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# windeployqt-to-wix
# Windeployqt-to-wix - Convert the output of windeployqt to an equivalent set of
# Wix file and component statements.
# Copyright 2016 Michael Mann
# Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
# By Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>
# Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#requires -version 2
Creates Wix components required for Qt packaging.
This script creates n Wix-compatible include file based on the output of
windeployqt. If Qt is present, version 5.3 or later is required.
Otherwise a dummy file will be created.
If building with Qt, QMake must be in your PATH.
.PARAMETER Executable
The path to a Qt application. It will be examined for dependent DLLs.
Output filename.
-Executable Path to the Qt application.
-FilePath Output Wix include file.
Wix file required to package supporting DLLs.
C:\PS> .\windeployqt-to-wix.ps1 windeployqt.exe ..\..\staging\wireshark.exe qt-dll-manifest.wxs
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
[String] $Executable,
[String] $FilePath = "qt-dll-manifest.wxs"
try {
$qtVersion = [version](qmake -query QT_VERSION)
$wixComponents = "<Wix xmlns=`"http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi`">
<?include InputPaths.wxi ?>
$wixComponents += @("<!-- Qt version " + $qtVersion ; "-->
if ($qtVersion -lt "5.3") {
Throw "Qt " + $qtVersion + " found. 5.3 or later is required."
# windeployqt lists translation files that it don't exist (e.g.
# qtbase_ar.qm), so we handle those by hand.
# https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-65974
$wdqtList = windeployqt `
--release `
--no-compiler-runtime `
--no-translations `
--list relative `
$dllPath = Split-Path -Parent $Executable
$dllList = " <Fragment>
<DirectoryRef Id=`"INSTALLFOLDER`">
$dirList = ""
$currentDir = ""
$startDirList = " <Fragment>
<DirectoryRef Id=`"INSTALLFOLDER`">
$endDirList = " </Directory>
$currentDirList = $startDirList
$componentGroup = " <Fragment>
<ComponentGroup Id=`"CG.QtDependencies`">
foreach ($entry in $wdqtList) {
$dir = Split-Path -Parent $entry
if ($dir) {
if ($dir -ne $currentDir) {
if ($currentDir -ne "") { # for everything but first directory found
$currentDirList += $endDirList
# Previous directory complete, add to list
$dirList += $currentDirList
$currentDirList = $startDirList + " <Directory Id=`"dir$dir`" Name=`"$dir`">
$currentDir = $dir
$wix_name = $entry -replace "[\\|\.]", "_"
$currentDirList += " <Component Id=`"cmp$wix_name`" Guid=`"*`">
<File Id=`"fil$wix_name`" KeyPath=`"yes`" Source=`"`$(var.Staging.Dir)\$entry`" />
$componentGroup += " <ComponentRef Id=`"cmp$wix_name`" />
} else {
$dllList += " <Component Id=`"cmp$entry`" Guid=`"*`">
<File Id=`"fil$entry`" KeyPath=`"yes`" Source=`"`$(var.Staging.Dir)\$entry`" />
$componentGroup += " <ComponentRef Id=`"cmp$entry`" />
#finish up the last directory
$currentDirList += $endDirList
$dirList += $currentDirList
$dllList += " </DirectoryRef>
$componentGroup += " </ComponentGroup>
$wixComponents += $dllList + $dirList + $componentGroup
$wixComponents += @"
catch {
$wixComponents = "<?xml version=`"1.0`" encoding=`"utf-8`"?>
<!--- Qt not configured -->
Set-Content $FilePath @"
<?xml version=`"1.0`" encoding=`"utf-8`"?>
Automatically generated by $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)
Add-Content $FilePath $wixComponents