
252 lines
9.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

- expect solutions:
[0, 1, 2]
[0, 1, 2]
[1, 0, 2]
[1, 2, 0]
- expect failure to solve:
The requested resource requirements are not solvable [[0, 2], [2], [0, 2]]
- test removing a Resources list from itself
ok, caused exception: RuntimeError('Refusing to drop a list of resources from itself. This is probably a bug where a list of Resources() should have been copied but is passed as-is. use Resources.clear() instead.',)
- test removing a Resources list from one with the same list in it
- test resources config and state dir:
cnf -: DBG: Found config file paths.conf as [PATH]/selftest/conf/paths.conf in ./conf which is [PATH]/selftest/conf
cnf -: DBG: [PATH]/selftest/conf/paths.conf: relative path ./test_work/state_dir is [PATH]/selftest/conf/test_work/state_dir
cnf -: DBG: [PATH]/selftest/conf/paths.conf: relative path ./suite_test is [PATH]/selftest/conf/suite_test
cnf -: DBG: Found path state_dir as [PATH]/selftest/conf/test_work/state_dir
fix and refactor logging: drop 'with', simplify With the recent fix of the junit report related issues, another issue arose: the 'with log.Origin' was changed to disallow __enter__ing an object twice to fix problems, now still code would fail because it tries to do 'with' on the same object twice. The only reason is to ensure that logging is associated with a given object. Instead of complicating even more, implement differently. Refactor logging to simplify use: drop the 'with Origin' style completely, and instead use the python stack to determine which objects are created by which, and which object to associate a log statement with. The new way: we rely on the convention that each class instance has a local 'self' referencing the object instance. If we need to find an origin as a new object's parent, or to associate a log message with, we traverse each stack frame, fetching the first local 'self' object that is a log.Origin class instance. How to use: Simply call log.log() anywhere, and it finds an Origin object to log for, from the stack. Alternatively call self.log() for any Origin() object to skip the lookup. Create classes as child class of log.Origin and make sure to call super().__init__(category, name). This constructor will magically find a parent Origin on the stack. When an exception happens, we first escalate the exception up through call scopes to where ever it is handled by log.log_exn(). This then finds an Origin object in the traceback's stack frames, no need to nest in 'with' scopes. Hence the 'with log.Origin' now "happens implicitly", we can write pure natural python code, no more hassles with scope ordering. Furthermore, any frame can place additional logging information in a frame by calling log.ctx(). This is automatically inserted in the ancestry associated with a log statement / exception. Change-Id: I5f9b53150f2bb6fa9d63ce27f0806f0ca6a45e90
2017-06-09 23:18:27 +00:00
cnf ResourcesPool: DBG: Found config file resources.conf as [PATH]/selftest/conf/resources.conf in ./conf which is [PATH]/selftest/conf
cnf ResourcesPool: DBG: Found path state_dir as [PATH]/selftest/conf/test_work/state_dir
*** all resources:
{'arfcn': [{'_hash': 'e620569450f8259b3f0212ec19c285dd07df063c',
'arfcn': '512',
'band': 'GSM-1800'},
{'_hash': '022621e513c5a5bf33b77430a1e9c886be676fa1',
'arfcn': '514',
'band': 'GSM-1800'},
{'_hash': '3199abf375a1dd899e554e9d63a552e06d7f38bf',
'arfcn': '516',
'band': 'GSM-1800'},
{'_hash': '57aa7bd1da62495f2857ae6b859193dd592a0a02',
'arfcn': '518',
'band': 'GSM-1800'},
{'_hash': '53dd2e2682b736f427abd2ce59a9a50ca8130678',
'arfcn': '520',
'band': 'GSM-1800'},
{'_hash': '31687a5e6d5140a4b3877606ca5f18244f11d706',
'arfcn': '540',
'band': 'GSM-1900'},
{'_hash': '1def43a5c88a83cdb21279eacab0679ea08ffaf3',
'arfcn': '542',
'band': 'GSM-1900'},
{'_hash': '1d6e3b08a3861fd4d748f111295ec5a93ecd3d23',
'arfcn': '544',
'band': 'GSM-1900'},
{'_hash': '8fb36927de15466fcdbee01f7f65704c312cb36c',
'arfcn': '546',
'band': 'GSM-1900'},
{'_hash': 'dc9ce027a257da087f31a5bc1ee6b4abd2637369',
'arfcn': '548',
'band': 'GSM-1900'}],
'bts': [{'_hash': '07d9c8aaa940b674efcbbabdd69f58a6ce4e94f9',
'addr': '',
'band': 'GSM-1800',
'ipa_unit_id': '1',
'label': 'sysmoBTS 1002',
'type': 'sysmo'},
{'_hash': '76c8d2f459113cd6c99ed62d1a94bbe9a291ba94',
'addr': '',
'band': 'GSM-1800',
'ipa_unit_id': '5',
'label': 'octBTS 3000',
'trx_list': [{'hw_addr': '00:0c:90:32:b5:8a'}],
'type': 'oct'},
{'_hash': '0b7fabd512b36aec43d7d496abd00af4e193b0f8',
'addr': '',
'band': 'GSM-1900',
'ipa_unit_id': '1902',
'label': 'nanoBTS 1900',
'trx_list': [{'hw_addr': '00:02:95:00:41:b3'}],
'type': 'nanobts'}],
'ip_address': [{'_hash': 'cde1debf28f07f94f92c761b4b7c6bf35785ced4',
'addr': ''},
{'_hash': 'fd103b22c7cf2480d609150e06f4bbd92ac78d8c',
'addr': ''},
{'_hash': '1c614d6210c551d142aadca8f25e1534ebb2a70f',
'addr': ''}],
'modem': [{'_hash': '19c69e45aa090fb511446bd00797690aa82ff52f',
'imsi': '901700000007801',
'ki': 'D620F48487B1B782DA55DF6717F08FF9',
'label': 'm7801',
'path': '/wavecom_0'},
{'_hash': 'e1a46516a1fb493b2617ab14fc1693a9a45ec254',
'imsi': '901700000007802',
'ki': '47FDB2D55CE6A10A85ABDAD034A5B7B3',
'label': 'm7802',
'path': '/wavecom_1'},
{'_hash': '4fe91500a309782bb0fd8ac6fc827834089f8b00',
'imsi': '901700000007803',
'ki': 'ABBED4C91417DF710F60675B6EE2C8D2',
'label': 'm7803',
'path': '/wavecom_2'},
{'_hash': 'c895badf0c2faaa4a997cd9f2313b5ebda7486e4',
'imsi': '901700000007804',
'ki': '8BA541179156F2BF0918CA3CFF9351B0',
'label': 'm7804',
'path': '/wavecom_3'},
{'_hash': '60f182abed05adb530e3d06d88cc47703b65d7d8',
'imsi': '901700000007805',
'ki': '82BEC24B5B50C9FAA69D17DEC0883A23',
'label': 'm7805',
'path': '/wavecom_4'},
{'_hash': 'd1f0fbf089a4bf32dd566af956d23b89e3d60821',
'imsi': '901700000007806',
'ki': 'DAF6BD6A188F7A4F09866030BF0F723D',
'label': 'm7806',
'path': '/wavecom_5'},
{'_hash': '2445e3b5949d15f4351c0db1d3f3f593f9d73aa5',
'imsi': '901700000007807',
'ki': 'AEB411CFE39681A6352A1EAE4DDC9DBA',
'label': 'm7807',
'path': '/wavecom_6'},
{'_hash': '80247388b2ca382382c4aec678102355b7922965',
'imsi': '901700000007808',
'ki': 'F5DEF8692B305D7A65C677CA9EEE09C4',
'label': 'm7808',
'path': '/wavecom_7'},
{'_hash': '5b9e4e117a8889430542d22a9693e7b999362856',
'imsi': '901700000007809',
'ki': 'A644F4503E812FD75329B1C8D625DA44',
'label': 'm7809',
'path': '/wavecom_8'},
{'_hash': '219a7abb057050eef3ce4b99c487f32bbaae9a41',
'imsi': '901700000007810',
'ki': 'EF663BDF3477DCD18D3D2293A2BAED67',
'label': 'm7810',
'path': '/wavecom_9'},
{'_hash': '75d45c2d975b893da34c7cae827c25a2039cecd2',
'imsi': '901700000007811',
'ki': 'E88F37F048A86A9BC4D652539228C039',
'label': 'm7811',
'path': '/wavecom_10'},
{'_hash': '1777362f556b249a5c1d6a83110704dbd037bc20',
'imsi': '901700000007812',
'ki': 'E8D940DD66FCF6F1CD2C0F8F8C45633D',
'label': 'm7812',
'path': '/wavecom_11'},
{'_hash': '21d7eb4b0c782e004821a9f7f778891c93956924',
'imsi': '901700000007813',
'ki': 'DBF534700C10141C49F699B0419107E3',
'label': 'm7813',
'path': '/wavecom_12'},
{'_hash': 'f53e4e79bdbc63eb2845de671007d4f733f28409',
'imsi': '901700000007814',
'ki': 'B36021DEB90C4EA607E408A92F3B024D',
'label': 'm7814',
'path': '/wavecom_13'},
{'_hash': 'df1abec7704ebc89b2c062a69bd299cf3663ed9e',
'imsi': '901700000007815',
'ki': '1E209F6F839F9195778C4F96BE281A24',
'label': 'm7815',
'path': '/wavecom_14'},
{'_hash': '11df1e4c7708157e5b89020c757763f58d6e610b',
'imsi': '901700000007816',
'ki': 'BF827D219E739DD189F6F59E60D6455C',
'label': 'm7816',
'path': '/wavecom_15'}]}
*** end: all resources
- request some resources
--- testowner: Reserving 2 x arfcn (candidates: 10)
--- testowner: DBG: Picked - _hash: e620569450f8259b3f0212ec19c285dd07df063c
arfcn: '512'
band: GSM-1800
- _hash: 022621e513c5a5bf33b77430a1e9c886be676fa1
arfcn: '514'
band: GSM-1800
--- testowner: Reserving 2 x bts (candidates: 3)
--- testowner: DBG: Picked - _hash: 07d9c8aaa940b674efcbbabdd69f58a6ce4e94f9
band: GSM-1800
ipa_unit_id: '1'
label: sysmoBTS 1002
type: sysmo
- _hash: 76c8d2f459113cd6c99ed62d1a94bbe9a291ba94
band: GSM-1800
ipa_unit_id: '5'
label: octBTS 3000
- hw_addr: 00:0c:90:32:b5:8a
type: oct
--- testowner: Reserving 1 x ip_address (candidates: 3)
--- testowner: DBG: Picked - _hash: cde1debf28f07f94f92c761b4b7c6bf35785ced4
--- testowner: Reserving 2 x modem (candidates: 16)
--- testowner: DBG: Picked - _hash: 19c69e45aa090fb511446bd00797690aa82ff52f
imsi: '901700000007801'
ki: D620F48487B1B782DA55DF6717F08FF9
label: m7801
path: /wavecom_0
- _hash: e1a46516a1fb493b2617ab14fc1693a9a45ec254
imsi: '901700000007802'
ki: 47FDB2D55CE6A10A85ABDAD034A5B7B3
label: m7802
path: /wavecom_1
~~~ currently reserved:
- _hash: e620569450f8259b3f0212ec19c285dd07df063c
_reserved_by: testowner-123-1490837279
arfcn: '512'
band: GSM-1800
- _hash: 022621e513c5a5bf33b77430a1e9c886be676fa1
_reserved_by: testowner-123-1490837279
arfcn: '514'
band: GSM-1800
- _hash: 07d9c8aaa940b674efcbbabdd69f58a6ce4e94f9
_reserved_by: testowner-123-1490837279
band: GSM-1800
ipa_unit_id: '1'
label: sysmoBTS 1002
type: sysmo
- _hash: 76c8d2f459113cd6c99ed62d1a94bbe9a291ba94
_reserved_by: testowner-123-1490837279
band: GSM-1800
ipa_unit_id: '5'
label: octBTS 3000
- hw_addr: 00:0c:90:32:b5:8a
type: oct
- _hash: cde1debf28f07f94f92c761b4b7c6bf35785ced4
_reserved_by: testowner-123-1490837279
- _hash: 19c69e45aa090fb511446bd00797690aa82ff52f
_reserved_by: testowner-123-1490837279
imsi: '901700000007801'
ki: D620F48487B1B782DA55DF6717F08FF9
label: m7801
path: /wavecom_0
- _hash: e1a46516a1fb493b2617ab14fc1693a9a45ec254
_reserved_by: testowner-123-1490837279
imsi: '901700000007802'
ki: 47FDB2D55CE6A10A85ABDAD034A5B7B3
label: m7802
path: /wavecom_1
~~~ end: currently reserved
~~~ currently reserved:
~~~ end: currently reserved
- item_matches:
1st subset matches correctly, pass
2nd subset matches correctly, pass
3rd subset should not match, pass
3rd subset should not match, pass
4th subset should not match, pass