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# Wireshark tests
# By Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>
# Ported from a set of Bash scripts which were copyright 2005 Ulf Lamping
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
'''Command line option tests'''
import json
import sys
import os.path
import subprocess
import subprocesstest
from subprocesstest import ExitCodes, grep_output, count_output
import shutil
import pytest
#glossaries = ('fields', 'protocols', 'values', 'decodes', 'defaultprefs', 'currentprefs')
glossaries = ('decodes', 'values')
testout_pcap = 'testout.pcap'
class TestDumpcapOptions:
# XXX Should we generate individual test functions instead of looping?
def test_dumpcap_invalid_chars(self, cmd_dumpcap, base_env):
'''Invalid dumpcap parameters'''
for char_arg in 'CEFGHJKNOQRTUVWXYejloxz':
process = subprocesstest.run((cmd_dumpcap, '-' + char_arg), env=base_env)
assert process.returncode == ExitCodes.COMMAND_LINE
# XXX Should we generate individual test functions instead of looping?
def test_dumpcap_valid_chars(self, cmd_dumpcap, base_env):
for char_arg in 'hv':
process = subprocesstest.run((cmd_dumpcap, '-' + char_arg), env=base_env)
assert process.returncode == ExitCodes.OK
# XXX Should we generate individual test functions instead of looping?
def test_dumpcap_interface_chars(self, cmd_dumpcap, base_env):
'''Valid dumpcap parameters requiring capture permissions'''
valid_returns = [ExitCodes.OK, ExitCodes.INVALID_INTERFACE]
for char_arg in 'DL':
process = subprocesstest.run((cmd_dumpcap, '-' + char_arg), env=base_env)
assert process.returncode in valid_returns
class TestDumpcapClopts:
def test_dumpcap_invalid_capfilter(self, cmd_dumpcap, capture_interface, result_file, base_env):
'''Invalid capture filter'''
invalid_filter = '__invalid_protocol'
# $DUMPCAP -f 'jkghg' -w './testout.pcap' > ./testout.txt 2>&1
testout_file = result_file(testout_pcap)
process = subprocesstest.run((cmd_dumpcap, '-f', invalid_filter, '-w', testout_file), capture_output=True, env=base_env)
assert grep_output(process.stderr, 'Invalid capture filter "' + invalid_filter + '" for interface')
def test_dumpcap_invalid_interface_name(self, cmd_dumpcap, capture_interface, result_file, base_env):
'''Invalid capture interface name'''
invalid_interface = '__invalid_interface'
# $DUMPCAP -i invalid_interface -w './testout.pcap' > ./testout.txt 2>&1
testout_file = result_file(testout_pcap)
process = subprocesstest.run((cmd_dumpcap, '-i', invalid_interface, '-w', testout_file), capture_output=True, env=base_env)
assert grep_output(process.stderr, 'There is no device named "__invalid_interface"') or \
grep_output(process.stderr, 'The capture session could not be initiated on capture device "__invalid_interface"')
def test_dumpcap_invalid_interface_index(self, cmd_dumpcap, capture_interface, result_file, base_env):
'''Invalid capture interface index'''
invalid_index = '0'
# $DUMPCAP -i 0 -w './testout.pcap' > ./testout.txt 2>&1
testout_file = result_file(testout_pcap)
process = subprocesstest.run((cmd_dumpcap, '-i', invalid_index, '-w', testout_file), capture_output=True, env=base_env)
assert grep_output(process.stderr, 'There is no interface with that adapter index')
class TestBasicClopts:
def test_existing_file(self, cmd_tshark, capture_file, test_env):
# $TSHARK -r "${CAPTURE_DIR}dhcp.pcap" > ./testout.txt 2>&1
process = subprocesstest.run((cmd_tshark, '-r', capture_file('dhcp.pcap')), env=test_env)
assert process.returncode == ExitCodes.OK
def test_existing_file_longopt(self, cmd_tshark, capture_file, test_env):
# $TSHARK -r "${CAPTURE_DIR}dhcp.pcap" > ./testout.txt 2>&1
process = subprocesstest.run((cmd_tshark, '--read-file', capture_file('dhcp.pcap'),
'--display-filter', 'dhcp'), env=test_env)
assert process.returncode == ExitCodes.OK
def test_nonexistent_file(self, cmd_tshark, capture_file, test_env):
# $TSHARK - r ThisFileDontExist.pcap > ./testout.txt 2 > &1
process = subprocesstest.run((cmd_tshark, '-r', capture_file('__ceci_nest_pas_une.pcap')), env=test_env)
assert process.returncode == ExitCodes.INVALID_FILE_ERROR
class TestTsharkOptions:
# XXX Should we generate individual test functions instead of looping?
def test_tshark_invalid_chars(self, cmd_tshark, test_env):
'''Invalid tshark parameters'''
for char_arg in 'ABCEFHJKMNORTUWXYZabcdefijkmorstuwyz':
process = subprocesstest.run((cmd_tshark, '-' + char_arg), env=test_env)
assert process.returncode == ExitCodes.COMMAND_LINE
# XXX Should we generate individual test functions instead of looping?
def test_tshark_valid_chars(self, cmd_tshark, test_env):
for char_arg in 'Ghv':
process = subprocesstest.run((cmd_tshark, '-' + char_arg), env=test_env)
assert process.returncode == ExitCodes.OK
# XXX Should we generate individual test functions instead of looping?
def test_tshark_interface_chars(self, cmd_tshark, cmd_dumpcap, test_env):
'''Valid tshark parameters requiring capture permissions'''
# These options require dumpcap, but may fail with a pacp error
# if WinPcap or Npcap are not present
valid_returns = [ExitCodes.OK, ExitCodes.PCAP_ERROR, ExitCodes.INVALID_CAPABILITY]
for char_arg in 'DL':
process = subprocesstest.run((cmd_tshark, '-' + char_arg), env=test_env)
assert process.returncode in valid_returns
def test_tshark_disable_protos(self, cmd_tshark, capture_file, test_env):
'''--disable-protocol/--enable-protocol from !16923'''
process = subprocesstest.run((cmd_tshark, "-r", capture_file("http.pcap"),
"--disable-protocol", "ALL",
"--enable-protocol", "eth,ip",
"-Tjson", "-eeth.type", "-eip.proto", "-ehttp.host",
), capture_output=True, env=test_env)
assert process.returncode == ExitCodes.OK
obj = json.loads(process.stdout)[0]['_source']['layers']
assert obj.get('eth.type', 'NOT FOUND') == ['0x0800']
assert obj.get('ip.proto', 'NOT FOUND') == ['6']
assert obj.get('http.host', 'NOT FOUND') == 'NOT FOUND'
class TestTsharkCaptureClopts:
def test_tshark_invalid_capfilter(self, cmd_tshark, capture_interface, result_file, test_env):
'''Invalid capture filter'''
invalid_filter = '__invalid_protocol'
# $TSHARK -f 'jkghg' -w './testout.pcap' > ./testout.txt 2>&1
testout_file = result_file(testout_pcap)
process = subprocesstest.run((cmd_tshark, '-f', invalid_filter, '-w', testout_file ), capture_output=True, env=test_env)
assert grep_output(process.stderr, 'Invalid capture filter "' + invalid_filter + '" for interface')
def test_tshark_invalid_interface_name(self, cmd_tshark, capture_interface, result_file, test_env):
'''Invalid capture interface name'''
invalid_interface = '__invalid_interface'
# $TSHARK -i invalid_interface -w './testout.pcap' > ./testout.txt 2>&1
testout_file = result_file(testout_pcap)
process = subprocesstest.run((cmd_tshark, '-i', invalid_interface, '-w', testout_file), capture_output=True, env=test_env)
assert grep_output(process.stderr, 'There is no device named "__invalid_interface"') or \
grep_output(process.stderr, 'The capture session could not be initiated on capture device "__invalid_interface"')
def test_tshark_invalid_interface_index(self, cmd_tshark, capture_interface, result_file, test_env):
'''Invalid capture interface index'''
invalid_index = '0'
# $TSHARK -i 0 -w './testout.pcap' > ./testout.txt 2>&1
testout_file = result_file(testout_pcap)
process = subprocesstest.run((cmd_tshark, '-i', invalid_index, '-w', testout_file), capture_output=True, env=test_env)
assert grep_output(process.stderr, 'There is no interface with that adapter index')
class TestTsharkNameResolutionClopts:
def test_tshark_valid_name_resolution(self, cmd_tshark, capture_file, test_env):
# $TSHARK -N mnNtdv -a duration:1 > ./testout.txt 2>&1
process = subprocesstest.run((cmd_tshark,
'-r', capture_file('empty.pcap'),
'-N', 'mnNtdv',
), env=test_env)
assert process.returncode == 0
# XXX Add invalid name resolution.
class TestTsharkUnicodeClopts:
def test_tshark_unicode_display_filter(self, cmd_tshark, capture_file, test_env):
'''Unicode (UTF-8) display filter'''
process = subprocesstest.run((cmd_tshark, '-r', capture_file('http.pcap'), '-Y', 'tcp.flags.str == "·······AP···"'), capture_output=True, env=test_env)
assert grep_output(process.stdout, 'HEAD.*/v4/iuident.cab')
class TestTsharkDumpGlossaries:
def test_tshark_dump_glossary(self, cmd_tshark, base_env):
for glossary in glossaries:
process = subprocesstest.run((cmd_tshark, '-G', glossary), capture_output=True, env=base_env)
assert not process.stderr, 'Found error output while printing glossary ' + glossary
def test_tshark_glossary_valid_utf8(self, cmd_tshark, base_env):
for glossary in glossaries:
env = base_env
env['LANG'] = 'en_US.UTF-8'
# subprocess.run() returns bytes here.
proc = subprocess.run((cmd_tshark, '-G', glossary), capture_output=True, env=env)
assert proc.returncode == 0
def test_tshark_glossary_plugin_count(self, cmd_tshark, base_env, features):
if not features.have_plugins:
pytest.skip('Test requires binary plugin support.')
process = subprocesstest.run((cmd_tshark, '-G', 'plugins'), capture_output=True, env=base_env)
assert count_output(process.stdout, 'dissector') >= 10, 'Fewer than 10 dissector plugins found'
def test_tshark_elastic_mapping(self, cmd_tshark, dirs, base_env):
def get_ip_props(obj):
return obj['mappings']['properties']['layers']['properties']['ip']['properties']
baseline_file = os.path.join(dirs.baseline_dir, 'elastic-mapping-ip-subset.json')
with open(baseline_file) as f:
expected_obj = json.load(f)
keys_to_check = get_ip_props(expected_obj).keys()
proc = subprocesstest.run((cmd_tshark, '-G', 'elastic-mapping', '--elastic-mapping-filter', 'ip'), capture_output=True, env=base_env)
actual_obj = json.loads(proc.stdout)
ip_props = get_ip_props(actual_obj)
for key in list(ip_props.keys()):
if key not in keys_to_check:
del ip_props[key]
assert actual_obj == expected_obj
def test_tshark_unicode_folders(self, cmd_tshark, unicode_env, features):
'''Folders output with unicode'''
if not features.have_lua:
pytest.skip('Test requires Lua scripting support.')
if sys.platform == 'win32' and not features.have_lua_unicode:
pytest.skip('Test requires a patched Lua build with UTF-8 support.')
proc = subprocesstest.run((cmd_tshark, '-G', 'folders'), capture_output=True, env=unicode_env.env)
out = proc.stdout
pluginsdir = [x.split('\t', 1)[1] for x in out.splitlines() if x.startswith('Personal Lua Plugins:')]
assert [unicode_env.pluginsdir] == pluginsdir
class TestTsharkZExpert:
def test_tshark_z_expert_all(self, cmd_tshark, capture_file, test_env):
proc = subprocesstest.run((cmd_tshark, '-q', '-z', 'expert',
'-o', 'tcp.check_checksum:TRUE',
'-r', capture_file('http-ooo-fuzzed.pcapng')), capture_output=True, env=test_env)
# http2-data-reassembly.pcap has Errors, Warnings, Notes, and Chats
# when TCP checksum are verified.
assert grep_output(proc.stdout, 'Errors')
assert grep_output(proc.stdout, 'Warns')
assert grep_output(proc.stdout, 'Notes')
assert grep_output(proc.stdout, 'Chats')
def test_tshark_z_expert_error(self, cmd_tshark, capture_file, test_env):
proc = subprocesstest.run((cmd_tshark, '-q', '-z', 'expert,error',
'-o', 'tcp.check_checksum:TRUE',
'-r', capture_file('http-ooo-fuzzed.pcapng')), capture_output=True, env=test_env)
assert grep_output(proc.stdout, 'Errors')
assert not grep_output(proc.stdout, 'Warns')
assert not grep_output(proc.stdout, 'Notes')
assert not grep_output(proc.stdout, 'Chats')
def test_tshark_z_expert_warn(self, cmd_tshark, capture_file, test_env):
proc = subprocesstest.run((cmd_tshark, '-q', '-z', 'expert,warn',
'-o', 'tcp.check_checksum:TRUE',
'-r', capture_file('http-ooo-fuzzed.pcapng')), capture_output=True, env=test_env)
assert grep_output(proc.stdout, 'Errors')
assert grep_output(proc.stdout, 'Warns')
assert not grep_output(proc.stdout, 'Notes')
assert not grep_output(proc.stdout, 'Chats')
def test_tshark_z_expert_note(self, cmd_tshark, capture_file, test_env):
proc = subprocesstest.run((cmd_tshark, '-q', '-z', 'expert,note',
'-o', 'tcp.check_checksum:TRUE',
'-r', capture_file('http-ooo-fuzzed.pcapng')), capture_output=True, env=test_env)
assert grep_output(proc.stdout, 'Errors')
assert grep_output(proc.stdout, 'Warns')
assert grep_output(proc.stdout, 'Notes')
assert not grep_output(proc.stdout, 'Chats')
def test_tshark_z_expert_chat(self, cmd_tshark, capture_file, test_env):
proc = subprocesstest.run((cmd_tshark, '-q', '-z', 'expert,chat',
'-o', 'tcp.check_checksum:TRUE',
'-r', capture_file('http-ooo-fuzzed.pcapng')), capture_output=True, env=test_env)
assert grep_output(proc.stdout, 'Errors')
assert grep_output(proc.stdout, 'Warns')
assert grep_output(proc.stdout, 'Notes')
assert grep_output(proc.stdout, 'Chats')
def test_tshark_z_expert_comment(self, cmd_tshark, capture_file, test_env):
proc = subprocesstest.run((cmd_tshark, '-q', '-z', 'expert,comment',
'-r', capture_file('sip.pcapng')), capture_output=True, env=test_env)
assert grep_output(proc.stdout, 'Notes')
assert grep_output(proc.stdout, 'Comments')
def test_tshark_z_expert_invalid_filter(self, cmd_tshark, capture_file, test_env):
invalid_filter = '__invalid_protocol'
proc = subprocesstest.run((cmd_tshark, '-q', '-z', 'expert,' + invalid_filter,
'-r', capture_file('http-ooo.pcap')), capture_output=True, env=test_env)
assert proc.returncode == ExitCodes.COMMAND_LINE
assert grep_output(proc.stdout, 'Filter "' + invalid_filter + '" is invalid')
def test_tshark_z_expert_error_invalid_filter(self, cmd_tshark, capture_file, test_env):
invalid_filter = '__invalid_protocol'
proc = subprocesstest.run((cmd_tshark, '-q', '-z', 'expert,error,' + invalid_filter,
'-r', capture_file('http-ooo.pcap')), capture_output=True, env=test_env)
assert proc.returncode == ExitCodes.COMMAND_LINE
assert grep_output(proc.stdout, 'Filter "' + invalid_filter + '" is invalid')
def test_tshark_z_expert_filter(self, cmd_tshark, capture_file, test_env):
proc = subprocesstest.run((cmd_tshark, '-q', '-z', 'expert,udp',
'-o', 'tcp.check_checksum:TRUE',
'-r', capture_file('http-ooo-fuzzed.pcapng')), capture_output=True, env=test_env)
# Filtering for UDP should produce no expert infos.
assert not grep_output(proc.stdout, 'Errors')
assert not grep_output(proc.stdout, 'Warns')
assert not grep_output(proc.stdout, 'Notes')
assert not grep_output(proc.stdout, 'Chats')
def test_tshark_z_expert_error_filter(self, cmd_tshark, capture_file, test_env):
proc = subprocesstest.run((cmd_tshark, '-q', '-z', 'expert,note,http', # tls is a filter
'-o', 'tcp.check_checksum:TRUE',
'-r', capture_file('http-ooo-fuzzed.pcapng')), capture_output=True, env=test_env)
# Filtering for HTTP and Note level expert info should produce only
# Error and Warning level expert infos with checksumming turned on.
# The Note warnings on are packets with TCP but not HTTP, and we're
# filtering out the Chat level.
assert grep_output(proc.stdout, 'Errors')
assert grep_output(proc.stdout, 'Warns')
assert not grep_output(proc.stdout, 'Notes')
assert not grep_output(proc.stdout, 'Chats')
class TestTsharkExtcap:
# dumpcap dependency has been added to run this test only with capture support
def test_tshark_extcap_interfaces(self, cmd_tshark, cmd_dumpcap, test_env, home_path):
# Script extcaps don't work with the current code on windows.
# https://www.wireshark.org/docs/wsdg_html_chunked/ChCaptureExtcap.html
# TODO: skip this test until it will get fixed.
if sys.platform == 'win32':
pytest.skip('FIXME extcap .py scripts needs special treatment on Windows')
extcap_dir_path = os.path.join(home_path, 'extcap')
test_env['WIRESHARK_EXTCAP_DIR'] = extcap_dir_path
source_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'sampleif.py')
# We run our tests in a bare, reproducible home environment. This can result in an
# invalid or missing Python interpreter if our main environment has a wonky Python
# path, as is the case in the GitLab SaaS macOS runners which use `asdf`. Force
# sampleif.py to use our current Python executable.
with open(source_file, 'r') as sf:
sampleif_py = sf.read()
sampleif_py = sampleif_py.replace('/usr/bin/env python3', sys.executable)
extcap_file = os.path.join(extcap_dir_path, 'sampleif.py')
with open(extcap_file, 'w') as ef:
os.fchmod(ef.fileno(), os.fstat(sf.fileno()).st_mode)
# Ensure the test extcap_tool is properly loaded
proc = subprocesstest.run((cmd_tshark, '-D'), capture_output=True, env=test_env)
assert count_output(proc.stdout, 'sampleif') == 1
# Ensure tshark lists 2 interfaces in the preferences
proc = subprocesstest.run((cmd_tshark, '-G', 'currentprefs'), capture_output=True, env=test_env)
assert count_output(proc.stdout, 'extcap.sampleif.test') == 2