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"Messages for GSM04.08"
IEs for GSM48MSG
Object subclass: GSM48KeySeqLuType [
<category: 'osmo-message'>
| val |
GSM48KeySeqLuType class >> createDefault [
<category: 'creation'>
^ (self new)
val: 16r70;
2010-11-23 22:37:27 +00:00
GSM48KeySeqLuType class >> length: aByteArray [
"We always need a byte"
^ 1
GSM48KeySeqLuType class >> parseFrom: aByteArray [
^ self new
val: (aByteArray at: 1);
val [
^ val
val: aVal [
<category: 'creation'>
val := aVal.
writeOnDirect: aMsg [
<category: 'creation'>
aMsg putByte: val.
Object subclass: GSM48Lai [
| lai lac |
<category: 'osmo-message'>
GSM48Lai class >> createDefault [
<category: 'creation'>
^ (self new)
lai: (LAI initWith: 0 mnc: 0);
lac: 0;
GSM48Lai class >> length: aByteArray [
^ 5
GSM48Lai class >> parseFrom: aByteArray [
^ (self new)
lai: (LAI parseFrom: (aByteArray copyFrom: 1 to: 3));
lac: (aByteArray ushortAt: 4) swap16;
mcc: aMcc [ <category: 'creation'> lai mcc: aMcc ]
mnc: aMnc [ <category: 'creation'> lai mnc: aMnc ]
lai: aLai [ <category: 'creation'> lai := aLai ]
lac: aLac [ <category: 'creation'> lac := aLac ]
mcc [ ^ lai mcc ]
mnc [ ^ lai mnc ]
lac [ ^ lac ]
writeOnDirect: aMsg [
<category: 'creation'>
lai writeOn: aMsg.
2010-11-17 21:43:43 +00:00
aMsg putLen16: lac.
Object subclass: GSM48Classmark1 [
<category: 'osmo-message'>
| cm1 |
GSM48Classmark1 class >> createDefault [
<category: 'creation'>
^ (self new)
cm1: 16r33;
GSM48Classmark1 class >> length: aByteArray [
^ 1
GSM48Classmark1 class >> parseFrom: aByteArray [
^ (self new)
cm1: (aByteArray at: 1);
cm1: aCm [ <category: 'creation'> cm1 := aCm ]
cm1 [ ^ cm1 ]
writeOnDirect: aMsg [
<category: 'creation'>
aMsg putByte: cm1.
Object subclass: GSM48MIdentity [
<category: 'osmo-message'>
| imsi tmsi |
GSM48MIdentity class >> miIMSI [ <category: 'spec'> ^ 16r1 ]
GSM48MIdentity class >> miIMEI [ <category: 'spec'> ^ 16r2 ]
GSM48MIdentity class >> miIMEISV [ <category: 'spec'> ^ 16r3 ]
GSM48MIdentity class >> miTMSI [ <category: 'sepc'> ^ 16r4 ]
GSM48MIdentity class >> createDefault [
<category: 'creation'>
^ (self new)
imsi: '000000000000';
GSM48MIdentity class >> length: aByteArray [
^ (aByteArray at: 1) + 1
GSM48MIdentity class >> parseFrom: aByteArray [
| len head type |
len := aByteArray at: 1.
head := aByteArray at: 2.
type := head bitAnd: 16r7.
type = self miIMSI
ifTrue: [
| odd digits |
digits := OrderedCollection new.
odd := (head bitShift: -3) bitAnd: 16r1.
digits add: ((head bitShift: -4) bitAnd: 16rF).
3 to: (1 + len) do: [:each |
digits add: ((aByteArray at: each) bitAnd: 16rF).
digits add: (((aByteArray at: each) bitShift: -4) bitAnd: 16rF).
"The last was just a dummy value"
odd = 1 ifFalse: [
digits removeLast.
^ (self new) imsi: (BCD decode: digits) asString; yourself
self notYetImplemented.
imsi: aImsi [ <category: 'creation'> imsi := aImsi. ]
imsi [ ^ imsi ]
writeOnDirect: aMsg [
<category: 'creation'>
imsi ifNotNil: [
^ self storeImsiDirect: aMsg.
self notYetImplemented
storeImsiDirect: aMsg [
| odd len head encoded bcds |
2010-11-19 18:10:38 +00:00
<category: 'private'>
odd := imsi size odd.
"Calculate the length. We can fit two digits into one byte"
len := odd
ifTrue: [ (imsi size + 1) / 2 ]
ifFalse: [ (imsi size / 2) + 1 ].
aMsg putByte: len.
"Create the first data"
head := ((imsi at: 1) digitValue) bitShift: 4.
odd ifTrue: [
head := head bitOr: (1 bitShift: 3).
head := head bitOr: self class miIMSI.
aMsg putByte: head.
"Encode everything from 2..n into a ByteArray of len - 1"
bcds := OrderedCollection new.
2 to: imsi size do: [:pos |
bcds add: (imsi at: pos) digitValue.
odd ifFalse: [
bcds add: 16r0F.
"now fold the bcds into and encoded array"
encoded := OrderedCollection new.
1 to: bcds size by: 2 do: [:pos |
| lower upper |
lower := bcds at: pos.
upper := bcds at: pos + 1.
encoded add: ((upper bitShift: 4) bitOr: lower).
aMsg putByteArray: encoded asByteArray.
2010-11-24 14:12:48 +00:00
Object subclass: GSM48RejectCause [
| cause |
GSM48RejectCause class >> createDefault [
<category: 'creation'>
^ self new
cause: 11;
GSM48RejectCause class >> length: aByteArray [
^ 1
GSM48RejectCause class >> parseFrom: aByteArray [
^ self new
cause: (aByteArray at: 1);
cause [
^ cause
cause: aCause [
cause := aCause.
writeOnDirect: aMsg [
aMsg putByte: cause.
Object subclass: GSM48AuthRand [
| rand |
<category: 'osmo-meesage'>
<comment: 'I represent the Authentication parameter RAND'>
GSM48AuthRand class >> length: aByteArray [ ^ 16 ]
GSM48AuthRand class >> initWithData: aData [
^ self new
rand: aData;
GSM48AuthRand class >> parseFrom: aByteArray [
^ self new
rand: (aByteArray copyFrom: 1 to: 16);
rand: aData [
aData size = 16
ifFalse: [
Error signal: 'Data needs to be 16 byte.'.
rand := aData
rand [
^ rand
writeOnDirect: aMsg [
aMsg putByteArray: rand.
IEMessage subclass: GSM48MSG [
2010-11-19 18:11:55 +00:00
<category: 'osmo-message'>
<comment: 'GSM48 has helper code for mandantory types'>
GSM48MSG class >> addMandantory: aName with: aClass [
<comment: 'creation'>
self addInstVarName: aName asSymbol.
self compile: '%1 [ ^ %1 ifNil: [%1 := %2 createDefault.]]' % {aName. aClass}.
self Mandantory add: (aName asSymbol -> aClass).
GSM48MSG class >> isCompatible: classType msgType: messageType [
self = GSM48MMMessage
ifTrue: [^ false].
^ (self classType = classType) and: [self messageType = messageType].
GSM48MSG class >> decode: aByteArray [
| classType messageType |
classType := aByteArray at: 1.
messageType := aByteArray at: 2.
GSM48MSG allSubclassesDo: [:each |
(each isCompatible: classType msgType: messageType)
ifTrue: [
^ each parseFrom: aByteArray.
Exception signal: 'No one handles: ', classType asString,
' and: ', messageType asString.
GSM48MSG class >> parseFrom: aByteArray [
| res dat |
res := self new.
dat := aByteArray copyFrom: 3.
self Mandantory do: [:each |
| len |
len := each value length: dat.
res instVarNamed: each key put: (each value parseFrom: dat).
"Move the parser forward"
dat := dat copyFrom: len + 1.
^ res
writeOn: aMsg [
"Write the header. Skip Ind, Sequence are hardcoded"
aMsg putByte: self class classType.
aMsg putByte: self class messageType.
"Write all Mandantory parts"
self class Mandantory do: [:each | | tmp |
tmp := self perform: each key.
tmp writeOnDirect: aMsg.
"TODO: Handle the Conditionals too"
GSM48MSG subclass: GSM48MMMessage [
<category: 'osmo-message'>
<comment: 'Baseclass for mobility managamenet'>
GSM48MMMessage class >> classType [ ^ 16r5 ]
GSM48MMMessage class >> msgLUAcc [ ^ 16r02 ]
GSM48MMMessage class >> msgLURej [ ^ 16r04 ]
GSM48MMMessage class >> msgLUReq [ ^ 16r08 ]
GSM48MMMessage class >> msgIdRes [ ^ 16r19 ]
GSM48MMMessage class >> msgIdReq [ ^ 16r18 ]
2010-11-24 20:46:34 +00:00
GSM48MMMessage class >> msgAuReq [ ^ 16r12 ]
GSM48MMMessage subclass: LocationUpdatingRequest [
<category: 'osmo-message'>
Mandantory := nil.
LocationUpdatingRequest class >> messageType [ ^ self msgLUReq ]
LocationUpdatingRequest class >> Mandantory [
^ Mandantory ifNil: [ Mandantory := OrderedCollection new ].
LocationUpdatingRequest class >> initialize [
self addMandantory: 'luType' with: GSM48KeySeqLuType.
self addMandantory: 'lai' with: GSM48Lai.
self addMandantory: 'cm1' with: GSM48Classmark1.
self addMandantory: 'mi' with: GSM48MIdentity.
Object subclass: LocationUpdatingAccept [
2010-11-19 18:11:55 +00:00
<category: 'osmo-message'>
GSM48MMMessage subclass: LocationUpdatingReject [
2010-11-19 18:11:55 +00:00
<category: 'osmo-message'>
Mandantory := nil.
LocationUpdatingReject class >> messageType [ ^ self msgLURej ]
LocationUpdatingReject class >> Mandantory [
^ Mandantory ifNil: [ Mandantory := OrderedCollection new ].
LocationUpdatingReject class >> initialize [
self addMandantory: 'cause' with: GSM48RejectCause.
2010-11-24 20:46:34 +00:00
GSM48MMMessage subclass: AuthenticationRequest [
<category: 'osmo-message'>
Mandantory := nil.
AuthenticationRequest class >> messageType [ ^ self msgAuReq ]
AuthenticationRequest class >> Mandantory [
^ Mandantory ifNil: [ Mandantory := OrderedCollection new ].
AuthenticationRequest class >> initialize [
self addMandantory: 'key' with: GSM48KeySeqLuType.
self addMandantory: 'auth' with: GSM48AuthRand.
Object subclass: IdentityRequest [
2010-11-19 18:11:55 +00:00
<category: 'osmo-message'>
Object subclass: IdentityResponse [
2010-11-19 18:11:55 +00:00
<category: 'osmo-message'>
Eval [
LocationUpdatingRequest initialize.
LocationUpdatingReject initialize.
2010-11-24 20:46:34 +00:00
AuthenticationRequest initialize