
413 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
# By Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>
# Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
Generate Sysdig event dissector sections from the sysdig sources.
Reads driver/event_table.c and driver/ppm_events_public.h and generates
corresponding dissection code in packet-sysdig-event.c. Updates are
performed in-place in the dissector code.
Requires an Internet connection. Assets are loaded from GitHub over HTTPS, from falcosecurity/libs master.
import logging
import os
import os.path
import re
import urllib.request, urllib.error, urllib.parse
import sys
sysdig_repo_pfx = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/falcosecurity/libs/master/'
def exit_msg(msg=None, status=1):
if msg is not None:
sys.stderr.write(msg + '\n\n')
sys.stderr.write(__doc__ + '\n')
def get_url_lines(url):
'''Open a URL.
Returns the URL body as a list of lines.
req_headers = { 'User-Agent': 'Wireshark generate-sysdig-event' }
req = urllib.request.Request(url, headers=req_headers)
response = urllib.request.urlopen(req)
lines = response.read().decode().splitlines()
except urllib.error.HTTPError as err:
exit_msg("HTTP error fetching {0}: {1}".format(url, err.reason))
except urllib.error.URLError as err:
exit_msg("URL error fetching {0}: {1}".format(url, err.reason))
except OSError as err:
exit_msg("OS error fetching {0}".format(url, err.strerror))
Fix issues discovered by common python linters Fix some issues discovered by common python linters including: * switch `None` comparisons to use `is` rather than `==`. Identity != equality, and I've spent 40+ hours before tracking down a subtle bug caused by exactly this issue. Note that this may introduce a problem if one of the scripts is depending on this behavior, in which case the comparison should be changed to `True`/`False` rather than `None`. * Use `except Exception:` as bare `except:` statements have been discouraged for years. Ideally for some of these we'd examine if there were specific exceptions that should be caught, but for now I simply caught all. Again, this could introduce very subtle behavioral changes under Python 2, but IIUC, that was all fixed in Python 3, so safe to move to `except Exception:`. * Use more idiomatic `if not x in y`--> `if x not in y` * Use more idiomatic 2 blank lines. I only did this at the beginning, until I realized how overwhelming this was going to be to apply, then I stopped. * Add a TODO where an undefined function name is called, so will fail whenever that code is run. * Add more idiomatic spacing around `:`. This is also only partially cleaned up, as I gave up when I saw how `asn2wrs.py` was clearly infatuated with the construct. * Various other small cleanups, removed some trailing whitespace and improper indentation that wasn't a multiple of 4, etc. There is still _much_ to do, but I haven't been heavily involved with this project before, so thought this was a sufficient amount to put up and see what the feedback is. Linters that I have enabled which highlighted some of these issues include: * `pylint` * `flake8` * `pycodestyle`
2020-09-21 05:44:41 +00:00
except Exception:
exit_msg("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0])
return lines
ppm_ev_pub_lines = get_url_lines(sysdig_repo_pfx + 'driver/ppm_events_public.h')
ppme_re = re.compile('^\s+PPME_([A-Z0-9_]+_[EX])\s*=\s*([0-9]+)\s*,')
ppm_sc_x_re = re.compile('^\s+PPM_SC_X\s*\(\s*(\S+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*\)')
event_info_d = {}
def get_event_defines():
event_d = {}
for line in ppm_ev_pub_lines:
m = ppme_re.match(line)
if m:
event_d[int(m.group(2))] = m.group(1)
return event_d
def get_syscall_code_defines():
sc_d = {}
for line in ppm_ev_pub_lines:
m = ppm_sc_x_re.match(line)
if m:
sc_d[int(m.group(2))] = m.group(1)
return sc_d
ppm_ev_table_lines = get_url_lines(sysdig_repo_pfx + 'driver/event_table.c')
hf_d = {}
event_info_re = re.compile('^\s+\[\s*PPME_.*\]\s*=\s*{\s*"([A-Za-z0-9_]+)"\s*,[^,]+,[^,]+,\s*([0-9]+)\s*[,{}]')
event_param_re = re.compile('{\s*"([A-Za-z0-9_ ]+)"\s*,\s*PT_([A-Z0-9_]+)\s*,\s*PF_([A-Z0-9_]+)\s*[,}]')
def get_event_names():
'''Return a contiguous list of event names. Names are lower case.'''
event_name_l = []
for line in ppm_ev_table_lines:
ei = event_info_re.match(line)
if ei:
return event_name_l
# PT_xxx to FT_xxx
pt_to_ft = {
'ERRNO': 'INT64',
'FD': 'INT64',
'FLAGS8': 'INT8',
'FLAGS16': 'INT16',
'FLAGS32': 'INT32',
'GID': 'INT32',
'MODE': 'INT32',
'PID': 'INT64',
'UID': 'INT32',
# FT_xxx to BASE_xxx
force_param_formats = {
'INT.*': 'DEC',
def get_event_params():
'''Return a list of dictionaries containing event names and parameter info.'''
event_param_l = []
event_num = 0
force_string_l = ['args', 'env']
for line in ppm_ev_table_lines:
ei = event_info_re.match(line)
ep = event_param_re.findall(line)
if ei and ep:
event_name = ei.group(1)
src_param_count = int(ei.group(2))
if len(ep) != src_param_count:
err_msg = '{}: found {} parameters. Expected {}. Params: {}'.format(
event_name, len(ep), src_param_count, repr(ep))
if len(ep) > src_param_count:
del ep[src_param_count:]
raise NameError(err_msg)
for p in ep:
if p[0] in force_string_l:
param_type = 'STRING'
elif p[1] in pt_to_ft:
param_type = pt_to_ft[p[1]]
elif p[0] == 'flags' and p[1].startswith('INT') and 'HEX' in p[2]:
param_type = 'U' + p[1]
elif 'INT' in p[1]:
# Ints
param_type = p[1]
print(f"p fallback {p}")
# Fall back to bytes
param_type = 'BYTES'
if p[2] == 'NA':
if 'INT' in param_type:
param_format = 'DEC'
param_format = 'NONE'
elif param_type == 'BYTES':
param_format = 'NONE'
param_format = p[2]
for pt_pat, force_pf in force_param_formats.items():
if re.match(pt_pat, param_type) and param_format != force_pf:
err_msg = 'Forcing {} {} format to {}. Params: {}'.format(
event_name, param_type, force_pf, repr(ep))
param_format = force_pf
param_d = {
'event_name': event_name,
'event_num': event_num,
# use replace() to account for "plugin ID" param name (ie: param names with space)
'param_name': p[0].replace(" ", "_"),
'param_type': param_type,
'param_format': param_format,
if ei:
event_num += 1
return event_param_l
def param_to_hf_name(param):
return 'hf_param_{}_{}'.format(param['param_name'], param['param_type'].lower())
def param_to_value_string_name(param):
return '{}_{}_vals'.format(param['param_name'], param['param_type'].lower())
def get_param_desc(param):
# Try to coerce event names and parameters into human-friendly
# strings.
# XXX This could use some work.
# Specific descriptions. Event name + parameter name.
param_descs = {
'accept.queuepct': 'Accept queue per connection',
'execve.args': 'Program arguments',
'execve.comm': 'Command',
'execve.cwd': 'Current working directory',
# General descriptions. Event name only.
event_descs = {
'ioctl': 'I/O control',
event_name = param['event_name']
param_id = '{}.{}'.format(event_name, param['param_name'])
if param_id in param_descs:
param_desc = param_descs[param_id]
elif event_name in event_descs:
param_desc = '{}: {}'.format(event_descs[event_name], param['param_name'])
param_desc = param['param_name']
return param_desc
def main():
logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s')
# Event list
event_d = get_event_defines()
event_nums = list(event_d.keys())
event_name_l = get_event_names()
event_param_l = get_event_params()
hf_d = {}
for param in event_param_l:
hf_name = param_to_hf_name(param)
hf_d[hf_name] = param
idx_id_to_name = { '': 'no' }
parameter_index_l = []
for en in range (0, len(event_nums)):
param_id = ''
param_l = []
event_var = event_d[en].lower()
for param in event_param_l:
if param['event_num'] == en:
hf_name = param_to_hf_name(param)
param_id += ':' + param['param_name'] + '_' + param['param_type']
ei_str = ''
if param_id not in idx_id_to_name:
idx_id_to_name[param_id] = event_var
ei_str = 'static int * const {}_indexes[] = {{ &{}, NULL }};'.format(
', &'.join(param_l)
ei_str = '#define {}_indexes {}_indexes'.format(event_var, idx_id_to_name[param_id])
dissector_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
'..', 'epan', 'dissectors', 'packet-sysdig-event.c')
dissector_f = open(dissector_path, 'r')
dissector_lines = list(dissector_f)
dissector_f = open(dissector_path, 'w+')
# Strip out old content
strip_re_l = []
strip_re_l.append(re.compile('^\s*{\s*&hf_param_.*},')) # Must all be on one line
for strip_re in strip_re_l:
dissector_lines = [l for l in dissector_lines if not strip_re.search(l)]
# Find our value strings
value_string_re = re.compile('static\s+const\s+value_string\s+([A-Za-z0-9_]+_vals)')
value_string_l = []
for line in dissector_lines:
vs = value_string_re.match(line)
if vs:
# Add in new content after comments.
header_fields_c = 'Header fields'
header_fields_re = re.compile('/\*\s+' + header_fields_c, flags = re.IGNORECASE)
header_fields_l = []
for hf_name in sorted(hf_d.keys()):
header_fields_l.append('static int {} = -1;'.format(hf_name))
event_names_c = 'Event names'
event_names_re = re.compile('/\*\s+' + event_names_c, flags = re.IGNORECASE)
event_names_l = []
event_str_l = list(set(event_name_l))
for evt_str in event_str_l:
event_names_l.append('#define EVT_STR_{0:24s} "{1:s}"'.format(evt_str.upper(), evt_str))
event_definitions_c = 'Event definitions'
event_definitions_re = re.compile('/\*\s+' + event_definitions_c, flags = re.IGNORECASE)
event_definitions_l = []
for evt in event_nums:
event_definitions_l.append('#define EVT_{0:24s} {1:3d}'.format(event_d[evt], evt))
value_strings_c = 'Value strings'
value_strings_re = re.compile('/\*\s+' + value_strings_c, flags = re.IGNORECASE)
value_strings_l = []
for evt in event_nums:
evt_num = 'EVT_{},'.format(event_d[evt])
evt_str = 'EVT_STR_' + event_name_l[evt].upper()
value_strings_l.append(' {{ {0:<32s} {1:s} }},'.format(evt_num, evt_str))
parameter_index_c = 'Parameter indexes'
parameter_index_re = re.compile('/\*\s+' + parameter_index_c, flags = re.IGNORECASE)
# parameter_index_l defined above.
event_tree_c = 'Event tree'
event_tree_re = re.compile('/\*\s+' + event_tree_c, flags = re.IGNORECASE)
event_tree_l = []
for evt in event_nums:
evt_num = 'EVT_{}'.format(event_d[evt])
evt_idx = '{}_indexes'.format(event_d[evt].lower())
event_tree_l.append(' {{ {}, {} }},'.format(evt_num, evt_idx))
# Syscall codes
syscall_code_d = get_syscall_code_defines()
syscall_code_c = 'Syscall codes'
syscall_code_re = re.compile('/\*\s+' + syscall_code_c, flags = re.IGNORECASE)
syscall_code_l = []
for sc_num in syscall_code_d:
syscall_code_l.append(f' {{ {sc_num:3}, "{syscall_code_d[sc_num].lower()}" }}, // PPM_SC_{syscall_code_d[sc_num]}')
header_field_reg_c = 'Header field registration'
header_field_reg_re = re.compile('/\*\s+' + header_field_reg_c, flags = re.IGNORECASE)
header_field_reg_l = []
for hf_name in sorted(hf_d.keys()):
param = hf_d[hf_name]
event_name = param['event_name']
param_desc = get_param_desc(param)
param_name = param['param_name']
param_type = param['param_type']
param_format = param['param_format']
fieldconvert = 'NULL'
vs_name = param_to_value_string_name(param)
if vs_name in value_string_l and 'INT' in param_type:
fieldconvert = 'VALS({})'.format(vs_name)
header_field_reg_l.append(' {{ &{}, {{ "{}", "sysdig.param.{}.{}", FT_{}, BASE_{}, {}, 0, NULL, HFILL }} }},'.format(
for line in dissector_lines:
fill_comment = None
fill_l = []
if header_fields_re.match(line):
fill_comment = header_fields_c
fill_l = header_fields_l
elif event_names_re.match(line):
fill_comment = event_names_c
fill_l = event_names_l
elif event_definitions_re.match(line):
fill_comment = event_definitions_c
fill_l = event_definitions_l
elif value_strings_re.match(line):
fill_comment = value_strings_c
fill_l = value_strings_l
elif parameter_index_re.match(line):
fill_comment = parameter_index_c
fill_l = parameter_index_l
elif event_tree_re.match(line):
fill_comment = event_tree_c
fill_l = event_tree_l
elif syscall_code_re.match(line):
fill_comment = syscall_code_c
fill_l = syscall_code_l
elif header_field_reg_re.match(line):
fill_comment = header_field_reg_c
fill_l = header_field_reg_l
if fill_comment is not None:
# Write our comment followed by the content
print(('Generating {}, {:d} lines'.format(fill_comment, len(fill_l))))
dissector_f.write('/* {}. Automatically generated by tools/{} */\n'.format(
for line in fill_l:
# Fill each section only once
del fill_l[:]
# Existing content
# On with the show
if __name__ == "__main__":