
Run 2to3. Convert our payload to bytes. Switch from tab to 4-space
indentation as described in PEP8, which fixes a "TabError" message.

Change-Id: Ic20b6bc1fc1a945758c8be1bb54435f3326fb605
Reviewed-by: Gerald Combs <>
This commit is contained in:
Gerald Combs 2018-04-04 11:56:06 -07:00
parent 57fed5d17f
commit a63542fe33
1 changed files with 299 additions and 296 deletions

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ other script-based formates beside VBScript
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import sys
import signal
@ -77,28 +77,28 @@ button_disabled = False
This code has been taken from - originally developed by Rob Cowie
class ArgumentParser(argparse.ArgumentParser):
def _get_action_from_name(self, name):
"""Given a name, get the Action instance registered with this parser.
If only it were made available in the ArgumentError object. It is
passed as it's first arg...
container = self._actions
if name is None:
return None
for action in container:
if '/'.join(action.option_strings) == name:
return action
elif action.metavar == name:
return action
elif action.dest == name:
return action
def _get_action_from_name(self, name):
"""Given a name, get the Action instance registered with this parser.
If only it were made available in the ArgumentError object. It is
passed as it's first arg...
container = self._actions
if name is None:
return None
for action in container:
if '/'.join(action.option_strings) == name:
return action
elif action.metavar == name:
return action
elif action.dest == name:
return action
def error(self, message):
exc = sys.exc_info()[1]
if exc:
exc.argument = self._get_action_from_name(exc.argument_name)
raise exc
super(ArgumentParser, self).error(message)
def error(self, message):
exc = sys.exc_info()[1]
if exc:
exc.argument = self._get_action_from_name(exc.argument_name)
raise exc
super(ArgumentParser, self).error(message)
@ -108,67 +108,67 @@ interface in Wireshark to present a interface specific configuration for
this extcap plugin
def extcap_config(interface):
args = []
values = []
args = []
values = []
args.append ( (0, '--delay', 'Time delay', 'Time delay between packages', 'integer', '{range=1,15}{default=5}') )
args.append ( (1, '--message', 'Message', 'Package message content', 'string', '{required=true}{placeholder=Please enter a message here ...}') )
args.append ( (2, '--verify', 'Verify', 'Verify package content', 'boolflag', '{default=yes}') )
args.append ( (3, '--remote', 'Remote Channel', 'Remote Channel Selector', 'selector', ''))
args.append ( (4, '--fake_ip', 'Fake IP Address', 'Use this ip address as sender', 'string', '{save=false}{validation=\\b(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\b}'))
args.append ( (5, '--ltest', 'Long Test', 'Long Test Value', 'long', '{default=123123123123123123}'))
args.append ( (6, '--d1test', 'Double 1 Test', 'Long Test Value', 'double', '{default=123.456}'))
args.append ( (7, '--d2test', 'Double 2 Test', 'Long Test Value', 'double', '{default= 123,456}'))
args.append ( (8, '--password', 'Password', 'Package message password', 'password', '') )
args.append ( (9, '--ts', 'Start Time', 'Capture start time', 'timestamp', '') )
args.append ( (10, '--logfile', 'Log File Test', 'The Log File Test', 'fileselect', '') )
args.append ( (11, '--radio', 'Radio Test', 'Radio Test Value', 'radio', '') )
args.append ( (12, '--multi', 'MultiCheck Test', 'MultiCheck Test Value', 'multicheck', '') )
args.append ( (0, '--delay', 'Time delay', 'Time delay between packages', 'integer', '{range=1,15}{default=5}') )
args.append ( (1, '--message', 'Message', 'Package message content', 'string', '{required=true}{placeholder=Please enter a message here ...}') )
args.append ( (2, '--verify', 'Verify', 'Verify package content', 'boolflag', '{default=yes}') )
args.append ( (3, '--remote', 'Remote Channel', 'Remote Channel Selector', 'selector', ''))
args.append ( (4, '--fake_ip', 'Fake IP Address', 'Use this ip address as sender', 'string', '{save=false}{validation=\\b(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\b}'))
args.append ( (5, '--ltest', 'Long Test', 'Long Test Value', 'long', '{default=123123123123123123}'))
args.append ( (6, '--d1test', 'Double 1 Test', 'Long Test Value', 'double', '{default=123.456}'))
args.append ( (7, '--d2test', 'Double 2 Test', 'Long Test Value', 'double', '{default= 123,456}'))
args.append ( (8, '--password', 'Password', 'Package message password', 'password', '') )
args.append ( (9, '--ts', 'Start Time', 'Capture start time', 'timestamp', '') )
args.append ( (10, '--logfile', 'Log File Test', 'The Log File Test', 'fileselect', '') )
args.append ( (11, '--radio', 'Radio Test', 'Radio Test Value', 'radio', '') )
args.append ( (12, '--multi', 'MultiCheck Test', 'MultiCheck Test Value', 'multicheck', '') )
values.append ( (3, "if1", "Remote1", "true" ) )
values.append ( (3, "if2", "Remote2", "false" ) )
values.append ( (3, "if1", "Remote1", "true" ) )
values.append ( (3, "if2", "Remote2", "false" ) )
values.append ( (11, "r1", "Radio1", "false" ) )
values.append ( (11, "r2", "Radio2", "true" ) )
values.append ( (11, "r1", "Radio1", "false" ) )
values.append ( (11, "r2", "Radio2", "true" ) )
values.append ( (12, "m1", "MultiCheck1", "false" ) )
values.append ( (12, "m2", "MultiCheck2", "false" ) )
values.append ( (12, "m1", "MultiCheck1", "false" ) )
values.append ( (12, "m2", "MultiCheck2", "false" ) )
for arg in args:
print ("arg {number=%d}{call=%s}{display=%s}{tooltip=%s}{type=%s}%s" % arg)
for arg in args:
print ("arg {number=%d}{call=%s}{display=%s}{tooltip=%s}{type=%s}%s" % arg)
for value in values:
print ("value {arg=%d}{value=%s}{display=%s}{default=%s}" % value)
for value in values:
print ("value {arg=%d}{value=%s}{display=%s}{default=%s}" % value)
def extcap_interfaces():
print ("extcap {version=1.0}{help=}{display=Example extcap interface}")
print ("interface {value=example1}{display=Example interface 1 for extcap}")
print ("interface {value=example2}{display=Example interface 2 for extcap}")
print ("control {number=%d}{type=string}{display=Message}{tooltip=Package message content. Must start with a capital letter.}{placeholder=Enter package message content here ...}{validation=^[A-Z]+}" % CTRL_ARG_MESSAGE)
print ("control {number=%d}{type=selector}{display=Time delay}{tooltip=Time delay between packages}" % CTRL_ARG_DELAY)
print ("control {number=%d}{type=boolean}{display=Verify}{default=true}{tooltip=Verify package content}" % CTRL_ARG_VERIFY)
print ("control {number=%d}{type=button}{display=Turn on}{tooltip=Turn on or off}" % CTRL_ARG_BUTTON)
print ("control {number=%d}{type=button}{role=help}{display=Help}{tooltip=Show help}" % CTRL_ARG_HELP)
print ("control {number=%d}{type=button}{role=restore}{display=Restore}{tooltip=Restore default values}" % CTRL_ARG_RESTORE)
print ("control {number=%d}{type=button}{role=logger}{display=Log}{tooltip=Show capture log}" % CTRL_ARG_LOGGER)
print ("value {control=%d}{value=1}{display=1}" % CTRL_ARG_DELAY)
print ("value {control=%d}{value=2}{display=2}" % CTRL_ARG_DELAY)
print ("value {control=%d}{value=3}{display=3}" % CTRL_ARG_DELAY)
print ("value {control=%d}{value=4}{display=4}" % CTRL_ARG_DELAY)
print ("value {control=%d}{value=5}{display=5}{default=true}" % CTRL_ARG_DELAY)
print ("value {control=%d}{value=60}{display=60}" % CTRL_ARG_DELAY)
print ("extcap {version=1.0}{help=}{display=Example extcap interface}")
print ("interface {value=example1}{display=Example interface 1 for extcap}")
print ("interface {value=example2}{display=Example interface 2 for extcap}")
print ("control {number=%d}{type=string}{display=Message}{tooltip=Package message content. Must start with a capital letter.}{placeholder=Enter package message content here ...}{validation=^[A-Z]+}" % CTRL_ARG_MESSAGE)
print ("control {number=%d}{type=selector}{display=Time delay}{tooltip=Time delay between packages}" % CTRL_ARG_DELAY)
print ("control {number=%d}{type=boolean}{display=Verify}{default=true}{tooltip=Verify package content}" % CTRL_ARG_VERIFY)
print ("control {number=%d}{type=button}{display=Turn on}{tooltip=Turn on or off}" % CTRL_ARG_BUTTON)
print ("control {number=%d}{type=button}{role=help}{display=Help}{tooltip=Show help}" % CTRL_ARG_HELP)
print ("control {number=%d}{type=button}{role=restore}{display=Restore}{tooltip=Restore default values}" % CTRL_ARG_RESTORE)
print ("control {number=%d}{type=button}{role=logger}{display=Log}{tooltip=Show capture log}" % CTRL_ARG_LOGGER)
print ("value {control=%d}{value=1}{display=1}" % CTRL_ARG_DELAY)
print ("value {control=%d}{value=2}{display=2}" % CTRL_ARG_DELAY)
print ("value {control=%d}{value=3}{display=3}" % CTRL_ARG_DELAY)
print ("value {control=%d}{value=4}{display=4}" % CTRL_ARG_DELAY)
print ("value {control=%d}{value=5}{display=5}{default=true}" % CTRL_ARG_DELAY)
print ("value {control=%d}{value=60}{display=60}" % CTRL_ARG_DELAY)
def extcap_dlts(interface):
if ( interface == '1' ):
print ("dlt {number=147}{name=USER0}{display=Demo Implementation for Extcap}")
elif ( interface == '2' ):
print ("dlt {number=148}{name=USER1}{display=Demo Implementation for Extcap}")
if ( interface == '1' ):
print ("dlt {number=147}{name=USER0}{display=Demo Implementation for Extcap}")
elif ( interface == '2' ):
print ("dlt {number=148}{name=USER1}{display=Demo Implementation for Extcap}")
def validate_capture_filter(capture_filter):
if capture_filter != "filter" and capture_filter != "valid":
print("Illegal capture filter")
if capture_filter != "filter" and capture_filter != "valid":
print("Illegal capture filter")
@ -185,293 +185,296 @@ Extcap capture routine
def unsigned(n):
return int(n) & 0xFFFFFFFF
return int(n) & 0xFFFFFFFF
def pcap_fake_header():
header = bytearray()
header += struct.pack('<L', int ('a1b2c3d4', 16 ))
header += struct.pack('<H', unsigned(2) ) # Pcap Major Version
header += struct.pack('<H', unsigned(4) ) # Pcap Minor Version
header += struct.pack('<I', int(0)) # Timezone
header += struct.pack('<I', int(0)) # Accurancy of timestamps
header += struct.pack('<L', int ('0000ffff', 16 )) # Max Length of capture frame
header += struct.pack('<L', unsigned(1)) # Ethernet
return header
header = bytearray()
header += struct.pack('<L', int ('a1b2c3d4', 16 ))
header += struct.pack('<H', unsigned(2) ) # Pcap Major Version
header += struct.pack('<H', unsigned(4) ) # Pcap Minor Version
header += struct.pack('<I', int(0)) # Timezone
header += struct.pack('<I', int(0)) # Accurancy of timestamps
header += struct.pack('<L', int ('0000ffff', 16 )) # Max Length of capture frame
header += struct.pack('<L', unsigned(1)) # Ethernet
return header
# Calculates and returns the IP checksum based on the given IP Header
def ip_checksum(iph):
#split into bytes
words = splitN(''.join(iph.split()),4)
csum = 0;
for word in words:
csum += int(word, base=16)
csum += (csum >> 16)
csum = csum & 0xFFFF ^ 0xFFFF
return csum
#split into bytes
words = splitN(''.join(iph.split()),4)
csum = 0;
for word in words:
csum += int(word, base=16)
csum += (csum >> 16)
csum = csum & 0xFFFF ^ 0xFFFF
return csum
def pcap_fake_package ( message, fake_ip ):
pcap = bytearray()
#length = 14 bytes [ eth ] + 20 bytes [ ip ] + messagelength
pcap = bytearray()
#length = 14 bytes [ eth ] + 20 bytes [ ip ] + messagelength
caplength = len(message) + 14 + 20
timestamp = int(time.time())
caplength = len(message) + 14 + 20
timestamp = int(time.time())
pcap += struct.pack('<L', unsigned(timestamp ) ) # timestamp seconds
pcap += struct.pack('<L', 0x00 ) # timestamp nanoseconds
pcap += struct.pack('<L', unsigned(caplength ) ) # length captured
pcap += struct.pack('<L', unsigned(caplength ) ) # length in frame
pcap += struct.pack('<L', unsigned(timestamp ) ) # timestamp seconds
pcap += struct.pack('<L', 0x00 ) # timestamp nanoseconds
pcap += struct.pack('<L', unsigned(caplength ) ) # length captured
pcap += struct.pack('<L', unsigned(caplength ) ) # length in frame
pcap += struct.pack('h', 0 ) # source mac
pcap += struct.pack('h', 0 ) # source mac
pcap += struct.pack('h', 0 ) # source mac
pcap += struct.pack('h', 0 ) # dest mac
pcap += struct.pack('h', 0 ) # dest mac
pcap += struct.pack('h', 0 ) # dest mac
pcap += struct.pack('<h', unsigned(8 )) # protocol (ip)
pcap += struct.pack('h', 0 ) # source mac
pcap += struct.pack('h', 0 ) # source mac
pcap += struct.pack('h', 0 ) # source mac
pcap += struct.pack('h', 0 ) # dest mac
pcap += struct.pack('h', 0 ) # dest mac
pcap += struct.pack('h', 0 ) # dest mac
pcap += struct.pack('<h', unsigned(8 )) # protocol (ip)
# IP
pcap += struct.pack('b', int ( '45', 16 )) # IP version
pcap += struct.pack('b', int ( '0', 16 )) #
pcap += struct.pack('>H', unsigned(len(message)+20) ) # length of data + payload
pcap += struct.pack('<H', int ( '0', 16 )) # Identification
pcap += struct.pack('b', int ( '40', 16 )) # Don't fragment
pcap += struct.pack('b', int ( '0', 16 )) # Fragment Offset
pcap += struct.pack('b', int ( '40', 16 ))
pcap += struct.pack('B', 0xFE ) # Protocol (2 = unspecified)
pcap += struct.pack('<H', int ( '0000', 16 )) # Checksum
pcap += struct.pack('b', int ( '45', 16 )) # IP version
pcap += struct.pack('b', int ( '0', 16 )) #
pcap += struct.pack('>H', unsigned(len(message)+20) ) # length of data + payload
pcap += struct.pack('<H', int ( '0', 16 )) # Identification
pcap += struct.pack('b', int ( '40', 16 )) # Don't fragment
pcap += struct.pack('b', int ( '0', 16 )) # Fragment Offset
pcap += struct.pack('b', int ( '40', 16 ))
pcap += struct.pack('B', 0xFE ) # Protocol (2 = unspecified)
pcap += struct.pack('<H', int ( '0000', 16 )) # Checksum
parts = fake_ip.split('.')
ipadr = (int(parts[0]) << 24) + (int(parts[1]) << 16) + (int(parts[2]) << 8) + int(parts[3])
pcap += struct.pack('>L', ipadr ) # Source IP
pcap += struct.pack('>L', int ( '7F000001', 16 )) # Dest IP
parts = fake_ip.split('.')
ipadr = (int(parts[0]) << 24) + (int(parts[1]) << 16) + (int(parts[2]) << 8) + int(parts[3])
pcap += struct.pack('>L', ipadr ) # Source IP
pcap += struct.pack('>L', int ( '7F000001', 16 )) # Dest IP
pcap += message
return pcap
pcap += message
return pcap
def control_read(fn):
header =
sp, _, length, arg, typ = struct.unpack('>sBHBB', header)
if length > 2:
payload = - 2)
payload = ''
return arg, typ, payload
return None, None, None
header =
sp, _, length, arg, typ = struct.unpack('>sBHBB', header)
if length > 2:
payload = - 2)
payload = ''
return arg, typ, payload
return None, None, None
def control_read_thread(control_in, fn_out):
global initialized, message, delay, verify, button, button_disabled
with open(control_in, 'rb', 0 ) as fn:
arg = 0
while arg != None:
arg, typ, payload = control_read(fn)
log = ''
initialized = True
elif arg == CTRL_ARG_MESSAGE:
message = payload
log = "Message = " + payload
elif arg == CTRL_ARG_DELAY:
delay = float(payload)
log = "Time delay = " + payload
elif arg == CTRL_ARG_VERIFY:
# Only read this after initialized
if initialized:
verify = (payload[0] != '\0')
log = "Verify = " + str(verify)
control_write(fn_out, CTRL_ARG_NONE, CTRL_CMD_STATUSBAR, "Verify changed")
elif arg == CTRL_ARG_BUTTON:
control_write(fn_out, CTRL_ARG_BUTTON, CTRL_CMD_DISABLE, "")
button_disabled = True
if button == True:
control_write(fn_out, CTRL_ARG_BUTTON, CTRL_CMD_SET, "Turn on")
button = False
log = "Button turned off"
control_write(fn_out, CTRL_ARG_BUTTON, CTRL_CMD_SET, "Turn off")
button = True
log = "Button turned on"
global initialized, message, delay, verify, button, button_disabled
with open(control_in, 'rb', 0 ) as fn:
arg = 0
while arg != None:
arg, typ, payload = control_read(fn)
log = ''
initialized = True
elif arg == CTRL_ARG_MESSAGE:
message = payload
log = "Message = " + payload
elif arg == CTRL_ARG_DELAY:
delay = float(payload)
log = "Time delay = " + payload
elif arg == CTRL_ARG_VERIFY:
# Only read this after initialized
if initialized:
verify = (payload[0] != '\0')
log = "Verify = " + str(verify)
control_write(fn_out, CTRL_ARG_NONE, CTRL_CMD_STATUSBAR, "Verify changed")
elif arg == CTRL_ARG_BUTTON:
control_write(fn_out, CTRL_ARG_BUTTON, CTRL_CMD_DISABLE, "")
button_disabled = True
if button == True:
control_write(fn_out, CTRL_ARG_BUTTON, CTRL_CMD_SET, "Turn on")
button = False
log = "Button turned off"
control_write(fn_out, CTRL_ARG_BUTTON, CTRL_CMD_SET, "Turn off")
button = True
log = "Button turned on"
if len(log) > 0:
control_write(fn_out, CTRL_ARG_LOGGER, CTRL_CMD_ADD, log + "\n")
if len(log) > 0:
control_write(fn_out, CTRL_ARG_LOGGER, CTRL_CMD_ADD, log + "\n")
def control_write(fn, arg, typ, payload):
packet = bytearray()
packet += struct.pack('>sBHBB', 'T', 0, len(payload) + 2, arg, typ)
packet += payload
packet = bytearray()
packet += struct.pack('>sBHBB', b'T', 0, len(payload) + 2, arg, typ)
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3 and isinstance(payload, str):
packet += payload.encode('utf-8')
packet += payload
def control_write_defaults(fn_out):
global initialized, message, delay, verify
global initialized, message, delay, verify
while not initialized:
time.sleep(.1) # Wait for initial control values
while not initialized:
time.sleep(.1) # Wait for initial control values
# Write startup configuration to Toolbar controls
control_write(fn_out, CTRL_ARG_MESSAGE, CTRL_CMD_SET, message)
control_write(fn_out, CTRL_ARG_DELAY, CTRL_CMD_SET, str(int(delay)))
control_write(fn_out, CTRL_ARG_VERIFY, CTRL_CMD_SET, struct.pack('B', verify))
# Write startup configuration to Toolbar controls
control_write(fn_out, CTRL_ARG_MESSAGE, CTRL_CMD_SET, message)
control_write(fn_out, CTRL_ARG_DELAY, CTRL_CMD_SET, str(int(delay)))
control_write(fn_out, CTRL_ARG_VERIFY, CTRL_CMD_SET, struct.pack('B', verify))
for i in range(1,16):
item = bytearray()
item += str(i) + struct.pack('B', 0) + str(i) + " sec"
control_write(fn_out, CTRL_ARG_DELAY, CTRL_CMD_ADD, item)
for i in range(1,16):
item = bytearray()
item += str(i) + struct.pack('B', 0) + str(i) + " sec"
control_write(fn_out, CTRL_ARG_DELAY, CTRL_CMD_ADD, item)
control_write(fn_out, CTRL_ARG_DELAY, CTRL_CMD_REMOVE, str(60))
control_write(fn_out, CTRL_ARG_DELAY, CTRL_CMD_REMOVE, str(60))
def extcap_capture(interface, fifo, control_in, control_out, in_delay, in_verify, in_message, remote, fake_ip):
global message, delay, verify, button_disabled
delay = in_delay if in_delay != 0 else 5
message = in_message
verify = in_verify
counter = 1
fn_out = None
global message, delay, verify, button_disabled
delay = in_delay if in_delay != 0 else 5
message = in_message
verify = in_verify
counter = 1
fn_out = None
with open(fifo, 'wb', 0 ) as fh:
fh.write (pcap_fake_header())
with open(fifo, 'wb', 0 ) as fh:
fh.write (pcap_fake_header())
if control_out != None:
fn_out = open(control_out, 'wb', 0)
control_write(fn_out, CTRL_ARG_LOGGER, CTRL_CMD_SET, "Log started at " + time.strftime("%c") + "\n")
if control_out != None:
fn_out = open(control_out, 'wb', 0)
control_write(fn_out, CTRL_ARG_LOGGER, CTRL_CMD_SET, "Log started at " + time.strftime("%c") + "\n")
if control_in != None:
# Start reading thread
thread = Thread(target = control_read_thread, args = (control_in, fn_out))
if control_in != None:
# Start reading thread
thread = Thread(target = control_read_thread, args = (control_in, fn_out))
if fn_out != None:
if fn_out != None:
while True:
if fn_out != None:
log = "Received packet #" + str(counter) + "\n"
control_write(fn_out, CTRL_ARG_LOGGER, CTRL_CMD_ADD, log)
counter = counter + 1
while True:
if fn_out != None:
log = "Received packet #" + str(counter) + "\n"
control_write(fn_out, CTRL_ARG_LOGGER, CTRL_CMD_ADD, log)
counter = counter + 1
if button_disabled == True:
control_write(fn_out, CTRL_ARG_BUTTON, CTRL_CMD_ENABLE, "")
control_write(fn_out, CTRL_ARG_NONE, CTRL_CMD_INFORMATION, "Turn action finished.")
button_disabled = False
if button_disabled == True:
control_write(fn_out, CTRL_ARG_BUTTON, CTRL_CMD_ENABLE, "")
control_write(fn_out, CTRL_ARG_NONE, CTRL_CMD_INFORMATION, "Turn action finished.")
button_disabled = False
out = ("%s|%04X%s|%s" % ( remote.strip(), len(message), message, verify )).encode("utf8")
fh.write (pcap_fake_package(out, fake_ip))
out = ("%s|%04X%s|%s" % ( remote.strip(), len(message), message, verify )).encode("utf8")
fh.write (pcap_fake_package(out, fake_ip))
if fn_out != None:
if fn_out != None:
def extcap_close_fifo(fifo):
# This is apparently needed to workaround an issue on Windows/macOS
# where the message cannot be read. (really?)
fh = open(fifo, 'wb', 0 )
# This is apparently needed to workaround an issue on Windows/macOS
# where the message cannot be read. (really?)
fh = open(fifo, 'wb', 0 )
def usage():
print ( "Usage: %s <--extcap-interfaces | --extcap-dlts | --extcap-interface | --extcap-config | --capture | --extcap-capture-filter | --fifo>" % sys.argv[0] )
print ( "Usage: %s <--extcap-interfaces | --extcap-dlts | --extcap-interface | --extcap-config | --capture | --extcap-capture-filter | --fifo>" % sys.argv[0] )
if __name__ == '__main__':
interface = ""
interface = ""
# Capture options
delay = 0
message = ""
fake_ip = ""
ts = 0
# Capture options
delay = 0
message = ""
fake_ip = ""
ts = 0
parser = ArgumentParser(
prog="Extcap Example",
description="Extcap example program for python"
parser = ArgumentParser(
prog="Extcap Example",
description="Extcap example program for python"
# Extcap Arguments
parser.add_argument("--capture", help="Start the capture routine", action="store_true" )
parser.add_argument("--extcap-interfaces", help="Provide a list of interfaces to capture from", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--extcap-interface", help="Provide the interface to capture from")
parser.add_argument("--extcap-dlts", help="Provide a list of dlts for the given interface", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--extcap-config", help="Provide a list of configurations for the given interface", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--extcap-capture-filter", help="Used together with capture to provide a capture filter")
parser.add_argument("--fifo", help="Use together with capture to provide the fifo to dump data to")
parser.add_argument("--extcap-control-in", help="Used to get control messages from toolbar")
parser.add_argument("--extcap-control-out", help="Used to send control messages to toolbar")
# Extcap Arguments
parser.add_argument("--capture", help="Start the capture routine", action="store_true" )
parser.add_argument("--extcap-interfaces", help="Provide a list of interfaces to capture from", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--extcap-interface", help="Provide the interface to capture from")
parser.add_argument("--extcap-dlts", help="Provide a list of dlts for the given interface", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--extcap-config", help="Provide a list of configurations for the given interface", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--extcap-capture-filter", help="Used together with capture to provide a capture filter")
parser.add_argument("--fifo", help="Use together with capture to provide the fifo to dump data to")
parser.add_argument("--extcap-control-in", help="Used to get control messages from toolbar")
parser.add_argument("--extcap-control-out", help="Used to send control messages to toolbar")
# Interface Arguments
parser.add_argument("--verify", help="Demonstrates a verification bool flag", action="store_true" )
parser.add_argument("--delay", help="Demonstrates an integer variable", type=int, default=0, choices=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] )
parser.add_argument("--remote", help="Demonstrates a selector choice", default="if1", choices=["if1", "if2"] )
parser.add_argument("--message", help="Demonstrates string variable", nargs='?', default="" )
parser.add_argument("--fake_ip", help="Add a fake sender IP adress", nargs='?', default="" )
parser.add_argument("--ts", help="Capture start time", action="store_true" )
# Interface Arguments
parser.add_argument("--verify", help="Demonstrates a verification bool flag", action="store_true" )
parser.add_argument("--delay", help="Demonstrates an integer variable", type=int, default=0, choices=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] )
parser.add_argument("--remote", help="Demonstrates a selector choice", default="if1", choices=["if1", "if2"] )
parser.add_argument("--message", help="Demonstrates string variable", nargs='?', default="" )
parser.add_argument("--fake_ip", help="Add a fake sender IP adress", nargs='?', default="" )
parser.add_argument("--ts", help="Capture start time", action="store_true" )
args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args()
except argparse.ArgumentError as exc:
print( "%s: %s" % ( exc.argument.dest, exc.message ), file=sys.stderr)
fifo_found = 0
fifo = ""
for arg in sys.argv:
if (arg == "--fifo" or arg == "--extcap-fifo") :
fifo_found = 1
elif ( fifo_found == 1 ):
fifo = arg
args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args()
except argparse.ArgumentError as exc:
print( "%s: %s" % ( exc.argument.dest, exc.message ), file=sys.stderr)
fifo_found = 0
fifo = ""
for arg in sys.argv:
if (arg == "--fifo" or arg == "--extcap-fifo") :
fifo_found = 1
elif ( fifo_found == 1 ):
fifo = arg
if ( len(sys.argv) <= 1 ):
parser.exit("No arguments given!")
if ( len(sys.argv) <= 1 ):
parser.exit("No arguments given!")
if ( args.extcap_interfaces == False and args.extcap_interface == None ):
parser.exit("An interface must be provided or the selection must be displayed")
if ( args.extcap_capture_filter and not args.capture ):
if ( args.extcap_interfaces == False and args.extcap_interface == None ):
parser.exit("An interface must be provided or the selection must be displayed")
if ( args.extcap_capture_filter and not args.capture ):
if ( args.extcap_interfaces == True or args.extcap_interface == None ):
if ( args.extcap_interfaces == True or args.extcap_interface == None ):
if ( len(unknown) > 1 ):
print("Extcap Example %d unknown arguments given" % len(unknown) )
if ( len(unknown) > 1 ):
print("Extcap Example %d unknown arguments given" % len(unknown) )
m = re.match ( 'example(\d+)', args.extcap_interface )
if not m:
interface =
m = re.match ( 'example(\d+)', args.extcap_interface )
if not m:
interface =
message = args.message
if ( args.message == None or len(args.message) == 0 ):
message = "Extcap Test"
message = args.message
if ( args.message == None or len(args.message) == 0 ):
message = "Extcap Test"
fake_ip = args.fake_ip
if ( args.fake_ip == None or len(args.fake_ip) < 7 or len(args.fake_ip.split('.')) != 4 ):
fake_ip = ""
fake_ip = args.fake_ip
if ( args.fake_ip == None or len(args.fake_ip) < 7 or len(args.fake_ip.split('.')) != 4 ):
fake_ip = ""
ts = args.ts
ts = args.ts
if args.extcap_config:
elif args.extcap_dlts:
elif args.capture:
if args.fifo is None:
# The following code demonstrates error management with extcap
if args.delay > 5:
print("Value for delay [%d] too high" % args.delay, file=sys.stderr)
if args.extcap_config:
elif args.extcap_dlts:
elif args.capture:
if args.fifo is None:
# The following code demonstrates error management with extcap
if args.delay > 5:
print("Value for delay [%d] too high" % args.delay, file=sys.stderr)
extcap_capture(interface, args.fifo, args.extcap_control_in, args.extcap_control_out, args.delay, args.verify, message, args.remote, fake_ip)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
extcap_capture(interface, args.fifo, args.extcap_control_in, args.extcap_control_out, args.delay, args.verify, message, args.remote, fake_ip)
except KeyboardInterrupt: