#!/bin/sh # Helper script to starte a TITAN-generated test suite, supporting # dynamically linked suites to ensure JUNIT generation is possible. if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then echo "You have to specify the test suite name" echo "Syntax example: $0 osmo-ttcn3-hacks/ggsn_tests/GGSN_Test ./GGSN_Test.cfg" exit 1 fi SUITE=$1 SUITE_DIR="$(dirname "$SUITE")" SUITE_NAME="$(basename "$SUITE")" CFG="$SUITE_NAME.cfg" if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then CFG=$2 fi if [ $# -gt 2 ]; then TEST=$3 fi LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$SUITE_DIR:/usr/lib/titan:/usr/ttcn3/lib" ttcn3_start $SUITE $CFG $TEST expected="$SUITE_DIR/expected-results.log" if [ ! -f "$expected" ]; then echo "No expected results found, not comparing outcome. ($expected)" exit 0 fi # find the most recent junit output log here last_log="$(ls -1tr junit*.log | tail -n 1)" if [ ! -f "$last_log" ]; then echo "No junit log found." exit 1 fi compare="$SUITE_DIR/../compare-results.sh" if [ ! -x "$compare" ]; then echo "ERROR: cannot find $compare" exit 1 fi set -e "$compare" "$expected" "$last_log" $OSMO_TTCN3_COMPARE_ARGS