#!/bin/sh PIDFILE_PCAP=/tmp/pcap.pid PIDFILE_NETCAT=/tmp/netcat.pid TESTCASE=$1 VERDICT="$2" kill_rm_pidfile() { if [ -e $1 ]; then PSNAME="$(ps -q "$(cat "$1")" -o comm=)" if [ "$PSNAME" != "sudo" ]; then kill "$(cat "$1")" else # NOTE: This requires you to be root or something like # "laforge ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/tcpdump, /bin/kill" in your sudoers file sudo kill "$(cat "$1")" fi rm $1 fi } date if [ x"$VERDICT" = x"pass" ]; then echo -e "\033[1;32m====== $TESTCASE $VERDICT ======\033[0m" else echo -e "\033[1;31m------ $TESTCASE $VERDICT ------\033[0m" fi echo if [ "z$TTCN3_PCAP_PATH" = "z" ]; then TTCN3_PCAP_PATH=/tmp fi # Order the SUT to print a talloc report if [ "z$OSMO_SUT_HOST" != "z" ] && [ "z$OSMO_SUT_PORT" != "z" ]; then if [ -x "$(command -v osmo_interact_vty.py)" ]; then osmo_interact_vty.py \ -H $OSMO_SUT_HOST -p $OSMO_SUT_PORT \ -c "en; show talloc-context application full" \ > "$TTCN3_PCAP_PATH/$TESTCASE.talloc" else echo "Missing osmo_interact_vty.py from osmo-python-tests!" echo " -> Unable to obtain talloc report from the SUT" fi fi # Wait for up to 2 seconds if we keep receiving traffinc from packet dumper, # otherwise we might lose last packets from test. i=0 prev_count=-1 count=$(stat --format="%s" "$TTCN3_PCAP_PATH/$TESTCASE.pcap") while [ $count -gt $prev_count ] && [ $i -lt 2 ] do echo "Waiting for packet dumper to finish... $i (prev_count=$prev_count, count=$count)" sleep 1 prev_count=$count count=$(stat --format="%s" "$TTCN3_PCAP_PATH/$TESTCASE.pcap") i=$((i+1)) done kill_rm_pidfile "$PIDFILE_PCAP" kill_rm_pidfile "$PIDFILE_NETCAT" gzip -f "$TTCN3_PCAP_PATH/$TESTCASE.pcap"