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(C) 2010-2011 by Holger Hans Peter Freyther
All Rights Reserved
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
fileInPackage: 'OsmoCore';
fileInPackage: 'OsmoNetwork'.
Object subclass: SCCPConnectionState [
| src dst conManager confirmSem proc state sem |
<category: 'OsmoGSM-SCCP'>
SCCPConnectionState class >> stateInitial [ <category: 'state'> ^ 0 ]
SCCPConnectionState class >> stateRequested [ <category: 'state'> ^ 1 ]
SCCPConnectionState class >> stateConnected [ <category: 'state'> ^ 2 ]
SCCPConnectionState class >> stateReleased [ <category: 'state'> ^ 3 ]
SCCPConnectionState class >> stateReleaseComplete [ <category: 'state'> ^ 4 ]
SCCPConnectionState class >> stateTimeout [ <category: 'state'> ^ 5 ]
SCCPConnectionState class >> new [
<category: 'creation'>
^ self shouldNotImplement
SCCPConnectionState class >> on: aHandler [
<category: 'creation'>
^(self basicNew)
conManager: aHandler;
initialize [
<category: 'creation'>
state := self class stateInitial.
confirmSem := Semaphore new.
sem := RecursionLock new.
conManager: aHandler [
<category: 'creation'>
"Check if it is not there otherwise bad things happen"
conManager ifNotNil: [
^ self error: 'Can only be set once.'.
conManager := aHandler.
conManager addConnection: self
critical: aBlock [
<category: 'locking'>
sem critical: [aBlock value]
state [ <category: 'accessing'>
^ state
conManager [
<category: 'accessing'>
^ conManager
srcRef [
<category: 'accessing'>
^ src
srcRef: aRef [
<category: 'accessing'>
src := aRef
dstRef: aRef [
<category: 'accessing'>
dst := aRef
dstRef [
<category: 'accessing'>
^ dst
changeState: newState do: aBlock [
sem critical: [
state := newState.
aBlock value.
connectionRequest: aData [
| res |
<category: 'handling'>
"Send the confirmation now"
self changeState: self class stateRequested do: [
self startConnEstTimer.
res := Osmo.SCCPConnectionRequest
initWith: (self srcRef) dest: (Osmo.SCCPAddress createWith: 254) data: aData.
self nextPut: res toMessage.
confirm: aCC [
<category: 'handling'>
self changeState: self class stateConnected do: [
self dstRef: aCC src.
self startConfirmTimer.
confirmSem signal.
self onConnectionConfirmed.
release [
| rlsd |
<category: 'handling'>
self changeState: self class stateReleased do: [
self startReleaseTimer.
rlsd := Osmo.SCCPConnectionReleased initWithDst: self dstRef src: self srcRef cause: 0.
self nextPut: rlsd toMessage.
releaseComplete: aMSG [
<category: 'handling'>
"TODO: verify that we are in the right state"
self changeState: self class stateReleaseComplete do: [
self finish.
released: aRLSD [
| rlc |
<category: 'handling'>
"Give up local resources here. We are done."
self changeState: self class stateReleaseComplete do: [
rlc := Osmo.SCCPConnectionReleaseComplete
initWithDst: aRLSD src src: aRLSD dst.
self nextPut: rlc toMessage.
self finish.
nextPutData: aMsg [
| dt1 |
<category: 'output'>
dt1 := Osmo.SCCPConnectionData initWith: self dstRef data: aMsg.
sem critical: [
self startTias.
self nextPut: dt1 toMessage].
nextPut: aMsg [
<category: 'output'>
conManager sendMsg: aMsg.
onConnectionConfirmed [
<category: 'event'>
"Re-implement to deal with notifications. There are no locks held."
SCCPConnectionState subclass: SCCPConnectionBase [
| t_conn_est t_ias t_iar t_rel t_repeat_rel t_int |
<category: 'OsmoGSM-SCCP'>
<comment: 'I add timeout handling based on the SCCP Connection State.
My timeout values can be seen in ITU Q.714 Annex C.4'>
SCCPConnectionBase class [
tconnEstTime [ <category: 'timeouts'> ^ 60 ]
tiasTime [ <category: 'timeouts'> ^ 5 * 60 ]
tiarTime [ <category: 'timeouts'> ^ 15 * 60 ]
trelTime [ <category: 'timeouts'> ^ 15 ]
trepeatRelTime [ <category: 'timeouts'> ^ 15 ]
tintTime [ <category: 'timeouts'> ^ 60 ]
stopAllTimers [
<category: 'private'>
sem critical: [
t_conn_est ifNotNil: [t_conn_est cancel. t_conn_est := nil].
t_ias ifNotNil: [t_ias cancel. t_ias := nil].
t_iar ifNotNil: [t_iar cancel. t_iar := nil].
t_rel ifNotNil: [t_rel cancel. t_rel := nil].
t_repeat_rel ifNotNil: [t_repeat_rel cancel. t_repeat_rel := nil].
t_int ifNotNil: [t_int cancel. t_int := nil].
finish [
<category: 'wrap up'>
schedule: aTime block: aBlock [
"I make sure that the SCCPConnManager and SCCPCon locks are held"
<category: 'private'>
^ Osmo.TimerScheduler instance
scheduleInSeconds: aTime block: [
conManager critical: [sem critical: [aBlock value]]].
startConnEstTimer [
<category: 'conn-establishment'>
self stopAllTimers.
t_conn_est := self schedule: self class tconnEstTime block: [self conTimeout].
conTimeout [
<category: 'conn-establishment'>
conManager connectionTimeout: self.
startConfirmTimer [
<category: 'confirm-timer'>
t_conn_est ifNotNil: [t_conn_est cancel. t_conn_est := nil].
self startTias.
self startTiar.
startTias [
<category: 'confirm-timer'>
t_ias ifNotNil: [t_ias cancel. t_ias := nil].
state = self class stateConnected ifTrue: [
t_ias := self schedule: self class tiasTime
block: [self sendInactivty]].
startTiar [
<category: 'confirm-timer'>
t_iar ifNotNil: [t_iar cancel. t_iar := nil].
state = self class stateConnected ifTrue: [
t_iar := self schedule: self class tiarTime
block: [self sendRelease]].
sendInactivty [
| it |
<category: 'confirm-timer'>
it := Osmo.SCCPInactivityTest initWithDst: self dstRef src: self srcRef.
sem critical: [
self startTias.
self nextPut: it toMessage].
sendRelease [
<category: 'confirm-timer'>
(state = self class stateConnected) ifTrue: [
self logError: 'SCCP(srcref:%1) rel con due inactivity.'
% {self srcRef} area: #sccp.
self release.
startReleaseTimer [
"We might be called multiple times and we use some variables to
figure out if we are the one or the other."
<category: 'release-timer'>
t_ias ifNotNil: [t_ias cancel].
t_iar ifNotNil: [t_iar cancel].
t_rel isNil
ifTrue: [
t_rel := self schedule: self class trelTime block: [self releaseTimeout]]
ifFalse: [
self startReleaseRepeatTimer.].
releaseTimeout [
<category: 'release-timer'>
self logError: 'SCCP(srcref:%1) RLC timeout.' % {self srcRef} area: #sccp.
t_int := self schedule: self class tintTime block: [self forceRelease].
self release.
startReleaseRepeatTimer [
<category: 'release-timer'>
t_repeat_rel ifNotNil: [t_repeat_rel cancel. t_repeat_rel := nil].
t_repeat_rel := self schedule: self class trepeatRelTime block: [self release].
forceRelease [
<category: 'release-timer'>
conManager addToFreezeList: self.
conManager connectionTimeout: self.
SCCPConnectionBase subclass: SCCPConnection [
<category: 'OsmoGSM-SCCP'>
data: aDT [
"nothing implemented"
terminate [
"noting implemented"
Object subclass: MSGParser [
<category: 'OsmoGSM-SCCP'>
<comment: 'I take a SCCP message and recursively parse all the data'>
MSGParser class >> parse: aByteArray [
| sccp |
"Return a completely decoded subtree"
sccp := Osmo.SCCPMessage decode: aByteArray.
(sccp respondsTo: #data)
ifTrue: [
sccp data: (self decodeBSSAP: sccp data readStream).
^ sccp
MSGParser class >> decodeBSSAP: aStream [
| bssap |
bssap := BSSAPMessage decode: aStream.
bssap class msgType = BSSAPDTAP msgType
ifTrue: [
bssap data: (GSM48MSG decode: bssap data readStream)
ifFalse: [
bssap data: (self decodeBSSMAP: bssap data readStream).
^ bssap
MSGParser class >> decodeBSSMAP: aStream [
| bssmap |
bssmap := IEMessage decode: aStream with: GSM0808IE.
bssmap findIE: (GSMLayer3Info elementId) ifPresent: [:each |
each data: (GSM48MSG decode: each data readStream).
^ bssmap
Osmo.SCCPMessage extend [
sccpInitialDispatch: aHandler [
<category: '*OsmoGSM-SCCP'>
^ aHandler dispatchMessage: self.
sccpHandlerDispatchOn: aCon [
<category: '*OsmoGSM-SCCP'>
"Message is not handled here"
self logError: 'Unhandled SCCP packet %1' % {self class} area: #sccp.
^ false
Osmo.SCCPUDT extend [
sccpInitialDispatch: aHandler [
<category: '*OsmoGSM-SCCP'>
aHandler handleUDT: self.
^ true
Osmo.SCCPConnectionRequest extend [
sccpInitialDispatch: aHandler [
<category: '*OsmoGSM-SCCP'>
self logNotice: 'New incoming connection' area: #sccp.
aHandler confirmConnection: self.
^ true
Osmo.SCCPConnectionConfirm extend [
sccpHandlerDispatchOn: aCon [
<category: '*OsmoGSM-SCCP'>
aCon confirm: self.
^ true
Osmo.SCCPConnectionData extend [
sccpHandlerDispatchOn: aCon [
<category: '*OsmoGSM-SCCP'>
aCon critical: [aCon startTiar].
aCon data: self.
^ true
Osmo.SCCPConnectionReleased extend [
sccpHandlerDispatchOn: aCon [
<category: '*OsmoGSM-SCCP'>
aCon released: self.
aCon conManager removeConnection: aCon.
^ true
Osmo.SCCPConnectionReleaseComplete extend [
sccpHandlerDispatchOn: aCon [
<category: '*OsmoGSM-SCCP'>
aCon releaseComplete: self.
aCon conManager removeConnection: aCon.
^ true
Osmo.SCCPInactivityTest extend [
sccpHandlerDispatchOn: aCon [
<category: '*OsmoGSM-SCCP'>
aCon critical: [aCon startTiar].
Object subclass: SCCPHandler [
| connections connection sem |
<category: 'OsmoGSM-SCCP'>
<comment: 'I handle SCCP messages and have a complicated locking
dependency. It appears to be easier (but less efficient) to first hold
the SCCPhandler lock and then the lock of the connection. With this deps
deadlocks should not occur.'>
SCCPHandler class >> dissectMSG: aMsg [
^ MSGParser parse: (aMsg asByteArray).
SCCPHandler class >> new [
<category: 'creation'>
^self basicNew initialize
initialize [
<category: 'creation'>
sem := Semaphore forMutualExclusion.
registerOn: aDispatcher [
<category: 'creation'>
aDispatcher addHandler: Osmo.IPAConstants protocolSCCP
on: self with: #handleMsg:.
connection: aConnection [
<category: 'creation'>
connection := aConnection.
critical: aBlock [
<category: 'locking'>
^ sem critical: aBlock
addConnection: aConnection [
<category: 'public'>
sem critical: [
self connections add: aConnection.
aConnection srcRef: self assignSrcRef.
dispatchMessage: aMessage [
<category: 'public'>
sem critical: [
self connections do: [:each |
each srcRef = aMessage dst
ifTrue: [
^ aMessage sccpHandlerDispatchOn: each.
self logError: 'No one handled connection %1' % {aMessage dst} area: #sccp.
linkSetFailed [
"The underlying has failed, invalidate all connections"
<category: 'public'>
sem critical: [
self connections do: [:each |
self doTerminate: each].
connections := nil.
newConnection: aCon [
<category: 'protected'>
"Interesting for subclasses"
connectionSpecies [
<category: 'protected'>
"Interesting for subclasses"
^ SCCPConnection
handleUDT: aSCCP [
<category: 'protected'>
self logNotice: 'Incoming UDT message' area: #sccp.
removeConnection: aConnection [
<category: 'private'>
self connections remove: aConnection.
addToFreezeList: aConnection [
<category: 'private'>
"TODO: Implement the freeze list so some SCCP SRCREF will not be
assigned for a given time."
connectionTimeout: aConnection [
<category: 'private'>
self logError: 'SCCP(srcref:%1) conn timedout' % {aConnection srcRef} area: #sccp.
self doTerminate: aConnection.
self removeConnection: aConnection.
confirmConnection: aMsg [
| con res |
<category: 'private'>
con := self connectionSpecies on: self.
"Confirm it without sending any new data bad"
con confirm: aMsg.
self newConnection: con.
res := Osmo.SCCPConnectionConfirm initWithSrc: (con srcRef) dst: (con dstRef).
self sendMsg: res toMessage.
"Confirm the message now and send any data"
sem critical: [
aMsg data ifNotNil: [
con data: aMsg.
^ con.
handleMsg: aMsg [
| sccp |
<category: 'private'>
"I am called from the dispatcher for SCCP"
sccp := self class dissectMSG: aMsg.
] on: Exception do: [:e |
self logNotice: 'Failed to dissect SCCP payload' area: #sccp.
^ false
sccp sccpInitialDispatch: self.
sendMsg: aMsg [
<category: 'private'>
"Send a SCCP message."
connection send: aMsg with: Osmo.IPAConstants protocolSCCP.
referenceIsFree: aRef [
<category: 'private'>
self connections do: [:each |
each srcRef = aRef
ifTrue: [
^ false
^ true
assignSrcRef [
<category: 'private'>
"Find a free SCCP reference"
1 to: 16rFFFFFE do: [:dummy |
| ref |
ref := Random between: 1 and: 16rFFFFFE.
(self referenceIsFree: ref)
ifTrue: [
^ ref.
self error: 'No free SCCP Connection. Close some'.
connections [
<category: 'private'>
^ connections ifNil: [ connections := OrderedCollection new. ]
doTerminate: aCon [
<category: 'termination'>
"I kill the SCCP Connection."
aCon finish.
] on: Error do: [:each |
each logException: 'Failed to finish %1' % {aCon srcRef} area: #sccp.