{ "comments": [ { "unresolved": true, "key": { "uuid": "bcfe051a_f99de347", "filename": "src/tetra_mac_pdu.h", "patchSetId": 1 }, "lineNbr": 160, "author": { "id": 1000010 }, "writtenOn": "2022-09-18T13:07:24Z", "side": 0, "message": "unrelated ws change", "range": { "startLine": 160, "startChar": 22, "endLine": 160, "endChar": 23 }, "revId": "8000c6059710a86a4f5a3f2857e1978398170ebc", "serverId": "035e6965-6537-41bd-912c-053f3cf69326" }, { "unresolved": false, "key": { "uuid": "bd224154_54691990", "filename": "src/tetra_mac_pdu.h", "patchSetId": 1 }, "lineNbr": 160, "author": { "id": 1000225 }, "writtenOn": "2022-09-18T13:57:12Z", "side": 0, "message": "Hmm missed this one in my second patch set. I was trying to keep the linter from complaining. In the future, I\u0027ll push a commit fixing linting issues in files I touch before committing my actual modifications, is that ok?", "parentUuid": "bcfe051a_f99de347", "range": { "startLine": 160, "startChar": 22, "endLine": 160, "endChar": 23 }, "revId": "8000c6059710a86a4f5a3f2857e1978398170ebc", "serverId": "035e6965-6537-41bd-912c-053f3cf69326" } ] }