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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Copyright 2013 Michael Mann (see AUTHORS file)
# A program to help convert proto_tree_add_text calls into filterable "items" that
# use proto_tree_add_item. The program requires 2 passes. "Pass 1" (generate) collects
# the eligible proto_tree_add_text calls and outputs the necessary data into a delimited
# file. "Pass 2" (fix-all) takes the data from the delimited file and replaces the
# proto_tree_add_text calls with proto_tree_add_item as well as generating separate files
# for the hf variable declarations and hf array data. The hf "files" can be copy/pasted
# into the dissector where appropriate (until such time as its done automatically)
# Note that the output from "Pass 1" won't always be a perfect conversion for "Pass 2", so
# "human interaction" is needed as an intermediary to verify and update the delimited file
# before "Pass 2" is done.
# It is also recommended to run checkhf.pl and checkAPIs.pl after "Pass 2" is completed.
# Delimited file field format:
# <convert proto_tree_add_text_call><add hf variable><proto_tree var><hf var><tvb var><offset><length><encoding>
# Usage: convert_proto_tree_add_text.pl action=<generate|fix-all> <file or files>
# Lots of code shamelessly borrowed from fix-encoding-args.pl (Thanks Bill!)
# $Id$
# Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
# By Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>
# Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
my @proto_tree_list;
my $protabbrev = "";
# Perl trim function to remove whitespace from the start and end of the string
sub trim($)
my $string = shift;
$string =~ s/^\s+//;
$string =~ s/\s+$//;
return $string;
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
my $helpFlag = '';
my $action = 'generate';
my $encoding = '';
my $result = GetOptions(
'action=s' => \$action,
'encoding=s' => \$encoding,
'help|?' => \$helpFlag
if (!$result || $helpFlag || !$ARGV[0]) {
sub usage {
print "\nUsage: $0 [--action=generate|fix-all|find-all] [--encoding=ENC_BIG_ENDIAN|ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN] FILENAME [...]\n\n";
print " --action = generate (default)\n";
print " generate - create a delimited file (FILENAME.proto_tree_input) with\n";
print " proto_tree_add_text fields in FILENAME(s)\n";
print " fix-all - Use delimited file (FILENAME.proto_tree_input) to convert\n";
print " proto_tree_add_text to proto_tree_add_item\n";
print " Also generates FILENAME.hf and FILENAME.hf_array to be\n";
print " copy/pasted into the dissector where appropriate\n";
print " find-all - Output the number of eligible proto_tree_add_text calls\n";
print " for conversion\n\n";
print " --encoding (Optional) Default encoding if one can't be determined\n";
print " (effective only for generate)\n";
print " If not specified, an encoding will not be auto-populated\n";
print " if undetermined\n\n";
# XXX Outline general algorithm here
my $found_total = 0;
my $protabbrev_index;
while (my $fileName = $ARGV[0]) {
my $fileContents = '';
die "No such file: \"$fileName\"\n" if (! -e $fileName);
# delete leading './'
$fileName =~ s{ ^ \. / } {}xo;
#determine PROTABBREV for dissector based on file name format of (dirs)/packet-PROTABBREV.c
$protabbrev_index = rindex($fileName, "packet-");
if ($protabbrev_index == -1) {
print "$fileName doesn't fit format of packet-PROTABBREV.c\n";
$protabbrev = substr($fileName, $protabbrev_index+length("packet-"));
$protabbrev_index = rindex($protabbrev, ".");
if ($protabbrev_index == -1) {
print "$fileName doesn't fit format of packet-PROTABBREV.c\n";
$protabbrev = lc(substr($protabbrev, 0, $protabbrev_index));
# Read in the file (ouch, but it's easier that way)
open(FCI, "<", $fileName) || die("Couldn't open $fileName");
while (<FCI>) {
$fileContents .= $_;
if ($action eq "generate") {
generate_hfs(\$fileContents, $fileName);
if ($action eq "fix-all") {
# Read in the hf "input" file
open(FCI, "<", $fileName . ".proto_tree_input") || die("Couldn't open $fileName");
while(my $line=<FCI>){
my @proto_tree_item = split(/;|\n/, $line);
push(@proto_tree_list, \@proto_tree_item);
fix_proto_tree_add_text(\$fileContents, $fileName);
# Write out the changed version to a file
open(FCO, ">", $fileName . ".proto_tree_add_text");
print FCO "$fileContents";
if ($action eq "find-all") {
# Find all proto_tree_add_text() statements eligible for conversion
$found_total += find_all(\$fileContents, $fileName);
print "Found $found_total proto_tree_add_text calls eligible for conversion.\n";
} # while
exit $found_total;
sub generate_hfs {
my( $fileContentsRef, $fileName) = @_;
my @args;
my $num_items = 0;
my @temp;
my $str_temp;
my $pat = qr /
(?:proto_tree_add_text)\s* \(
\s* \) \s* ;
while ($$fileContentsRef =~ / $pat /xgso) {
my @proto_tree_item = (1, 1, "tree", "hf_name", "tvb", "offset", "length", "encoding",
"fieldname", "fieldtype", "filtername", "BASE_NONE", "NULL", "0x0");
my $str = "${1}\n";
$str =~ tr/\t\n\r/ /d;
$str =~ s/ \s+ / /xg;
#print "$fileName: $str\n";
@args = split(/,/, $str);
#printf "ARGS: %s\n", join("# ", @args);
$args[0] =~ s/proto_tree_add_text\s*\(\s*//;
$proto_tree_item[2] = $args[0]; #tree
$proto_tree_item[4] = trim($args[1]); #tvb
$proto_tree_item[5] = trim($args[2]); #offset
$proto_tree_item[6] = trim($args[3]); #length
if (($proto_tree_item[6] eq "1") ||
($args[5] =~ /tvb_get_guint8/)) {
$proto_tree_item[7] = "ENC_NA";
} elsif ($args[5] =~ /tvb_get_ntoh/) {
$proto_tree_item[7] = "ENC_BIG_ENDIAN";
} elsif ($args[5] =~ /tvb_get_letoh/) {
$proto_tree_item[7] = "ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN";
} elsif ($args[5] =~ /tvb_get_ephemeral_string/) {
$proto_tree_item[7] = "ENC_NA|ENC_ASCII";
} elsif ($encoding ne "") {
$proto_tree_item[7] = $encoding;
#Field name
my @arg_temp = split(/=|:/, $args[4]);
$proto_tree_item[8] = $arg_temp[0];
$proto_tree_item[8] =~ s/\"//;
$proto_tree_item[8] = trim($proto_tree_item[8]);
#hf name
$proto_tree_item[3] = sprintf("hf_%s_%s", $protabbrev, lc($proto_tree_item[8]));
$proto_tree_item[3] =~ s/\s+/_/;
if ($str =~ /val_to_str(_const)?\([^\,]*\,([^\,]*)\,/) {
$proto_tree_item[12] = sprintf("VALS(%s)", trim($2));
#field type
if ($args[5] =~ /tvb_get_guint8/) {
if ($args[4] =~ /%[0-9]*[di]/) {
$proto_tree_item[9] = "FT_INT8";
} else {
$proto_tree_item[9] = "FT_UINT8";
} elsif ($args[5] =~ /tvb_get_(n|"le")tohs/) {
if ($args[4] =~ /%[0-9]*[di]/) {
$proto_tree_item[9] = "FT_INT16";
} else {
$proto_tree_item[9] = "FT_UINT16";
} elsif ($args[5] =~ /tvb_get_(n|"le")toh24/) {
if ($args[4] =~ /%[0-9]*[di]/) {
$proto_tree_item[9] = "FT_INT24";
} else {
$proto_tree_item[9] = "FT_UINT24";
} elsif ($args[5] =~ /tvb_get_(n|"le")tohl/) {
if ($args[4] =~ /%[0-9]*[di]/) {
$proto_tree_item[9] = "FT_INT32";
} else {
$proto_tree_item[9] = "FT_UINT32";
} elsif ($args[5] =~ /tvb_get_(n|"le")toh("40"|"48"|"56"|"64")/) {
if ($args[4] =~ /%[0-9]*[di]/) {
$proto_tree_item[9] = "FT_INT64";
} else {
$proto_tree_item[9] = "FT_UINT64";
} elsif (($args[5] =~ /tvb_get_(n|"le")tohieee_float/) ||
($args[4] =~ /%[0-9\.]*[fFeEgG]/)) {
$proto_tree_item[9] = "FT_FLOAT";
} elsif ($args[5] =~ /tvb_get_(n|"le")tohieee_double/) {
$proto_tree_item[9] = "FT_DOUBLE";
} elsif ($args[5] =~ /tvb_get_ipv4/) {
$proto_tree_item[9] = "FT_IPv4";
} elsif ($args[5] =~ /tvb_get_ipv6/) {
$proto_tree_item[9] = "FT_IPv6";
} elsif ($args[5] =~ /tvb_get_(n|"le")tohguid/) {
$proto_tree_item[9] = "FT_GUID";
} elsif ($args[5] =~ /tvb_get_ephemeral_stringz/) {
$proto_tree_item[9] = "FT_STRINGZ";
} elsif ($args[5] =~ /tvb_get_ephemeral_string/) {
$proto_tree_item[9] = "FT_STRING";
#display base
if ($args[4] =~ /%[0-9]*[xX]/) {
$proto_tree_item[11] = "BASE_HEX";
} elsif ($args[4] =~ /%[0-9]*[uld]/) {
$proto_tree_item[11] = "BASE_DEC";
} elsif ($args[4] =~ /%[0-9]*o/) {
$proto_tree_item[11] = "BASE_OCT";
push(@proto_tree_list, \@proto_tree_item);
$num_items += 1;
if ($num_items > 0) {
open(FCO, ">", $fileName . ".proto_tree_input");
for my $item (@proto_tree_list) {
print FCO join(";", @{$item}), "\n";
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Find all proto_tree_add_text calls and replace them with the data
# found in proto_tree_list
sub fix_proto_tree_add_text {
my( $fileContentsRef, $fileName) = @_;
my $found = 0;
my $pat = qr /
(?:proto_tree_add_text)\s* \(
\s* \) \s* ;
$$fileContentsRef =~ s/ $pat /patsub($found, $1)/xges;
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Format proto_tree_add_item function with proto_tree_list data
sub patsub {
my $item_str;
if ($proto_tree_list[$_[0]][0] ne "0") {
$item_str = sprintf("proto_tree_add_item(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s);",
$proto_tree_list[$_[0]][2], $proto_tree_list[$_[0]][3],
$proto_tree_list[$_[0]][4], $proto_tree_list[$_[0]][5],
$proto_tree_list[$_[0]][6], $proto_tree_list[$_[0]][7]);
} else {
$item_str = $1;
$_[0] += 1;
return $item_str;
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Output the hf variable declarations. For now, write them to a file.
# XXX - Eventually find the right place to add it to the modified dissector file
sub output_hf {
my( $fileName) = @_;
my %hfs = ();
my $index;
my $key;
#add hfs to hash table to prevent against (accidental) duplicates
for ($index=0;$index<@proto_tree_list;$index++) {
if ($proto_tree_list[$index][1] ne "0") {
$hfs{$proto_tree_list[$index][3]} = $proto_tree_list[$index][3];
open(FCO, ">", $fileName . ".hf");
print FCO "/* Generated from convert_proto_tree_add_text.pl */\n";
foreach $key (keys %hfs) {
print FCO "static int $key = -1;\n";
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Output the hf array items. For now, write them to a file.
# XXX - Eventually find the right place to add it to the modified dissector file
# (bonus points if formatting of hf array in dissector file is kept)
sub output_hf_array {
my( $fileName) = @_;
my $index;
open(FCO, ">", $fileName . ".hf_array");
print FCO " /* Generated from convert_proto_tree_add_text.pl */\n";
for ($index=0;$index<@proto_tree_list;$index++) {
if ($proto_tree_list[$index][1] ne "0") {
print FCO " { &$proto_tree_list[$index][3], { \"$proto_tree_list[$index][8]\", \"$proto_tree_list[$index][10]\", ";
print FCO "$proto_tree_list[$index][9], $proto_tree_list[$index][11], $proto_tree_list[$index][12], $proto_tree_list[$index][13], NULL, HFILL }},\n";
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Find all proto_tree_add_text calls that have parameters passed in them
# and output number found
sub find_all {
my( $fileContentsRef, $fileName) = @_;
my $found = 0;
my $pat = qr /
(?:proto_tree_add_text)\s* \(
\s* \) \s* ;
while ($$fileContentsRef =~ / $pat /xgso) {
my $str = "${1}\n";
$str =~ tr/\t\n\r/ /d;
$str =~ s/ \s+ / /xg;
#print "$fileName: $str\n";
$found += 1;
return $found;