expire True
can-rds True
check-call-id >1111111111111111<
check-pager-id >1111111111111111<
ucp-extend True
# E+ (by ???)
# TESTED 24.03.2002 Heiko Teichmeier
protocol tap
valid-pid 0163|0049163|49163
change-pid 0163
convert *no-8bit,cv-default
phone 01771167
max-size 160
may-split True
use-call-id False
protocol tap
valid-pid 0177|0049177|49177
change-pid 0177
convert *no-8bit,cv-default
phone 01771167
max-size 160
may-split True
use-call-id False
protocol tap
valid-pid 0178|0049178|49178
change-pid 0178
convert *no-8bit,cv-default
phone 01771167
max-size 160
may-split True
use-call-id False
# O2-Interkom
# jetzt: O2 sprich: Ouhtu
# geht theoretisch analog und ISDN Stand:2000-06-22
protocol tap
valid-pid 0159|0049159|49159
change-pid 0159
convert *no-8bit,cv-default
# anywhere I had read, that we can use the "D2"-Isdn-dial-in, because
# the "O-two"-provider has no ISDN-dial-in
# -> please give me a return about the rightness of this!!!
phone 01722278010
#phone 01797673425
max-size 160
may-split True
use-call-id True
# geht theoretisch analog und ISDN Stand:2000-06-22
protocol tap
#/#modem standard-d2
#/#protocol ucp
valid-pid 0176|0049176|49176
change-pid 0176
convert *no-8bit,cv-default
# anywhere I had read, that we can use the "D2"-Isdn-dial-in, because
# the "O-two"-provider has no ISDN-dial-in
# -> please give me a return about the rightness of this!!!
phone 01722278010
#phone 01797673425
max-size 160
may-split True
use-call-id True
#/#can-delay True
#/#can-expire True
#/#can-rds True
#/#check-call-id >1111111111111111<
#/#check-pager-id >1111111111111111<
#/#ucp-extend True
# geht theoretisch analog und ISDN Stand:2000-06-22
protocol tap
valid-pid 0179|0049179|49179
change-pid 0179
convert *no-8bit,cv-default
# anywhere I had read, that we can use the "D2"-Isdn-dial-in, because
# the "O-two"-provider has no ISDN-dial-in
# -> please give me a return about the rightness of this!!!
phone 01722278010
#phone 01797673425
max-size 160
may-split True
use-call-id True
# Telmi, Telmi-* (by Deutsche Funkruf)
2005-06-02 18:28:35 +00:00
protocol tap
valid-pid 01661|01665|00491661|00491665|491661|491665
change-pid -
convert *no-control,*no-8bit,cv-default,cv-extend
+cost entity-length=5.2
phone 016601010101
max-size 114
may-split True
max-messages 1
use-call-id False
check-pager-id 1111111
tap-old True
2005-06-02 18:28:35 +00:00
[Telmi-Fun] Telmi
[Telmi-Family] Telmi
[Telmi-Top] Telmi
max-size 240
2005-06-02 18:28:35 +00:00
[Telmi-Pro] Telmi-Top
# Skyper (by Deutsche Telekom)
# !! UNTESTED !!
2005-06-02 18:28:35 +00:00
protocol tap
valid-pid 01692|00491692|491692
change-pid -
convert *no-8bit,cv-default,cv-extend
+cost fixed,cost=0.96
phone 01692%P
max-size 80
use-call-id False
insert-pager-id True
# Quix (by Miniruf)
# !! UNTESTED !!
2005-06-02 18:28:35 +00:00
protocol ucp
valid-pid 01653|00491653|491653
change-pid -
+cost fixed,timetable=Wk0800-1800=1.20;Al=0.96
convert *no-8bit,cv-default,cv-extend
phone 016593
max-size 80
use-call-id True
# +----------------------------------------
# | Cityruf (by e-Message)
# | Info und Test von Ralf Soergel - Danke Dir!
# | (Mail-Nachricht vom 25.11.2004)
# +----------------------------------------
# | lt. Ralf Soergel unterstuetzt Cityruf auch eine
# | abgewandelte tap-Variante. Funktionierte bei seinen
# | Tests aber nicht, da der tap-Modus der Gegenstation
# | nicht einzuschalten ging.
# | -> wenn jemand andere Erfahrungen hat - bitte melden
# +----------------------------------------
#protocol tap
#tap-t4 4
#tap-t20 5
#tap-t21 8
#tap-t22 8
#tap-t23 10
#tap-t24 8
#tap-n20 3
#tap-n21 5
protocol ascii
asc-pagerid \\P\r <Bitte\sNachricht\seingeben.
asc-message \\M\r <Funkruf\sabsenden\s?
asc-logout J\r <Funkruf\sangenommen.
max-messages 1
valid-pid 0168|0049168|49168
2005-06-02 18:28:35 +00:00
change-pid -
convert *no-8bit,cv-default,cv-extend,cv-cityruf
phone 016911
#phone 01690 # vielnutzerzugang?? keine Ahnung wie ...
2005-06-02 18:28:35 +00:00
max-size 80
#tap-old True
2005-06-02 18:28:35 +00:00
# modem section #
2005-06-02 18:28:35 +00:00
# Device
2005-06-02 18:28:35 +00:00
# Typical a symbolic link to the real device
# device /dev/ttyS0
# use the following device for isdn-dialout:
device /dev/ttyI0
2005-06-02 18:28:35 +00:00
#init \\r !200D ATZ\r <OK ATE0Q0V1\r <OK
# use the following init-string for isdn:
# and change MSN to your MSN (what else...:-))
init \\r !200D ATZ\r <OK AT&E24\r <OK
reset ATZ\r <OK
timeout 10
2005-06-02 18:28:35 +00:00
[standard-d2] standard
local-init AT\%C2\r <OK
## folgender Init-String fuer Telefonanlage (Nebenstelle)
init \\r !200D ATZ\r <OK ATE0Q0V1X3\r <OK
reset ATZ\r <OK
timeout 5
2005-06-02 18:28:35 +00:00
# alias section
# auf Gro<72>- und Kleinschreibung achten
2005-06-02 18:28:35 +00:00
# Including extern file to get easyer use and handling of
# the alias defining
# Einbinden der Aliase ueber externe Datei
# bessere/sicherere externe Pflege/Aenderung moeglich