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#!/usr/bin/env python3
doc = '''Remotely do a clock calibration of a sysmoBTS.
You need is ssh root access to the BTS, and an antenna connected to the NWL.
Remotely goes through the steps to obtain a OCXO calibration value from netlisten.
- Obtain the current calibration value from /etc/osmocom/osmo-bts-sysmo.cfg.
- Stop the osmo-bts-sysmo.service.
- Do a scan to get the strongest received ARFCN.
- Run n passes of sysmobts-calib (default: 7) to obtain an average calibration val.
- Write this calibration value back to /etc/osmocom/osmo-bts-sysmo.cfg.
- Start osmo-bts-sysmo.service.
import sys
import subprocess
import re
import shlex
import argparse
import select
import time
calib_val_re = re.compile(r'clock-calibration +([0-9]+)')
result_re = re.compile('The calibration value is: ([0-9]*)')
class Globals:
orig_calib_val = None
calib_val = None
bts = 'bts0'
band = '900'
arfcn = None
def error(*msgs):
sys.stderr.write(''.join(str(m) for m in msgs))
def log(*msgs):
print(''.join(str(m) for m in msgs))
def cmd_to_str(cmd):
return ' '.join(shlex.quote(c) for c in cmd)
def call_output(*cmd):
cmd = ('ssh', Globals.bts,) + cmd
log('+ %s' % cmd_to_str(cmd))
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
o,e = p.communicate()
return o.decode('utf-8')
# # read the command and echo nonblocking
# p_select = select.poll()
# p_select.register(p.stdout, select.POLLIN)
# o = []
# while True:
# if p_select.poll(1):
# if p.stdout.readable:
# output = p.stdout.readline().decode('utf-8')
# o.append(output)
# sys.stdout.write(output)
# sys.stdout.flush()
# else:
# time.sleep(.25)
# if p.poll() is not None:
# break
# return ''.join(o)
def call(*cmd):
o = call_output(*cmd)
if o:
def reload_dsp():
#call('/bin/sh', '-c', r"'cat /lib/firmware/sysmobts-v?.bit > /dev/fpgadl_par0 ; sleep 3s; cat /lib/firmware/sysmobts-v?.out > /dev/dspdl_dm644x_0; sleep 1s'")
# systemd service contains the DSP reload commands in the ExecStopPost.
# So starting and stopping the service is the easy way to reload the DSP.
call('systemctl', 'start', 'osmo-bts-sysmo')
call('systemctl', 'stop', 'osmo-bts-sysmo')
def get_cfg_calib_val():
o = call_output('grep', 'clock-calibration', '/etc/osmocom/osmo-bts-sysmo.cfg')
if not o:
return None
o = o.strip()
m = calib_val_re.match(o)
if not m:
return None
return m.group(1)
def set_cfg_calib_val(calib_val):
if get_cfg_calib_val() is None:
call('sed', '-i', "'s/^ instance 0$/&\\n clock-calibration %s/'" % calib_val, '/etc/osmocom/osmo-bts-sysmo.cfg');
call('sed', '-i', "'s/clock-calibration.*$/clock-calibration %s/'" % calib_val, '/etc/osmocom/osmo-bts-sysmo.cfg');
now = get_cfg_calib_val()
if now != calib_val:
print('Failed to set calibration value, set manually in osmo-bts-sysmo.cfg')
print('phy 0\n instance 0\n clock-calibration %s' % calib_val)
def ask(*question, valid_answers=('*',)):
while True:
print('\n' + '\n '.join(question))
answer = sys.stdin.readline().strip()
for v in valid_answers:
if v == answer:
return answer
if v == '*':
return answer
if v == '+' and len(answer):
return answer
def call_sysmobts_calib(mode, *args):
o = call_output('sysmobts-calib', '-c', 'ocxo', '-s', 'netlisten', '-b', Globals.band, '-i', Globals.calib_val, '-m', mode, *args)
return o
def int_be_one(string):
val = int(string)
if val < 1:
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('value must be at least 1')
return val
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=doc)
parser.add_argument('-b', '--band', dest='band', default=None,
help='Which GSM band to scan and calibrate to (850, 900, 1800, 1900)')
parser.add_argument('-a', '--arfcn', dest='arfcn', default=None,
help="Don't scan, directly use this ARFCN to calibrate to")
parser.add_argument('-i', '--initial-clock-correction', dest='calib_val', default=None,
help='Clock calibration value to start out with. If omitted, this is obtained from'
' /etc/osmocom/osmo-bts-sysmo.cfg from the BTS file system.')
parser.add_argument('-I', '--set-clock-correction', dest='set_calib_val', default=None,
help="Don't scan or calibrate, just set the given value in the config file")
parser.add_argument('-G', '--get-clock-correction', dest='get_calib_val', default=False, action='store_true',
help="Don't scan or calibrate, just read the given value in the config file")
parser.add_argument('-n', '--passes', dest='passes', default=7, type=int_be_one,
help="How many times to run sysmobts-calib to obtain a resulting calibration value average")
parser.add_argument('args', nargs=1, help='Hostname (SSH) to reach the BTS at')
cmdline = parser.parse_args()
Globals.bts = cmdline.args[0]
if cmdline.band:
Globals.band = cmdline.band
if cmdline.set_calib_val:
if cmdline.get_calib_val:
Globals.orig_calib_val = cmdline.calib_val
if Globals.orig_calib_val is None:
Globals.orig_calib_val = get_cfg_calib_val() or '0'
Globals.calib_val = Globals.orig_calib_val
print('Starting out with clock calibration value %s' % Globals.calib_val)
#call('systemctl', 'stop', 'osmo-bts-sysmo')
if cmdline.arfcn:
Globals.arfcn = cmdline.arfcn
arfcns = call_sysmobts_calib('scan')
best_arfcn_line = arfcns.splitlines()[-1]
Globals.arfcn = best_arfcn_line.split(':')[0].split(' ')[-1]
error('Error while scanning bands')
print('Using ARFCN %r' % Globals.arfcn)
collected_values = []
passes = cmdline.passes
if passes < 1:
passes = 1
for i in range(passes):
print('\npass %d of %d' % (i+1, passes))
o = call_sysmobts_calib('calibrate', '-a', Globals.arfcn)
for m in result_re.finditer(o):
collected_values = list(sorted(collected_values))
if not collected_values:
best_values = collected_values
if len(best_values) > 3:
best_values = best_values[1:-1]
avg = sum(best_values) / len(best_values)
Globals.calib_val = str(int(avg))
print('clock-calibration: started with %s, current=%s' %
(Globals.orig_calib_val, Globals.calib_val))
print('RESULT:', Globals.calib_val, ' (was %s)' % Globals.orig_calib_val)
cfg_calib_val = get_cfg_calib_val()
if Globals.calib_val != cfg_calib_val:
a = ask('osmo-bts-sysmo.cfg currently has %s\nmodify osmo-bts-sysmo.cfg to clock-calibration %s? (ok, no)'
% (cfg_calib_val, Globals.calib_val),
valid_answers=('ok', 'no', ''))
if a == 'ok':
call('systemctl', 'start', 'osmo-bts-sysmo')
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