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/** @file
* Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
* By Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>
* Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#include <config.h>
#include "epan/epan_dissect.h"
#include "epan/prefs.h"
#include "ui/preference_utils.h"
#include "ui/io_graph_item.h"
#include "wireshark_dialog.h"
#include <ui/qt/models/uat_model.h>
#include <ui/qt/models/uat_delegate.h>
#include <wsutil/str_util.h>
#include <QIcon>
#include <QMenu>
#include <QTextStream>
#include <vector>
class QRubberBand;
class QTimer;
class QCPBars;
class QCPGraph;
class QCPItemTracer;
class QCustomPlot;
class QCPAxisTicker;
class QCPAxisTickerDateTime;
// GTK+ set this to 100000 (NUM_IO_ITEMS) before raising it to unlimited
// in commit 524583298beb671f43e972476693866754d38a38.
// This is the maximum index returned from get_io_graph_index that will
// be added to the graph. Thus, for a minimum interval size of 1 ms we
// can span no more than 4.66 days, and if we decrease the minimum interval
// size without increasing this it would decrease proportionately (e.g.
// for 1 μs no more than 16.8 s.)
I/O Graphs: Squeeze some bytes out of io_graph_item_t The min, max, and total members vary depending upon the hfinfo associated with the graph (or aren't used at all), so make them unions. We don't need separate float and double members; floats can be represented as doubles (and that's how we graph them anyway.) For the integer types, use doubles for the totals (as we've been doing; the integer total has been set but unused) because of possible overflow from summing many 64 bit integer fields. We only use the total when graphing (where it is converted to a double anyway, so we don't care about any lost precision for unsigned 64 bit integers larger than 2^53.) For the min and max use 64 bit integers because of that possible precision loss (so we always find the frame with the max and min value.) Have separate members for the min and max frame in the interval, so that we don't have to retap in order to find the max frame if we previously were looking for the min, and vice versa. (In practice, we were not retapping, so if we switched graph types the frame numbers were wrong.) This reduces sizeof(io_graph_item_t) from 152 bytes to 88 bytes on a system with 64 bit time_t. LOAD graphs still require retapping, since the value stored in item->time_tot for a LOAD graph is not the same as that stored in other graphs types. (Note however retapping doesn't occur when changing graph types, see above, and also LOAD graphs are broken since eb4e2cca69c5057995ff7.) We might want to add in some bytes later so that the value for LOAD graphs can be stored on the initial tap pass alongside the other values.
2024-03-25 01:01:01 +00:00
// Each io_graph_item_t is 88 bytes on a system with 64 bit time_t, so
// the max size we'll attempt to allocate for the array of items is 1.375 GiB
// (plus a tiny amount extra for the std::vector bookkeeping.)
// 2^24 = 16777216
const int max_io_items_ = 1 << 24;
// XXX - Move to its own file?
class IOGraph : public QObject {
// COUNT_TYPE_* in gtk/io_graph.c
2022-12-14 15:02:54 +00:00
enum PlotStyles { psLine, psDotLine, psStepLine, psDotStepLine, psImpulse, psBar, psStackedBar, psDot, psSquare, psDiamond, psCross, psPlus, psCircle };
explicit IOGraph(QCustomPlot *parent);
QString configError() const { return config_err_; }
QString name() const { return name_; }
void setName(const QString &name);
QString filter() const { return filter_; }
bool setFilter(const QString &filter);
void applyCurrentColor();
bool visible() const { return visible_; }
void setVisible(bool visible);
bool needRetap() const { return need_retap_; }
void setNeedRetap(bool retap);
QRgb color() const;
void setColor(const QRgb color);
void setPlotStyle(int style);
QString valueUnitLabel() const;
format_size_units_e formatUnits() const;
void setValueUnits(int val_units);
QString valueUnitField() const { return vu_field_; }
void setValueUnitField(const QString &vu_field);
unsigned int movingAveragePeriod() const { return moving_avg_period_; }
void setInterval(int interval);
bool addToLegend();
bool removeFromLegend();
QCPGraph *graph() const { return graph_; }
QCPBars *bars() const { return bars_; }
double startOffset() const;
int packetFromTime(double ts) const;
bool hasItemToShow(int idx, double value) const;
double getItemValue(int idx, const capture_file *cap_file) const;
int maxInterval () const { return cur_idx_; }
void clearAllData();
unsigned int moving_avg_period_;
unsigned int y_axis_factor_;
public slots:
void recalcGraphData(capture_file *cap_file);
void captureEvent(CaptureEvent e);
void reloadValueUnitField();
void requestReplot();
void requestRecalc();
void requestRetap();
// Callbacks for register_tap_listener
static void tapReset(void *iog_ptr);
static tap_packet_status tapPacket(void *iog_ptr, packet_info *pinfo, epan_dissect_t *edt, const void *data, tap_flags_t flags);
static void tapDraw(void *iog_ptr);
template<class DataMap> double maxValueFromGraphData(const DataMap &map);
template<class DataMap> void scaleGraphData(DataMap &map, int scalar);
QCustomPlot *parent_;
QString config_err_;
QString name_;
bool visible_;
bool need_retap_;
QCPGraph *graph_;
QCPBars *bars_;
QString filter_;
QString full_filter_; // Includes vu_field_ if used
QBrush color_;
io_graph_item_unit_t val_units_;
QString vu_field_;
int hf_index_;
int interval_;
double start_time_;
// Cached data. We should be able to change the Y axis without retapping as
// much as is feasible.
std::vector<io_graph_item_t> items_;
int cur_idx_;
namespace Ui {
class IOGraphDialog;
class IOGraphDialog : public WiresharkDialog
explicit IOGraphDialog(QWidget &parent, CaptureFile &cf, QString displayFilter = QString());
enum UatColumns { colEnabled = 0, colName, colDFilter, colColor, colStyle, colYAxis, colYField, colSMAPeriod, colYAxisFactor, colMaxNum};
void addGraph(bool checked, QString name, QString dfilter, QRgb color_idx, IOGraph::PlotStyles style,
io_graph_item_unit_t value_units, QString yfield, int moving_average, int yaxisfactor);
void addGraph(bool copy_from_current = false);
void addDefaultGraph(bool enabled, int idx = 0);
void syncGraphSettings(int row);
public slots:
void scheduleReplot(bool now = false);
void scheduleRecalc(bool now = false);
void scheduleRetap(bool now = false);
void modelRowsReset();
void reloadFields();
void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event);
void reject();
void goToPacket(int packet_num);
void recalcGraphData(capture_file *cap_file);
void intervalChanged(int interval);
void reloadValueUnitFields();
Ui::IOGraphDialog *ui;
//Model and delegate were chosen over UatFrame because add/remove/copy
//buttons would need realignment (UatFrame has its own)
UatModel *uat_model_;
UatDelegate *uat_delegate_;
// XXX - This needs to stay synced with UAT index
QVector<IOGraph*> ioGraphs_;
QString hint_err_;
QCPGraph *base_graph_;
QCPItemTracer *tracer_;
uint32_t packet_num_;
double start_time_;
bool mouse_drags_;
QRubberBand *rubber_band_;
QPoint rb_origin_;
QMenu ctx_menu_;
QTimer *stat_timer_;
bool need_replot_; // Light weight: tell QCP to replot existing data
bool need_recalc_; // Medium weight: recalculate values, then replot
bool need_retap_; // Heavy weight: re-read packet data
bool auto_axes_;
int precision_;
QSharedPointer<QCPAxisTicker> number_ticker_;
QSharedPointer<QCPAxisTickerDateTime> datetime_ticker_;
// void fillGraph();
void zoomAxes(bool in);
void zoomXAxis(bool in);
void zoomYAxis(bool in);
void panAxes(int x_pixels, int y_pixels);
void toggleTracerStyle(bool force_default = false);
void getGraphInfo();
void updateLegend();
QRectF getZoomRanges(QRect zoom_rect);
void createIOGraph(int currentRow);
void loadProfileGraphs();
void makeCsv(QTextStream &stream) const;
bool saveCsv(const QString &file_name) const;
IOGraph *currentActiveGraph() const;
bool graphIsEnabled(int row) const;
private slots:
void copyFromProfile(QString filename);
void updateWidgets();
void graphClicked(QMouseEvent *event);
void mouseMoved(QMouseEvent *event);
void mouseReleased(QMouseEvent *event);
void resetAxes();
void updateStatistics(void);
void copyAsCsvClicked();
void on_intervalComboBox_currentIndexChanged(int index);
void on_todCheckBox_toggled(bool checked);
void modelDataChanged(const QModelIndex &index);
void on_graphUat_currentItemChanged(const QModelIndex &current, const QModelIndex &previous);
void on_resetButton_clicked();
void on_logCheckBox_toggled(bool checked);
void on_automaticUpdateCheckBox_toggled(bool checked);
void on_enableLegendCheckBox_toggled(bool checked);
void on_newToolButton_clicked();
void on_deleteToolButton_clicked();
void on_copyToolButton_clicked();
void on_clearToolButton_clicked();
void on_moveUpwardsToolButton_clicked();
void on_moveDownwardsToolButton_clicked();
void on_dragRadioButton_toggled(bool checked);
void on_zoomRadioButton_toggled(bool checked);
void on_actionReset_triggered();
void on_actionZoomIn_triggered();
void on_actionZoomInX_triggered();
void on_actionZoomInY_triggered();
void on_actionZoomOut_triggered();
void on_actionZoomOutX_triggered();
void on_actionZoomOutY_triggered();
void on_actionMoveUp10_triggered();
void on_actionMoveLeft10_triggered();
void on_actionMoveRight10_triggered();
void on_actionMoveDown10_triggered();
void on_actionMoveUp1_triggered();
void on_actionMoveLeft1_triggered();
void on_actionMoveRight1_triggered();
void on_actionMoveDown1_triggered();
void on_actionGoToPacket_triggered();
void on_actionDragZoom_triggered();
void on_actionToggleTimeOrigin_triggered();
void on_actionCrosshairs_triggered();
void on_buttonBox_helpRequested();
void on_buttonBox_accepted();