library/RSL_Emulation: server mode: handle multiple transceivers

Since change [1], the IPA emulation component allows us to handle
multiple IPA connections, thus multiple RSL connections. The idea
is to attach a TCP/IP connection identifier to each message.

On top of that, this change implements mapping between TCP/IP
connection identifiers and RSL stream identifiers, so we can
finally talk to any of connected transceivers (up to 4 for now),
not only the last connected one (as it was before). The actual
mapping is done during the IPA identification procedure.

Instead of forwarding ASP_IPA_EVENT_UP to a test case, the RSL
emulation component now sends a new event - RSLEM_EV_TRX_UP,
with transceiver number (actually, IPA stream-id) attached.

[1] I93c58c08cf296e5cea81d811650caa1a09b8a579

Change-Id: I86afb55ecc6703ce7a229aaa626223f9331a4778
Related: OS#4546
This commit is contained in:
Vadim Yanitskiy 2020-05-25 19:40:45 +07:00
parent 11edf3cdba
commit 6de2fcbfe9
3 changed files with 126 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -192,7 +192,8 @@ function f_init_rsl(charstring id) runs on test_CT {
alt {
/* TODO: handle connection events from multiple transceivers */
[] T.timeout {
Misc_Helpers.f_shutdown(__BFILE__, __LINE__, fail, "Timeout waiting for ASP_IPA_EVENT_UP");

View File

@ -131,5 +131,18 @@ with { extension "prototype(convert)"
extension "decode(RAW)"
/* Finds an IE with the given tag in IPA IDENTITY RESPONSE.
* Returns index of an IE if found, -1 otherwise. */
function f_ipa_id_resp_find_ie(in IpaCcmIdResp resp, IpaCcmIdTag tag)
return integer {
for (var integer i := 0; i < sizeof(resp); i := i + 1) {
if (resp[i].tag == tag) {
return i;
return -1;
} with { encode "RAW" }

View File

@ -64,12 +64,33 @@ template (value) RSLDC_ChanRqd ts_RSLDC_ChanRqd_anyFN(OCT1 ra) := {
fn := omit
type enumerated RSLEm_EventType {
type record RSLEm_Event {
RSLEm_EventType ev_type,
IpaStreamId sid
template (value) RSLEm_Event ts_RSLEm_EV(RSLEm_EventType ev_type,
IpaStreamId sid) := {
ev_type := ev_type,
sid := sid
template RSLEm_Event tr_RSLEm_EV(template RSLEm_EventType ev_type,
template IpaStreamId sid := ?) := {
ev_type := ev_type,
sid := sid
type port RSL_DCHAN_PT message {
inout RSLDC_ChanRqd, RSL_Message;
} with { extension "internal" };
type port RSL_CCHAN_PT message {
inout ASP_RSL_Unitdata, ASP_IPA_Event;
inout ASP_RSL_Unitdata, RSLEm_Event;
} with { extension "internal" };
@ -314,6 +335,67 @@ private function f_last_act_table_init() runs on RSL_Emulation_CT {
private function f_trx_conn_map_init()
runs on RSL_Emulation_CT {
for (var integer i := 0; i < sizeof(TrxConnMap); i := i + 1) {
TrxConnMap[i] := -1;
private function f_trx_conn_map_register(integer conn_id, in IpaCcmIdResp id_resp)
runs on RSL_Emulation_CT return IpaStreamId {
var template charstring unit_id_fmt := pattern "(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+)";
var charstring unit_id;
var integer trx_nr;
var integer idx;
/* Check if we have room for a new connection */
if (TrxConnNum >= sizeof(TrxConnMap)) {
testcase.stop("We cannot handle more than ", sizeof(TrxConnMap), " transceivers");
idx := f_ipa_id_resp_find_ie(id_resp, IPAC_IDTAG_UNITID);
if (idx < 0) {
testcase.stop("IPA IDENTITY RESPONSE contains no unit-id");
/* Make sure that IPA unit-id is valid */
unit_id := oct2char(id_resp[idx].data);
if (not match(unit_id, unit_id_fmt)) {
testcase.stop("IPA unit-id has unknown/unexpected format");
/* Parse transceiver number (site/bts/trx).
* TODO: implement and use declaratice types. */
unit_id := regexp(unit_id, unit_id_fmt, 2);
trx_nr := str2int(unit_id);
if (trx_nr >= sizeof(TrxConnMap)) {
testcase.stop("Transceiver #", trx_nr, " does not fit");
} else if (TrxConnMap[trx_nr] != -1) {
testcase.stop("Transceiver #", trx_nr, " is already connected?!?");
/* Finally, store the connection ID */
log("Mapped TRX#", trx_nr, " to TCP/IP conn_id=", conn_id);
TrxConnMap[trx_nr] := conn_id;
TrxConnNum := TrxConnNum + 1;
return f_streamId_by_trx(trx_nr);
private function f_trx_conn_map_resolve(IpaStreamId id)
runs on RSL_Emulation_CT return integer {
var integer trx_nr := f_trx_by_streamId(id);
if (TrxConnMap[trx_nr] == -1) {
testcase.stop("Transceiver #", trx_nr, " is not connected");
return TrxConnMap[trx_nr];
type component RSL_Emulation_CT {
/* port facing down towards IPA emulation */
@ -329,6 +411,10 @@ type component RSL_Emulation_CT {
/* last RSL CHAN ACT for each chan_nr */
var LastActData LastActTable[64];
/* IPA stream ID -> TCP/IP connection ID mapping for transceivers */
var integer TrxConnNum := 0; /* number of connected transceivers */
var integer TrxConnMap[4]; /* up to 4 transceivers for now */
@ -356,12 +442,14 @@ function main(boolean bts_role := true) runs on RSL_Emulation_CT {
var RSL_DchanHdlr vc_conn;
var RslChannelNr chan_nr;
var uint8_t trx_nr;
var integer conn_id;
var integer cid;
var integer i;
/* special synchronization handling during hand-over */
var boolean dchan_suspended := false;
while (true) {
@ -369,7 +457,15 @@ function main(boolean bts_role := true) runs on RSL_Emulation_CT {
[bts_role] IPA_PT.receive(tr_ASP_IPA_EV(ASP_IPA_EVENT_UP)) {
[not bts_role] IPA_PT.receive(tr_ASP_IPA_EV(ASP_IPA_EVENT_UP)) -> value evt {
log("A new IPA/RSL connection has been established (conn_id=",
evt.conn_id, "), waiting for IDENTITY RESPONSE...");
[not bts_role] IPA_PT.receive(tr_ASP_IPA_EV(ASP_IPA_EVENT_ID_RESP)) -> value evt {
log("Got IDENTITY RESPONSE (conn_id=", evt.conn_id, "): ", evt.id_resp);
/* Update [ IPA stream ID -> TCP/IP connection ID ] mapping */
var IpaStreamId sid := f_trx_conn_map_register(evt.conn_id, evt.id_resp);
/* Notify the upper layers about a new connection */
[bts_role] IPA_PT.receive(tr_ASP_IPA_EV(ASP_IPA_EVENT_DOWN)) {
Misc_Helpers.f_shutdown(__BFILE__, __LINE__, fail, "Lost IPA connection!");
@ -485,15 +581,25 @@ function main(boolean bts_role := true) runs on RSL_Emulation_CT {
f_cid_create(chan_rqd.ra, chan_rqd.fn, vc_conn);
[] CLIENT_PT.receive(tr_RSL_MsgType(?)) -> value rx_rsl_msg sender vc_conn {
/* forward to BSC */
/* RSL message from a component that runs on RSL_DchanHdlr */
[bts_role] CLIENT_PT.receive(tr_RSL_MsgType(?)) -> value rx_rsl_msg sender vc_conn {
cid := f_cid_by_comp_ref(vc_conn);
IPA_PT.send(ts_ASP_RSL_UD(rx_rsl_msg, ConnectionTable[cid].stream_id));
[not bts_role] CLIENT_PT.receive(tr_RSL_MsgType(?)) -> value rx_rsl_msg sender vc_conn {
cid := f_cid_by_comp_ref(vc_conn);
conn_id := f_trx_conn_map_resolve(ConnectionTable[cid].stream_id);
IPA_PT.send(ts_ASP_RSL_UD(rx_rsl_msg, ConnectionTable[cid].stream_id, conn_id));
[] CCHAN_PT.receive(tr_ASP_RSL_UD(?, sid := ?)) -> value rx_rsl {
/* RSL message from MTC */
[bts_role] CCHAN_PT.receive(tr_ASP_RSL_UD(?, sid := ?)) -> value rx_rsl {
IPA_PT.send(ts_ASP_RSL_UD(rx_rsl.rsl, rx_rsl.streamId));
[not bts_role] CCHAN_PT.receive(tr_ASP_RSL_UD(?, sid := ?)) -> value rx_rsl {
conn_id := f_trx_conn_map_resolve(rx_rsl.streamId);
IPA_PT.send(ts_ASP_RSL_UD(rx_rsl.rsl, rx_rsl.streamId, conn_id));
/* explicit registration, e.g. in (non-immediate) assignment case */
[] RSL_PROC.getcall(RSLEM_register:{?,?,?}) -> param(trx_nr, chan_nr, vc_conn) {