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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Script meant to be executed from Fusion console to automatically import
# cursors.xml movements as XOffset/Yoffset on a Shape Transform node.
# Copyright (c) 2023 Sylvain Munaut <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import bbb
def gen_keyframes(cursor, framerate=24, res_x=1280, res_y=720):
mr = max(res_x, res_y)
kx = {}
ky = {}
hidden = None
lf = None
for t,x,y in cursor:
# Frame number
f = round(t * framerate)
# Hide event ?
if (x < 0) or (y < 0):
if lf is not None:
kx[f-1] = { 1: lx }
ky[f-1] = { 1: ly }
kx[f] = { 1: -1 }
ky[f] = { 1: -1 }
hidden = True
# Coordinate mapping
x = ((x - 0.5) * res_x / mr)
y = -((y - 0.5) * res_y / mr)
# If there was no movement for 2 seconds, hide
if (lf is not None) and ((f - lf) >= (2 * framerate)) and not hidden:
kx[lf + framerate - 1] = { 1: lx }
ky[lf + framerate - 1] = { 1: ly }
kx[lf + framerate ] = { 1: -1 }
ky[lf + framerate ] = { 1: -1 }
kx[f - framerate ] = { 1: -1 }
ky[f - framerate ] = { 1: -1 }
kx[f - framerate + 1] = { 1: lx }
ky[f - framerate + 1] = { 1: ly }
# If we were hidden, add keyframe just before
if hidden:
kx[f-1] = { 1: -1 }
ky[f-1] = { 1: -1 }
hidden = False
# Add keyframes
kx[f] = { 1: x }
ky[f] = { 1: y }
# Save last coord
lx = x
ly = y
lf = f
return kx, ky
def animate_cursor(cursor_file, shape_xform, width=None, height=None, framerate=None):
# Get data
if width is None:
width = comp.GetPrefs("Comp.FrameFormat.Width")
if height is None:
height = comp.GetPrefs("Comp.FrameFormat.Height")
if framerate is None:
framerate = comp.GetPrefs("Comp.FrameFormat.Rate")
# Load cursor events
ce = bbb.parse_cursor_xml(cursor_file)
# Generate keyframes
kx, ky = gen_keyframes(ce, res_x=width, res_y=height, framerate=framerate)
# Get Shape Transform and apply keyframes
tool = comp.FindTool(shape_xform)
bx = comp.BezierSpline()
by = comp.BezierSpline()
tool.XOffset = bx
tool.YOffset = by
# Edit the following as needed and run using comp.RunScript in the Fusion console
print("Running ...")
animate_cursor("cursor.xml", "CursorPos")