
75 lines
1.6 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import bbb
def keyframes_from_events(pze, conv_fn, merge_threshold=1.5, fps=24):
rv = []
le = None
for e in pze:
# First ?
if le is None:
le = e
rv.append((0, conv_fn(e)))
# How much time elapsed ?
if e.ts - le.ts > merge_threshold:
rv.append( (int(round((e.ts * fps))) - 1, conv_fn(le)) )
rv.append( (int(round((e.ts * fps))), conv_fn(e)) )
rv.append( (int(round(( e.ts * fps))), conv_fn(e)) )
# Last event
le = e
return rv
# "Pan" : floating point values from -4.0*width to 4.0*width
# "Tilt" : floating point values from -4.0*height to 4.0*height
# "ZoomX" : floating point values from 0.0 to 100.0
# "ZoomY" : floating point values from 0.0 to 100.0
def to_xform(e):
sz = REF_SIZE[0] / e.w
cx = sz * ( 0.5 - e.x / REF_SIZE[0])
cy = sz * (-0.5 + (e.y + e.h) / REF_SIZE[1])
return (cx, cy, sz)
def animate_transform(filename, xform, limits=(0,None)):
# Load raw events
pze = bbb.parse_panzooms_xml(filename)
# Limits
pze = pze[limits[0]:limits[1]]
# Convert to keyframes
kf = keyframes_from_events(pze, to_xform)
# Apply to tool
tool = comp.FindTool(xform)
# Switching Center/Size to animation will create a keyframe
# at the current time, so go to first time
comp.CurrentTime = kf[0][0]
tool.Center = comp.Path()
tool.Size = comp.BezierSpline()
for ts, (cx, cy, sz) in kf:
tool.Center[ts] = [cx, cy]
tool.Size[ts] = sz
# Edit the following as needed and run using comp.RunScript in the Fusion console
print("Running ...")
animate_transform('panzooms.xml', 'Transform1')