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TestCase subclass: GRPlatformTest [
<comment: 'A WAPlatformTest is a test to make sure the platform (= the
Smalltalk dialect we are running on) implements the protocol we need for
system classes like Collection. An example would be to make sure Collection
implements #count: with the sementics we need.'>
<category: 'Grease-Tests-Core'>
decodeUtf8Character: aCollectionOfIntegers [
"Decodes a collection of bytes into a single character. We have this so
we can avoid having non-ASCII characters in the source."
<category: 'private'>
| codec toDecode decoded |
codec := GRCodec forEncoding: 'utf-8'.
toDecode := aCollectionOfIntegers asByteArray.
decoded := codec decode: toDecode.
self assert: decoded size = 1.
^decoded at: 1
platform [
<category: 'accessing'>
^GRPlatform current
testAsNumber [
<category: 'testing'>
self assert: 2007 asNumber = 2007.
self assert: '2007' asNumber = 2007
testAsSeconds [
<category: 'testing'>
| duration |
duration := Duration
days: 1
hours: 0
minutes: 0
seconds: 0.
self assert: duration asSeconds = 86400
testBlockContextWithPossibleArguments [
<category: 'testing'>
| block |
block := [:x | 1 + x].
self assert: (block valueWithPossibleArguments: (Array with: 2)) = 3.
block := [false not].
self assert: (block valueWithPossibleArguments: (Array with: 3))
testBlockValuableProtocol [
<category: 'testing'>
self assert: [nil] argumentCount isZero.
self assert: [:x | x] argumentCount = 1.
self assert: [:a :b | a + b] argumentCount = 2.
self shouldnt: [[nil] fixCallbackTemps] raise: Error.
self shouldnt: [[:x | x] fixCallbackTemps] raise: Error.
self shouldnt: [[:a :b | a + b] fixCallbackTemps] raise: Error
testCharacterAsUnicode [
"test for:
Character >> #asUnicode
^self asInteger"
<category: 'testing'>
self assert: $S asUnicode = 83
testCharacterTo [
<category: 'testing'>
| actual expected |
actual := Array
withAll: 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_-'.
actual := actual collect: [:each | each greaseInteger].
expected := #(97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 95 45).
self assert: actual size = expected size.
actual with: expected do: [:first :second | self assert: first = second]
testDateArithmetic [
<category: 'testing'>
| today tomorrow oneDay minusOneDay |
today := DateTime
year: 2008
month: 9
day: 13
hour: 14
minute: 32
second: 5
offset: Duration zero.
tomorrow := DateTime
year: 2008
month: 9
day: 14
hour: 14
minute: 32
second: 5
offset: Duration zero.
oneDay := Duration
days: 1
hours: 0
minutes: 0
seconds: 0.
minusOneDay := Duration
days: -1
hours: 0
minutes: 0
seconds: 0.
self assert: tomorrow - today = oneDay.
self assert: today - tomorrow = minusOneDay.
self assert: today + oneDay = tomorrow.
self assert: tomorrow - oneDay = today.
self assert: tomorrow + minusOneDay = today.
self assert: today - minusOneDay = tomorrow
testDaysInMonthForYear [
<category: 'testing'>
(1 to: 12) with: #(31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31)
[:month :days |
assert: days = (Date daysInMonth: (Date nameOfMonth: month) forYear: 2007)]
testDigitValue [
<category: 'testing'>
'0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' with: (0 to: 35)
do: [:each :expected | self assert: each digitValue = expected]
testEmptyOrNil [
<category: 'testing'>
self assert: '' isEmptyOrNil.
self assert: nil isEmptyOrNil.
self assert: Array new isEmptyOrNil.
self deny: 'Timberwolf' isEmptyOrNil
testFixCallbackTemps [
"Make sure that #fixCallbackTemps is properly understood by block-contexts. Make sure that this is either a nop for Smalltalks with true block closures, or it properly fixes the context otherwise."
<category: 'testing'>
| array blocks values |
array := #(1 2 3).
blocks := array collect: [:each | [each] fixCallbackTemps].
values := blocks collect: [:each | each value].
self assert: values = array
testGreaseIntegerOnCharacter [
"ASCII (1 byte)"
<category: 'testing'>
| oWithStroke euro manna |
self assert: $a greaseInteger = 97.
self assert: $A greaseInteger = 65.
"Latin-1 (2 byte)"
oWithStroke := self decodeUtf8Character: #(195 152).
self assert: oWithStroke greaseInteger = 216.
"BMP (3 byte)"
euro := self decodeUtf8Character: #(226 130 172).
self assert: euro greaseInteger = 8364.
"SMP (4 byte)"
manna := self decodeUtf8Character: #(240 144 140 188).
self assert: manna greaseInteger = 66364
testGreaseIntegerOnNumber [
<category: 'testing'>
self assert: 2007 greaseInteger = 2007.
self assert: 2007.0 greaseInteger = 2007.
self assert: 2007.1 greaseInteger = 2007.
self assert: 2007.9 greaseInteger = 2007
testGreaseIntegerOnString [
<category: 'testing'>
self assert: '' greaseInteger isNil.
self assert: 'a' greaseInteger isNil.
self assert: ' 1' greaseInteger isNil.
self assert: 'a1' greaseInteger isNil.
self assert: '-' greaseInteger isNil.
self assert: '-a' greaseInteger isNil.
self assert: '0' greaseInteger = 0.
self assert: '12' greaseInteger = 12.
self assert: '123' greaseInteger = 123.
self assert: '123456789' greaseInteger = 123456789.
self assert: '-0' greaseInteger = 0.
self assert: '-12' greaseInteger = -12.
self assert: '-123.4' greaseInteger = -123.
self assert: '-123456789' greaseInteger = -123456789
testGreaseString [
<category: 'testing'>
self assert: 'Timberwolf' greaseString = 'Timberwolf'.
self assert: #DireWolf greaseString = 'DireWolf'.
self assert: true greaseString = 'true'.
self assert: 666 greaseString = '666'.
self assert: $A greaseString = 'A'.
self assert: nil greaseString = 'nil'.
[1 / 0] on: ZeroDivide
do: [:error | self assert: error greaseString isString].
self assert: 15.25 greaseString = '15.25'.
self assert: nil greaseString isString.
self assert: (4 @ 2) greaseString = '4@2'.
"#seasideString for a byte array should not do any decoding
this is in place to catch encoding errors early"
self assert: #(101 97) asByteArray greaseString ~= 'ea'.
self assert: #(101 97) asByteArray greaseString isString.
self assert: Object new greaseString isString
testIfNil [
<category: 'testing'>
self assert: (nil ifNil: [1]) = 1.
self assert: (1 ifNil: [2]) = 1
testIfTrueIfFalse [
<category: 'testing'>
self assert: (false ifFalse: [#false]) = #false.
self assert: (false ifTrue: [#true]) isNil.
self assert: (true ifTrue: [#true]) = #true.
self assert: (true ifFalse: [#false]) isNil.
self assert: (true ifTrue: [#true] ifFalse: [#false]) = #true.
self assert: (false ifTrue: [#true] ifFalse: [#false]) = #false.
self assert: (true ifFalse: [#false] ifTrue: [#true]) = #true.
self assert: (false ifFalse: [#false] ifTrue: [#true]) = #false
testIsCharacter [
<category: 'testing'>
self deny: 7 isCharacter.
self assert: $7 isCharacter
testIsCollection [
<category: 'testing'>
self deny: Object new isCollection
testIsKeyword [
<category: 'testing'>
self deny: #isKeyword isKeyword.
self deny: #+ isKeyword.
self assert: #isKeyword: isKeyword.
self assert: #isKeyword:isKeyword: isKeyword
testIsUnary [
<category: 'testing'>
self assert: #isUnary isUnary.
self deny: #+ isUnary.
self deny: #isUnary: isUnary.
self deny: #isUnary:isUnary: isUnary
testLabel [
<category: 'testing'>
self assert: (self platform label isKindOf: String).
self deny: self platform label isEmpty
testNumArgs [
<category: 'testing'>
self assert: #not numArgs isZero.
self assert: #+ numArgs = 1.
self assert: #and: numArgs = 1.
self assert: #value:value: numArgs = 2
testPrintStringLimitedTo [
<category: 'testing'>
| longString shortString |
longString := String
streamContents: [:stream | 1 to: 1000 do: [:i | stream nextPutAll: i printString]].
"Squeak implementation adds 9 characters to limited string and VA Smalltalk adds 10, so we can't do an exact count."
self assert: longString printString size > 65.
shortString := longString printStringLimitedTo: 50.
self assert: shortString size < 65
testSeconds [
<category: 'testing'>
self assert: Time now seconds isInteger.
self deny: Time now seconds isFraction
testSecureHashFor [
"Make sure the platform class provides a #secureHashFor: method. The
method is called by Seaside when hashing passwords. The Squeak
implementation returns a SHA-1 hash but another equivalent hash method
could also be used."
<category: 'testing'>
| a b |
a := self platform secureHashFor: 'foobar'.
b := self platform secureHashFor: 'foobar'.
self assert: a = b
testStackDepth [
<category: 'testing'>
| stackDepth someBlock |
stackDepth := self platform stackDepth.
self assert: stackDepth isInteger.
self assert: stackDepth > 0.
someBlock := [self assert: self platform stackDepth > stackDepth].
someBlock value.
self assert: stackDepth = self platform stackDepth
testSymbolAsMutator [
"test for:
Symbol >> #asMutator
^ (self copyWith: $:) asSymbol"
<category: 'testing'>
self assert: #name asMutator = #name:
testTotalSeconds [
"Answer the total seconds since the Squeak epoch: 1 January 1901."
<category: 'testing'>
| seconds |
seconds := Time totalSeconds.
self assert: seconds isInteger.
self assert: seconds > 3421645167
testVersion [
<category: 'testing'>
self assert: (self platform version isKindOf: GRVersion).
self assert: (self platform versionString isKindOf: String).
self deny: self platform versionString isEmpty
testRandomGenerator [
<category: 'testing-streams'>
| generator collection |
generator := self platform newRandom.
self should: [generator nextInt: 0] raise: Error.
self assert: (generator nextInt: 1) = 1.
collection := (1 to: 200) collect: [:ea | generator nextInt: 2].
self assert: (collection includes: 1).
self assert: (collection includes: 2).
self assert: collection asSet size = 2.
collection := 1 to: 5.
self assert: (collection includes: (generator randomFrom: collection)).
collection := -1.5 to: 3.5.
self assert: (collection includes: (generator randomFrom: collection)).
collection := #(1 2 3 4 5).
self assert: (collection includes: (generator randomFrom: collection)).
collection := #(1 2 3 4 5) asSet.
self assert: (collection includes: (generator randomFrom: collection))
testReadStreamAtEnd [
<category: 'testing-streams'>
| stream |
stream := '' readStream.
self assert: stream atEnd.
stream := 'a' readStream.
self deny: stream atEnd
testReadStreamContents [
<category: 'testing-streams'>
| stream |
stream := 'abc' readStream.
self assert: stream contents = 'abc'.
stream next: 2.
self assert: stream contents = 'abc'
testReadStreamNegativeSkip [
"ANSI does not mention negative values being used with #skip: but we
believe they work consistently. If not, we need to update our coding
conventions to make sure we never do this."
<category: 'testing-streams'>
| stream position |
stream := 'abcd' readStream.
position := stream position.
self assert: stream peek = $c.
stream skip: -1.
self assert: stream position = (position - 1).
self assert: stream peek = $b
testReadStreamNext [
<category: 'testing-streams'>
| stream |
stream := 'abcd' readStream.
self assert: stream next = $a.
self assert: (stream next: 0) = ''.
self assert: (stream next: 1) = 'b'.
self assert: (stream next: 2) = 'cd'
testReadStreamPeek [
<category: 'testing-streams'>
| stream |
stream := 'abcd' readStream.
self assert: stream peek = $a.
stream := '' readStream.
self assert: stream peek isNil
testReadStreamPosition [
"ANSI and"
<category: 'testing-streams'>
| stream |
stream := 'abc' readStream.
self assert: stream position = 0.
stream next.
self assert: stream position = 1.
stream next.
self assert: stream position = 2.
stream next.
self assert: stream position = 3.
stream position: 1.
self assert: stream position = 1.
self assert: stream next = $b.
stream position: 0.
self assert: stream position = 0.
self assert: stream next = $a.
stream position: 3.
self assert: stream atEnd
testReadStreamReset [
<category: 'testing-streams'>
| stream |
stream := 'abc' readStream.
stream next: 2.
stream reset.
self assert: stream next = $a
testReadStreamSkip [
<category: 'testing-streams'>
| stream |
stream := 'abcd' readStream.
self assert: (stream
skip: 2;
peek) = $c
testReadStreamUpTo [
<category: 'testing-streams'>
| stream |
stream := 'abcd' readStream.
self assert: (stream upTo: $c) = 'ab'.
self assert: stream next = $d.
stream := 'abcd' readStream.
self assert: (stream upTo: $x) = 'abcd'.
self assert: stream atEnd
testReadStreamUpToEnd [
"Not defined by ANSI."
<category: 'testing-streams'>
| stream |
stream := 'abcd' readStream.
self assert: stream upToEnd = 'abcd'.
self assert: stream atEnd.
self assert: stream upToEnd = ''.
self assert: stream atEnd.
stream := 'abcd' readStream.
stream upTo: $b.
self assert: stream upToEnd = 'cd'.
self assert: stream atEnd
testReadWriteStreamAtEnd [
<category: 'testing-streams'>
| stream |
stream := GRPlatform current readWriteCharacterStream.
self assert: stream atEnd.
nextPut: $a;
self deny: stream atEnd
testReadWriteStreamContents [
<category: 'testing-streams'>
| stream |
stream := GRPlatform current readWriteCharacterStream.
nextPutAll: 'abc';
self assert: stream contents = 'abc'.
stream next: 2.
self assert: stream contents = 'abc'.
stream := GRPlatform current readWriteByteStream.
nextPutAll: 'abc' asByteArray;
self assert: stream contents = 'abc' asByteArray.
stream next: 2.
self assert: stream contents = 'abc' asByteArray
testReadWriteStreamNegativeSkip [
"ANSI does not mention negative values being used with #skip: but we
believe they work consistently. If not, we need to update our coding
conventions to make sure we never do this."
<category: 'testing-streams'>
| stream position |
stream := GRPlatform current readWriteCharacterStream.
nextPutAll: 'abcd';
position := stream position.
self assert: stream peek = $c.
stream skip: -1.
self assert: stream position = (position - 1).
self assert: stream peek = $b.
stream := GRPlatform current readWriteByteStream.
nextPutAll: 'abcd' asByteArray;
position := stream position.
self assert: stream peek = 99.
stream skip: -1.
self assert: stream position = (position - 1).
self assert: stream peek = 98
testReadWriteStreamNext [
<category: 'testing-streams'>
| stream |
stream := GRPlatform current readWriteCharacterStream.
nextPutAll: 'abcd';
self assert: stream next = $a.
self assert: (stream next: 0) = ''.
self assert: (stream next: 1) = 'b'.
self assert: (stream next: 2) = 'cd'.
stream := GRPlatform current readWriteByteStream.
nextPutAll: 'abcd' asByteArray;
self assert: stream next = 97.
self assert: (stream next: 0) = '' asByteArray.
self assert: (stream next: 1) = 'b' asByteArray.
self assert: (stream next: 2) = 'cd' asByteArray
testReadWriteStreamNextPut [
<category: 'testing-streams'>
| stream |
stream := GRPlatform current readWriteCharacterStream.
stream nextPut: $a.
self assert: stream contents = 'a'.
stream := GRPlatform current readWriteByteStream.
stream nextPut: 97.
self assert: stream contents = 'a' asByteArray
testReadWriteStreamNextPutAll [
<category: 'testing-streams'>
| stream |
stream := GRPlatform current readWriteCharacterStream.
stream nextPutAll: 'abc'.
self assert: stream contents = 'abc'.
stream := GRPlatform current readWriteCharacterStream.
stream nextPutAll: #($a $b $c).
self assert: stream contents = 'abc'.
stream := GRPlatform current readWriteByteStream.
stream nextPutAll: #(97 98 99) asByteArray.
self assert: stream contents = 'abc' asByteArray
testReadWriteStreamPeek [
<category: 'testing-streams'>
| stream |
stream := GRPlatform current readWriteCharacterStream.
self assert: stream peek isNil.
stream := GRPlatform current readWriteCharacterStream.
nextPutAll: 'abcd';
self assert: stream peek = $a.
stream := GRPlatform current readWriteByteStream.
nextPutAll: 'abcd' asByteArray;
self assert: stream peek = 97
testReadWriteStreamPosition [
"ANSI and"
<category: 'testing-streams'>
| stream |
stream := GRPlatform current readWriteCharacterStream.
nextPutAll: 'abc';
self assert: stream position = 0.
stream next.
self assert: stream position = 1.
stream next.
self assert: stream position = 2.
stream next.
self assert: stream position = 3.
stream position: 1.
self assert: stream position = 1.
self assert: stream next = $b.
stream position: 0.
self assert: stream position = 0.
self assert: stream next = $a.
stream position: 3.
self assert: stream atEnd.
stream := GRPlatform current readWriteByteStream.
nextPutAll: 'abc' asByteArray;
self assert: stream position = 0.
stream next.
self assert: stream position = 1.
stream next.
self assert: stream position = 2.
stream next.
self assert: stream position = 3.
stream position: 1.
self assert: stream position = 1.
self assert: stream next = 98.
stream position: 0.
self assert: stream position = 0.
self assert: stream next = 97.
stream position: 3.
self assert: stream atEnd
testReadWriteStreamReset [
<category: 'testing-streams'>
| stream |
stream := GRPlatform current readWriteCharacterStream.
nextPutAll: 'abc';
stream next: 2.
stream reset.
self assert: stream next = $a.
stream := GRPlatform current readWriteCharacterStream.
nextPutAll: 'abc';
stream nextPutAll: 'def'.
self assert: stream contents = 'def'.
stream := GRPlatform current readWriteByteStream.
nextPutAll: 'abc' asByteArray;
stream next: 2.
stream reset.
self assert: stream next = 97
testReadWriteStreamSkip [
<category: 'testing-streams'>
| stream |
stream := GRPlatform current readWriteCharacterStream.
nextPutAll: 'abcd';
self assert: (stream
skip: 2;
peek) = $c.
stream := GRPlatform current readWriteByteStream.
nextPutAll: 'abcd' asByteArray;
self assert: (stream
skip: 2;
peek) = 99
testReadWriteStreamTab [
<category: 'testing-streams'>
| stream |
stream := GRPlatform current readWriteCharacterStream.
stream tab.
self assert: stream contents first = Character tab
testReadWriteStreamUpTo [
<category: 'testing-streams'>
| stream |
stream := GRPlatform current readWriteCharacterStream.
nextPutAll: 'abcd';
self assert: (stream upTo: $c) = 'ab'.
self assert: stream next = $d.
stream := GRPlatform current readWriteCharacterStream.
nextPutAll: 'abcd';
self assert: (stream upTo: $x) = 'abcd'.
self assert: stream atEnd.
stream := GRPlatform current readWriteByteStream.
nextPutAll: 'abcd' asByteArray;
self assert: (stream upTo: 99) = #(97 98) asByteArray.
self assert: stream next = 100.
stream := GRPlatform current readWriteByteStream.
nextPutAll: 'abcd' asByteArray;
self assert: (stream upTo: 120) = #(97 98 99 100) asByteArray.
self assert: stream atEnd
testReadWriteStreamUpToEnd [
"Not defined by ANSI."
<category: 'testing-streams'>
| stream |
stream := GRPlatform current readWriteCharacterStream.
nextPutAll: 'abcd';
self assert: stream upToEnd = 'abcd'.
self assert: stream atEnd.
self assert: stream upToEnd = ''.
self assert: stream atEnd.
stream reset.
stream upTo: $b.
self assert: stream upToEnd = 'cd'.
self assert: stream atEnd.
stream := GRPlatform current readWriteByteStream.
nextPutAll: 'abcd' asByteArray;
self assert: stream upToEnd = #(97 98 99 100) asByteArray.
self assert: stream atEnd.
self assert: stream upToEnd = #() asByteArray.
self assert: stream atEnd.
stream reset.
stream upTo: 98.
self assert: stream upToEnd = #(99 100) asByteArray.
self assert: stream atEnd
testWriteStreamContents [
<category: 'testing-streams'>
| stream |
stream := WriteStream on: String new.
stream nextPutAll: 'abc'.
self assert: stream contents = 'abc'.
stream nextPutAll: 'def'.
self assert: stream contents = 'abcdef'
testWriteStreamCrLf [
<category: 'testing-streams'>
| stream |
stream := WriteStream on: String new.
stream crlf.
self assert: stream contents first codePoint = 13.
self assert: stream contents second codePoint = 10
testWriteStreamNextPut [
<category: 'testing-streams'>
| stream |
stream := WriteStream on: String new.
stream nextPut: $a.
self assert: stream contents = 'a'
testWriteStreamNextPutAll [
<category: 'testing-streams'>
| stream |
stream := WriteStream on: String new.
stream nextPutAll: 'abc'.
self assert: stream contents = 'abc'.
stream := WriteStream on: String new.
stream nextPutAll: #($a $b $c).
self assert: stream contents = 'abc'
testWriteStreamReset [
<category: 'testing-streams'>
| stream |
stream := WriteStream on: String new.
stream nextPutAll: 'abc'.
stream reset.
stream nextPutAll: 'def'.
self assert: stream contents = 'def'
testWriteStreamSpace [
<category: 'testing-streams'>
| stream |
stream := WriteStream on: String new.
stream space.
self assert: stream contents first = Character space
testWriteStreamTab [
<category: 'testing-streams'>
| stream |
stream := WriteStream on: String new.
stream tab.
self assert: stream contents first = Character tab
testReadStreamSeasideUpToAll [
<category: 'testing-streams-seaside'>
| stream string1 string2 |
stream := 'abc12def' readStream.
string1 := stream greaseUpToAll: '12'.
string2 := stream greaseUpToAll: '12'.
self assert: string1 = 'abc'.
self assert: string2 = 'def'.
self assert: stream atEnd
testShutDownList [
"A smoke test: checks if the test-class can be added and removed to the shutdown list."
<category: 'testing-image'>
[self platform addToShutDownList: self class]
ensure: [self platform removeFromShutDownList: self class]
testStartUpList [
"A smoke test: checks if the test-class can be added and removed to the startup list."
<category: 'testing-image'>
[self platform addToStartUpList: self class]
ensure: [self platform removeFromStartUpList: self class]
testTerminate [
<category: 'testing-processes'>
| ensureRun ifCurtailedRun semaphore1 semaphore2 semaphore3 semaphore4 process |
ensureRun := false.
ifCurtailedRun := false.
semaphore1 := self platform semaphoreClass new.
semaphore2 := self platform semaphoreClass new.
semaphore3 := self platform semaphoreClass new.
semaphore4 := self platform semaphoreClass new.
process := [[[semaphore1 signal.
semaphore2 wait] ensure:
[ensureRun := true.
semaphore3 signal]]
[ifCurtailedRun := true.
semaphore4 signal]]
self deny: (self platform isProcessTerminated: process).
process resume.
semaphore1 wait.
self deny: (self platform isProcessTerminated: process).
self platform terminateProcess: process.
semaphore3 wait.
self assert: ensureRun.
semaphore4 wait.
self assert: ifCurtailedRun.
self assert: (self platform isProcessTerminated: process)