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2005-06-02 18:28:35 +00:00
# -*- sh -*-
# General yaps example configuration file
# global section #
# This is a comma seperated list of available services. This
# is required for autodetect the matching service for a
# pager-id
services D1,D2,E+
+services Telmi,Telmi-Fun,Telmi-Family,Telmi-Top,Telmi-Pro
+services Skyper,Quix
# This is the default caller-id. If the protocol/service allowes
# it, this is inserted in the message (and the receiver gets this
# as the sender's number)
call-id +1-(555)-1234
# If you forget to sign your message, you can automatically append
# this string to each message.
signature (It's me!)
# You can either switch the use of the signature here on for all
# services or in each service section for that particular service.
use-signature True
# To get more verbose output when running yaps increase this value.
# Currently 4 is the highest supported value.
verbose 0
# If you'd like to log every sending session define this. It should
# point to a writeable file. If you install the software setgid, then
# change the group of this file to the same yaps uses and make it
# group writeable.
logfile /var/log/yaps.log
# A comma seperated list of modem sections. You can also define this
# in each service section.
modems standard
# some global defaults for the serial interface (even if the most
# protocols are assuming 7e1, these settings seem to work well)
speed 38400
bits-per-byte 8
parity none
stopbits 1
# To calculate the cost for each call, you can define some globales
# here and do the fine tuning in each protocol
cost cost=0.12,unit=DM,remainder=2,dial-overhead=13
# These are two example of internal conversion tables. The can be
# used using the `convert' entry (see below).
cv-default {
<09> [
<09> \
<09> ]
<09> {
<09> |
<09> }
<09> ~
cv-extend {
\l \s
\n \s
\r \s
\f \s
\t \s
# These values are normally only found in each service section,
# but are listen here with an explaination for completeness.
# This is the phone number of the modem gateway for this service
#phone 0015559876
# This is the protocol the service uses. Currently this can be
# either ascii, script, ucp or tap. Each protocol has a set of
# special configuration parameters, see below.
#protocol tap
# Most services limit the length of a message to a specific length.
# Enter the value here to check valid messages
#max-size 160
# If a message is longer than max-size, you can set this to split
# it off into several single messages of allowed length
#may-split True
# If a message is longer than max-size, you can set this to truncate
# the message to the allowed length. The remaining part is discarded.
#truncate True
# Some services allow to send more than one message per session. If
# it is limited, set it using this parameter
#max-messages 1
# If the service allows using your caller-id set this to True.
#use-call-id True
# If the service is reachable over a phonenumber where the pager-id
# is part of the phone number, define this and add a `%P' anywehere
# in the `phone' number.
#insert-pager-id True
# Remove these characters from the pager-id, as they are not valid
rm-invalids-pid + (-)
# Dito for caller id
rm-invalids-cid + (-)
# Check for valid call id (see below for more details) While
# valid-pid is required, this is optional
#valid-cid ^(001|1)
#change-cid 001
# Depending on your system the value for this parameter is either a
# regular expression or a simple list of strings (seperated by bars)
# which must match the prefix of the pager-id.
#valid-pid ^(0171|0049171)
#valid-pid 0171|0049171
# Use these paramters in the global section if you want do not want
# to check pager-ids (and do not set change-pid):
#valid-pid .
#valid-pid -
# If a pagerid has matched the expression above, then the matching part
# may be replaced by this string
#change-pid 0171
# As the services do not use (in general) the ISO 8859/1 character set,
# one can define convertion tables. you can either specify a file which
# contains the convertion rules:
#conv-table /usr/local/lib/yaps/
# or use predefined convertion rules
#convert *no-control,*no-8bit,cv-default,cv-extended
# If this is set, send a message even if a requested feature is
# not available
#force True
# If the provider supportes to set a delay for sending the message,
# set this
#can-delay True
# If the provider can delete a buffered message after a period of time,
# set this
#can-expire True
# If the provider can report a delivery status, set this.
#can-rds True
# To check wether a call-id/pager-id is valid use these paramters.
# For the exact syntax see the documentation
#check-call-id >1111111111111111<
#check-pager-id >1111111111111111<
#check-call-id +minimum=0,maximum=16,type=numeric
# These values are typically found in a modem section, but can also
# appear in the global section to set some defaults
# Set this to the modem device you wish to use
#device /dev/modem
#device /dev/cua1
#device /dev/cua/a
# Set this to the prefix of the lockfile use for the device. There
# are several places, and two common formats:
#lock-prefix /usr/spool/uucp/LCK..
#lock-prefix /var/spool/lock/LCK..
#lock-prefix /var/spool/locks/LK.
# The different format of the part which is appended to the lockfile
# and the contents can be specified here. See documentation for a
# full list inclusive explaination
#lock-method sysv4
#lock-method binary
#lock-method timeout=10
# These are send/expect sequences to talk to the modem. For an exact
# definition see (again) the documentation. Following entries are
# supported:
# init: to initialize the modem
# local-init: a second initialization string, used to customize
# already defined modems for different handling
# dial: to dial a phone number %L is replaced with the
# phone number itself
# timeout: the default timeout in seconds to wait for answers
# reset: to reset the modem
# service section #
# D1 (by Deutsche Telekom)
protocol tap
valid-pid 0171|0049171|49171
change-pid 0171
convert *no-8bit,cv-d1
cv-d1 {
<09> [
<09> \
<09> ~
<09> {
<09> |
<09> ~
<09> ^]
+cost timetable=Wk0800-1800=5.7;Wk1800-0800=11.4;Ss=11.4
phone 01712092522
max-size 160
may-split True
use-call-id False
tap-old True
# D2 (by Mannesmann Mobilfunk)
modem standard-d2
protocol ucp
valid-pid 0172|0049172|49172
change-pid 0172
convert *no-8bit,cv-default
+cost timetable=Wk0800-1800=5.7;Wk1800-0800=11.4;Ss=11.4
phone 01722278020
max-size 160
may-split True
use-call-id True
can-delay True
can-expire True
can-rds True
check-call-id >1111111111111111<
check-pager-id >1111111111111111<
ucp-extend True
# E+ (by ???)
# !! UNTESTED !!
protocol tap
valid-pid 0177|0049177|49177
change-pid 0177
convert *no-8bit,cv-default
+cost timetable=Wk0800-1800=5.7;Wk1800-0800=11.4;Ss=11.4
phone 01771167
max-size 160
may-split True
use-call-id False
# Telmi, Telmi-* (by Deutsche Funkruf)
protocol tap
valid-pid 01661|01665|00491661|00491665|491661|491665
change-pid -
convert *no-control,*no-8bit,cv-default,cv-extend
+cost entity-length=5.2
phone 016601010101
max-size 114
may-split True
max-messages 1
use-call-id False
check-pager-id 1111111
tap-old True
[Telmi-Fun] Telmi
[Telmi-Family] Telmi
[Telmi-Top] Telmi
max-size 240
[Telmi-Pro] Telmi-Top
# Skyper (by Deutsche Telekom)
# !! UNTESTED !!
protocol tap
valid-pid 01692|00491692|491692
change-pid -
convert *no-8bit,cv-default,cv-extend
+cost fixed,cost=0.96
phone 01692%P
max-size 80
use-call-id False
insert-pager-id True
# Quix (by Miniruf)
# !! UNTESTED !!
protocol ucp
valid-pid 01653|00491653|491653
change-pid -
+cost fixed,timetable=Wk0800-1800=1.20;Al=0.96
convert *no-8bit,cv-default,cv-extend
phone 016593
max-size 80
use-call-id True
# modem section #
# Locking
# Older Unix versions
lock-prefix /usr/spool/uucp/LCK..
# Newer Unix versions
#lock-prefix /var/spool/uucp/LCK..
#lock-prefix /var/lock/LCK..
# SysV4
#lock-prefix /var/spool/locks/LK.
#lock-method sysv4
# Device
# Typical a symbolic link to the real device
device /dev/modem
# "normal" call-out device
#device /dev/cua1
# Solaris convention
#device /dev/cua/a
# Modem talk
init \\r !200D ATZ\r <OK ATE0Q0V1\r <OK
reset ATZ\r <OK
timeout 10
# Customizing an existing modem entry
[standard-d2] standard
local-init AT\%C2\r <OK
# alias section
#foo 001 555 1221
#bar +1-(555)-2112