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(C) 2014 by Holger Hans Peter Freyther
All Rights Reserved
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
Osmo.TLVParserBase subclass: SMPPBodyBase [
<category: 'SMPP-Codec'>
<comment: 'I represent a specific "BODY" of a Payload. My
sub-classes will provide the specific bodies.'>
SMPPBodyBase class [
genericNack [
<category: ' SMPP Command set'>
bindReceiver [
<category: ' SMPP Command set'>
bindReceiverResp [
<category: ' SMPP Command set'>
bindTransmitter [
<category: ' SMPP Command set'>
bindTransmitterResp [
<category: ' SMPP Command set'>
querySM [
<category: ' SMPP Command set'>
querySMResp [
<category: ' SMPP Command set'>
submitSM [
<category: ' SMPP Command set'>
submitSMResp [
<category: ' SMPP Command set'>
deliverSM [
<category: ' SMPP Command set'>
deliverSMResp [
<category: ' SMPP Command set'>
unbind [
<category: ' SMPP Command set'>
unbindResp [
<category: ' SMPP Command set'>
replaceSM [
<category: ' SMPP Command set'>
replaceSMResp [
<category: ' SMPP Command set'>
cancelSM [
<category: ' SMPP Command set'>
cancelSMResp [
<category: ' SMPP Command set'>
bindTransceiver [
<category: ' SMPP Command set'>
bindTransceiverResp [
<category: ' SMPP Command set'>
outbind [
<category: ' SMPP Command set'>
enquireLink [
<category: ' SMPP Command set'>
enquireLinkResp [
<category: ' SMPP Command set'>
submitMulti [
<category: ' SMPP Command set'>
submitMultiResp [
<category: ' SMPP Command set'>
alertNotification [
<category: ' SMPP Command set'>
dataSM [
<category: ' SMPP Command set'>
dataSMResp [
<category: ' SMPP Command set'>
SMPPBodyBase class >> readFrom: aStream for: aHeader [
<category: 'parsing'>
self allSubclassesDo: [:each |
aHeader commandId = each messageType
ifTrue: [^each new readFrom: aStream]].
^self error: 'No handler for command id = %1' % {aHeader commandId displayString}.
readFrom: aStream [
| description tag |
description := self class tlvDescription.
description do: [:attribute |
attribute isMandatory
ifTrue: [self doParse: attribute stream: aStream].
attribute isOptional
ifTrue: [
"Read the tag if we have not done so far. We can not
peek for more than one character."
(tag isNil and: [aStream atEnd not]) ifTrue:
[tag := ((aStream next: 2) shortAt: 1) swap16].
tag = attribute tag ifTrue: [
tag := nil.
self doParse: attribute stream: aStream]].
aStream atEnd ifFalse: [^self error: 'Message not consumed'].
writeOn: aMsg [
<category: 'serialize'>
"Custom write to avoid having to box String code"
"Write each element"
self class tlvDescription do: [:attr |
| val |
val := self instVarNamed: attr instVarName.
"Now write it"
val isNil ifFalse: [
attr needsTag
ifTrue: [aMsg putLen16: attr tag].
attr parseClass write: val on: aMsg with: attr.