Osocom_Gb_Types: Add send/receive templates for SNS-SIZE and SNS-CONFIG procedure

Change-Id: Iaa12c468a9e665d2050945cfc0a60dab4024071c
This commit is contained in:
Harald Welte 2018-06-30 11:05:20 +02:00
parent 387ab37dfd
commit f4bf131eca
3 changed files with 275 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ module Osmocom_Gb_Types {
import from GSM_RR_Types all;
import from BSSGP_Types all
import from NS_Types all
import from Native_Functions all;
type uint16_t Nsvci;
type uint16_t Nsei;
@ -81,26 +82,49 @@ module Osmocom_Gb_Types {
cause := int2oct(enum2int(valueof(cause)), 1)
function ts_NS_IE_CAUSE_omit(template (omit) NsCause cause) return template (omit) CauseNS {
var template (omit) CauseNS ret;
if (istemplatekind(cause, "omit")) {
return omit;
} else {
ret := {
iEI := '00'O,
ext := '1'B,
lengthIndicator := {
length1 := 1
cause := int2oct(enum2int(valueof(cause)), 1)
return ret;
function tr_NS_IE_CAUSE(template NsCause cause) return template CauseNS {
var template CauseNS ret;
ret.iEI := '00'O;
ret.ext := '1'B;
ret.lengthIndicator := { length1 := 1 };
if (isvalue(cause)) {
ret.cause := int2oct(enum2int(valueof(cause)), 1);
} else {
if (istemplatekind(cause, "omit")) {
return omit;
} else if (istemplatekind(cause, "*")) {
return *;
} else if (istemplatekind(cause, "?")) {
ret.cause := ?
} else {
ret.cause := int2oct(enum2int(valueof(cause)), 1);
return ret;
private function f_oct_or_wc(template integer inp, integer len) return template octetstring {
if (isvalue(inp)) {
return int2oct(valueof(inp), len);
} else {
return ?
if (istemplatekind(inp, "omit")) {
return omit;
} else if (istemplatekind(inp, "*")) {
return *;
} else if (istemplatekind(inp, "?")) {
return ?;
return int2oct(valueof(inp), len);
template (value) NS_VCI ts_NS_IE_NSVCI(Nsvci nsvci) := {
@ -137,6 +161,40 @@ module Osmocom_Gb_Types {
nSEI := f_oct_or_wc(nsei, 2)
template (value) IP4_Element ts_SNS_IPv4(charstring ip, integer udp_port,
uint8_t sig_weight := 1, uint8_t data_weight := 1) := {
ipAddress := f_inet_addr(ip),
uDP_Port := int2oct(udp_port, 2),
signallingWeight := int2oct(sig_weight, 1),
dataWeight := int2oct(data_weight, 1)
function tr_SNS_IPv4(template charstring ip, template integer udp_port,
template uint8_t sig_weight := ?, template uint8_t data_weight := ?)
return template IP4_Element {
var template IP4_Element e;
if (istemplatekind(ip, "?")) {
e.ipAddress := ?;
} else {
e.ipAddress := f_inet_addr(valueof(ip));
if (istemplatekind(udp_port, "?")) {
e.uDP_Port := ?;
} else {
e.uDP_Port := int2oct(valueof(udp_port), 2);
if (istemplatekind(sig_weight, "?")) {
e.signallingWeight := ?;
} else {
e.signallingWeight := int2oct(valueof(sig_weight), 1);
if (istemplatekind(data_weight, "?")) {
e.dataWeight := ?;
} else {
e.dataWeight := int2oct(valueof(data_weight), 1);
return e;
template (value) PDU_NS ts_NS_RESET(NsCause cause, Nsvci nsvci, Nsei nsei) := {
pDU_NS_Reset := {
@ -260,6 +318,214 @@ octetstring sdu) := {
private function ts_num_of_ep(OCT1 iei, template (omit) uint16_t num_ep)
return template (omit) NumberOfIP_Endpoints {
var template (omit) NumberOfIP_Endpoints t;
if (istemplatekind(num_ep, "omit")) {
return omit;
} else {
t.iEI := iei;
t.numberOfIP_Endpoints := int2oct(valueof(num_ep), 2);
return t;
private function tr_num_of_ep(OCT1 iei, template uint16_t num_ep)
return template NumberOfIP_Endpoints {
var template NumberOfIP_Endpoints t;
if (istemplatekind(num_ep, "omit")) {
return omit;
} else if (istemplatekind(num_ep, "*")) {
return *;
} else if (istemplatekind(num_ep, "?")) {
return ?;
} else {
t.iEI := iei;
t.numberOfIP_Endpoints := int2oct(valueof(num_ep), 2);
return t;
template (value) ResetFlag ts_SNS_IE_ResetFlag(boolean rst) := {
iEI := '0A'O,
resetBIT := bool2bit(rst),
spare := '0000000'B
template ResetFlag tr_SNS_IE_ResetFlag(template boolean rst) := {
iEI := '0A'O,
resetBIT := bool2bit_tmpl(rst),
spare := '0000000'B
template (value) EndFlag ts_SNS_IE_EndFlag(boolean end) := {
eBIT := bool2bit(end),
spare := '0000000'B
template EndFlag tr_SNS_IE_EndFlag(template boolean end) := {
eBIT := bool2bit_tmpl(end),
spare := '0000000'B
template (value) MaxNumberOfNSVCs ts_SNS_IE_MaxNumOfNSVCs(uint16_t num) := {
iEI := '07'O,
maxNumberOfNSVCs := int2oct(num, 2)
template MaxNumberOfNSVCs tr_SNS_IE_MaxNumOfNSVCs(template uint16_t num) := {
iEI := '07'O,
maxNumberOfNSVCs := f_oct_or_wc(num, 2)
template (value) PDU_NS ts_SNS_SIZE(Nsei nsei, boolean rst_flag := true,
uint16_t max_nsvcs := 2,
template (omit) uint16_t num_v4 := 1,
template (omit) uint16_t num_v6 := omit) := {
pDU_SNS_Size := {
nsPduType := '12'O,
nSEI_NS := ts_NS_IE_NSEI(nsei),
resetFlag := ts_SNS_IE_ResetFlag(rst_flag),
maxNumberOfNSVCs := ts_SNS_IE_MaxNumOfNSVCs(max_nsvcs),
numberOfIP4_Endpoints := ts_num_of_ep('08'O, num_v4),
numberOfIP6_Endpoints := ts_num_of_ep('09'O, num_v6)
template PDU_NS tr_SNS_SIZE(template Nsei nsei, template boolean rst_flag := ?,
template uint16_t max_nsvcs := ?,
template uint16_t num_v4 := ?,
template uint16_t num_v6 := *) := {
pDU_SNS_Size := {
nsPduType := '12'O,
nSEI_NS := tr_NS_IE_NSEI(nsei),
resetFlag := tr_SNS_IE_ResetFlag(rst_flag),
maxNumberOfNSVCs := tr_SNS_IE_MaxNumOfNSVCs(max_nsvcs),
numberOfIP4_Endpoints := tr_num_of_ep('08'O, num_v4),
numberOfIP6_Endpoints := tr_num_of_ep('09'O, num_v6)
template PDU_NS ts_SNS_SIZE_ACK(Nsei nsei, template (omit) NsCause cause) := {
pDU_SNS_Size_Ack := {
nsPduType := '13'O,
nSEI_NS := ts_NS_IE_NSEI(nsei),
causeNS := ts_NS_IE_CAUSE_omit(cause)
template PDU_NS tr_SNS_SIZE_ACK(template Nsei nsei, template NsCause cause) := {
pDU_SNS_Size_Ack := {
nsPduType := '13'O,
nSEI_NS := tr_NS_IE_NSEI(nsei),
causeNS := tr_NS_IE_CAUSE(cause)
private function ts_SNS_IE_ListIP4(template (omit) IP4_Elements elem)
return template (omit) ListofIP4Elements {
var template (omit) ListofIP4Elements r;
if (istemplatekind(elem, "omit")) {
return omit;
} else {
r := {
iEI := '05'O,
ext := '1'B,
lengthIndicator := {
length1 := 0 /* overwritten */
iP4_Elements := elem
return r;
private function tr_SNS_IE_ListIP4(template IP4_Elements elem)
return template ListofIP4Elements {
var template ListofIP4Elements r;
if (istemplatekind(elem, "omit")) {
return omit;
} else {
r := {
iEI := '05'O,
ext := '1'B,
lengthIndicator := {
length1 := ? /* overwritten */
iP4_Elements := elem
return r;
private function ts_SNS_IE_ListIP6(template (omit) IP6_Elements elem)
return template (omit) ListofIP6Elements {
var template (omit) ListofIP6Elements r;
if (istemplatekind(elem, "omit")) {
return omit;
} else {
r := {
iEI := '06'O,
ext := '1'B,
lengthIndicator := {
length1 := 0 /* overwritten */
iP6_Elements := elem
return r;
private function tr_SNS_IE_ListIP6(template IP6_Elements elem)
return template ListofIP6Elements {
var template ListofIP6Elements r;
if (istemplatekind(elem, "omit")) {
return omit;
} else {
r := {
iEI := '06'O,
ext := '1'B,
lengthIndicator := {
length1 := ? /* overwritten */
iP6_Elements := elem
return r;
template (value) PDU_NS ts_SNS_CONFIG(Nsei nsei, boolean end_flag,
template (omit) IP4_Elements v4,
template (omit) IP6_Elements v6 := omit) := {
pDU_SNS_Config := {
nsPduType := '0F'O,
endFlag := ts_SNS_IE_EndFlag(end_flag),
nSEI_NS := ts_NS_IE_NSEI(nsei),
listofIP4Elements := ts_SNS_IE_ListIP4(v4),
listofIP6Elements := ts_SNS_IE_ListIP6(v6)
template PDU_NS tr_SNS_CONFIG(template Nsei nsei, template boolean end_flag,
template IP4_Elements v4,
template IP6_Elements v6 := omit) := {
pDU_SNS_Config := {
nsPduType := '0F'O,
endFlag := tr_SNS_IE_EndFlag(end_flag),
nSEI_NS := tr_NS_IE_NSEI(nsei),
listofIP4Elements := tr_SNS_IE_ListIP4(v4),
listofIP6Elements := tr_SNS_IE_ListIP6(v6)
template (value) PDU_NS ts_SNS_CONFIG_ACK(Nsei nsei, template (omit) NsCause cause) := {
pDU_SNS_Config_Ack := {
nsPduType := '10'O,
nSEI_NS := ts_NS_IE_NSEI(nsei),
causeNS := ts_NS_IE_CAUSE_omit(cause)
template PDU_NS tr_SNS_CONFIG_ACK(template Nsei nsei, template NsCause cause) := {
pDU_SNS_Config_Ack := {
nsPduType := '10'O,
nSEI_NS := tr_NS_IE_NSEI(nsei),
causeNS := tr_NS_IE_CAUSE(cause)
type record BssgpCellId {
RoutingAreaIdentification ra_id,
CellIdentity cell_id

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@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ gen_links $DIR $FILES
FILES="Misc_Helpers.ttcn General_Types.ttcn GSM_Types.ttcn GSM_RR_Types.ttcn Osmocom_Types.ttcn RLCMAC_Types.ttcn RLCMAC_CSN1_Types.ttcn RLCMAC_EncDec.cc L1CTL_Types.ttcn L1CTL_PortType.ttcn L1CTL_PortType_CtrlFunct.ttcn L1CTL_PortType_CtrlFunctDef.cc LAPDm_RAW_PT.ttcn LAPDm_Types.ttcn "
FILES="Misc_Helpers.ttcn General_Types.ttcn Native_Functions.ttcn Native_FunctionDefs.cc GSM_Types.ttcn GSM_RR_Types.ttcn Osmocom_Types.ttcn RLCMAC_Types.ttcn RLCMAC_CSN1_Types.ttcn RLCMAC_EncDec.cc L1CTL_Types.ttcn L1CTL_PortType.ttcn L1CTL_PortType_CtrlFunct.ttcn L1CTL_PortType_CtrlFunctDef.cc LAPDm_RAW_PT.ttcn LAPDm_Types.ttcn "
FILES+="NS_Emulation.ttcn NS_CodecPort.ttcn NS_CodecPort_CtrlFunct.ttcn NS_CodecPort_CtrlFunctDef.cc "
FILES+="BSSGP_Emulation.ttcn Osmocom_Gb_Types.ttcn "
FILES+="LLC_Templates.ttcn L3_Templates.ttcn L3_Common.ttcn "

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
FILES="*.ttcn BSSGP_EncDec.cc IPL4asp_PT.cc IPL4asp_discovery.cc TCCConversion.cc TCCInterface.cc NS_CodecPort_CtrlFunctDef.cc UD_PT.cc RLCMAC_EncDec.cc LLC_EncDec.cc L1CTL_PortType_CtrlFunctDef.cc"
FILES="*.ttcn BSSGP_EncDec.cc IPL4asp_PT.cc IPL4asp_discovery.cc TCCConversion.cc TCCInterface.cc NS_CodecPort_CtrlFunctDef.cc UD_PT.cc RLCMAC_EncDec.cc LLC_EncDec.cc L1CTL_PortType_CtrlFunctDef.cc Native_FunctionDefs.cc"
../regen-makefile.sh PCU_Tests.ttcn $FILES