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Ethereal Info
<!ENTITY EtherealCurrentVersion "0.10.13 (preliminary)">
<!ENTITY EtherealWebSite "http://www.ethereal.com">
<!ENTITY EtherealUsersGuidePage "&EtherealWebSite;/docs/#usersguide">
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<!ENTITY EtherealBinariesPage "&EtherealWebSite;/download.html#releases">
<!ENTITY EtherealAuthorsPage "&EtherealWebSite;/introduction.html#authors">
<!ENTITY EtherealProtocolsPage "&EtherealWebSite;/docs/dfref/">
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<!ENTITY EtherealDevMailList "ethereal-dev[AT]ethereal.com">
<!ENTITY EtherealUsersMailList "ethereal-users[AT]ethereal.com">
Winpcap Info
<!ENTITY WinPcapWebsite "http://www.winpcap.org">
<!ENTITY WinPcapDownloadWebsite "http://www.winpcap.org/install/default.htm">
Gnu info
<!ENTITY GPLWebsite "http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html">
<title>Ethereal &EtherealCurrentVersion; Release Notes</title>
<section id="WhatIs"><title>What is Ethereal?</title>
Ethereal is the world's most popular network protocol analyzer. It
is used for troubleshooting, analysis, development, and education.
<section id="WhatsNew"><title>What's New</title>
The following bugs have been fixed since the previous release:
The ISAKMP dissector could exhaust system memory.
<!-- Fixed in r15163 -->
<!-- Bug IDs: none -->
Versions affected: 0.10.11 to 0.10.12.
The FC-FCS dissector could exhaust system memory.
<!-- Fixed in r15204 -->
<!-- Bug IDs: 312 -->
Versions affected: 0.9.0 to 0.10.12.
The RSVP dissector could exhaust system memory.
<!-- Fixed in r15206 -->
<!-- Bug IDs: 311, 314 -->
Versions affected: 0.9.4 to 0.10.12.
The ISIS LSP dissector could exhaust system memory.
<!-- Fixed in r15245 -->
<!-- Bug IDs: 320, 326 -->
Versions affected: 0.8.18 to 0.10.12.
The IrDA dissector could crash.
<!-- Fixed in r15265, r15267 -->
<!-- Bug IDs: 328, 329, 330, 334, 335, 336 -->
Versions affected: 0.10.0 to 0.10.12.
The SLIMP3 dissector could overflow a buffer.
<!-- Fixed in r15279 -->
<!-- Bug IDs: 327 -->
Versions affected: 0.9.1 to 0.10.12.
The BER dissector was susceptible to an infinite loop.
<!-- Fixed in r15292 -->
<!-- Bug IDs: none -->
Versions affected: 0.10.3 to 0.10.12.
The SCSI dissector could dereference a null pointer and crash.
<!-- Fixed in r15289 -->
<!-- Bug IDs: none -->
Versions affected: 0.10.3 to 0.10.12.
If the "Dissect unknown RPC program numbers" option was enabled,
the ONC RPC dissector might be able to exhaust system memory.
This option is disabled by default.
<!-- Fixed in r15290 -->
<!-- Bug IDs: none -->
Versions affected: 0.7.7 to 0.10.12.
The sFlow dissector could dereference a null pointer and crash.
<!-- Fixed in r15375 -->
<!-- Bug IDs: 356 -->
Versions affected: 0.9.14 to 0.10.12.
<section><title>New and Updated Features</title>
The following features are new (or have been significantly updated) since
the last release:
The Ethereal Windows installer has been updated and now includes the
latest WinPcap released version 3.1 instead of the former 3.1 beta 4.
<section id="GettingEthereal"><title>Getting Ethereal</title>
<section><title>Microsoft Windows</title>
Download ethereal-setup-&EtherealCurrentVersion;.exe from the
<ulink url="http://www.ethereal.com/docs/distribution/win32/">Windows
download area</ulink> on the main web site. Double-click the
installer executable.
<section><title>Sun Solaris</title>
Download the appropriate package from the
<ulink url="http://www.ethereal.com/docs/distribution/solaris/">Solaris
download area</ulink> on the main web site. Uncompress the package
using bzip2, and install it using pkgadd.
<section><title>Source Code</title>
Download ethereal-&EtherealCurrentVersion;.tar.gz from the
<ulink url="http://www.ethereal.com/docs/distribution/">main
download area</ulink> on the web site. Extract the package
using tar and gzip. Run "configure ; make ; make install".
<section><title>Vendor-supplied Packages</title>
Most Linux and Unix vendors supply their own Ethereal packages.
You can install or upgrade Ethereal using the package management
system specific to that platform.
<section id="RemovingEthereal"><title>Removing Ethereal</title>
<!-- XXX needs to be written -->
<section id="FileLocations"><title>File Locations</title>
<!-- XXX needs to be written -->
<section id="KnownProblems"><title>Known Problems</title>
<!-- XXX needs to be written -->
<section id="GettingHelp"><title>Getting Help</title>
<!-- XXX needs to be written -->
<section id="FAQ"><title>Frequently Asked Questions</title>
<!-- XXX needs to be written -->