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/* Utility functions from ogslib imported to TTCN-3
* (C) 2019 Harald Welte <laforge@gnumonks.org>
* All rights reserved.
* Released under the terms of GNU General Public License, Version 2 or
* (at your option) any later version.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
module LTE_CryptoFunctions {
import from General_Types all;
import from S1AP_Types all;
import from S1AP_PDU_Descriptions all;
import from NAS_EPS_Types all;
import from NAS_Templates all;
* low-level API (external C/C++ code)
external function f_snow_3g_f8(in OCT16 key, in integer count, in integer bearer,
in boolean is_downlink, in octetstring data) return octetstring;
external function f_snow_3g_f9(in OCT16 key, in integer count, in integer fresh,
in boolean is_downlink, in octetstring data) return OCT4;
external function f_kdf_kasme(in OCT16 ck, in OCT16 ik, in OCT3 plmn_id,
in OCT6 sqn, in OCT6 ak) return OCT32;
external function f_kdf_nas_int(in integer alg_id, in OCT32 kasme) return OCT32;
external function f_kdf_nas_enc(in integer alg_id, in OCT32 kasme) return OCT32;
external function f_kdf_enb(in OCT16 kasme, in integer ul_count) return OCT32;
external function f_kdf_nh(in OCT16 kasme, in OCT32 sync_inp) return OCT32;
* mid-level API
function f_nas_mac_calc(NAS_ALG_INT alg, octetstring k_nas_int, integer seq_nr,
integer bearer, boolean is_downlink, octetstring data) return OCT4 {
select (alg) {
case (NAS_ALG_IP_EIA0) {
return '00000000'O;
case (NAS_ALG_IP_EIA1) {
return f_snow_3g_f9(k_nas_int, seq_nr, bearer, is_downlink, data);
case else {
setverdict(fail, "Unsupported EIA: ", alg);
function f_nas_encrypt(NAS_ALG_ENC alg, octetstring k_nas_enc, integer count,
integer bearer, boolean is_downlink, inout octetstring data) {
select (alg) {
case (NAS_ALG_ENC_EEA0) { }
case (NAS_ALG_ENC_EEA1) {
f_snow_3g_f8(k_nas_enc, count, bearer, is_downlink, data);
case else {
setverdict(fail, "Unsupported EEA: ", alg);
* high-level API (full NAS encapsulation/decapsulation)
type record NAS_UE_State {
NAS_Role role, /* ATS implements UE or MME role? */
NAS_ALG_INT alg_int, /* NAS Integrity Protection Algorithm */
octetstring k_nas_int, /* NAS Integrity Protection Key */
NAS_ALG_ENC alg_enc, /* NAS Encryption Algorithm */
octetstring k_nas_enc, /* NAS Encryption Key */
integer rx_count, /* frame counter (ATS rx side) */
integer tx_count /* frame counter (ATS tx side) */
template (value) NAS_UE_State t_NAS_UE_State(NAS_Role role) := {
role := role,
alg_int := NAS_ALG_IP_EIA0,
k_nas_int := ''O,
alg_enc := NAS_ALG_ENC_EEA0,
k_nas_enc := ''O,
rx_count := 0,
tx_count := 0
type enumerated NAS_Role {
NAS_ROLE_UE, /* ATS implements/emulates UE */
NAS_ROLE_MME /* ATS implements/emulates MME */
type enumerated NAS_ALG_INT {
NAS_ALG_IP_EIA0, /* no integrity protection */
NAS_ALG_IP_EIA1, /* SNOW-3G F9 based */
NAS_ALG_IP_EIA2, /* AES based */
type enumerated NAS_ALG_ENC {
NAS_ALG_ENC_EEA0, /* no encryption */
NAS_ALG_ENC_EEA1, /* SNOW-3G F8 based */
NAS_ALG_ENC_EEA2, /* AES based */
/* port between individual per-connection components and this translator */
type port S1AP_NAS_Conn_PT message {
} with { extension "internal" };
/* determine if a received (from the IUT) message is downlink or not */
private function f_rx_is_downlink(in NAS_UE_State nus) return boolean
if (nus.role == NAS_ROLE_UE) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
/* determine if a message transmitted to the IUT message is downlink or not */
private function f_tx_is_downlink(in NAS_UE_State nus) return boolean
return not f_rx_is_downlink(nus);
private function f_nas_check_ip(inout NAS_UE_State nus,
in PDU_NAS_EPS_SecurityProtectedNASMessage secp_nas) return boolean
var octetstring data_with_seq := int2oct(secp_nas.sequenceNumber, 1) & secp_nas.nAS_Message;
var OCT4 exp_mac := f_nas_mac_calc(nus.alg_int, nus.k_nas_int, nus.rx_count, 0,
f_rx_is_downlink(nus), data_with_seq);
if (exp_mac != secp_nas.messageAuthenticationCode) {
setverdict(fail, "Received NAS MAC ", secp_nas.messageAuthenticationCode,
" doesn't match expected MAC ", exp_mac, ": ", secp_nas);
return false;
return true;
/* try to decapsulate (MAC verify, decrypt) NAS message */
function f_nas_try_decaps(inout NAS_UE_State nus, PDU_NAS_EPS nas) return PDU_NAS_EPS
var PDU_NAS_EPS_SecurityProtectedNASMessage secp_nas;
/* transparently pass through any non-protected NAS */
if (not match(nas, tr_NAS_EMM_SecurityProtected)) {
return nas;
/* process any security-protected NAS */
secp_nas := nas.ePS_messages.ePS_MobilityManagement.pDU_NAS_EPS_SecurityProtectedNASMessage;
select (secp_nas.securityHeaderType) {
case ('0011'B) { /* IP with new EPS security context */
nus.rx_count := 0;
nus.alg_int := NAS_ALG_IP_EIA1; /* FIXME: from decoded inner message! */
if (not f_nas_check_ip(nus, secp_nas)) {
return dec_PDU_NAS_EPS(secp_nas.nAS_Message);
case ('0001'B) { /* IP only */
if (not f_nas_check_ip(nus, secp_nas)) {
return dec_PDU_NAS_EPS(secp_nas.nAS_Message);
case ('0010'B) { /* IP + ciphered */
if (not f_nas_check_ip(nus, secp_nas)) {
f_nas_encrypt(nus.alg_enc, nus.k_nas_enc, nus.rx_count, 0,
f_rx_is_downlink(nus), secp_nas.nAS_Message);
return dec_PDU_NAS_EPS(secp_nas.nAS_Message);
case ('0100'B) { /* IP + ciphered; new EPS security context */
nus.rx_count := 0;
if (not f_nas_check_ip(nus, secp_nas)) {
f_nas_encrypt(nus.alg_enc, nus.k_nas_enc, nus.rx_count, 0,
f_rx_is_downlink(nus), secp_nas.nAS_Message);
return dec_PDU_NAS_EPS(secp_nas.nAS_Message);
//case ('0101'B) { /* IP + partially ciphered */ }
//case ('1100'B) { /* Service Request Message */ }
case else {
setverdict(fail, "Implement SecHdrType for ", secp_nas);
private function f_nas_determine_sec_hdr_t(boolean encrypt, boolean authenticate, boolean new_ctx)
return BIT4
if (encrypt == false and authenticate == false and new_ctx == false) {
return '0000'B;
} else if (encrypt == false and authenticate == true and new_ctx == false) {
return '0001'B;
} else if (encrypt == false and authenticate == true and new_ctx == true) {
return '0011'B;
} else if (encrypt == true and authenticate == true and new_ctx == true) {
return '0100'B;
} else if (encrypt == true and authenticate == true and new_ctx == false) {
return '0010'B;
} else {
setverdict(fail, "invalid sec_hdr conditions");
/* encapsulate a NAS message (encrypt, MAC) */
function f_nas_encaps(inout NAS_UE_State nus, PDU_NAS_EPS nas_in, boolean new_ctx := false)
return PDU_NAS_EPS
var boolean encrypt := false;
var boolean authenticate := false;
if (nus.alg_int != NAS_ALG_IP_EIA0) {
authenticate := true;
if (nus.alg_enc != NAS_ALG_ENC_EEA0) {
encrypt := true;
if (encrypt == false and authenticate == false) {
return nas_in;
if (new_ctx) {
nus.tx_count := 0;
var BIT4 sec_hdr_t := f_nas_determine_sec_hdr_t(encrypt, authenticate, new_ctx);
var octetstring nas_enc := enc_PDU_NAS_EPS(nas_in);
if (encrypt) {
f_nas_encrypt(nus.alg_enc, nus.k_nas_enc, nus.tx_count, 0,
f_tx_is_downlink(nus), nas_enc);
var PDU_NAS_EPS nas_out;
nas_out := valueof(ts_NAS_EMM_SecurityProtected(sec_hdr_t, nus.tx_count, nas_enc));
if (authenticate) {
var OCT4 mac := f_nas_mac_calc(nus.alg_int, nus.k_nas_int, nus.tx_count, 0,
f_tx_is_downlink(nus), '00'O & nas_enc);
nas_out.ePS_messages.ePS_MobilityManagement.pDU_NAS_EPS_SecurityProtectedNASMessage.messageAuthenticationCode := mac;
return nas_out;
} // namespace