
2122 lines
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/* packet_list.cpp
* Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
* By Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>
* Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#include <ui/qt/packet_list.h>
#include "config.h"
#include <glib.h>
#include "file.h"
#include <epan/epan.h>
#include <epan/epan_dissect.h>
#include <epan/column.h>
#include <epan/expert.h>
#include <epan/ipproto.h>
#include <epan/packet.h>
#include <epan/prefs.h>
#include <epan/proto.h>
#include "ui/main_statusbar.h"
#include "ui/packet_list_utils.h"
#include "ui/preference_utils.h"
#include "ui/recent.h"
#include "ui/recent_utils.h"
#include "ui/ws_ui_util.h"
#include "ui/simple_dialog.h"
#include <wsutil/utf8_entities.h>
#include "ui/util.h"
#include "wiretap/wtap_opttypes.h"
#include "wsutil/str_util.h"
#include <wsutil/wslog.h>
#include <epan/color_filters.h>
#include "frame_tvbuff.h"
#include <ui/qt/utils/color_utils.h>
#include <ui/qt/widgets/overlay_scroll_bar.h>
#include "proto_tree.h"
#include <ui/qt/utils/qt_ui_utils.h>
#include "main_application.h"
#include <ui/qt/utils/data_printer.h>
#include <ui/qt/utils/frame_information.h>
#include <ui/qt/utils/variant_pointer.h>
#include <ui/qt/models/pref_models.h>
#include <ui/qt/widgets/packet_list_header.h>
#include <ui/qt/utils/wireshark_mime_data.h>
#include <ui/qt/widgets/drag_label.h>
#include <ui/qt/filter_action.h>
#include <ui/qt/decode_as_dialog.h>
#include <ui/qt/wireshark_main_window.h>
#include <QAction>
#include <QActionGroup>
#include <QClipboard>
#include <QContextMenuEvent>
#include <QtCore/qmath.h>
#include <QElapsedTimer>
#include <QFontMetrics>
#include <QHeaderView>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QScreen>
#include <QScrollBar>
#include <QTabWidget>
#include <QTextEdit>
#include <QTimerEvent>
#include <QTreeWidget>
#include <QWindow>
#include <QJsonObject>
#include <QJsonDocument>
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
#include "wsutil/file_util.h"
#include <QSysInfo>
#include <Uxtheme.h>
// To do:
// - Fix "apply as filter" behavior.
// - Add colorize conversation.
// - Use a timer to trigger automatic scrolling.
// If we ever add the ability to open multiple capture files we might be
// able to use something like QMap<capture_file *, PacketList *> to match
// capture files against packet lists and models.
static PacketList *gbl_cur_packet_list = NULL;
const int max_comments_to_fetch_ = 20000000; // Arbitrary
const int tail_update_interval_ = 100; // Milliseconds.
const int overlay_update_interval_ = 100; // 250; // Milliseconds.
* Given a frame_data structure, scroll to and select the row in the
* packet list corresponding to that frame. If there is no such
* row, return FALSE, otherwise return TRUE.
packet_list_select_row_from_data(frame_data *fdata_needle)
if (! gbl_cur_packet_list || ! gbl_cur_packet_list->model())
return FALSE;
PacketListModel * model = qobject_cast<PacketListModel *>(gbl_cur_packet_list->model());
if (! model)
return FALSE;
int row = -1;
if (!fdata_needle)
row = 0;
row = model->visibleIndexOf(fdata_needle);
if (row >= 0) {
/* Calling ClearAndSelect with setCurrentIndex clears the "current"
* item, but doesn't clear the "selected" item. We want to clear
* the "selected" item as well so that selectionChanged() will be
* emitted in order to force an update of the packet details and
* packet bytes after a search.
gbl_cur_packet_list->selectionModel()->setCurrentIndex(model->index(row, 0), QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect | QItemSelectionModel::Rows);
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
if (gbl_cur_packet_list) {
if (gbl_cur_packet_list) {
if (gbl_cur_packet_list) {
/* Redraw the packet list *and* currently-selected detail */
if (gbl_cur_packet_list)
packet_list_recent_write_all(FILE *rf) {
if (!gbl_cur_packet_list)
if (gbl_cur_packet_list) {
return gbl_cur_packet_list->multiSelectActive();
return FALSE;
PacketList::PacketList(QWidget *parent) :
setAccessibleName("Packet list");
proto_prefs_menus_.setTitle(tr("Protocol Preferences"));
packet_list_header_ = new PacketListHeader(header()->orientation());
connect(packet_list_header_, &PacketListHeader::resetColumnWidth, this, &PacketList::setRecentColumnWidth);
connect(packet_list_header_, &PacketListHeader::updatePackets, this, &PacketList::updatePackets);
connect(packet_list_header_, &PacketListHeader::showColumnPreferences, this, &PacketList::showProtocolPreferences);
connect(packet_list_header_, &PacketListHeader::editColumn, this, &PacketList::editColumn);
connect(packet_list_header_, &PacketListHeader::columnsChanged, this, &PacketList::columnsChanged);
// Shrink down to a small but nonzero size in the main splitter.
int one_em = fontMetrics().height();
setMinimumSize(one_em, one_em);
overlay_sb_ = new OverlayScrollBar(Qt::Vertical, this);
header()->setSortIndicator(-1, Qt::AscendingOrder);
packet_list_model_ = new PacketListModel(this, cap_file_);
Q_ASSERT(gbl_cur_packet_list == Q_NULLPTR);
gbl_cur_packet_list = this;
connect(packet_list_model_, SIGNAL(goToPacket(int)), this, SLOT(goToPacket(int)));
connect(packet_list_model_, SIGNAL(itemHeightChanged(const QModelIndex&)), this, SLOT(updateRowHeights(const QModelIndex&)));
connect(mainApp, SIGNAL(addressResolutionChanged()), this, SLOT(redrawVisiblePacketsDontSelectCurrent()));
connect(mainApp, SIGNAL(columnDataChanged()), this, SLOT(redrawVisiblePacketsDontSelectCurrent()));
connect(mainApp, &MainApplication::preferencesChanged, this, [=]() {
/* The pref is a uint but QCache maxCost is a signed int (/
* qsizetype in Qt 6). Note that QAbstractItemModel row numbers
* are ints, not unsigned ints, so we're limited to INT_MAX
* rows anyway.
PacketListRecord::setMaxCache(prefs.gui_packet_list_cached_rows_max > INT_MAX ? INT_MAX : prefs.gui_packet_list_cached_rows_max);
if ((bool) (prefs.gui_packet_list_sortable) != isSortingEnabled()) {
connect(header(), SIGNAL(sectionResized(int,int,int)),
this, SLOT(sectionResized(int,int,int)));
connect(header(), SIGNAL(sectionMoved(int,int,int)),
this, SLOT(sectionMoved(int,int,int)));
connect(verticalScrollBar(), SIGNAL(actionTriggered(int)), this, SLOT(vScrollBarActionTriggered(int)));
if (finfo_array)
g_ptr_array_free(finfo_array, TRUE);
void PacketList::colorsChanged()
const QString c_active = "active";
const QString c_inactive = "!active";
QString flat_style_format =
"QTreeView::item:selected:%1 {"
" color: %2;"
" background-color: %3;"
QString gradient_style_format =
"QTreeView::item:selected:%1 {"
" color: %2;"
" background-color: qlineargradient(x1:0, y1:0, x2:0, y2:1 stop: 0 %4, stop: 0.5 %3, stop: 1 %4);"
QString hover_style;
#if !defined(Q_OS_WIN)
hover_style = QString(
"QTreeView:item:hover {"
" background-color: %1;"
" color: palette(text);"
2022-01-02 22:22:35 +00:00
QString active_style = QString();
QString inactive_style = QString();
if (prefs.gui_active_style == COLOR_STYLE_DEFAULT) {
// ACTIVE = Default
} else if (prefs.gui_active_style == COLOR_STYLE_FLAT) {
// ACTIVE = Flat
QColor foreground = ColorUtils::fromColorT(prefs.gui_active_fg);
QColor background = ColorUtils::fromColorT(prefs.gui_active_bg);
active_style = flat_style_format.arg(
} else if (prefs.gui_active_style == COLOR_STYLE_GRADIENT) {
// ACTIVE = Gradient
QColor foreground = ColorUtils::fromColorT(prefs.gui_active_fg);
QColor background1 = ColorUtils::fromColorT(prefs.gui_active_bg);
QColor background2 = QColor::fromRgb(ColorUtils::alphaBlend(foreground, background1, COLOR_STYLE_ALPHA));
active_style = gradient_style_format.arg(
// INACTIVE style sheet settings
if (prefs.gui_inactive_style == COLOR_STYLE_DEFAULT) {
// INACTIVE = Default
} else if (prefs.gui_inactive_style == COLOR_STYLE_FLAT) {
// INACTIVE = Flat
QColor foreground = ColorUtils::fromColorT(prefs.gui_inactive_fg);
QColor background = ColorUtils::fromColorT(prefs.gui_inactive_bg);
inactive_style = flat_style_format.arg(
} else if (prefs.gui_inactive_style == COLOR_STYLE_GRADIENT) {
// INACTIVE = Gradient
QColor foreground = ColorUtils::fromColorT(prefs.gui_inactive_fg);
QColor background1 = ColorUtils::fromColorT(prefs.gui_inactive_bg);
QColor background2 = QColor::fromRgb(ColorUtils::alphaBlend(foreground, background1, COLOR_STYLE_ALPHA));
inactive_style = gradient_style_format.arg(
// Set the style sheet
if(prefs.gui_qt_packet_list_hover_style) {
setStyleSheet(active_style + inactive_style + hover_style);
} else {
setStyleSheet(active_style + inactive_style);
QString PacketList::joinSummaryRow(QStringList col_parts, int row, SummaryCopyType type)
QString copy_text;
switch (type) {
case CopyAsCSV:
copy_text = "\"";
copy_text += col_parts.join("\",\"");
copy_text += "\"";
case CopyAsYAML:
copy_text = "----\n";
copy_text += QString("# Packet %1 from %2\n").arg(row).arg(cap_file_->filename);
copy_text += "- ";
copy_text += col_parts.join("\n- ");
copy_text += "\n";
case CopyAsText:
copy_text = col_parts.join("\t");
return copy_text;
void PacketList::drawRow (QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const
QTreeView::drawRow(painter, option, index);
if (prefs.gui_qt_packet_list_separator) {
QRect rect = visualRect(index);
painter->drawLine(0, rect.y() + rect.height() - 1, width(), rect.y() + rect.height() - 1);
void PacketList::setProtoTree (ProtoTree *proto_tree) {
proto_tree_ = proto_tree;
connect(proto_tree_, SIGNAL(goToPacket(int)), this, SLOT(goToPacket(int)));
connect(proto_tree_, SIGNAL(relatedFrame(int,ft_framenum_type_t)),
&related_packet_delegate_, SLOT(addRelatedFrame(int,ft_framenum_type_t)));
bool PacketList::multiSelectActive()
return selectionModel()->selectedRows(0).count() > 1 ? true : false;
QList<int> PacketList::selectedRows(bool useFrameNum)
QList<int> rows;
if (selectionModel() && selectionModel()->hasSelection())
foreach (QModelIndex idx, selectionModel()->selectedRows(0))
if (idx.isValid())
if (! useFrameNum)
rows << idx.row();
else if (useFrameNum)
frame_data * frame = getFDataForRow(idx.row());
if (frame)
rows << frame->num;
else if (currentIndex().isValid())
// XXX - will we ever have a current index but not a selection
// model?
if (! useFrameNum)
rows << currentIndex().row();
frame_data *frame = getFDataForRow(currentIndex().row());
if (frame)
rows << frame->num;
return rows;
void PacketList::selectionChanged (const QItemSelection & selected, const QItemSelection & deselected)
QTreeView::selectionChanged(selected, deselected);
if (!cap_file_) return;
int row = -1;
static bool multiSelect = false;
if (selectionModel())
QModelIndexList selRows = selectionModel()->selectedRows(0);
if (selRows.count() > 1)
QList<int> rows;
foreach (QModelIndex idx, selRows)
if (idx.isValid())
rows << idx.row();
emit framesSelected(rows);
emit fieldSelected(0);
/* We have to repaint the content while changing state, as some delegates react to multi-select */
if (! multiSelect)
multiSelect = true;
else if (selRows.count() > 0 && selRows.at(0).isValid())
multiSelect = false;
row = selRows.at(0).row();
/* Handling empty selection */
if (selRows.count() <= 0)
/* Nothing selected, but multiSelect is still active */
if (multiSelect)
multiSelect = false;
if (currentIndex().isValid())
selectionModel()->select(currentIndex(), QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect | QItemSelectionModel::Rows );
/* Nothing selected, so in WS <= 3.0 nothing was indicated as well */
else if (currentIndex().isValid())
if (row < 0 || !packet_list_model_)
else {
frame_data * fdata = packet_list_model_->getRowFdata(row);
cf_select_packet(cap_file_, fdata);
if (!in_history_ && cap_file_->current_frame) {
in_history_ = false;
// The previous dissection state has been invalidated by cf_select_packet
// above, receivers must clear the previous state and apply the updated one.
emit framesSelected(QList<int>() << row);
if (!cap_file_->edt) {
emit fieldSelected(0);
if (cap_file_->edt->tree) {
packet_info *pi = &cap_file_->edt->pi;
conversation_t *conv = find_conversation_pinfo(pi, 0);
if (conv) {
if (cap_file_->search_in_progress) {
match_data mdata;
field_info *fi = NULL;
if (cap_file_->string && cap_file_->decode_data) {
// The tree where the target string matched one of the labels was discarded in
// match_protocol_tree() so we have to search again in the latest tree.
if (cf_find_string_protocol_tree(cap_file_, cap_file_->edt->tree, &mdata)) {
fi = mdata.finfo;
} else if (cap_file_->search_pos != 0) {
// Find the finfo that corresponds to our byte.
fi = proto_find_field_from_offset(cap_file_->edt->tree, cap_file_->search_pos,
if (fi) {
FieldInformation finfo(fi, this);
emit fieldSelected(&finfo);
} else {
emit fieldSelected(0);
} else if (proto_tree_) {
void PacketList::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *event)
const char *module_name = NULL;
if (finfo_array)
g_ptr_array_free(finfo_array, TRUE);
finfo_array = NULL;
if (cap_file_ && cap_file_->edt && cap_file_->edt->tree) {
finfo_array = proto_all_finfos(cap_file_->edt->tree);
QList<QString> added_proto_prefs;
for (guint i = 0; i < finfo_array->len; i++) {
field_info *fi = (field_info *)g_ptr_array_index (finfo_array, i);
header_field_info *hfinfo = fi->hfinfo;
if (prefs_is_registered_protocol(hfinfo->abbrev)) {
if (hfinfo->parent == -1) {
module_name = hfinfo->abbrev;
} else {
module_name = proto_registrar_get_abbrev(hfinfo->parent);
if (added_proto_prefs.contains(module_name)) {
ProtocolPreferencesMenu *proto_prefs_menu = new ProtocolPreferencesMenu(hfinfo->name, module_name, &proto_prefs_menus_);
connect(proto_prefs_menu, SIGNAL(showProtocolPreferences(QString)),
this, SIGNAL(showProtocolPreferences(QString)));
connect(proto_prefs_menu, SIGNAL(editProtocolPreference(preference*,pref_module*)),
this, SIGNAL(editProtocolPreference(preference*,pref_module*)));
added_proto_prefs << module_name;
QModelIndex ctxIndex = indexAt(event->pos());
if (selectionModel() && selectionModel()->selectedRows(0).count() > 1)
selectionModel()->select(ctxIndex, QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect | QItemSelectionModel::Rows);
// frameData will be owned by one of the submenus, see below.
FrameInformation * frameData =
new FrameInformation(new CaptureFile(this, cap_file_), packet_list_model_->getRowFdata(ctxIndex.row()));
QMenu * ctx_menu = new QMenu(this);
// XXX We might want to reimplement setParent() and fill in the context
// menu there.
ctx_menu->addAction(window()->findChild<QAction *>("actionEditMarkPacket"));
ctx_menu->addAction(window()->findChild<QAction *>("actionEditIgnorePacket"));
ctx_menu->addAction(window()->findChild<QAction *>("actionEditSetTimeReference"));
ctx_menu->addAction(window()->findChild<QAction *>("actionEditTimeShift"));
ctx_menu->addMenu(window()->findChild<QMenu *>("menuPacketComment"));
// Code for custom context menus from Lua's register_packet_menu()
MainWindow * mainWindow = qobject_cast<MainWindow *>(mainApp->mainWindow());
if (cap_file_ && cap_file_->edt && cap_file_->edt->tree && mainWindow) {
bool insertedPacketMenu = mainWindow->addPacketMenus(ctx_menu, finfo_array);
if (insertedPacketMenu) {
ctx_menu->addAction(window()->findChild<QAction *>("actionViewEditResolvedName"));
QString selectedfilter = getFilterFromRowAndColumn(currentIndex());
if (! hasFocus() && cap_file_ && cap_file_->finfo_selected) {
char *tmp_field = proto_construct_match_selected_string(cap_file_->finfo_selected, cap_file_->edt);
selectedfilter = QString(tmp_field);
wmem_free(NULL, tmp_field);
bool have_filter_expr = !selectedfilter.isEmpty();
ctx_menu->addMenu(FilterAction::createFilterMenu(FilterAction::ActionApply, selectedfilter, have_filter_expr, ctx_menu));
ctx_menu->addMenu(FilterAction::createFilterMenu(FilterAction::ActionPrepare, selectedfilter, have_filter_expr, ctx_menu));
const char *conv_menu_name = "menuConversationFilter";
QMenu * main_menu_item = window()->findChild<QMenu *>(conv_menu_name);
const char *colorize_menu_name = "menuColorizeConversation";
main_menu_item = window()->findChild<QMenu *>(colorize_menu_name);
QMenu * submenu;
main_menu_item = window()->findChild<QMenu *>("menuSCTP");
if (main_menu_item) {
submenu = new QMenu(main_menu_item->title(), ctx_menu);
submenu->addAction(window()->findChild<QAction *>("actionSCTPAnalyseThisAssociation"));
submenu->addAction(window()->findChild<QAction *>("actionSCTPShowAllAssociations"));
submenu->addAction(window()->findChild<QAction *>("actionSCTPFilterThisAssociation"));
main_menu_item = window()->findChild<QMenu *>("menuFollow");
if (main_menu_item) {
submenu = new QMenu(main_menu_item->title(), ctx_menu);
submenu->addAction(window()->findChild<QAction *>("actionAnalyzeFollowTCPStream"));
submenu->addAction(window()->findChild<QAction *>("actionAnalyzeFollowUDPStream"));
submenu->addAction(window()->findChild<QAction *>("actionAnalyzeFollowDCCPStream"));
submenu->addAction(window()->findChild<QAction *>("actionAnalyzeFollowTLSStream"));
submenu->addAction(window()->findChild<QAction *>("actionAnalyzeFollowHTTPStream"));
submenu->addAction(window()->findChild<QAction *>("actionAnalyzeFollowHTTP2Stream"));
submenu->addAction(window()->findChild<QAction *>("actionAnalyzeFollowQUICStream"));
submenu->addAction(window()->findChild<QAction *>("actionAnalyzeFollowWebsocketStream"));
submenu->addAction(window()->findChild<QAction *>("actionAnalyzeFollowSIPCall"));
main_menu_item = window()->findChild<QMenu *>("menuEditCopy");
submenu = new QMenu(main_menu_item->title(), ctx_menu);
QAction * action = submenu->addAction(tr("Summary as Text"));
connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(copySummary()));
action = submenu->addAction(tr("…as CSV"));
connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(copySummary()));
action = submenu->addAction(tr("…as YAML"));
connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(copySummary()));
submenu->addAction(window()->findChild<QAction *>("actionEditCopyAsFilter"));
QActionGroup * copyEntries = DataPrinter::copyActions(this, frameData);
action = ctx_menu->addAction(tr("Decode As…"));
action->setProperty("create_new", QVariant(true));
connect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, &PacketList::ctxDecodeAsDialog);
// "Print" not ported intentionally
action = window()->findChild<QAction *>("actionViewShowPacketInNewWindow");
// Set menu sensitivity for the current column and set action data.
if (frameData)
emit framesSelected(QList<int>() << frameData->frameNum());
emit framesSelected(QList<int>());
void PacketList::ctxDecodeAsDialog()
QAction *da_action = qobject_cast<QAction*>(sender());
if (! da_action)
bool create_new = da_action->property("create_new").toBool();
DecodeAsDialog *da_dialog = new DecodeAsDialog(this, cap_file_, create_new);
connect(da_dialog, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), mainApp, SLOT(flushAppSignals()));
// Auto scroll if:
// - We're not at the end
// - We are capturing
// - actionGoAutoScroll in the main UI is checked.
// - It's been more than tail_update_interval_ ms since we last scrolled
// - The last user-set vertical scrollbar position was at the end.
// Using a timer assumes that we can save CPU overhead by updating
// periodically. If that's not the case we can dispense with it and call
// scrollToBottom() from rowsInserted().
void PacketList::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event)
if (event->timerId() == tail_timer_id_) {
if (rows_inserted_ && capture_in_progress_ && tail_at_end_) {
rows_inserted_ = false;
} else if (event->timerId() == overlay_timer_id_) {
if (!capture_in_progress_) {
if (create_near_overlay_) drawNearOverlay();
if (create_far_overlay_) drawFarOverlay();
} else {
void PacketList::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event)
// XXX This is overkill, but there are quite a few events that
// require a new overlay, e.g. page up/down, scrolling, column
// resizing, etc.
create_near_overlay_ = true;
void PacketList::mousePressEvent (QMouseEvent *event)
QModelIndex curIndex = indexAt(event->pos());
mouse_pressed_at_ = curIndex;
#if (QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 15, 0))
bool midButton = (event->buttons() & Qt::MiddleButton) == Qt::MiddleButton;
bool midButton = (event->buttons() & Qt::MidButton) == Qt::MidButton;
if (midButton && cap_file_ && packet_list_model_)
packet_list_model_->toggleFrameMark(QModelIndexList() << curIndex);
// Make sure the packet list's frame.marked related field text is updated.
create_far_overlay_ = true;
void PacketList::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event) {
mouse_pressed_at_ = QModelIndex();
void PacketList::mouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent *event)
QModelIndex curIndex = indexAt(event->pos());
if (event->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton && curIndex.isValid() && curIndex == mouse_pressed_at_)
ctx_column_ = curIndex.column();
QMimeData * mimeData = new QMimeData();
QWidget * content = nullptr;
QString filter = getFilterFromRowAndColumn(curIndex);
QList<int> rows = selectedRows();
if (rows.count() > 1)
QStringList content;
foreach (int row, rows)
QModelIndex idx = model()->index(row, 0);
if (! idx.isValid())
QString entry = createSummaryText(idx, CopyAsText);
content << entry;
if (content.count() > 0)
else if (! filter.isEmpty())
QString abbrev;
QString name = model()->headerData(curIndex.column(), header()->orientation()).toString();
if (! filter.isEmpty())
abbrev = filter.left(filter.indexOf(' '));
filter = model()->data(curIndex).toString().toLower();
abbrev = filter;
QJsonObject filterData;
filterData["filter"] = filter;
filterData["name"] = abbrev;
filterData["description"] = name;
mimeData->setData(WiresharkMimeData::DisplayFilterMimeType, QJsonDocument(filterData).toJson());
content = new DragLabel(QString("%1\n%2").arg(name, abbrev), this);
QString text = model()->data(curIndex).toString();
if (! text.isEmpty())
if (mimeData->hasText() || mimeData->hasFormat(WiresharkMimeData::DisplayFilterMimeType))
QDrag * drag = new QDrag(this);
if (content)
qreal dpr = window()->windowHandle()->devicePixelRatio();
QPixmap pixmap= QPixmap(content->size() * dpr);
delete mimeData;
void PacketList::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event)
bool handled = false;
// If scrolling up/down, want to preserve horizontal scroll extent.
if (event->key() == Qt::Key_Down || event->key() == Qt::Key_Up ||
event->key() == Qt::Key_PageDown || event->key() == Qt::Key_PageUp)
if (currentIndex().isValid() && currentIndex().column() > 0) {
int pos = horizontalScrollBar()->value();
handled = true;
if (!handled)
if (event->matches(QKeySequence::Copy))
QStringList content;
if (model() && selectionModel() && selectionModel()->hasSelection())
QList<int> rows;
QModelIndexList selRows = selectionModel()->selectedRows(0);
foreach(QModelIndex row, selRows)
foreach(int row, rows)
QModelIndex idx = model()->index(row, 0);
if (! idx.isValid())
QString entry = createSummaryText(idx, CopyAsText);
content << entry;
if (content.count() > 0)
mainApp->clipboard()->setText(content.join('\n'), QClipboard::Clipboard);
void PacketList::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event)
create_near_overlay_ = true;
create_far_overlay_ = true;
void PacketList::setColumnVisibility()
set_column_visibility_ = true;
for (int i = 0; i < prefs.num_cols; i++) {
setColumnHidden(i, get_column_visible(i) ? false : true);
set_column_visibility_ = false;
int PacketList::sizeHintForColumn(int column) const
int size_hint = 0;
// This is a bit hacky but Qt does a fine job of column sizing and
// reimplementing QTreeView::sizeHintForColumn seems like a worse idea.
if (itemDelegateForColumn(column)) {
QStyleOptionViewItem option;
option = viewOptions();
// In my (gcc) testing this results in correct behavior on Windows but adds extra space
// on macOS and Linux. We might want to add Q_OS_... #ifdefs accordingly.
size_hint = itemDelegateForColumn(column)->sizeHint(option, QModelIndex()).width();
size_hint += QTreeView::sizeHintForColumn(column); // Decoration padding
return size_hint;
void PacketList::setRecentColumnWidth(int col)
int col_width = recent_get_column_width(col);
if (col_width < 1) {
int fmt = get_column_format(col);
const char *long_str = get_column_width_string(fmt, col);
QFontMetrics fm = QFontMetrics(mainApp->monospaceFont());
#if (QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 11, 0))
if (long_str) {
col_width = fm.horizontalAdvance(long_str);
} else {
col_width = fm.horizontalAdvance(MIN_COL_WIDTH_STR);
if (long_str) {
col_width = fm.width(long_str);
} else {
col_width = fm.width(MIN_COL_WIDTH_STR);
// Custom delegate padding
if (itemDelegateForColumn(col)) {
QStyleOptionViewItem option;
option = viewOptions();
col_width += itemDelegateForColumn(col)->sizeHint(option, QModelIndex()).width();
setColumnWidth(col, col_width);
void PacketList::drawCurrentPacket()
QModelIndex current_index = currentIndex();
if (selectionModel() && current_index.isValid()) {
selectionModel()->setCurrentIndex(current_index, QItemSelectionModel::SelectCurrent | QItemSelectionModel::Rows);
// Redraw the packet list and detail. Re-selects the current packet (causes
// the UI to scroll to that packet).
// Called from many places.
void PacketList::redrawVisiblePackets() {
// Redraw the packet list and detail.
// Does not scroll back to the selected packet.
void PacketList::redrawVisiblePacketsDontSelectCurrent() {
void PacketList::resetColumns()
// Return true if we have a visible packet further along in the history.
bool PacketList::haveNextHistory(bool update_cur)
if (selection_history_.size() < 1 || cur_history_ >= selection_history_.size() - 1) {
return false;
for (int i = cur_history_ + 1; i < selection_history_.size(); i++) {
if (packet_list_model_->packetNumberToRow(selection_history_.at(i)) >= 0) {
if (update_cur) {
cur_history_ = i;
return true;
return false;
// Return true if we have a visible packet back in the history.
bool PacketList::havePreviousHistory(bool update_cur)
if (selection_history_.size() < 1 || cur_history_ < 1) {
return false;
for (int i = cur_history_ - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (packet_list_model_->packetNumberToRow(selection_history_.at(i)) >= 0) {
if (update_cur) {
cur_history_ = i;
return true;
return false;
frame_data *PacketList::getFDataForRow(int row) const
return packet_list_model_->getRowFdata(row);
// prefs.col_list has changed.
void PacketList::columnsChanged()
columns_changed_ = true;
if (!cap_file_) {
// Keep columns_changed_ = true until we load a capture file.
prefs.num_cols = g_list_length(prefs.col_list);
build_column_format_array(&cap_file_->cinfo, prefs.num_cols, FALSE);
create_far_overlay_ = true;
columns_changed_ = false;
// Fields have changed, update custom columns
void PacketList::fieldsChanged(capture_file *cf)
prefs.num_cols = g_list_length(prefs.col_list);
build_column_format_array(&cf->cinfo, prefs.num_cols, FALSE);
// Column widths should
// - Load from recent when we load a new profile (including at starting up).
// - Reapply when changing columns.
// - Persist across freezes and thaws.
// - Persist across file closing and opening.
// - Save to recent when we save our profile (including shutting down).
// - Not be affected by the behavior of stretchLastSection. (XXX: We
// still save the stretched value to recent, sectionResized doesn't
// distinguish between a resize from being stretched and a manual change.)
void PacketList::applyRecentColumnWidths()
// Either we've just started up or a profile has changed. Read
// the recent settings, apply them, and save the header state.
for (int col = 0; col < prefs.num_cols; col++) {
// The column must be shown before setting column width.
// Visibility will be updated in setColumnVisibility().
setColumnHidden(col, false);
column_state_ = header()->saveState();
void PacketList::preferencesChanged()
// Update color style changes
// Related packet delegate
if (prefs.gui_packet_list_show_related) {
setItemDelegateForColumn(0, &related_packet_delegate_);
} else {
setItemDelegateForColumn(0, 0);
// Intelligent scroll bar (minimap)
if (prefs.gui_packet_list_show_minimap) {
if (overlay_timer_id_ == 0) {
overlay_timer_id_ = startTimer(overlay_update_interval_);
} else {
if (overlay_timer_id_ != 0) {
overlay_timer_id_ = 0;
// Elide mode.
// This sets the mode for the entire view. If we want to make this setting
// per-column we'll either have to generalize RelatedPacketDelegate so that
// we can set it for entire rows or create another delegate.
Qt::TextElideMode elide_mode = Qt::ElideRight;
switch (prefs.gui_packet_list_elide_mode) {
elide_mode = Qt::ElideLeft;
elide_mode = Qt::ElideMiddle;
elide_mode = Qt::ElideNone;
void PacketList::recolorPackets()
/* Enable autoscroll timer. Note: must be called after the capture is started,
* otherwise the timer will not be executed. */
void PacketList::setVerticalAutoScroll(bool enabled)
tail_at_end_ = enabled;
if (enabled && capture_in_progress_) {
if (tail_timer_id_ == 0) tail_timer_id_ = startTimer(tail_update_interval_);
} else if (tail_timer_id_ != 0) {
tail_timer_id_ = 0;
// Called when we finish reading, reloading, rescanning, and retapping
// packets.
void PacketList::captureFileReadFinished()
// Invalidating the column strings picks up and request/response
// tracking changes. We might just want to call it from flushVisibleRows.
// Sort *after* invalidating the column strings
if (isSortingEnabled()) {
sortByColumn(header()->sortIndicatorSection(), header()->sortIndicatorOrder());
void PacketList::freeze()
column_state_ = header()->saveState();
frozen_rows_ = selectedIndexes();
// It looks like GTK+ sends a cursor-changed signal at this point but Qt doesn't
// call selectionChanged.
/* Clears packet list as well as byteview */
emit framesSelected(QList<int>());
void PacketList::thaw(bool restore_selection)
// Note that if we have a current sort status set in the header,
// this will automatically try to sort the model (we don't want
// that to happen if we're in the middle of reading the file).
// Resetting the model resets our column widths so we restore them here.
// We don't reapply the recent settings because the user could have
// resized the columns manually since they were initially loaded.
if (restore_selection && frozen_rows_.length() > 0 && selectionModel()) {
/* This updates our selection, which redissects the current packet,
* which is needed when we're called from MainWindow::layoutPanes.
* Also, this resets all ProtoTree and ByteView data */
foreach (QModelIndex idx, frozen_rows_) {
selectionModel()->select(idx, QItemSelectionModel::Select | QItemSelectionModel::Rows);
frozen_rows_ = QModelIndexList();
void PacketList::clear() {
cur_history_ = -1;
in_history_ = false;
QImage overlay;
create_near_overlay_ = true;
create_far_overlay_ = true;
void PacketList::writeRecent(FILE *rf) {
gint col, width, col_fmt;
gchar xalign;
fprintf (rf, "%s:\n", RECENT_KEY_COL_WIDTH);
for (col = 0; col < prefs.num_cols; col++) {
if (col > 0) {
fprintf (rf, ",\n");
col_fmt = get_column_format(col);
if (col_fmt == COL_CUSTOM) {
fprintf (rf, " \"%%Cus:%s\",", get_column_custom_fields(col));
} else {
fprintf (rf, " %s,", col_format_to_string(col_fmt));
width = recent_get_column_width (col);
xalign = recent_get_column_xalign (col);
fprintf (rf, " %d", width);
if (xalign != COLUMN_XALIGN_DEFAULT) {
fprintf (rf, ":%c", xalign);
fprintf (rf, "\n");
bool PacketList::contextMenuActive()
return ctx_column_ >= 0 ? true : false;
QString PacketList::getFilterFromRowAndColumn(QModelIndex idx)
frame_data *fdata;
QString filter;
if (! idx.isValid())
return filter;
int row = idx.row();
int column = idx.column();
if (!cap_file_ || !packet_list_model_ || column < 0 || column >= cap_file_->cinfo.num_cols)
return filter;
fdata = packet_list_model_->getRowFdata(row);
if (fdata != NULL) {
epan_dissect_t edt;
Qt/PacketList: read packet record in private buffer To prevent potential interference with other users of the capture file, read data in a private buffer instead of reusing the one from capFile. An accidental (?) change in commit v2.9.0rc0-2001-g123bcb0362 resulted in "cf_read_record" reallocating the capture_file->buf buffer. That issue combined with the current behavior would result in a crash when ignoring a packet followed by two times opening a context menu: ==32187==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: heap-use-after-free on address 0x7fda91642800 at pc 0x55a98f3faaa7 bp 0x7fffa2807860 sp 0x7fffa2807858 READ of size 1 at 0x7fda91642800 thread T0 #0 0x55a98f3faaa6 in QByteArray::operator[](int) const /usr/include/qt/QtCore/qbytearray.h:476:47 #1 0x55a9901006eb in ByteViewText::drawLine(QPainter*, int, int) ui/qt/widgets/byte_view_text.cpp:370:35 #2 0x55a9900fd109 in ByteViewText::paintEvent(QPaintEvent*) ui/qt/widgets/byte_view_text.cpp:217:9 ... #50 0x55a98e9fd32a in PacketList::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent*) ui/qt/packet_list.cpp:614:15 ... 0x7fda91642800 is located 0 bytes inside of 3038371-byte region [0x7fda91642800,0x7fda919284a3) freed by thread T0 here: #0 0x55a98e65fd99 in __interceptor_realloc (run/wireshark+0x1019d99) #1 0x7fdac6e1bb88 in g_realloc /build/src/glib/glib/gmem.c:164 #2 0x7fdaac12c908 in wtap_read_packet_bytes wiretap/wtap.c:1368:2 #3 0x7fdaabf01e5a in libpcap_read_packet wiretap/libpcap.c:789:7 #4 0x7fdaabef887d in libpcap_seek_read wiretap/libpcap.c:690:7 #5 0x7fdaac12d5f5 in wtap_seek_read wiretap/wtap.c:1431:7 #6 0x55a98e6c8611 in cf_read_record_r file.c:1566:8 #7 0x55a98e6c88c5 in cf_read_record file.c:1576:10 #8 0x55a98ea0b725 in PacketList::getFilterFromRowAndColumn() ui/qt/packet_list.cpp:1041:14 #9 0x55a98e94e4a1 in MainWindow::setMenusForSelectedPacket() ui/qt/main_window_slots.cpp:1175:39 previously allocated by thread T0 here: #0 0x55a98e65fd99 in __interceptor_realloc (run/wireshark+0x1019d99) #1 0x7fdac6e1bb88 in g_realloc /build/src/glib/glib/gmem.c:164 #2 0x7fdaac12c908 in wtap_read_packet_bytes wiretap/wtap.c:1368:2 #3 0x7fdaabf01e5a in libpcap_read_packet wiretap/libpcap.c:789:7 #4 0x7fdaabef887d in libpcap_seek_read wiretap/libpcap.c:690:7 #5 0x7fdaac12d5f5 in wtap_seek_read wiretap/wtap.c:1431:7 #6 0x55a98e6c8611 in cf_read_record_r file.c:1566:8 #7 0x55a98e6c88c5 in cf_read_record file.c:1576:10 #8 0x55a98e6e0bde in cf_select_packet file.c:3777:8 #9 0x55a98e9ea2ff in PacketList::selectionChanged(QItemSelection const&, QItemSelection const&) ui/qt/packet_list.cpp:420:9 This should be fixed now by I4f1264a406a28c79491dcd77c552193bf3cdf62d, but let's avoid the shared buffer. It's not exactly a hot code path anyway. Change-Id: I548d7293a822601f4eb882672477540f066a066b Reviewed-on: https://code.wireshark.org/review/29921 Petri-Dish: Peter Wu <peter@lekensteyn.nl> Tested-by: Petri Dish Buildbot Reviewed-by: Guy Harris <guy@alum.mit.edu>
2018-09-28 11:03:22 +00:00
wtap_rec rec; /* Record metadata */
Buffer buf; /* Record data */
ws_buffer_init(&buf, 1514);
if (!cf_read_record(cap_file_, fdata, &rec, &buf)) {
Qt/PacketList: read packet record in private buffer To prevent potential interference with other users of the capture file, read data in a private buffer instead of reusing the one from capFile. An accidental (?) change in commit v2.9.0rc0-2001-g123bcb0362 resulted in "cf_read_record" reallocating the capture_file->buf buffer. That issue combined with the current behavior would result in a crash when ignoring a packet followed by two times opening a context menu: ==32187==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: heap-use-after-free on address 0x7fda91642800 at pc 0x55a98f3faaa7 bp 0x7fffa2807860 sp 0x7fffa2807858 READ of size 1 at 0x7fda91642800 thread T0 #0 0x55a98f3faaa6 in QByteArray::operator[](int) const /usr/include/qt/QtCore/qbytearray.h:476:47 #1 0x55a9901006eb in ByteViewText::drawLine(QPainter*, int, int) ui/qt/widgets/byte_view_text.cpp:370:35 #2 0x55a9900fd109 in ByteViewText::paintEvent(QPaintEvent*) ui/qt/widgets/byte_view_text.cpp:217:9 ... #50 0x55a98e9fd32a in PacketList::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent*) ui/qt/packet_list.cpp:614:15 ... 0x7fda91642800 is located 0 bytes inside of 3038371-byte region [0x7fda91642800,0x7fda919284a3) freed by thread T0 here: #0 0x55a98e65fd99 in __interceptor_realloc (run/wireshark+0x1019d99) #1 0x7fdac6e1bb88 in g_realloc /build/src/glib/glib/gmem.c:164 #2 0x7fdaac12c908 in wtap_read_packet_bytes wiretap/wtap.c:1368:2 #3 0x7fdaabf01e5a in libpcap_read_packet wiretap/libpcap.c:789:7 #4 0x7fdaabef887d in libpcap_seek_read wiretap/libpcap.c:690:7 #5 0x7fdaac12d5f5 in wtap_seek_read wiretap/wtap.c:1431:7 #6 0x55a98e6c8611 in cf_read_record_r file.c:1566:8 #7 0x55a98e6c88c5 in cf_read_record file.c:1576:10 #8 0x55a98ea0b725 in PacketList::getFilterFromRowAndColumn() ui/qt/packet_list.cpp:1041:14 #9 0x55a98e94e4a1 in MainWindow::setMenusForSelectedPacket() ui/qt/main_window_slots.cpp:1175:39 previously allocated by thread T0 here: #0 0x55a98e65fd99 in __interceptor_realloc (run/wireshark+0x1019d99) #1 0x7fdac6e1bb88 in g_realloc /build/src/glib/glib/gmem.c:164 #2 0x7fdaac12c908 in wtap_read_packet_bytes wiretap/wtap.c:1368:2 #3 0x7fdaabf01e5a in libpcap_read_packet wiretap/libpcap.c:789:7 #4 0x7fdaabef887d in libpcap_seek_read wiretap/libpcap.c:690:7 #5 0x7fdaac12d5f5 in wtap_seek_read wiretap/wtap.c:1431:7 #6 0x55a98e6c8611 in cf_read_record_r file.c:1566:8 #7 0x55a98e6c88c5 in cf_read_record file.c:1576:10 #8 0x55a98e6e0bde in cf_select_packet file.c:3777:8 #9 0x55a98e9ea2ff in PacketList::selectionChanged(QItemSelection const&, QItemSelection const&) ui/qt/packet_list.cpp:420:9 This should be fixed now by I4f1264a406a28c79491dcd77c552193bf3cdf62d, but let's avoid the shared buffer. It's not exactly a hot code path anyway. Change-Id: I548d7293a822601f4eb882672477540f066a066b Reviewed-on: https://code.wireshark.org/review/29921 Petri-Dish: Peter Wu <peter@lekensteyn.nl> Tested-by: Petri Dish Buildbot Reviewed-by: Guy Harris <guy@alum.mit.edu>
2018-09-28 11:03:22 +00:00
return filter; /* error reading the record */
Qt/PacketList: read packet record in private buffer To prevent potential interference with other users of the capture file, read data in a private buffer instead of reusing the one from capFile. An accidental (?) change in commit v2.9.0rc0-2001-g123bcb0362 resulted in "cf_read_record" reallocating the capture_file->buf buffer. That issue combined with the current behavior would result in a crash when ignoring a packet followed by two times opening a context menu: ==32187==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: heap-use-after-free on address 0x7fda91642800 at pc 0x55a98f3faaa7 bp 0x7fffa2807860 sp 0x7fffa2807858 READ of size 1 at 0x7fda91642800 thread T0 #0 0x55a98f3faaa6 in QByteArray::operator[](int) const /usr/include/qt/QtCore/qbytearray.h:476:47 #1 0x55a9901006eb in ByteViewText::drawLine(QPainter*, int, int) ui/qt/widgets/byte_view_text.cpp:370:35 #2 0x55a9900fd109 in ByteViewText::paintEvent(QPaintEvent*) ui/qt/widgets/byte_view_text.cpp:217:9 ... #50 0x55a98e9fd32a in PacketList::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent*) ui/qt/packet_list.cpp:614:15 ... 0x7fda91642800 is located 0 bytes inside of 3038371-byte region [0x7fda91642800,0x7fda919284a3) freed by thread T0 here: #0 0x55a98e65fd99 in __interceptor_realloc (run/wireshark+0x1019d99) #1 0x7fdac6e1bb88 in g_realloc /build/src/glib/glib/gmem.c:164 #2 0x7fdaac12c908 in wtap_read_packet_bytes wiretap/wtap.c:1368:2 #3 0x7fdaabf01e5a in libpcap_read_packet wiretap/libpcap.c:789:7 #4 0x7fdaabef887d in libpcap_seek_read wiretap/libpcap.c:690:7 #5 0x7fdaac12d5f5 in wtap_seek_read wiretap/wtap.c:1431:7 #6 0x55a98e6c8611 in cf_read_record_r file.c:1566:8 #7 0x55a98e6c88c5 in cf_read_record file.c:1576:10 #8 0x55a98ea0b725 in PacketList::getFilterFromRowAndColumn() ui/qt/packet_list.cpp:1041:14 #9 0x55a98e94e4a1 in MainWindow::setMenusForSelectedPacket() ui/qt/main_window_slots.cpp:1175:39 previously allocated by thread T0 here: #0 0x55a98e65fd99 in __interceptor_realloc (run/wireshark+0x1019d99) #1 0x7fdac6e1bb88 in g_realloc /build/src/glib/glib/gmem.c:164 #2 0x7fdaac12c908 in wtap_read_packet_bytes wiretap/wtap.c:1368:2 #3 0x7fdaabf01e5a in libpcap_read_packet wiretap/libpcap.c:789:7 #4 0x7fdaabef887d in libpcap_seek_read wiretap/libpcap.c:690:7 #5 0x7fdaac12d5f5 in wtap_seek_read wiretap/wtap.c:1431:7 #6 0x55a98e6c8611 in cf_read_record_r file.c:1566:8 #7 0x55a98e6c88c5 in cf_read_record file.c:1576:10 #8 0x55a98e6e0bde in cf_select_packet file.c:3777:8 #9 0x55a98e9ea2ff in PacketList::selectionChanged(QItemSelection const&, QItemSelection const&) ui/qt/packet_list.cpp:420:9 This should be fixed now by I4f1264a406a28c79491dcd77c552193bf3cdf62d, but let's avoid the shared buffer. It's not exactly a hot code path anyway. Change-Id: I548d7293a822601f4eb882672477540f066a066b Reviewed-on: https://code.wireshark.org/review/29921 Petri-Dish: Peter Wu <peter@lekensteyn.nl> Tested-by: Petri Dish Buildbot Reviewed-by: Guy Harris <guy@alum.mit.edu>
2018-09-28 11:03:22 +00:00
/* proto tree, visible. We need a proto tree if there's custom columns */
epan_dissect_init(&edt, cap_file_->epan, have_custom_cols(&cap_file_->cinfo), FALSE);
col_custom_prime_edt(&edt, &cap_file_->cinfo);
Qt/PacketList: read packet record in private buffer To prevent potential interference with other users of the capture file, read data in a private buffer instead of reusing the one from capFile. An accidental (?) change in commit v2.9.0rc0-2001-g123bcb0362 resulted in "cf_read_record" reallocating the capture_file->buf buffer. That issue combined with the current behavior would result in a crash when ignoring a packet followed by two times opening a context menu: ==32187==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: heap-use-after-free on address 0x7fda91642800 at pc 0x55a98f3faaa7 bp 0x7fffa2807860 sp 0x7fffa2807858 READ of size 1 at 0x7fda91642800 thread T0 #0 0x55a98f3faaa6 in QByteArray::operator[](int) const /usr/include/qt/QtCore/qbytearray.h:476:47 #1 0x55a9901006eb in ByteViewText::drawLine(QPainter*, int, int) ui/qt/widgets/byte_view_text.cpp:370:35 #2 0x55a9900fd109 in ByteViewText::paintEvent(QPaintEvent*) ui/qt/widgets/byte_view_text.cpp:217:9 ... #50 0x55a98e9fd32a in PacketList::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent*) ui/qt/packet_list.cpp:614:15 ... 0x7fda91642800 is located 0 bytes inside of 3038371-byte region [0x7fda91642800,0x7fda919284a3) freed by thread T0 here: #0 0x55a98e65fd99 in __interceptor_realloc (run/wireshark+0x1019d99) #1 0x7fdac6e1bb88 in g_realloc /build/src/glib/glib/gmem.c:164 #2 0x7fdaac12c908 in wtap_read_packet_bytes wiretap/wtap.c:1368:2 #3 0x7fdaabf01e5a in libpcap_read_packet wiretap/libpcap.c:789:7 #4 0x7fdaabef887d in libpcap_seek_read wiretap/libpcap.c:690:7 #5 0x7fdaac12d5f5 in wtap_seek_read wiretap/wtap.c:1431:7 #6 0x55a98e6c8611 in cf_read_record_r file.c:1566:8 #7 0x55a98e6c88c5 in cf_read_record file.c:1576:10 #8 0x55a98ea0b725 in PacketList::getFilterFromRowAndColumn() ui/qt/packet_list.cpp:1041:14 #9 0x55a98e94e4a1 in MainWindow::setMenusForSelectedPacket() ui/qt/main_window_slots.cpp:1175:39 previously allocated by thread T0 here: #0 0x55a98e65fd99 in __interceptor_realloc (run/wireshark+0x1019d99) #1 0x7fdac6e1bb88 in g_realloc /build/src/glib/glib/gmem.c:164 #2 0x7fdaac12c908 in wtap_read_packet_bytes wiretap/wtap.c:1368:2 #3 0x7fdaabf01e5a in libpcap_read_packet wiretap/libpcap.c:789:7 #4 0x7fdaabef887d in libpcap_seek_read wiretap/libpcap.c:690:7 #5 0x7fdaac12d5f5 in wtap_seek_read wiretap/wtap.c:1431:7 #6 0x55a98e6c8611 in cf_read_record_r file.c:1566:8 #7 0x55a98e6c88c5 in cf_read_record file.c:1576:10 #8 0x55a98e6e0bde in cf_select_packet file.c:3777:8 #9 0x55a98e9ea2ff in PacketList::selectionChanged(QItemSelection const&, QItemSelection const&) ui/qt/packet_list.cpp:420:9 This should be fixed now by I4f1264a406a28c79491dcd77c552193bf3cdf62d, but let's avoid the shared buffer. It's not exactly a hot code path anyway. Change-Id: I548d7293a822601f4eb882672477540f066a066b Reviewed-on: https://code.wireshark.org/review/29921 Petri-Dish: Peter Wu <peter@lekensteyn.nl> Tested-by: Petri Dish Buildbot Reviewed-by: Guy Harris <guy@alum.mit.edu>
2018-09-28 11:03:22 +00:00
epan_dissect_run(&edt, cap_file_->cd_t, &rec,
frame_tvbuff_new_buffer(&cap_file_->provider, fdata, &buf),
fdata, &cap_file_->cinfo);
if (cap_file_->cinfo.columns[column].col_fmt == COL_CUSTOM) {
filter.append(gchar_free_to_qstring(col_custom_get_filter(&edt, &cap_file_->cinfo, column)));
} else {
/* We don't need to fill in the custom columns, as we get their
* filters above.
col_fill_in(&edt.pi, TRUE, TRUE);
if (strlen(cap_file_->cinfo.col_expr.col_expr[column]) != 0 &&
strlen(cap_file_->cinfo.col_expr.col_expr_val[column]) != 0) {
gboolean is_string_value = FALSE;
header_field_info *hfi = proto_registrar_get_byname(cap_file_->cinfo.col_expr.col_expr[column]);
if (hfi && hfi->type == FT_STRING) {
/* Could be an address type such as usb.src which must be quoted. */
is_string_value = TRUE;
if (filter.isEmpty()) {
if (is_string_value) {
filter.append(QString("%1 == \"%2\"")
} else {
filter.append(QString("%1 == %2")
Qt/PacketList: read packet record in private buffer To prevent potential interference with other users of the capture file, read data in a private buffer instead of reusing the one from capFile. An accidental (?) change in commit v2.9.0rc0-2001-g123bcb0362 resulted in "cf_read_record" reallocating the capture_file->buf buffer. That issue combined with the current behavior would result in a crash when ignoring a packet followed by two times opening a context menu: ==32187==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: heap-use-after-free on address 0x7fda91642800 at pc 0x55a98f3faaa7 bp 0x7fffa2807860 sp 0x7fffa2807858 READ of size 1 at 0x7fda91642800 thread T0 #0 0x55a98f3faaa6 in QByteArray::operator[](int) const /usr/include/qt/QtCore/qbytearray.h:476:47 #1 0x55a9901006eb in ByteViewText::drawLine(QPainter*, int, int) ui/qt/widgets/byte_view_text.cpp:370:35 #2 0x55a9900fd109 in ByteViewText::paintEvent(QPaintEvent*) ui/qt/widgets/byte_view_text.cpp:217:9 ... #50 0x55a98e9fd32a in PacketList::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent*) ui/qt/packet_list.cpp:614:15 ... 0x7fda91642800 is located 0 bytes inside of 3038371-byte region [0x7fda91642800,0x7fda919284a3) freed by thread T0 here: #0 0x55a98e65fd99 in __interceptor_realloc (run/wireshark+0x1019d99) #1 0x7fdac6e1bb88 in g_realloc /build/src/glib/glib/gmem.c:164 #2 0x7fdaac12c908 in wtap_read_packet_bytes wiretap/wtap.c:1368:2 #3 0x7fdaabf01e5a in libpcap_read_packet wiretap/libpcap.c:789:7 #4 0x7fdaabef887d in libpcap_seek_read wiretap/libpcap.c:690:7 #5 0x7fdaac12d5f5 in wtap_seek_read wiretap/wtap.c:1431:7 #6 0x55a98e6c8611 in cf_read_record_r file.c:1566:8 #7 0x55a98e6c88c5 in cf_read_record file.c:1576:10 #8 0x55a98ea0b725 in PacketList::getFilterFromRowAndColumn() ui/qt/packet_list.cpp:1041:14 #9 0x55a98e94e4a1 in MainWindow::setMenusForSelectedPacket() ui/qt/main_window_slots.cpp:1175:39 previously allocated by thread T0 here: #0 0x55a98e65fd99 in __interceptor_realloc (run/wireshark+0x1019d99) #1 0x7fdac6e1bb88 in g_realloc /build/src/glib/glib/gmem.c:164 #2 0x7fdaac12c908 in wtap_read_packet_bytes wiretap/wtap.c:1368:2 #3 0x7fdaabf01e5a in libpcap_read_packet wiretap/libpcap.c:789:7 #4 0x7fdaabef887d in libpcap_seek_read wiretap/libpcap.c:690:7 #5 0x7fdaac12d5f5 in wtap_seek_read wiretap/wtap.c:1431:7 #6 0x55a98e6c8611 in cf_read_record_r file.c:1566:8 #7 0x55a98e6c88c5 in cf_read_record file.c:1576:10 #8 0x55a98e6e0bde in cf_select_packet file.c:3777:8 #9 0x55a98e9ea2ff in PacketList::selectionChanged(QItemSelection const&, QItemSelection const&) ui/qt/packet_list.cpp:420:9 This should be fixed now by I4f1264a406a28c79491dcd77c552193bf3cdf62d, but let's avoid the shared buffer. It's not exactly a hot code path anyway. Change-Id: I548d7293a822601f4eb882672477540f066a066b Reviewed-on: https://code.wireshark.org/review/29921 Petri-Dish: Peter Wu <peter@lekensteyn.nl> Tested-by: Petri Dish Buildbot Reviewed-by: Guy Harris <guy@alum.mit.edu>
2018-09-28 11:03:22 +00:00
return filter;
void PacketList::resetColorized()
QString PacketList::getPacketComment(guint c_number)
int row = currentIndex().row();
const frame_data *fdata;
char *pkt_comment;
wtap_opttype_return_val result;
QString ret_val = NULL;
if (!cap_file_ || !packet_list_model_) return NULL;
fdata = packet_list_model_->getRowFdata(row);
if (!fdata) return NULL;
wtap_block_t pkt_block = cf_get_packet_block(cap_file_, fdata);
result = wtap_block_get_nth_string_option_value(pkt_block, OPT_COMMENT, c_number, &pkt_comment);
if (result == WTAP_OPTTYPE_SUCCESS) {
ret_val = QString(pkt_comment);
return ret_val;
void PacketList::addPacketComment(QString new_comment)
if (!cap_file_ || !packet_list_model_) return;
if (new_comment.isEmpty()) return;
QByteArray ba = new_comment.toUtf8();
Qt: Ensure that add frame comments trigger recoloring, count updates Add functions to PacketListRecord to invalidate a single record's colorization and column strings, used for a record is modified in a way that needs to trigger redrawing, but we don't need to redraw all packets. Move the functionality for adding, deleting, and setting frame comments into PacketListModel, operating on QModelIndexes (or on all physical rows in the case of deleting all comments from a file.) Trigger recolorization of any record with an updated comment. Only set a block as modified when deleting comments if we actually deleted comments. This avoids marking a file as modified if we delete all comments from all frames, or all comments from selected frames, when those comments do not actually have frames. If cf_set_modified_block is used to modify a block that is already modified, it can't update the comment count. In that case, return false and have the callers update the comment count. (It already has a return value, which is always true.) This avoids having the GUI warning about saving into a format that doesn't support comments when comments have been added and then removed. Note that, unlike with time references and time shifts, there are no fields (and hence no columns nor color filters) that depend on whether other fields have comments. If for some reason some were added, then the model data for all frames would have to be updated instead. Since there aren't, we don't need to redrawVisiblePackets, but we do need to drawCurrentPacket to ensure the packet details are redissected. Fix #12519
2023-02-09 12:21:55 +00:00
* Make sure this would fit in a pcapng option.
* XXX - 65535 is the maximum size for an option in pcapng;
* what if another capture file format supports larger
* comments?
if (ba.size() > 65535) {
simple_dialog(ESD_TYPE_ERROR, ESD_BTN_OK,
"That comment is too large to save in a capture file.");
Qt: Ensure that add frame comments trigger recoloring, count updates Add functions to PacketListRecord to invalidate a single record's colorization and column strings, used for a record is modified in a way that needs to trigger redrawing, but we don't need to redraw all packets. Move the functionality for adding, deleting, and setting frame comments into PacketListModel, operating on QModelIndexes (or on all physical rows in the case of deleting all comments from a file.) Trigger recolorization of any record with an updated comment. Only set a block as modified when deleting comments if we actually deleted comments. This avoids marking a file as modified if we delete all comments from all frames, or all comments from selected frames, when those comments do not actually have frames. If cf_set_modified_block is used to modify a block that is already modified, it can't update the comment count. In that case, return false and have the callers update the comment count. (It already has a return value, which is always true.) This avoids having the GUI warning about saving into a format that doesn't support comments when comments have been added and then removed. Note that, unlike with time references and time shifts, there are no fields (and hence no columns nor color filters) that depend on whether other fields have comments. If for some reason some were added, then the model data for all frames would have to be updated instead. Since there aren't, we don't need to redrawVisiblePackets, but we do need to drawCurrentPacket to ensure the packet details are redissected. Fix #12519
2023-02-09 12:21:55 +00:00
if (selectionModel() && selectionModel()->hasSelection()) {
packet_list_model_->addFrameComment(selectionModel()->selectedRows(), ba);
void PacketList::setPacketComment(guint c_number, QString new_comment)
Qt: Ensure that add frame comments trigger recoloring, count updates Add functions to PacketListRecord to invalidate a single record's colorization and column strings, used for a record is modified in a way that needs to trigger redrawing, but we don't need to redraw all packets. Move the functionality for adding, deleting, and setting frame comments into PacketListModel, operating on QModelIndexes (or on all physical rows in the case of deleting all comments from a file.) Trigger recolorization of any record with an updated comment. Only set a block as modified when deleting comments if we actually deleted comments. This avoids marking a file as modified if we delete all comments from all frames, or all comments from selected frames, when those comments do not actually have frames. If cf_set_modified_block is used to modify a block that is already modified, it can't update the comment count. In that case, return false and have the callers update the comment count. (It already has a return value, which is always true.) This avoids having the GUI warning about saving into a format that doesn't support comments when comments have been added and then removed. Note that, unlike with time references and time shifts, there are no fields (and hence no columns nor color filters) that depend on whether other fields have comments. If for some reason some were added, then the model data for all frames would have to be updated instead. Since there aren't, we don't need to redrawVisiblePackets, but we do need to drawCurrentPacket to ensure the packet details are redissected. Fix #12519
2023-02-09 12:21:55 +00:00
QModelIndex curIndex = currentIndex();
if (!cap_file_ || !packet_list_model_) return;
Qt: Ensure that add frame comments trigger recoloring, count updates Add functions to PacketListRecord to invalidate a single record's colorization and column strings, used for a record is modified in a way that needs to trigger redrawing, but we don't need to redraw all packets. Move the functionality for adding, deleting, and setting frame comments into PacketListModel, operating on QModelIndexes (or on all physical rows in the case of deleting all comments from a file.) Trigger recolorization of any record with an updated comment. Only set a block as modified when deleting comments if we actually deleted comments. This avoids marking a file as modified if we delete all comments from all frames, or all comments from selected frames, when those comments do not actually have frames. If cf_set_modified_block is used to modify a block that is already modified, it can't update the comment count. In that case, return false and have the callers update the comment count. (It already has a return value, which is always true.) This avoids having the GUI warning about saving into a format that doesn't support comments when comments have been added and then removed. Note that, unlike with time references and time shifts, there are no fields (and hence no columns nor color filters) that depend on whether other fields have comments. If for some reason some were added, then the model data for all frames would have to be updated instead. Since there aren't, we don't need to redrawVisiblePackets, but we do need to drawCurrentPacket to ensure the packet details are redissected. Fix #12519
2023-02-09 12:21:55 +00:00
QByteArray ba = new_comment.toUtf8();
* Make sure this would fit in a pcapng option.
* XXX - 65535 is the maximum size for an option in pcapng;
* what if another capture file format supports larger
* comments?
if (ba.size() > 65535) {
simple_dialog(ESD_TYPE_ERROR, ESD_BTN_OK,
"That comment is too large to save in a capture file.");
Qt: Ensure that add frame comments trigger recoloring, count updates Add functions to PacketListRecord to invalidate a single record's colorization and column strings, used for a record is modified in a way that needs to trigger redrawing, but we don't need to redraw all packets. Move the functionality for adding, deleting, and setting frame comments into PacketListModel, operating on QModelIndexes (or on all physical rows in the case of deleting all comments from a file.) Trigger recolorization of any record with an updated comment. Only set a block as modified when deleting comments if we actually deleted comments. This avoids marking a file as modified if we delete all comments from all frames, or all comments from selected frames, when those comments do not actually have frames. If cf_set_modified_block is used to modify a block that is already modified, it can't update the comment count. In that case, return false and have the callers update the comment count. (It already has a return value, which is always true.) This avoids having the GUI warning about saving into a format that doesn't support comments when comments have been added and then removed. Note that, unlike with time references and time shifts, there are no fields (and hence no columns nor color filters) that depend on whether other fields have comments. If for some reason some were added, then the model data for all frames would have to be updated instead. Since there aren't, we don't need to redrawVisiblePackets, but we do need to drawCurrentPacket to ensure the packet details are redissected. Fix #12519
2023-02-09 12:21:55 +00:00
packet_list_model_->setFrameComment(curIndex, ba, c_number);
QString PacketList::allPacketComments()
guint32 framenum;
frame_data *fdata;
QString buf_str;
if (!cap_file_) return buf_str;
for (framenum = 1; framenum <= cap_file_->count ; framenum++) {
fdata = frame_data_sequence_find(cap_file_->provider.frames, framenum);
wtap_block_t pkt_block = cf_get_packet_block(cap_file_, fdata);
if (pkt_block) {
guint n_comments = wtap_block_count_option(pkt_block, OPT_COMMENT);
for (guint i = 0; i < n_comments; i++) {
char *comment_text;
if (WTAP_OPTTYPE_SUCCESS == wtap_block_get_nth_string_option_value(pkt_block, OPT_COMMENT, i, &comment_text)) {
buf_str.append(QString(tr("Frame %1: %2\n\n")).arg(framenum).arg(comment_text));
if (buf_str.length() > max_comments_to_fetch_) {
buf_str.append(QString(tr("[ Comment text exceeds %1. Stopping. ]"))
.arg(format_size(max_comments_to_fetch_, FORMAT_SIZE_UNIT_BYTES, FORMAT_SIZE_PREFIX_SI)));
return buf_str;
return buf_str;
void PacketList::deleteCommentsFromPackets()
if (!cap_file_ || !packet_list_model_) return;
Qt: Ensure that add frame comments trigger recoloring, count updates Add functions to PacketListRecord to invalidate a single record's colorization and column strings, used for a record is modified in a way that needs to trigger redrawing, but we don't need to redraw all packets. Move the functionality for adding, deleting, and setting frame comments into PacketListModel, operating on QModelIndexes (or on all physical rows in the case of deleting all comments from a file.) Trigger recolorization of any record with an updated comment. Only set a block as modified when deleting comments if we actually deleted comments. This avoids marking a file as modified if we delete all comments from all frames, or all comments from selected frames, when those comments do not actually have frames. If cf_set_modified_block is used to modify a block that is already modified, it can't update the comment count. In that case, return false and have the callers update the comment count. (It already has a return value, which is always true.) This avoids having the GUI warning about saving into a format that doesn't support comments when comments have been added and then removed. Note that, unlike with time references and time shifts, there are no fields (and hence no columns nor color filters) that depend on whether other fields have comments. If for some reason some were added, then the model data for all frames would have to be updated instead. Since there aren't, we don't need to redrawVisiblePackets, but we do need to drawCurrentPacket to ensure the packet details are redissected. Fix #12519
2023-02-09 12:21:55 +00:00
if (selectionModel() && selectionModel()->hasSelection()) {
void PacketList::deleteAllPacketComments()
Qt: Ensure that add frame comments trigger recoloring, count updates Add functions to PacketListRecord to invalidate a single record's colorization and column strings, used for a record is modified in a way that needs to trigger redrawing, but we don't need to redraw all packets. Move the functionality for adding, deleting, and setting frame comments into PacketListModel, operating on QModelIndexes (or on all physical rows in the case of deleting all comments from a file.) Trigger recolorization of any record with an updated comment. Only set a block as modified when deleting comments if we actually deleted comments. This avoids marking a file as modified if we delete all comments from all frames, or all comments from selected frames, when those comments do not actually have frames. If cf_set_modified_block is used to modify a block that is already modified, it can't update the comment count. In that case, return false and have the callers update the comment count. (It already has a return value, which is always true.) This avoids having the GUI warning about saving into a format that doesn't support comments when comments have been added and then removed. Note that, unlike with time references and time shifts, there are no fields (and hence no columns nor color filters) that depend on whether other fields have comments. If for some reason some were added, then the model data for all frames would have to be updated instead. Since there aren't, we don't need to redrawVisiblePackets, but we do need to drawCurrentPacket to ensure the packet details are redissected. Fix #12519
2023-02-09 12:21:55 +00:00
if (!cap_file_ || !packet_list_model_) return;
Qt: Ensure that add frame comments trigger recoloring, count updates Add functions to PacketListRecord to invalidate a single record's colorization and column strings, used for a record is modified in a way that needs to trigger redrawing, but we don't need to redraw all packets. Move the functionality for adding, deleting, and setting frame comments into PacketListModel, operating on QModelIndexes (or on all physical rows in the case of deleting all comments from a file.) Trigger recolorization of any record with an updated comment. Only set a block as modified when deleting comments if we actually deleted comments. This avoids marking a file as modified if we delete all comments from all frames, or all comments from selected frames, when those comments do not actually have frames. If cf_set_modified_block is used to modify a block that is already modified, it can't update the comment count. In that case, return false and have the callers update the comment count. (It already has a return value, which is always true.) This avoids having the GUI warning about saving into a format that doesn't support comments when comments have been added and then removed. Note that, unlike with time references and time shifts, there are no fields (and hence no columns nor color filters) that depend on whether other fields have comments. If for some reason some were added, then the model data for all frames would have to be updated instead. Since there aren't, we don't need to redrawVisiblePackets, but we do need to drawCurrentPacket to ensure the packet details are redissected. Fix #12519
2023-02-09 12:21:55 +00:00
// Slots
void PacketList::setCaptureFile(capture_file *cf)
cap_file_ = cf;
if (cf) {
if (columns_changed_) {
} else {
// Restore columns widths and visibility.
create_near_overlay_ = true;
sortByColumn(-1, Qt::AscendingOrder);
void PacketList::setMonospaceFont(const QFont &mono_font)
void PacketList::goNextPacket(void)
if (QApplication::keyboardModifiers() & Qt::AltModifier) {
// Alt+toolbar
if (selectionModel()->hasSelection()) {
selectionModel()->setCurrentIndex(moveCursor(MoveDown, Qt::NoModifier), QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect | QItemSelectionModel::Rows);
} else {
// First visible packet.
selectionModel()->setCurrentIndex(indexAt(viewport()->rect().topLeft()), QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect | QItemSelectionModel::Rows);
void PacketList::goPreviousPacket(void)
if (QApplication::keyboardModifiers() & Qt::AltModifier) {
// Alt+toolbar
if (selectionModel()->hasSelection()) {
selectionModel()->setCurrentIndex(moveCursor(MoveUp, Qt::NoModifier), QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect | QItemSelectionModel::Rows);
} else {
// Last visible packet.
QModelIndex last_idx = indexAt(viewport()->rect().bottomLeft());
if (last_idx.isValid()) {
selectionModel()->setCurrentIndex(last_idx, QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect | QItemSelectionModel::Rows);
} else {
void PacketList::goFirstPacket(bool user_selected) {
if (packet_list_model_->rowCount() < 1) return;
selectionModel()->setCurrentIndex(packet_list_model_->index(0, 0), QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect | QItemSelectionModel::Rows);
if (user_selected) {
void PacketList::goLastPacket(void) {
if (packet_list_model_->rowCount() < 1) return;
selectionModel()->setCurrentIndex(packet_list_model_->index(packet_list_model_->rowCount() - 1, 0), QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect | QItemSelectionModel::Rows);
// XXX We can jump to the wrong packet if a display filter is applied
void PacketList::goToPacket(int packet, int hf_id)
if (!cf_goto_frame(cap_file_, packet))
int row = packet_list_model_->packetNumberToRow(packet);
if (row >= 0) {
selectionModel()->setCurrentIndex(packet_list_model_->index(row, 0), QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect | QItemSelectionModel::Rows);
void PacketList::goNextHistoryPacket()
if (haveNextHistory(true)) {
in_history_ = true;
in_history_ = false;
void PacketList::goPreviousHistoryPacket()
if (havePreviousHistory(true)) {
in_history_ = true;
in_history_ = false;
void PacketList::markFrame()
if (!cap_file_ || !packet_list_model_) return;
QModelIndexList frames;
if (selectionModel() && selectionModel()->hasSelection())
QModelIndexList selRows = selectionModel()->selectedRows(0);
foreach (QModelIndex idx, selRows)
if (idx.isValid())
frames << idx;
frames << currentIndex();
// Make sure the packet list's frame.marked related field text is updated.
create_far_overlay_ = true;
void PacketList::markAllDisplayedFrames(bool set)
if (!cap_file_ || !packet_list_model_) return;
// Make sure the packet list's frame.marked related field text is updated.
create_far_overlay_ = true;
void PacketList::ignoreFrame()
if (!cap_file_ || !packet_list_model_) return;
QModelIndexList frames;
if (selectionModel() && selectionModel()->hasSelection())
foreach (QModelIndex idx, selectionModel()->selectedRows(0))
if (idx.isValid())
frames << idx;
frames << currentIndex();
create_far_overlay_ = true;
int sb_val = verticalScrollBar()->value(); // Surely there's a better way to keep our position?
emit packetDissectionChanged();
void PacketList::ignoreAllDisplayedFrames(bool set)
if (!cap_file_ || !packet_list_model_) return;
create_far_overlay_ = true;
emit packetDissectionChanged();
void PacketList::setTimeReference()
if (!cap_file_ || !packet_list_model_) return;
create_far_overlay_ = true;
void PacketList::unsetAllTimeReferences()
if (!cap_file_ || !packet_list_model_) return;
create_far_overlay_ = true;
void PacketList::applyTimeShift()
// XXX emit packetDissectionChanged(); ?
void PacketList::updatePackets(bool redraw)
if (redraw) {
} else {
void PacketList::columnVisibilityTriggered()
QAction *ha = qobject_cast<QAction*>(sender());
if (!ha) return;
int col = ha->data().toInt();
set_column_visible(col, ha->isChecked());
if (ha->isChecked()) {
void PacketList::sectionResized(int col, int, int new_width)
if (isVisible() && !columns_changed_ && !set_column_visibility_ && new_width > 0) {
// Column 1 gets an invalid value (32 on macOS) when we're not yet
// visible.
// Don't set column width when columns changed or setting column
// visibility because we may get a sectionReized() from QTreeView
// with values from a old columns layout.
// Don't set column width when hiding a column.
recent_set_column_width(col, new_width);
// The user moved a column. Make sure prefs.col_list, the column format
// array, and the header's visual and logical indices all agree.
// gtk/packet_list.c:column_dnd_changed_cb
void PacketList::sectionMoved(int logicalIndex, int oldVisualIndex, int newVisualIndex)
GList *new_col_list = NULL;
QList<int> saved_sizes;
int sort_idx;
// Since we undo the move below, these should always stay in sync.
// Otherwise the order of columns can be unexpected after drag and drop.
if (logicalIndex != oldVisualIndex) {
ws_warning("Column moved from an unexpected state (%d, %d, %d)",
logicalIndex, oldVisualIndex, newVisualIndex);
// Remember which column should be sorted. Use the visual index since this
// points to the current GUI state rather than the outdated column order
// (indicated by the logical index).
sort_idx = header()->sortIndicatorSection();
if (sort_idx != -1) {
sort_idx = header()->visualIndex(sort_idx);
// Build a new column list based on the header's logical order.
for (int vis_idx = 0; vis_idx < header()->count(); vis_idx++) {
int log_idx = header()->logicalIndex(vis_idx);
saved_sizes << header()->sectionSize(log_idx);
void *pref_data = g_list_nth_data(prefs.col_list, log_idx);
if (!pref_data) continue;
new_col_list = g_list_append(new_col_list, pref_data);
// Undo move to ensure that the logical indices map to the visual indices,
// otherwise the column order is changed twice (once via the modified
// col_list, once because of the visual/logical index mismatch).
disconnect(header(), SIGNAL(sectionMoved(int,int,int)),
this, SLOT(sectionMoved(int,int,int)));
header()->moveSection(newVisualIndex, oldVisualIndex);
connect(header(), SIGNAL(sectionMoved(int,int,int)),
this, SLOT(sectionMoved(int,int,int)));
// Clear and rebuild our (and the header's) model. There doesn't appear
// to be another way to reset the logical index.
prefs.col_list = new_col_list;
for (int i = 0; i < saved_sizes.length(); i++) {
if (saved_sizes[i] < 1) continue;
header()->resizeSection(i, saved_sizes[i]);
// If the column with the sort indicator got shifted, mark the new column
// after updating the columns contents (via ColumnsChanged) to ensure that
// the columns are sorted using the intended column contents.
int left_col = MIN(oldVisualIndex, newVisualIndex);
int right_col = MAX(oldVisualIndex, newVisualIndex);
if (left_col <= sort_idx && sort_idx <= right_col) {
header()->setSortIndicator(sort_idx, header()->sortIndicatorOrder());
void PacketList::updateRowHeights(const QModelIndex &ih_index)
QStyleOptionViewItem option;
option = viewOptions();
int max_height = 0;
// One of our columns increased the maximum row height. Find out which one.
for (int col = 0; col < packet_list_model_->columnCount(); col++) {
QSize size_hint = itemDelegate()->sizeHint(option, packet_list_model_->index(ih_index.row(), col));
max_height = qMax(max_height, size_hint.height());
if (max_height > 0) {
QString PacketList::createSummaryText(QModelIndex idx, SummaryCopyType type)
if (! idx.isValid())
return "";
QStringList col_parts;
int row = idx.row();
for (int col = 0; col < packet_list_model_->columnCount(); col++) {
if (get_column_visible(col)) {
col_parts << packet_list_model_->data(packet_list_model_->index(row, col), Qt::DisplayRole).toString();
return joinSummaryRow(col_parts, row, type);
QString PacketList::createHeaderSummaryText(SummaryCopyType type)
QStringList col_parts;
for (int col = 0; col < packet_list_model_->columnCount(); ++col)
if (get_column_visible(col)) {
col_parts << packet_list_model_->headerData(col, Qt::Orientation::Horizontal, Qt::DisplayRole).toString();
return joinSummaryRow(col_parts, 0, type);
void PacketList::copySummary()
if (!currentIndex().isValid()) return;
QAction *ca = qobject_cast<QAction*>(sender());
if (!ca) return;
QVariant type = ca->data();
if (! type.canConvert<SummaryCopyType>())
SummaryCopyType copy_type = type.value<SummaryCopyType>();
QString copy_text = createSummaryText(currentIndex(), copy_type);
// We need to tell when the user has scrolled the packet list, either to
// the end or anywhere other than the end.
void PacketList::vScrollBarActionTriggered(int)
// If we're scrolling with a mouse wheel or trackpad sliderPosition can end up
// past the end.
tail_at_end_ = (overlay_sb_->sliderPosition() >= overlay_sb_->maximum());
void PacketList::scrollViewChanged(bool at_end)
if (capture_in_progress_ && prefs.capture_auto_scroll) {
emit packetListScrolled(at_end);
// Goal: Overlay the packet list scroll bar with the colors of all of the
// packets.
// Try 1: Average packet colors in each scroll bar raster line. This has
// two problems: It's easy to wash out colors and we dissect every packet.
// Try 2: Color across a 5000 or 10000 packet window. We still end up washing
// out colors.
// Try 3: One packet per vertical scroll bar pixel. This seems to work best
// but has the smallest window.
// Try 4: Use a multiple of the scroll bar heigh and scale the image down
// using Qt::SmoothTransformation. This gives us more packets per raster
// line.
// Odd (prime?) numbers resulted in fewer scaling artifacts. A multiplier
// of 9 washed out colors a little too much.
//const int height_multiplier_ = 7;
void PacketList::drawNearOverlay()
if (create_near_overlay_) {
create_near_overlay_ = false;
if (!cap_file_ || cap_file_->state != FILE_READ_DONE) return;
if (!prefs.gui_packet_list_show_minimap) return;
qreal dp_ratio = overlay_sb_->devicePixelRatio();
int o_height = overlay_sb_->height() * dp_ratio;
int o_rows = qMin(packet_list_model_->rowCount(), o_height);
QFontMetricsF fmf(mainApp->font());
int o_width = ((static_cast<int>(fmf.height())) * 2 * dp_ratio) + 2; // 2ems + 1-pixel border on either side.
if (recent.packet_list_colorize && o_rows > 0) {
QImage overlay(o_width, o_height, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
QPainter painter(&overlay);
int cur_line = 0;
int start = 0;
if (packet_list_model_->rowCount() > o_height && overlay_sb_->maximum() > 0) {
start += ((double) overlay_sb_->value() / overlay_sb_->maximum()) * (packet_list_model_->rowCount() - o_rows);
int end = start + o_rows;
for (int row = start; row < end; row++) {
frame_data *fdata = packet_list_model_->getRowFdata(row);
const color_t *bgcolor = NULL;
if (fdata->color_filter) {
const color_filter_t *color_filter = (const color_filter_t *) fdata->color_filter;
bgcolor = &color_filter->bg_color;
int next_line = (row - start + 1) * o_height / o_rows;
if (bgcolor) {
QColor color(ColorUtils::fromColorT(bgcolor));
painter.fillRect(0, cur_line, o_width, next_line - cur_line, color);
cur_line = next_line;
// If the selected packet is in the overlay set selected_pos
// accordingly. Otherwise, pin it to either the top or bottom.
QList<int> positions;
if (selectionModel()->hasSelection()) {
QModelIndexList selRows = selectionModel()->selectedRows(0);
int last_row = -1;
int last_pos = -1;
foreach (QModelIndex idx, selRows)
int selected_pos = -1;
int sel_row = idx.row();
if (sel_row < start) {
selected_pos = 0;
} else if (sel_row >= end) {
selected_pos = overlay.height() - 1;
} else {
selected_pos = (sel_row - start) * o_height / o_rows;
/* Due to the difference in the display height, we sometimes get empty positions
* inbetween consecutive valid rows. If those are detected, they are signaled as
* being selected as well */
if (last_pos >= 0 && selected_pos > (last_pos + 1) && (last_row + 1) == sel_row)
for (int pos = (last_pos + 1); pos < selected_pos; pos++)
if (! positions.contains(pos))
positions << pos;
else if (selected_pos != -1 && ! positions.contains(selected_pos))
positions << selected_pos;
last_row = sel_row;
last_pos = selected_pos;
overlay_sb_->setNearOverlayImage(overlay, packet_list_model_->rowCount(), start, end, positions, (o_height / o_rows));
} else {
QImage overlay;
void PacketList::drawFarOverlay()
if (create_far_overlay_) {
create_far_overlay_ = false;
if (!cap_file_ || cap_file_->state != FILE_READ_DONE) return;
if (!prefs.gui_packet_list_show_minimap) return;
QSize groove_size = overlay_sb_->grooveRect().size();
qreal dp_ratio = overlay_sb_->devicePixelRatio();
groove_size *= dp_ratio;
int o_width = groove_size.width();
int o_height = groove_size.height();
int pl_rows = packet_list_model_->rowCount();
QImage overlay(o_width, o_height, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
bool have_marked_image = false;
// If only there were references from popular culture about getting into
// some sort of groove.
if (!overlay.isNull() && recent.packet_list_colorize && pl_rows > 0) {
QPainter painter(&overlay);
// Draw text-colored tick marks on a transparent background.
// Hopefully no themes use the text color for the groove color.
QColor tick_color = palette().text().color();
for (int row = 0; row < pl_rows; row++) {
frame_data *fdata = packet_list_model_->getRowFdata(row);
if (fdata->marked || fdata->ref_time || fdata->ignored) {
int new_line = row * o_height / pl_rows;
int tick_width = o_width / 3;
// Marked or ignored: left side, time refs: right side.
// XXX Draw ignored ticks in the middle?
int x1 = fdata->ref_time ? o_width - tick_width : 1;
int x2 = fdata->ref_time ? o_width - 1 : tick_width;
painter.drawLine(x1, new_line, x2, new_line);
have_marked_image = true;
if (have_marked_image) {
if (!have_marked_image) {
QImage null_overlay;
void PacketList::rowsInserted(const QModelIndex &parent, int start, int end)
QTreeView::rowsInserted(parent, start, end);
rows_inserted_ = true;
void PacketList::resizeAllColumns(bool onlyTimeFormatted)
if (!cap_file_ || cap_file_->state == FILE_CLOSED)
for (int col = 0; col < cap_file_->cinfo.num_cols; col++) {
if (! onlyTimeFormatted || col_has_time_fmt(&cap_file_->cinfo, col)) {