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GRObject subclass: GRDelayedSend [
| receiver selector |
<comment: 'A WADelayedSend is a future message send of a message to an object. Some of the arguments can be predefined. Instances are intended to be interchangeable with blocks.
This class should conform the ANSI valuable protocol.
This is an abstract class. Use the methods in the ''instance-creation'' protocol on the class side to create intances.
Instance Variables
receiver: <Object>
selector: <Symbol>
- the object receiving the message
- the message selector sent to the receiver'>
<category: 'Grease-Core-Utilities'>
GRDelayedSend class >> receiver: anObject selector: aSymbol [
<category: 'instance creation'>
^GRUnboundDelayedSend basicNew initializeWithReceiver: anObject
selector: aSymbol
GRDelayedSend class >> receiver: anObject selector: aSymbol argument: aParameter [
<category: 'instance creation'>
receiver: anObject
selector: aSymbol
arguments: (Array with: aParameter)
GRDelayedSend class >> receiver: anObject selector: aSymbol arguments: anArray [
<category: 'instance creation'>
^GRBoundDelayedSend basicNew
initializeWithReceiver: anObject
selector: aSymbol
arguments: anArray
argumentCount [
"Answer the number of arguments that must be provided to the receiver when sending it."
<category: 'accessing'>
self subclassResponsibility
fixCallbackTemps [
"For polymorphism with BlockContext>>#fixCallbackTemps."
<category: 'accessing'>
value [
<category: 'evaluating'>
^self valueWithArguments: #()
value: anObject [
<category: 'evaluating'>
^self valueWithArguments: (Array with: anObject)
value: aFirstObject value: aSecondObject [
<category: 'evaluating'>
^self valueWithArguments: (Array with: aFirstObject with: aSecondObject)
valueWithArguments: anArray [
<category: 'evaluating'>
self subclassResponsibility
valueWithPossibleArguments: anArray [
<category: 'evaluating'>
self subclassResponsibility
initializeWithReceiver: anObject selector: aSymbol [
<category: 'initialization'>
self initialize.
receiver := anObject.
selector := aSymbol
printOn: aStream [
<category: 'printing'>
super printOn: aStream.
nextPutAll: ' receiver: ';
print: receiver.
nextPutAll: ' selector: ';
print: selector
invalidArgumentCount [
<category: 'private'>
GRInvalidArgumentCount signal