
420 lines
13 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# (C) 2018 by Neels Hofmeyr <neels@hofmeyr.de>
# All rights reserved.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import sys
import subprocess
import argparse
import os
import shlex
doc = '''gits: conveniently manage several git subdirectories.
Instead of doing the 'cd foo; git status; cd ../bar; git status' dance, this
helps to save your time with: status, fetch, rebase, ...
def error(*msgs):
def cmd_to_str(cmd):
return ' '.join(shlex.quote(c) for c in cmd)
def git(git_dir, *args, may_fail=False, section_marker=False, show_cmd=True):
if section_marker:
print('\n===== %s =====' % git_dir)
cmd = ['git', '-C', git_dir] + list(args)
if show_cmd:
print('+ %s' % cmd_to_str(cmd))
rc = subprocess.call(cmd)
if rc and not may_fail:
error('git returned error! command: git -C %r %s' %
(git_dir, ' '.join(repr(arg) for arg in args)))
def git_output(git_dir, *args):
return subprocess.check_output(['git', '-C', git_dir, ] + list(args), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).decode('utf-8')
def git_bool(git_dir, *args):
subprocess.check_output(['git', '-C', git_dir, ] + list(args))
return True
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
return False
def git_ahead_behind(git_dir, branch, branch_upstream):
''' Count revisions ahead/behind of the remote branch.
returns: (ahead, behind) (e.g. (0, 5)) '''
# Missing remote branch
if not branch_upstream:
return (0, 0)
behind = git_output(git_dir, 'rev-list', '--count', '%s..%s' % (branch, branch_upstream))
ahead = git_output(git_dir, 'rev-list', '--count', '%s..%s' % (branch_upstream, branch))
return (int(ahead.rstrip()), int(behind.rstrip()))
def git_branches(git_dir, obj='refs/heads'):
ret = git_output(git_dir, 'for-each-ref', obj, '--format', '%(refname:short)')
return ret.splitlines()
def git_branch_current(git_dir):
ret = git_output(git_dir, 'rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', 'HEAD').rstrip()
if ret == 'HEAD':
return None
return ret
def git_branch_upstream(git_dir, branch_name='HEAD'):
'''Return an upstream branch name, or an None if there is none.'''
return git_output(git_dir, 'rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', '%s@{u}' % branch_name).rstrip()
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
return None
def git_has_modifications(git_dir):
return not git_bool(git_dir, 'diff', '--quiet', 'HEAD')
def git_can_fast_forward(git_dir, branch, branch_upstream):
return git_bool(git_dir, 'merge-base', '--is-ancestor', branch, branch_upstream)
def format_branch_ahead_behind(branch, ahead, behind):
''' branch: string like "master"
ahead, behind: integers like 5, 3
returns: string like "master", "master[+5]", "master[-3]", "master[+5|-3]" '''
# Just the branch
if not ahead and not behind:
return branch
# Suffix with ahead/behind
ret = branch + '['
if ahead:
ret += '+' + str(ahead)
if behind:
ret += '|'
if behind:
ret += '-' + str(behind)
ret += ']'
return ret
def git_branch_summary(git_dir):
'''return a list of strings: [git_dir, branch-info0, branch-info1,...]
infos are are arbitrary strings like "master[-1]"'''
interesting_branch_names = ('master',)
strs = [git_dir, ]
if git_has_modifications(git_dir):
branch_current = git_branch_current(git_dir)
for branch in git_branches(git_dir):
is_current = (branch == branch_current)
if not is_current and branch not in interesting_branch_names:
ahead, behind = git_ahead_behind(git_dir, branch,
git_branch_upstream(git_dir, branch))
if not ahead and not behind and not is_current:
# skip branches that are "not interesting"
# Branch with ahead/behind upstream info ("master[+1|-5]")
strs.append(format_branch_ahead_behind(branch, ahead, behind))
return strs
def format_summaries(summaries, sep0=' ', sep1=' '):
first_col = max([len(row[0]) for row in summaries])
first_col_fmt = '%' + str(first_col) + 's'
lines = []
for row in summaries:
lines.append('%s%s%s' % (first_col_fmt %
row[0], sep0, sep1.join(row[1:])))
return '\n'.join(lines)
def git_dirs():
dirs = []
for sub in os.listdir():
git_path = os.path.join(sub, '.git')
if not os.path.isdir(git_path):
if not dirs:
error('No subdirectories found that are git clones')
return list(sorted(dirs))
def print_status():
infos = [git_branch_summary(git_dir) for git_dir in git_dirs()]
def cmd_do(argv):
for git_dir in git_dirs():
git(git_dir, *argv, may_fail=True, section_marker=True)
def cmd_sh(cmd):
if not cmd:
error('which command do you want to run?')
for git_dir in git_dirs():
print('\n===== %s =====' % git_dir)
print('+ %s' % cmd_to_str(cmd))
subprocess.call(cmd, cwd=git_dir)
class SkipThisRepo(Exception):
def ask(git_dir, *question, valid_answers=('*',)):
while True:
print('\n' + '\n '.join(question))
print(' ' + '\n '.join((
's skip this repo',
't show in tig',
'g show in gitk',
answer = sys.stdin.readline().strip()
if answer == 's':
raise SkipThisRepo()
if answer == 't':
subprocess.call(('tig', '--all'), cwd=git_dir)
if answer == 'g':
subprocess.call(('gitk', '--all'), cwd=git_dir)
for v in valid_answers:
if v == answer:
return answer
if v == '*':
return answer
if v == '+' and len(answer):
return answer
def ask_reset_hard_or_push_f(git_dir, orig_branch, upstream_branch):
do_reset = ask(git_dir, 'Diverged.',
'%s: git reset --hard %s?' % (
orig_branch, upstream_branch),
'<empty> no',
'OK yes, reset to upstream (write OK in caps!)',
'P `push -f` to overwrite upstream (P in caps!)',
valid_answers=('', 'OK', 'P'))
if do_reset == 'OK':
git(git_dir, 'reset', '--hard', upstream_branch)
elif do_reset == 'P':
git(git_dir, 'push', '-f')
def rebase(git_dir):
orig_branch = git_branch_current(git_dir)
if orig_branch is None:
print('Not on a branch: %s' % git_dir)
raise SkipThisRepo()
upstream_branch = git_branch_upstream(git_dir, orig_branch)
print('Checking for rebase of %r onto %r' % (orig_branch, upstream_branch))
ahead, behind = git_ahead_behind(git_dir, orig_branch, upstream_branch)
if git_has_modifications(git_dir):
do_commit = ask(git_dir, 'Local mods.',
'c commit to this branch',
'<name> commit to new branch',
'<empty> skip')
if not do_commit:
raise SkipThisRepo()
if do_commit == 'c':
git(git_dir, 'commit', '-am', 'wip', may_fail=True)
git(git_dir, 'checkout', '-b', do_commit)
git(git_dir, 'commit', '-am', 'wip', may_fail=True)
git(git_dir, 'checkout', orig_branch)
if git_has_modifications(git_dir):
print('There still are local modifications')
raise SkipThisRepo()
# Missing upstream branch
if not upstream_branch:
print('there is no upstream branch for %r' % orig_branch)
# Diverged
elif ahead and behind:
ask_reset_hard_or_push_f(git_dir, orig_branch, upstream_branch)
# Behind
elif behind:
if git_can_fast_forward(git_dir, orig_branch, upstream_branch):
git(git_dir, 'merge')
do_merge = ask(git_dir, 'Behind. git merge?',
"<empty> don't merge",
'ok git merge',
valid_answers=('', 'ok')
if do_merge == 'ok':
git(git_dir, 'merge')
# Ahead
elif ahead:
do_commit = ask(git_dir, 'Ahead. commit to new branch?',
'<empty> no',
'<name> create new branch',
if do_commit:
git(git_dir, 'checkout', '-b', do_commit)
git(git_dir, 'commit', '-am', 'wip', may_fail=True)
git(git_dir, 'checkout', orig_branch)
ask_reset_hard_or_push_f(git_dir, orig_branch, upstream_branch)
if git_has_modifications(git_dir):
raise SkipThisRepo()
# Rebase onto origin/master? Only when this isn't already the master branch
if upstream_branch != 'origin/master':
ahead, behind = git_ahead_behind(git_dir, orig_branch, 'origin/master')
if ahead and behind:
do_rebase = ask(git_dir, '%r diverged from master. git rebase -i origin/master?' % orig_branch,
"<empty> don't rebase",
'ok rebase onto origin/master',
valid_answers=('', 'ok'))
if do_rebase == 'ok':
git(git_dir, 'rebase', '-i', 'origin/master')
# On conflicts, we'll exit with error implicitly
do_push = ask(git_dir, 'git push -f to overwrite %r?' % upstream_branch,
"<empty> don't overwrite upstream",
'P `push -f` to overwrite upstream (P in caps!)',
valid_answers=('', 'P'))
if do_push == 'P':
git(git_dir, 'push', '-f')
return orig_branch
def cmd_rebase():
skipped = []
for git_dir in git_dirs():
print('\n\n===== %s =====' % git_dir)
branch = rebase(git_dir)
if branch != 'master':
git(git_dir, 'checkout', 'master')
git(git_dir, 'checkout', branch)
except SkipThisRepo:
print('\nSkipping %r' % git_dir)
print('\n\n==========\nrebase done.\n')
if skipped:
print('\nskipped: %s' % ' '.join(skipped))
def parse_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=doc)
sub = parser.add_subparsers(title='action', dest='action')
sub.required = True
# status
sub.add_parser('status', aliases=['st', 's'],
help='show a branch summary and indicate modifications')
# fetch
fetch = sub.add_parser('fetch', aliases=['f'],
help="run 'git fetch' in each clone (use before rebase)")
fetch.add_argument('remainder', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER,
help='additional arguments to be passed to git fetch')
# rebase
sub.add_parser('rebase', aliases=['r', 're'],
help='interactively ff-merge master, rebase current branches')
# sh
sh = sub.add_parser('sh',
help='run shell command in each clone (`gits sh echo hi`)')
sh.add_argument('remainder', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER,
help='command to run in each clone')
# do
do = sub.add_parser('do',
help='run git command in each clone (`gits do clean -dxf`)')
do.add_argument('remainder', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER,
help='git command to run in each clone')
return parser.parse_args()
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = parse_args()
if args.action in ['status', 's', 'st']:
elif args.action in ['fetch', 'f']:
cmd_do(['fetch'] + args.remainder)
elif args.action in ['rebase', 'r']:
elif args.action == 'sh':
elif args.action == 'do':
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