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"This is from Pharo 1.4. It is MIT licensed"
String extend [
expandMacros [
<category: '*PharoCompat'>
"From Pharo, for Phexample/OsmoCore, MIT license"
^self expandMacrosWithArguments: #()
expandMacrosWith: anObject [
<category: '*PharoCompat'>
"From Pharo, for Phexample/OsmoCore, MIT license"
^self expandMacrosWithArguments: (Array with: anObject)
expandMacrosWith: anObject with: anotherObject [
<category: '*PharoCompat'>
"From Pharo, for Phexample/OsmoCore, MIT license"
expandMacrosWithArguments: (Array with: anObject with: anotherObject)
expandMacrosWith: anObject with: anotherObject with: thirdObject [
<category: '*PharoCompat'>
"From Pharo, for Phexample/OsmoCore, MIT license"
^self expandMacrosWithArguments: (Array
with: anObject
with: anotherObject
with: thirdObject)
expandMacrosWith: anObject with: anotherObject with: thirdObject with: fourthObject [
<category: '*PharoCompat'>
"From Pharo, for Phexample/OsmoCore, MIT license"
^self expandMacrosWithArguments: (Array
with: anObject
with: anotherObject
with: thirdObject
with: fourthObject)
expandMacrosWithArguments: anArray [
<category: '*PharoCompat'>
"From Pharo, for Phexample/OsmoCore, MIT license"
| newStream readStream char index |
newStream := (String new: self size) writeStream.
readStream := self readStream.
[ readStream atEnd ] whileFalse:
[ char := readStream next.
char == $<
[ | nextChar |
nextChar := readStream next asUppercase.
nextChar == $N ifTrue: [ newStream nl ].
nextChar == $T ifTrue: [ newStream tab ].
nextChar isDigit ifTrue:
[ index := nextChar digitValue.
[ readStream atEnd or: [ (nextChar := readStream next asUppercase) isDigit not ] ] whileFalse: [ index := index * 10 + nextChar digitValue ] ].
nextChar == $? ifTrue:
[ | trueString falseString |
trueString := readStream upTo: $:.
falseString := readStream upTo: $>.
readStream position: readStream position - 1.
newStream nextPutAll: ((anArray at: index)
ifTrue: [ trueString ]
ifFalse: [ falseString ]) ].
nextChar == $P ifTrue: [ newStream nextPutAll: (anArray at: index) printString ].
nextChar == $S ifTrue: [ newStream nextPutAll: (anArray at: index) ].
readStream skipTo: $> ]
[ newStream nextPut: (char == $%
ifTrue: [ readStream next ]
ifFalse: [ char ]) ] ].
^ newStream contents
Object extend [
deprecated: aString [
"Compat for pharo. Use it to indicate deprecated functions"