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These jenkins.osmocom.org job definitions, managed by
https://docs.openstack.org/infra/jenkins-job-builder/index.html[Jenkins Job Builder]
Install jenkins-job-builder:
For debian 9, see troubleshooting below. Otherwise:
apt-get install jenkins-job-builder
Have a jenkins-job-builder.ini file. One of
or place one in here and pass it to jenkins-jobs using the --conf file.
Make sure the file not world readable to minimally safeguard your jenkins password.
Instead of using your jenkins password, use an *API Token*. To retrieve your token go
to Jenkins via a Webbrowser, click on your Username in the right corner, click on configure,
click on *Show API Toke...*.
chmod go-rwx jenkins_jobs.ini
*Update a single job on jenkins.osmocom.org:*
jenkins-jobs --conf jenkins_jobs.ini update gerrit-verifications.yml gerrit-osmo-msc
NOTE: when you supply a name not defined in that yml file, you will not get an
error message, just nothing will happen.
*Update all jobs of one file:*
jenkins-jobs --conf jenkins_jobs.ini update gerrit-verifications.yml
*Update all jobs in all files:*
jenkins-jobs --conf jenkins_jobs.ini update ./
- 'jenkins.JenkinsException: create[gerrit-osmo-msc] failed'
jenkins.osmocom.org is not reachable, or URL in the config file is erratic.
Make sure it is exactly
- newlines:
The build commands may be multiline, but especially in the
gerrit-verifications.yml, where the commands are first stored in 'cmd' and
later inserted in a 'shell' section, the newlines between individual shell
lines don't all survive. Interestingly enough, only a line that has more
indenting than the first line also receives an actual newline in the resulting
jenkins Execute Shell section; take a look at the job's config page on jenkins.
Hence we often have a '# keep first line with less indent' comment. Note that
issuing backslashes to span a shell command across several lines will break the
command if the newlines are not preserved, so we need a '# keep...' comment
where there are more than one shell command, and where there are backslashes
'\' to join multiple lines.
- jobs named on cmdline are not updated:
Make sure the job name is correct, or just issue an entire yml file without
individual job names.
Also be aware that jobs are only actually updated when anything changed.
- debian 9
For jenkins-job-builder to work on debian 9:
add 'testing' to /etc/apt/sources.list like
deb http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/ testing main
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -t testing install python-jenkins
sudo apt-get install jenkins-job-builder
and make sure to *not* pick the python3 versions
(or you'll need to add catching of HTTPError to jenkins/__init__.py in
'def maybe_add_crumb')