bts: ciphering tests

Change-Id: If450e36cfd8cde713f304e57ec09bc1239bdf7ea
This commit is contained in:
Harald Welte 2018-04-18 22:38:16 +02:00
parent 1bbe0b733d
commit e613f96593
7 changed files with 387 additions and 36 deletions

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@ -395,42 +395,42 @@ function f_rsl_reply(template PDU_ML3_MS_NW l3, RSL_Message orig) runs on MSC_Co
/* Convert the chipher representation on BSSMAP to the representation used on RSL */
function f_chipher_mode_bssmap_to_rsl(OCT1 alg_bssmap) return OCT1
function f_chipher_mode_bssmap_to_rsl(OCT1 alg_bssmap) return RSL_AlgId
/* A5 0 */
if (alg_bssmap == '01'O) {
return '01'O;
return RSL_ALG_ID_A5_0;
/* A5 1 */
else if (alg_bssmap == '02'O) {
return '02'O;
return RSL_ALG_ID_A5_1;
/* A5 2 */
else if (alg_bssmap == '04'O) {
return '03'O;
return RSL_ALG_ID_A5_2;
/* A5 3 */
else if (alg_bssmap == '08'O) {
return '04'O;
return RSL_ALG_ID_A5_3;
/* A5 4 */
else if (alg_bssmap == '10'O) {
return '05'O;
return RSL_ALG_ID_A5_4;
/* A5 5 */
else if (alg_bssmap == '20'O) {
return '06'O;
return RSL_ALG_ID_A5_5;
/* A5 6 */
else if (alg_bssmap == '40'O) {
return '07'O;
return RSL_ALG_ID_A5_6;
/* A5 7 */
else if (alg_bssmap == '80'O) {
return '08'O;
return RSL_ALG_ID_A5_7;
} else {
setverdict(fail, "Unexpected Encryption Algorithm");
return '00'O;
return RSL_ALG_ID_A5_0;
@ -438,7 +438,7 @@ function f_cipher_mode(OCT1 alg, OCT8 key, template OCT16 kc128 := omit, boolean
runs on MSC_ConnHdlr {
var PDU_BSSAP bssap;
var RSL_Message rsl;
var OCT1 alg_rsl;
var RSL_AlgId alg_rsl;
if (isvalue(kc128)) {
BSSAP.send(ts_BSSMAP_CipherModeCmdKc128(alg, key, valueof(kc128)));

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@ -143,7 +143,8 @@ type record ConnHdlrPars {
RSL_IE_ChannelMode chan_mode,
float t_guard,
ConnL1Pars l1_pars,
TestSpecUnion spec optional
TestSpecUnion spec optional,
RSL_IE_EncryptionInfo encr optional
/* Test-specific parameters */
@ -464,9 +465,17 @@ runs on ConnHdlr {
var RSL_Message rx := f_rsl_transceive_ret(tx, exp_rx, id, ignore_other);
function f_rsl_chan_act(RSL_IE_ChannelMode mode) runs on ConnHdlr {
f_rsl_transceive(ts_RSL_CHAN_ACT(g_chan_nr, mode), tr_RSL_CHAN_ACT_ACK(g_chan_nr),
function f_rsl_chan_act(RSL_IE_ChannelMode mode, boolean encr_enable := false)
runs on ConnHdlr {
var RSL_Message ch_act := valueof(ts_RSL_CHAN_ACT(g_chan_nr, mode));
if (encr_enable) {
/* append encryption related IEs, if requested */
var RSL_IE_EncryptionInfo encr_info;
encr_info := valueof(ts_RSL_IE_EncrInfo(g_pars.encr.alg_id, g_pars.encr.key));
ch_act.ies := ch_act.ies & { valueof(t_RSL_IE(RSL_IE_ENCR_INFO, RSL_IE_Body:{encr_info :=
encr_info})) };
f_rsl_transceive(ch_act, tr_RSL_CHAN_ACT_ACK(g_chan_nr), "RSL CHAN ACT");
function f_rsl_chan_deact() runs on ConnHdlr {
@ -498,7 +507,8 @@ private template ConnHdlrPars t_Pars(template RslChannelNr chan_nr,
ms_power_level := 0,
ms_actual_ta := 0
spec := omit
spec := omit,
encr := omit
@ -620,6 +630,23 @@ testcase TC_chan_act_wrong_nr() runs on test_CT {
/* execute the same callback function on a variety of logical channels */
private function f_testmatrix_each_chan(ConnHdlrPars pars, void_fn fn) runs on test_CT {
var ConnHdlr vc_conn;
/* test on each of the channels we have */
for (var integer i := 0; i < sizeof(g_AllChanTypes); i := i+1) {
pars.chan_nr := valueof(g_AllChanTypes[i]);
log(testcasename(), ": XXX Starting on ", g_AllChanTypes[i]);
vc_conn := f_start_handler(fn, pars);
* SACCH handling
@ -1254,8 +1281,42 @@ altstep as_meas_res() runs on ConnHdlr {
private function f_alg_id_to_l1ctl(RSL_AlgId rsl_alg_id) return uint8_t {
select (rsl_alg_id) {
case (RSL_ALG_ID_A5_0) { return 0; }
case (RSL_ALG_ID_A5_1) { return 1; }
case (RSL_ALG_ID_A5_2) { return 2; }
case (RSL_ALG_ID_A5_3) { return 3; }
case (RSL_ALG_ID_A5_4) { return 4; }
case (RSL_ALG_ID_A5_5) { return 5; }
case (RSL_ALG_ID_A5_6) { return 6; }
case (RSL_ALG_ID_A5_7) { return 7; }
case else {
setverdict(fail, "Unknwon Algorithm ID");
private function f_alg_id_to_l3(RSL_AlgId rsl_alg_id) return BIT3 {
select (rsl_alg_id) {
case (RSL_ALG_ID_A5_1) { return '000'B; }
case (RSL_ALG_ID_A5_2) { return '001'B; }
case (RSL_ALG_ID_A5_3) { return '010'B; }
case (RSL_ALG_ID_A5_4) { return '011'B; }
case (RSL_ALG_ID_A5_5) { return '100'B; }
case (RSL_ALG_ID_A5_6) { return '101'B; }
case (RSL_ALG_ID_A5_7) { return '110'B; }
case else {
setverdict(fail, "Unknwon Algorithm ID");
/* Establish dedicated channel: L1CTL + RSL side */
private function f_est_dchan() runs on ConnHdlr {
private function f_est_dchan(boolean encr_enable := false) runs on ConnHdlr {
var GsmFrameNumber fn;
var ImmediateAssignment imm_ass;
var integer ra := 23;
@ -1265,7 +1326,7 @@ private function f_est_dchan() runs on ConnHdlr {
/* Activate channel on BTS side */
f_rsl_chan_act(g_pars.chan_mode, encr_enable);
/* Send IMM.ASS via CCHAN */
var ChannelDescription ch_desc := {
@ -1287,6 +1348,11 @@ private function f_est_dchan() runs on ConnHdlr {
ia_um := f_L1CTL_WAIT_IMM_ASS(L1CTL, ra, fn);
/* enable dedicated mode */
f_L1CTL_DM_EST_REQ_IA(L1CTL, ia_um);
/* enable encryption, if requested */
if (encr_enable) {
var uint8_t alg_id := f_alg_id_to_l1ctl(g_pars.encr.alg_id);
f_L1CTL_CRYPTO_REQ(L1CTL, g_pars.chan_nr, alg_id, g_pars.encr.key);
g_first_meas_res := true;
@ -3349,9 +3415,9 @@ private function f_TC_rll_ud_req(charstring id) runs on ConnHdlr {
RSL.send(ts_RSL_UNITDATA_REQ(g_chan_nr, tc.link_id, tc.l3));
/* Expect it to arrive on the other side */
if (tc.link_id.c == SACCH) {
f_l1_exp_lapdm(tr_LAPDm_B4_UI(tc.sapi, cr_MT_CMD, false, tc.l3));
f_l1_exp_lapdm(tr_LAPDm_B4_UI(tc.sapi, cr_MT_CMD, tc.l3));
} else {
f_l1_exp_lapdm(tr_LAPDm_UI(tc.sapi, cr_MT_CMD, false, tc.l3));
f_l1_exp_lapdm(tr_LAPDm_UI(tc.sapi, cr_MT_CMD, tc.l3));
/* release the channel */
@ -3387,7 +3453,7 @@ private function f_TC_rll_ud_ind(charstring id) runs on ConnHdlr {
/* Send LAPDm UI frame. There is no B4 format in uplink! */
f_tx_lapdm(ts_LAPDm_UI(tc.sapi, cr_MO_CMD, false, tc.l3), tc.link_id);
f_tx_lapdm(ts_LAPDm_UI(tc.sapi, cr_MO_CMD, tc.l3), tc.link_id);
/* Expdct RLL UNITDATA IND on RSL side */
alt {
[] RSL.receive(tr_RSL_UNITDATA_IND(g_chan_nr, tc.link_id, tc.l3)) {
@ -3418,6 +3484,172 @@ testcase TC_rll_unit_data_ind_ACCH() runs on test_CT {
f_rll_testmatrix(tcs, refers(f_TC_rll_ud_ind));
* Encryption Related
/* send UNITDATA_REQ from BTS to MS and expect it to arrive */
function f_unitdata_mt(RslLinkId link_id, octetstring l3) runs on ConnHdlr {
RSL.send(ts_RSL_UNITDATA_REQ(g_chan_nr, link_id, l3));
if (link_id.c == SACCH) {
f_l1_exp_lapdm(tr_LAPDm_B4_UI(link_id.sapi, cr_MT_CMD, l3));
} else {
f_l1_exp_lapdm(tr_LAPDm_UI(link_id.sapi, cr_MT_CMD, l3));
/* Send UI frame from MS and expect it to arrive as RLL UNITDATA IND on Abis */
function f_unitdata_mo(RslLinkId link_id, octetstring l3) runs on ConnHdlr {
timer T := 3.0;
f_tx_lapdm(ts_LAPDm_UI(link_id.sapi, cr_MO_CMD, l3), link_id);
/* Expect RLL UNITDATA IND on RSL side */
alt {
[] RSL.receive(tr_RSL_UNITDATA_IND(g_chan_nr, link_id, l3)) {
[] T.timeout {
setverdict(fail, "Timeout waiting for UNIT_DATA_IND");
[] RSL.receive { repeat; }
/* Test channel activation with A5/n right from the beginning (like in assignment + hand-over) */
function f_TC_chan_act_encr(charstring id) runs on ConnHdlr {
/* now we actually need to transmit some data both ways to check if the encryption works */
var L1ctlDlMessage dl;
var octetstring l3 := f_rnd_octstring(16);
var RslLinkId link_id := valueof(ts_RslLinkID_DCCH(0));
/* send UNITDATA_REQ from BTS to MS and expect it to arrive */
f_unitdata_mt(link_id, l3);
/* Send UI frame from MS and expect it to arrive as RLL UNITDATA IND on Abis */
f_unitdata_mo(link_id, l3);
/* release the channel */
f_L1CTL_DM_REL_REQ(L1CTL, g_chan_nr);
f_rslem_unregister(0, g_chan_nr);
testcase TC_chan_act_a51() runs on test_CT {
var ConnHdlrPars pars := valueof(t_Pars(t_RslChanNr_Bm(1), ts_RSL_ChanMode_SIGN));
pars.encr := valueof(ts_RSL_IE_EncrInfo(RSL_ALG_ID_A5_1, f_rnd_octstring(8)));
f_testmatrix_each_chan(pars, refers(f_TC_chan_act_encr));
testcase TC_chan_act_a52() runs on test_CT {
var ConnHdlrPars pars := valueof(t_Pars(t_RslChanNr_Bm(1), ts_RSL_ChanMode_SIGN));
pars.encr := valueof(ts_RSL_IE_EncrInfo(RSL_ALG_ID_A5_2, f_rnd_octstring(8)));
f_testmatrix_each_chan(pars, refers(f_TC_chan_act_encr));
testcase TC_chan_act_a53() runs on test_CT {
var ConnHdlrPars pars := valueof(t_Pars(t_RslChanNr_Bm(1), ts_RSL_ChanMode_SIGN));
pars.encr := valueof(ts_RSL_IE_EncrInfo(RSL_ALG_ID_A5_3, f_rnd_octstring(8)));
f_testmatrix_each_chan(pars, refers(f_TC_chan_act_encr));
/* Test unencrypted channel activation followed by explicit ENCR CMD later */
function f_TC_encr_cmd(charstring id) runs on ConnHdlr {
/* L3 payload doesn't matter, as it is passed transparently */
var BIT3 l3_alg_id := f_alg_id_to_l3(g_pars.encr.alg_id);
var octetstring l3 := enc_PDU_ML3_NW_MS(valueof(ts_RRM_CiphModeCmd(l3_alg_id)));
var RslLinkId link_id := valueof(ts_RslLinkID_DCCH(0));
/* first establish a dedicated channel in the clear */
/* Establish ABM */
f_est_rll_mo(link_id.sapi, link_id, '23420815'O);
/* then send the RSL ENCR CMD with an actual RR CIPH MOD CMD inside */
RSL.send(ts_RSL_ENCR_CMD(g_chan_nr, link_id, g_pars.encr.alg_id, g_pars.encr.key, l3));
/* expect the L3 to arrive still unencrypted on the MS side */
f_l1_exp_lapdm(tr_LAPDm_I(link_id.sapi, cr_MT_CMD, ?, ?, ?, l3));
/* configure L1 to apply ciphering */
var uint8_t alg_id := f_alg_id_to_l1ctl(g_pars.encr.alg_id);
f_L1CTL_CRYPTO_REQ(L1CTL, g_pars.chan_nr, alg_id, g_pars.encr.key);
/* send first ciphered I-frame in response */
l3 := '0a0b0c0d'O;
f_tx_lapdm(ts_LAPDm_I(link_id.sapi, cr_MO_CMD, true, 1, 0, l3), link_id);
RSL.receive(tr_RSL_DATA_IND(g_chan_nr, link_id, l3));
/* now the BTS code should have detected the first properly encrypted uplink I-frame,
* and hence enable encryption also on the downlink */
/* expect bi-directional communication work in encrypted mode */
f_unitdata_mo(link_id, f_rnd_octstring(15));
f_unitdata_mt(link_id, f_rnd_octstring(15));
/* release the channel */
f_L1CTL_DM_REL_REQ(L1CTL, g_chan_nr);
f_rslem_unregister(0, g_chan_nr);
testcase TC_encr_cmd_a51() runs on test_CT {
var ConnHdlrPars pars := valueof(t_Pars(t_RslChanNr_Bm(1), ts_RSL_ChanMode_SIGN));
pars.encr := valueof(ts_RSL_IE_EncrInfo(RSL_ALG_ID_A5_1, f_rnd_octstring(8)));
f_testmatrix_each_chan(pars, refers(f_TC_encr_cmd));
testcase TC_encr_cmd_a52() runs on test_CT {
var ConnHdlrPars pars := valueof(t_Pars(t_RslChanNr_Bm(1), ts_RSL_ChanMode_SIGN));
pars.encr := valueof(ts_RSL_IE_EncrInfo(RSL_ALG_ID_A5_2, f_rnd_octstring(8)));
f_testmatrix_each_chan(pars, refers(f_TC_encr_cmd));
testcase TC_encr_cmd_a53() runs on test_CT {
var ConnHdlrPars pars := valueof(t_Pars(t_RslChanNr_Bm(1), ts_RSL_ChanMode_SIGN));
pars.encr := valueof(ts_RSL_IE_EncrInfo(RSL_ALG_ID_A5_3, f_rnd_octstring(8)));
f_testmatrix_each_chan(pars, refers(f_TC_encr_cmd));
private function f_assert_lapdm(octetstring enc, template LapdmFrame exp_match, charstring name := "") {
var LapdmFrame lf;
var octetstring reenc;
/* decode the LAPDm frame */
if (ischosen(exp_match.ab)) {
lf.ab := dec_LapdmFrameAB(enc);
} else {
setverdict(fail, "unsupported frame type");
/* check if decoder result matches expectation */
if (not match(lf, exp_match)) {
setverdict(fail, name, ": decoded LAPDm doesn't match");
} else {
log(name, ": matched");
/* test if re-encoded frame equals original input */
reenc := enc_LapdmFrame(lf);
if (enc != reenc) {
setverdict(fail, name, ": re-encoded LAPDm frame doesn't match");
} else {
testcase TC_lapdm_selftest() runs on test_CT {
f_assert_lapdm('030301'O, tr_LAPDm_UI(0, true, ''O), "ui_s0_empty");
f_assert_lapdm('0F0301'O, tr_LAPDm_UI(3, true, ''O), "ui_s3_empty");
f_assert_lapdm('013F01'O, tr_LAPDm_SABM(0, false, true, ''O), "sabm_s0_empty");
f_assert_lapdm('013F1123420815'O, tr_LAPDm_SABM(0, false, true, '23420815'O), "sabm_s0_l3");
f_assert_lapdm('03E101'O, tr_LAPDm_RR(0, true, false, 7), "rr_s0_7");
f_assert_lapdm('03000d063505'O, tr_LAPDm_I(0, true, false, 0, 0, '063505'O), "I/0/0");
f_assert_lapdm('03e00d063505'O, tr_LAPDm_I(0, true, false, 7, 0, '063505'O), "I/7/0");
/* test generation of RLL ERR IND based on Um errors (TS 48.058 3.9) */
/* protocol error as per 44.006 */
@ -3434,13 +3666,11 @@ testcase TC_rll_unit_data_ind_ACCH() runs on test_CT {
* channel activation
** with BS_Power / MS_Power, bypassing power control loop
** on primary vs. secondary TRX
** with encryption from initial activation on
** with timing advance from initial activation on
* mode modify
** encryption
** multirate
* encryption command / intricate logic about tx-only/tx+rx/...
** unsupported algorithm
* handover detection
* MS Power Control
@ -3543,6 +3773,15 @@ control {
execute( TC_rll_unit_data_req_ACCH() );
execute( TC_rll_unit_data_ind_DCCH() );
execute( TC_rll_unit_data_ind_ACCH() );
execute( TC_chan_act_a51() );
execute( TC_chan_act_a52() );
execute( TC_chan_act_a53() );
execute( TC_encr_cmd_a51() );
execute( TC_encr_cmd_a52() );
execute( TC_encr_cmd_a53() );
execute( TC_lapdm_selftest() );

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@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ module L1CTL_PortType {
import from UD_PortType all;
import from UD_Types all;
import from Osmocom_Types all;
import from Osmocom_Types all;
import from GSM_Types all;
import from GSM_RR_Types all;
import from L1CTL_PortType_CtrlFunct all;
@ -176,7 +177,10 @@ module L1CTL_PortType {
function f_L1CTL_CRYPTO_REQ(L1CTL_PT pt, RslChannelNr chan_nr, uint8_t algo, octetstring key) {
pt.send(ts_L1CTL_CRYPTO_REQ(chan_nr, algo, key));
function f_connect_reset(L1CTL_PT pt, charstring l1ctl_sock_path := m_l1ctl_sock_path) {

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@ -286,6 +286,12 @@ module L1CTL_Types {
OCT3 padding
} with { variant "" };
type record L1CtlCryptoReq {
uint8_t algo,
uint8_t key_len,
octetstring key
} with { variant (key_len) "LENGTHTO(key)" };
type record L1ctlTrafficReq {
octetstring data length(TRAFFIC_DATA_LEN)
@ -311,6 +317,7 @@ module L1CTL_Types {
L1ctlDmEstReq dm_est_req,
L1ctlReset reset_req,
//L1ctlNeighPmReq neigh_pm_req,
L1CtlCryptoReq crypto_req,
L1ctlTrafficReq traffic_req,
L1ctlTbfCfgReq tbf_cfg_req,
octetstring other
@ -341,6 +348,7 @@ module L1CTL_Types {
par_req, header.msg_type = L1CTL_PARAM_REQ;
dm_est_req, header.msg_type = L1CTL_DM_EST_REQ;
reset_req, header.msg_type = L1CTL_RESET_REQ;
crypto_req, header.msg_type = L1CTL_CRYPTO_REQ;
traffic_req, header.msg_type = L1CTL_TRAFFIC_REQ;
tbf_cfg_req, header.msg_type = L1CTL_TBF_CFG_REQ;
@ -631,6 +639,25 @@ module L1CTL_Types {
template (value) L1ctlUlMessage ts_L1CTL_CRYPTO_REQ(RslChannelNr chan_nr, uint8_t algo,
octetstring key) := {
header := ts_L1ctlHeader(L1CTL_CRYPTO_REQ),
ul_info := {
chan_nr := chan_nr,
link_id := ts_RslLinkID_DCCH(0),
padding := '0000'O
ul_info_tbf := omit,
ul_info_abs := omit,
payload := {
crypto_req := {
algo := algo,
key_len := 0, /* overwritten */
key := key
template ImmediateAssignment t_IMM_ASS(uint8_t ra, GsmFrameNumber fn) := {
ded_or_tbf := ?,
page_mode := ?,

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@ -388,6 +388,28 @@ template (value) PDU_ML3_MS_NW ts_RRM_ModeModifyAck(ChannelDescription2_V desc,
template (value) PDU_ML3_NW_MS ts_RRM_CiphModeCmd(BIT3 alg_id) := {
discriminator := '0000'B, /* overwritten */
tiOrSkip := {
skipIndicator := '0000'B
msgs := {
rrm := {
cipheringModeCommand := {
messageType := '00110101'B,
cipherModeSetting := {
sC := '1'B,
algorithmIdentifier := alg_id
cipherModeResponse := {
cR := '0'B,
spare := '000'B
template (value) PDU_ML3_MS_NW ts_RRM_CiphModeCompl := {
discriminator := '0000'B, /* overwritten */
tiOrSkip := {

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@ -275,10 +275,10 @@ module LAPDm_Types {
template LapdmFrame ts_LAPDm_UI(LapdmSapi sapi, boolean c_r, boolean p, octetstring l3) := {
template LapdmFrame ts_LAPDm_UI(LapdmSapi sapi, boolean c_r, octetstring l3) := {
ab := {
addr := ts_LapdmAddr(sapi, c_r),
ctrl := ts_LapdmCtrlUI(p),
ctrl := ts_LapdmCtrlUI,
len := 0,
m := false,
el := 1,
@ -286,10 +286,10 @@ module LAPDm_Types {
template LapdmFrame tr_LAPDm_UI(template LapdmSapi sapi, template boolean c_r,
template boolean p, template octetstring l3) := {
template octetstring l3) := {
ab := {
addr := tr_LapdmAddr(sapi, c_r),
ctrl := tr_LapdmCtrlUI(p),
ctrl := tr_LapdmCtrlUI,
len := ?,
m := false,
el := 1,
@ -297,22 +297,69 @@ module LAPDm_Types {
template LapdmFrame ts_LAPDm_B4_UI(LapdmSapi sapi, boolean c_r, boolean p, octetstring l3) := {
template LapdmFrame ts_LAPDm_B4_UI(LapdmSapi sapi, boolean c_r, octetstring l3) := {
b4 := {
addr := ts_LapdmAddr(sapi, c_r),
ctrl := ts_LapdmCtrlUI(p),
ctrl := ts_LapdmCtrlUI,
payload := l3
template LapdmFrame tr_LAPDm_B4_UI(template LapdmSapi sapi, template boolean c_r,
template boolean p, template octetstring l3) := {
template octetstring l3) := {
b4 := {
addr := tr_LapdmAddr(sapi, c_r),
ctrl := tr_LapdmCtrlUI(p),
ctrl := tr_LapdmCtrlUI,
payload := l3
template LapdmFrame tr_LAPDm_I(template LapdmSapi sapi, template boolean c_r,
template boolean p, template uint3_t nr,
template uint3_t ns, template octetstring l3) := {
ab := {
addr := tr_LapdmAddr(sapi, c_r),
ctrl := tr_LapdmCtrlI(nr, ns, p),
len := ?,
m := false,
el := 1,
payload := l3
template (value) LapdmFrame ts_LAPDm_I(LapdmSapi sapi, boolean c_r, boolean p, uint3_t nr,
uint3_t ns, octetstring l3) := {
ab := {
addr := ts_LapdmAddr(sapi, c_r),
ctrl := ts_LapdmCtrlI(nr, ns, p),
len := 0,
m := false,
el := 1,
payload := l3
template LapdmFrame tr_LAPDm_RR(template LapdmSapi sapi, template boolean c_r,
template boolean p, template uint3_t nr) := {
ab := {
addr := tr_LapdmAddr(sapi, c_r),
ctrl := tr_LapdmCtrlRR(nr, p),
len := 0,
m := false,
el := 1,
payload := ''O
template (value) LapdmFrame ts_LAPDm_RR(LapdmSapi sapi, boolean c_r,
boolean p, uint3_t nr) := {
ab := {
addr := ts_LapdmAddr(sapi, c_r),
ctrl := ts_LapdmCtrlRR(nr, p),
len := 0,
m := false,
el := 1,
payload := ''O
} with { encode "RAW"; /*variant "FIELDORDER(msb)" */}

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@ -364,18 +364,30 @@ module RSL_Types {
/* 9.3.7 */
type enumerated RSL_AlgId {
RSL_ALG_ID_A5_0 ('00000001'B),
RSL_ALG_ID_A5_1 ('00000010'B),
RSL_ALG_ID_A5_2 ('00000011'B),
RSL_ALG_ID_A5_3 ('00000100'B),
RSL_ALG_ID_A5_4 ('00000101'B),
RSL_ALG_ID_A5_5 ('00000110'B),
RSL_ALG_ID_A5_6 ('00000111'B),
RSL_ALG_ID_A5_7 ('00001000'B)
} with { variant "FIELDLENGTH(8)" };
type record RSL_IE_EncryptionInfo {
uint8_t len,
OCT1 alg_id,
RSL_AlgId alg_id,
octetstring key
} with { variant (len) "LENGTHTO(alg_id,key)" };
template RSL_IE_EncryptionInfo tr_RSL_IE_EncrInfo(template OCT1 alg, template octetstring key) := {
template RSL_IE_EncryptionInfo tr_RSL_IE_EncrInfo(template RSL_AlgId alg,
template octetstring key) := {
len := ?,
alg_id := alg,
key := key
template (value) RSL_IE_EncryptionInfo ts_RSL_IE_EncrInfo(OCT1 alg, octetstring key) := {
template (value) RSL_IE_EncryptionInfo ts_RSL_IE_EncrInfo(template (value) RSL_AlgId alg,
octetstring key) := {
len := 0, /* overwritten */
alg_id := alg,
key := key
@ -1154,7 +1166,7 @@ template RSL_Message tr_RSL_MsgTypeDR(template RSL_MessageType msg_type) modifie
/* 8.4.6 BSC ->BTS */
template RSL_Message tr_RSL_ENCR_CMD(template RslChannelNr chan_nr,
template RslLinkId link_id := ?,
template OCT1 alg := ?,
template RSL_AlgId alg := ?,
template octetstring key := ?,
template octetstring l3_info := ?) := {
msg_disc := tr_RSL_MsgDisc(RSL_MDISC_DCHAN, false),
@ -1168,7 +1180,7 @@ template RSL_Message tr_RSL_MsgTypeDR(template RSL_MessageType msg_type) modifie
template (value) RSL_Message ts_RSL_ENCR_CMD(template (value) RslChannelNr chan_nr,
template (value) RslLinkId link_id,
OCT1 alg, octetstring key,
template (value) RSL_AlgId alg, octetstring key,
octetstring l3_info) := {
msg_disc := ts_RSL_MsgDisc(RSL_MDISC_DCHAN, false),
msg_type := RSL_MT_ENCR_CMD,