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/* io_graph_dialog.h
* Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
* By Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>
* Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#include <config.h>
#include <glib.h>
#include "epan/epan_dissect.h"
#include "ui/io_graph_item.h"
#include "wireshark_dialog.h"
#include <ui/qt/models/uat_model.h>
#include <ui/qt/models/uat_delegate.h>
#include <QIcon>
#include <QMenu>
#include <QTextStream>
class QRubberBand;
class QTimer;
class QCPBars;
class QCPGraph;
class QCPItemTracer;
class QCustomPlot;
// GTK+ sets this to 100000 (NUM_IO_ITEMS)
const int max_io_items_ = 250000;
// XXX - Move to its own file?
class IOGraph : public QObject {
// COUNT_TYPE_* in gtk/io_graph.c
enum PlotStyles { psLine, psImpulse, psBar, psStackedBar, psDot, psSquare, psDiamond };
explicit IOGraph(QCustomPlot *parent);
const QString configError() { return config_err_; }
const QString name() { return name_; }
void setName(const QString &name);
const QString filter() { return filter_; }
void setFilter(const QString &filter);
void applyCurrentColor();
bool visible() { return visible_; }
void setVisible(bool visible);
QRgb color();
void setColor(const QRgb color);
void setPlotStyle(int style);
const QString valueUnitLabel();
void setValueUnits(int val_units);
const QString valueUnitField() { return vu_field_; }
void setValueUnitField(const QString &vu_field);
unsigned int movingAveragePeriod() { return moving_avg_period_; }
void setInterval(int interval);
bool addToLegend();
bool removeFromLegend();
QCPGraph *graph() { return graph_; }
QCPBars *bars() { return bars_; }
double startOffset();
int packetFromTime(double ts);
double getItemValue(int idx, const capture_file *cap_file) const;
int maxInterval () const { return cur_idx_; }
QString scaledValueUnit() const { return scaled_value_unit_; }
void clearAllData();
unsigned int moving_avg_period_;
public slots:
void recalcGraphData(capture_file *cap_file, bool enable_scaling);
void captureFileClosing();
void reloadValueUnitField();
void requestReplot();
void requestRecalc();
void requestRetap();
// Callbacks for register_tap_listener
static void tapReset(void *iog_ptr);
static gboolean tapPacket(void *iog_ptr, packet_info *pinfo, epan_dissect_t *edt, const void *data);
static void tapDraw(void *iog_ptr);
void calculateScaledValueUnit();
template<class DataMap> double maxValueFromGraphData(const DataMap &map);
template<class DataMap> void scaleGraphData(DataMap &map, int scalar);
QCustomPlot *parent_;
QString config_err_;
QString name_;
bool visible_;
QCPGraph *graph_;
QCPBars *bars_;
QString filter_;
QBrush color_;
io_graph_item_unit_t val_units_;
QString vu_field_;
int hf_index_;
int interval_;
double start_time_;
QString scaled_value_unit_;
// Cached data. We should be able to change the Y axis without retapping as
// much as is feasible.
io_graph_item_t items_[max_io_items_];
int cur_idx_;
namespace Ui {
class IOGraphDialog;
class IOGraphDialog : public WiresharkDialog
explicit IOGraphDialog(QWidget &parent, CaptureFile &cf);
enum UatColumns { colEnabled = 0, colName, colDFilter, colColor, colStyle, colYAxis, colYField, colSMAPeriod, colMaxNum};
void addGraph(bool checked, QString name, QString dfilter, int color_idx, IOGraph::PlotStyles style,
io_graph_item_unit_t value_units, QString yfield, int moving_average);
void addGraph(bool copy_from_current = false);
void addDefaultGraph(bool enabled, int idx = 0);
void syncGraphSettings(int row);
public slots:
void scheduleReplot(bool now = false);
void scheduleRecalc(bool now = false);
void scheduleRetap(bool now = false);
void reloadFields();
void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event);
void reject();
void goToPacket(int packet_num);
void recalcGraphData(capture_file *cap_file, bool enable_scaling);
void intervalChanged(int interval);
void reloadValueUnitFields();
Ui::IOGraphDialog *ui;
//Model and delegate were chosen over UatFrame because add/remove/copy
//buttons would need realignment (UatFrame has its own)
UatModel *uat_model_;
UatDelegate *uat_delegate_;
// XXX - This needs to stay synced with UAT index
QVector<IOGraph*> ioGraphs_;
QString hint_err_;
QCPGraph *base_graph_;
QCPItemTracer *tracer_;
guint32 packet_num_;
double start_time_;
bool mouse_drags_;
QRubberBand *rubber_band_;
QPoint rb_origin_;
QMenu ctx_menu_;
QTimer *stat_timer_;
bool need_replot_; // Light weight: tell QCP to replot existing data
bool need_recalc_; // Medium weight: recalculate values, then replot
bool need_retap_; // Heavy weight: re-read packet data
bool auto_axes_;
// void fillGraph();
void zoomAxes(bool in);
void zoomXAxis(bool in);
void zoomYAxis(bool in);
void panAxes(int x_pixels, int y_pixels);
void toggleTracerStyle(bool force_default = false);
void getGraphInfo();
void updateLegend();
QRectF getZoomRanges(QRect zoom_rect);
void createIOGraph(int currentRow);
void loadProfileGraphs();
void makeCsv(QTextStream &stream) const;
bool saveCsv(const QString &file_name) const;
IOGraph *currentActiveGraph() const;
private slots:
void updateWidgets();
void graphClicked(QMouseEvent *event);
void mouseMoved(QMouseEvent *event);
void mouseReleased(QMouseEvent *event);
void resetAxes();
void updateStatistics(void);
void copyAsCsvClicked();
void on_intervalComboBox_currentIndexChanged(int index);
void on_todCheckBox_toggled(bool checked);
void modelDataChanged(const QModelIndex &index);
void on_graphUat_currentItemChanged(const QModelIndex &current, const QModelIndex &previous);
void on_resetButton_clicked();
void on_logCheckBox_toggled(bool checked);
void on_newToolButton_clicked();
void on_deleteToolButton_clicked();
void on_copyToolButton_clicked();
void on_dragRadioButton_toggled(bool checked);
void on_zoomRadioButton_toggled(bool checked);
void on_actionReset_triggered();
void on_actionZoomIn_triggered();
void on_actionZoomInX_triggered();
void on_actionZoomInY_triggered();
void on_actionZoomOut_triggered();
void on_actionZoomOutX_triggered();
void on_actionZoomOutY_triggered();
void on_actionMoveUp10_triggered();
void on_actionMoveLeft10_triggered();
void on_actionMoveRight10_triggered();
void on_actionMoveDown10_triggered();
void on_actionMoveUp1_triggered();
void on_actionMoveLeft1_triggered();
void on_actionMoveRight1_triggered();
void on_actionMoveDown1_triggered();
void on_actionGoToPacket_triggered();
void on_actionDragZoom_triggered();
void on_actionToggleTimeOrigin_triggered();
void on_actionCrosshairs_triggered();
void on_buttonBox_helpRequested();
void on_buttonBox_accepted();
* Editor modelines
* Local Variables:
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