This directory contains a series of patches against the TETRA codec reference source code as published by the ETSI at in the file named You can proceed two ways, a or b: a) Using the script simply execute ./ which will download the reference codec from the ETSI website and patch it accordingly. b) Manually Modified instructions as of 20141118 (differs from the osmocom description, the ETSI site looks different now): In order to obtain the codec, download it directly from or use the following procedure: * go to * enter "en 300 395-2" as search term * execute the search, there should a result called "REN/TETRA-05059 " * click on the 'Download icon' link (zip-vice symbol) * you should now have a file called Please also see The file has 361169 bytes, and has the md5sum: a8115fe68ef8f8cc466f4192572a1e3e Due to the use of uppercase file names in the zip file, you should use the "-L" flag to the unzip program, which ensures all files are completely lower-case. Please apply all of the patches found in this directory to the resulting source code.