
462 lines
14 KiB

/* Cryptography related helper, key management and wrapper functions */
* Copyright (C) 2023 Midnight Blue B.V.
* Author: Wouter Bokslag <w.bokslag [ ] midnightblue [ ] nl>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0+
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* See the COPYING file in the main directory for details.
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <osmocom/core/utils.h>
#include <tetra_mac_pdu.h>
#include <phy/tetra_burst.h>
#include "tetra_crypto.h"
#include "tea1.h"
#include "tea2.h"
#include "tea3.h"
#include "taa1.h"
struct tetra_crypto_database _tcdb, *tcdb = &_tcdb;
static const struct value_string tetra_key_types[] = {
{ 0, NULL }
const char *tetra_get_key_type_name(enum tetra_key_type key_type)
return get_value_string(tetra_key_types, key_type);
static const struct value_string tetra_ksg_types[] = {
{ KSG_TEA1, "TEA1" },
{ KSG_TEA2, "TEA2" },
{ KSG_TEA3, "TEA3" },
{ KSG_TEA4, "TEA4" },
{ KSG_TEA5, "TEA5" },
{ KSG_TEA6, "TEA6" },
{ KSG_TEA7, "TEA7" },
{ 0, NULL }
const char *tetra_get_ksg_type_name(enum tetra_ksg_type ksg_type)
if (ksg_type >= KSG_PROPRIETARY)
return tetra_ksg_types[KSG_PROPRIETARY].str;
return get_value_string(tetra_ksg_types, ksg_type);
static const struct value_string tetra_security_classes[] = {
{ 0, NULL }
const char *tetra_get_security_class_name(uint8_t pdut)
return get_value_string(tetra_security_classes, pdut);
void tetra_crypto_state_init(struct tetra_crypto_state *tcs)
/* Initialize network info fields to -1 to designate unknown */
tcs->mnc = -1;
tcs->mcc = -1;
tcs->cck_id = -1;
tcs->hn = -1;
tcs->la = -1;
tcs->cc = -1;
/* Initialize database key/network pointers to zero */
tcs->cck = 0;
tcs->network = 0;
void tetra_crypto_db_init(void)
/* Initialize tetra_crypto_database */
tcdb->num_keys = 0;
tcdb->num_nets = 0;
tcdb->keys = talloc_zero_array(NULL, struct tetra_key, TCDB_ALLOC_BLOCK_SIZE);
tcdb->nets = talloc_zero_array(NULL, struct tetra_netinfo, TCDB_ALLOC_BLOCK_SIZE);
if (!tcdb->keys || !tcdb->nets) {
fprintf(stderr, "couldn't allocate memory for tetra_crypto_database\n");
char *dump_key(struct tetra_key *k)
static char pbuf[1024];
int c = snprintf(pbuf, sizeof(pbuf), "MCC %4d MNC %4d key_type %s",
k->mcc, k->mnc, tetra_get_key_type_name(k->key_type));
if (k->key_type & (KEYTYPE_DCK | KEYTYPE_MGCK))
c += snprintf(pbuf + c, sizeof(pbuf) - c, " addr: %8d", k->addr);
if (k->key_type & (KEYTYPE_CCK_SCK))
c += snprintf(pbuf + c, sizeof(pbuf) - c, " key_num: %4d", k->key_num);
c += snprintf(pbuf + c, sizeof(pbuf) - c, ": ");
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
snprintf(pbuf + c + 2*i, sizeof(pbuf)-c-2*i, "%02X", k->key[i]);
return pbuf;
char *dump_network_info(struct tetra_netinfo *network)
static char pbuf[1024];
snprintf(pbuf, sizeof(pbuf), "MCC %4d MNC %4d ksg_type %d security_class %d", network->mcc, network->mnc, network->ksg_type, network->security_class);
return pbuf;
uint32_t tea_build_iv(struct tetra_tdma_time *tm, uint16_t hn, uint8_t dir)
assert(1 <= tm->tn && tm->tn <= 4);
assert(1 <= tm->fn && tm->fn <= 18);
assert(1 <= tm->mn && tm->mn <= 60);
assert(0 <= tm->hn && tm->hn <= 0xFFFF);
assert(0 <= dir && dir <= 1); // 0 = downlink, 1 = uplink
return ((tm->tn - 1) | (tm->fn << 2) | (tm->mn << 7) | ((hn & 0x7FFF) << 13) | (dir << 28));
static bool generate_keystream(struct tetra_crypto_state *tcs, struct tetra_key *key, struct tetra_tdma_time *t, int num_bits, uint8_t *ks_out)
if (!key)
return false;
/* Construct IV and prepare buf for bytewise keystream */
int num_bytes = (num_bits + 7) / 8;
uint8_t ks_bytes[num_bytes];
uint32_t iv = tea_build_iv(t, tcs->hn, 0);
/* Compute ECK from net info and CK */
if (tcs->cn < 0 || tcs->la < 0 || tcs->cc < 0)
/* Missing data for TB5 */
return false;
uint8_t eck[10];
uint8_t cn[2] = {(tcs->cn >> 8) & 0xFF, tcs->cn & 0xFF};
uint8_t la[2] = {(tcs->la >> 8) & 0xFF, tcs->la & 0xFF};
uint8_t cc[1] = {tcs->cc & 0xFF};
tb5(cn, la, cc, key->key, eck);
/* Generate keystream with required KSG */
switch (key->network_info->ksg_type) {
case KSG_TEA1:
tea1(iv, eck, num_bytes, ks_bytes);
case KSG_TEA2:
tea2(iv, eck, num_bytes, ks_bytes);
case KSG_TEA3:
tea3(iv, eck, num_bytes, ks_bytes);
fprintf(stderr, "tetra_crypto: KSG type %d not supported\n", key->network_info->ksg_type);
return false;
/* Expand keystream bytes into ubit format */
for (int i = 0; i < num_bits; i++)
ks_out[i] = (ks_bytes[i / 8] >> (7-(i % 8))) & 1;
return true;
bool decrypt_identity(struct tetra_crypto_state *tcs, struct tetra_addr *addr)
/* TODO FIXME implement TA61 decryption */
return false;
bool decrypt_mac_element(struct tetra_crypto_state *tcs, struct tetra_tmvsap_prim *tmvp, struct tetra_key *key, int l1_len, int tmpdu_offset)
if (!key || l1_len - tmpdu_offset <= 0)
return false;
if (tcs->cn < 0 || tcs->la < 0 || tcs->cc < 0) {
printf("tetra_crypto: can't compute TB5 due to incomplete network info (carr %d la %d cc %d)\n",
tcs->cn, tcs->la, tcs->cc);
return false;
struct tetra_tdma_time *tdma_time = &tmvp->u.unitdata.tdma_time;
/* Compute keystream offset to apply */
/* TODO FIXME maybe we can rework channel type setting in lower mac, and
avoid using TETRA_LC_UNKNOWN below */
uint32_t ks_skip_bits = 0;
if (tmvp->u.unitdata.blk_num == BLK_2 && (
tmvp->u.unitdata.lchan == TETRA_LC_SCH_HD ||
tmvp->u.unitdata.lchan == TETRA_LC_UNKNOWN)) {
ks_skip_bits = 216;
printf("tetra_crypto: 2nd half slot; skipping bits\n");
/* Generate keystream */
struct msgb *msg = tmvp->oph.msg;
int ct_len = l1_len - tmpdu_offset;
int ks_num_bits = ks_skip_bits + ct_len;
uint8_t *ct_start = msg->l1h + tmpdu_offset;
uint8_t ks[ks_num_bits];
if (!generate_keystream(tcs, key, tdma_time, ks_num_bits, ks))
return false;
/* Apply keystream */
for (int i = 0; i < ct_len; i++)
ct_start[i] = ct_start[i] ^ ks[i + ks_skip_bits];
printf("tetra_crypto: addr %8d -> key %4d, time %5d/%s, tmpdu offset %d, decrypting %d bits\n",
key->addr, key->index, tcs->hn, tetra_tdma_time_dump(tdma_time), tmpdu_offset, ct_len);
return true;
bool decrypt_voice_timeslot(struct tetra_crypto_state *tcs, struct tetra_tdma_time *tdma_time, int16_t *type1_block)
/* TODO FIXME implement proper key selection for voice blocks */
struct tetra_key *key = tcs->cck;
if (!key)
return false;
if (tcs->cn < 0 || tcs->la < 0 || tcs->cc < 0) {
printf("tetra_crypto: can't compute TB5 due to incomplete network info (carr %d la %d cc %d)\n",
tcs->cn, tcs->la, tcs->cc);
return false;
/* Generate keystream */
int ks_num_bits = 137*2; // two half slots of voice
uint8_t ks[ks_num_bits];
if (!generate_keystream(tcs, key, tdma_time, ks_num_bits, ks))
return false;
/* Apply keystream */
for (int i = 0; i < 137; i++) {
type1_block[i + 1] = type1_block[i + 1] ^ ks[i];
type1_block[i + 139] = type1_block[i + 139] ^ ks[i + 137];
printf("tetra_crypto: addr %8d -> key %4d, time %5d/%s, decrypted voice\n",
key->addr, key->index, tcs->hn, tetra_tdma_time_dump(tdma_time));
return true;
int load_keystore(char *tetra_keyfile)
/* Keystore file:
* Each line contains network or key definition.
* Lines starting with # are ignored as comments.
* network mcc 123 mnc 456 ksg_type 1 security_class 2
* - ksg_type: decimal, see enum tetra_ksg_type
* - security_class: 2 for SCK, 3 for CCK+DCK
* key mcc 123 mnc 456 addr 00000000 key_type 1 key_num 002 key 1234deadbeefcafebabe
* - addr: decimal, only relevant for DCK/MGCK/GCK, also, currently unimplemented
* - key_type: 1 CCK/SCK, 2 DCK, 3 MGCK, 4 GCK
* - key_num: SCK_VN or group key number depending on type, currently unimplemented
* - key: 80-bit key hex string
int i, c;
char buf[1000]; // max line len
FILE *fp;
fp = fopen(tetra_keyfile, "r");
if (!fp) {
printf("tetra_crypto: cannot read keyfile\n");
while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) {
if (strlen(buf) <= 1 || buf[0] == '#') {
/* Commented/empty line */
} else if (!strncmp(buf, "network ", 8)) {
/* Network definition */
i = tcdb->num_nets;
if (i > 0 && (i % TCDB_ALLOC_BLOCK_SIZE == 0))
tcdb->nets = talloc_realloc(NULL, tcdb->nets, struct tetra_netinfo, i + TCDB_ALLOC_BLOCK_SIZE);
c = sscanf(buf, "network mcc %d mnc %d ksg_type %d security_class %d\n",
&tcdb->nets[i].mcc, &tcdb->nets[i].mnc,
(uint32_t *) &tcdb->nets[i].ksg_type,
(uint32_t *) &tcdb->nets[i].security_class);
if (c != 4) {
printf("tetra_crypto: Failed to parse network info element %d [%s] (%d)\n", i, buf, c);
printf("tetra_crypto: Loaded MNC [%s]\n", dump_network_info(&tcdb->nets[i]));
} else if (!strncmp(buf, "key ", 4)) {
/* Key definition */
i = tcdb->num_keys;
if (i > 0 && (i % TCDB_ALLOC_BLOCK_SIZE == 0))
tcdb->keys = talloc_realloc(NULL, tcdb->keys, struct tetra_key, i + TCDB_ALLOC_BLOCK_SIZE);
c = sscanf(buf, "key mcc %d mnc %d addr %d key_type %d key_num %d key %02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X\n",
&tcdb->keys[i].mcc, &tcdb->keys[i].mnc, &tcdb->keys[i].addr,
(uint32_t *) &tcdb->keys[i].key_type, &tcdb->keys[i].key_num,
(uint32_t *) &tcdb->keys[i].key[0], (uint32_t *) &tcdb->keys[i].key[1],
(uint32_t *) &tcdb->keys[i].key[2], (uint32_t *) &tcdb->keys[i].key[3],
(uint32_t *) &tcdb->keys[i].key[4], (uint32_t *) &tcdb->keys[i].key[5],
(uint32_t *) &tcdb->keys[i].key[6], (uint32_t *) &tcdb->keys[i].key[7],
(uint32_t *) &tcdb->keys[i].key[8], (uint32_t *) &tcdb->keys[i].key[9]);
tcdb->keys[i].index = i;
if (c != 15) {
printf("tetra_crypto: Failed to parse key %d [%s] (%d)\n", i, buf, c);
printf("tetra_crypto: Loaded key [%s]\n", dump_key(&tcdb->keys[i]));
} else {
printf("tetra_crypto: Could not parse line: %s\n", buf);
/* Check network info available for each key and set ptrs for convenience */
for (i = 0; i < tcdb->num_keys; i++) {
struct tetra_netinfo *network_info_ptr = get_network_info(tcdb->keys[i].mcc, tcdb->keys[i].mnc);
if (!network_info_ptr) {
printf("tetra_crypto: Required network info is missing for %4d", tcdb->keys[i].mnc);
tcdb->keys[i].network_info = network_info_ptr;
return 0;
struct tetra_key *get_key_by_addr(struct tetra_crypto_state *tcs, int addr, enum tetra_key_type key_type)
for (int i = 0; i < tcdb->num_keys; i++) {
struct tetra_key *key = &tcdb->keys[i];
if (key->mnc == tcs->mnc &&
key->mcc == tcs->mcc &&
key->addr == addr &&
(key->key_type & key_type)) {
return key;
return 0;
struct tetra_key *get_ksg_key(struct tetra_crypto_state *tcs, int addr)
/* TETRA standard part 7 Clause 6.2:
Auth Encr GCK DCK
Class 1: ? - - -
Class 2: ? + ? -
Class 3: + + ? +
if (!tcs->network)
/* No tetra_netinfo from the db set for this network */
return 0;
/* FIXME: add support for ISSI/GSSI range definitions and GCK bindings */
/* FIXME: add support for ISSI-bound DCK keys in class 3 networks */
return tcs->cck;
void update_current_network(struct tetra_crypto_state *tcs, int mcc, int mnc)
/* Update globals */
tcs->mcc = mcc;
tcs->mnc = mnc;
/* Network changed, update reference to current network */
tcs->network = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < tcdb->num_nets; i++) {
struct tetra_netinfo *network = &tcdb->nets[i];
if (network->mnc == tcs->mnc && network->mcc == tcs->mcc) {
tcs->network = network;
/* (Try to) select new CCK/SCK */
void update_current_cck(struct tetra_crypto_state *tcs)
printf("\ntetra_crypto: update_current_cck invoked cck %d mcc %d mnc %d\n", tcs->cck_id, tcs->mcc, tcs->mnc);
tcs->cck = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < tcdb->num_keys; i++) {
struct tetra_key *key = &tcdb->keys[i];
/* TODO FIXME consider selecting CCK or SCK key type based on network config */
if (key->mcc == tcs->mcc && key->mnc == tcs->mnc && key->key_num == tcs->cck_id) {
if (key->key_type == KEYTYPE_CCK_SCK) {
tcs->cck = key;
printf("tetra_crypto: Set new current_cck %d (type: full)\n", i);
struct tetra_netinfo *get_network_info(int mcc, int mnc)
for (int i = 0; i < tcdb->num_nets; i++) {
if (tcdb->nets[i].mcc == mcc && tcdb->nets[i].mnc == mnc)
return &tcdb->nets[i];
return 0;