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Object subclass: SoapSampleCustomer [
| name age dateOfBirth |
<category: 'SOAP-Example-CustomComplexType'>
<comment: nil>
SoapSampleCustomer class >> customerA [
<category: 'sample instances'>
| cust |
cust := self new.
cust name: 'Masashi'.
cust age: 36.
cust dateOfBirth: (DateTime fromString: '1970-11-22T00:00:00-07:00').
SoapSampleCustomer class >> customerB [
<category: 'sample instances'>
| cust |
cust := self new.
cust name: 'Mike'.
cust age: 26.
cust dateOfBirth: (DateTime fromString: '1980-10-20T00:00:00-07:00').
SoapSampleCustomer class >> initialize [
"SoapSampleCustomer initialize"
<category: 'class initialization'>
SoapEncoder complexTypeDict at: self name put: 'types:Customer'.
SoapLiteralEncoder complexTypeDict at: self name put: 'types:Customer'.
SoapDecoder complexTypeDict at: 'types:Customer' put: self
age [
"Answer the value of age"
<category: 'accessing'>
age: anObject [
"Set the value of age"
<category: 'accessing'>
age := anObject
dateOfBirth [
"Answer the value of dateOfBirth"
<category: 'accessing'>
dateOfBirth: anObject [
"Set the value of dateOfBirth"
<category: 'accessing'>
dateOfBirth := anObject
name [
<category: 'accessing'>
name: anObject [
"Set the value of name"
<category: 'accessing'>
name := anObject
Object subclass: SoapSampleGroup [
| name members |
<category: 'SOAP-Example-CustomComplexType'>
<comment: nil>
SoapSampleGroup class >> groupA [
"SoapSampleGroup groupA"
<category: 'sample instances'>
| group |
group := self new.
group name: 'Squeak support'.
group members add: SoapSampleCustomer customerA.
group members add: SoapSampleCustomer customerB.
SoapSampleGroup class >> initialize [
"SoapSampleGroup initialize"
<category: 'class initialization'>
SoapEncoder complexTypeDict at: self name put: 'types:Groups'.
SoapLiteralEncoder complexTypeDict at: self name put: 'types:Groups'.
SoapDecoder complexTypeDict at: 'types:Groups' put: self
members [
"Answer the value of members"
<category: 'accessing'>
members ifNil: [members := OrderedCollection new].
members: anObject [
"Set the value of members"
<category: 'accessing'>
members := anObject
name [
<category: 'accessing'>
name: anObject [
"Set the value of name"
<category: 'accessing'>
name := anObject
TestCase subclass: SoapDecoderCustomTestCase [
<comment: nil>
<category: 'SOAP-TestCases'>
dotNetSharedValuesEnvelopeXML2 [
<category: 'fixtures'>
^'<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsd=""
xmlns:types="" xmlns:tns=""
<soap:Body soap:encodingStyle="">
<FindCustomersResult href="#id1"></FindCustomersResult>
<soapenc:Array id="id1" soapenc:arrayType="types:Customer[2]">
<Item href="#id2"></Item>
<Item href="#id3"></Item>
<types:Customer id="id2" xsi:type="types:Customer">
<Name xsi:type="xsd:string">Ume</Name>
<Age xsi:type="xsd:int">36</Age>
<types:Customer id="id3" xsi:type="types:Customer">
<Name xsi:type="xsd:string">Ramon</Name>
<Age xsi:type="xsd:int">31</Age>
testDecodeDotNetSharedValuesXMLEnvelope2 [
"self debug: #testDecodeDotNetSharedValuesXMLEnvelope2"
<category: 'testing'>
| originalUseDotNetStyleSharedValues envelopeBuilder returnEnvelope message resp value |
SoapSampleCustomer initialize.
[originalUseDotNetStyleSharedValues := SoapResponse
SoapResponse useDotNetStyleSharedValues: true.
envelopeBuilder := SoapEnvelopeBuilder new.
returnEnvelope := envelopeBuilder
buildSoapEnvelopeFromXmlString: self dotNetSharedValuesEnvelopeXML2.
message := SoapMessage envelope: returnEnvelope.
resp := SoapResponse fromSoapMessage: message.
value := resp returnValue.
self should: [value size = 2].
self should: [value first name = 'Ume'].
self should: [value first age = 36].
self should:
[value first dateOfBirth
= (DateTime fromString: '1970-11-22T00:00:00-07:00')].
self should: [value second name = 'Ramon'].
self should: [value second age = 31].
self should:
[value second dateOfBirth
= (DateTime fromString: '1995-11-22T00:00:00-07:00')]]
useDotNetStyleSharedValues: originalUseDotNetStyleSharedValues]
testEncodeCustomStructType [
"self debug: #testEncodeCustomStructType"
<category: 'testing'>
| enc cust elem elem2 |
enc := SoapEncoder new.
enc useSharedValues: false.
cust := SoapSampleCustomer new.
name: 'John';
age: 25;
dateOfBirth: (DateTime fromString: '1980-11-22T00:00:00-07:00');
enc complexTypeDict at: #SoapSampleCustomer put: 'types:Customer'.
elem := enc
encodeSoapVariable: (SoapVariable name: 'customer' value: cust).
self should: [elem name = 'customer'].
"self should: [elem xsiType isNil]."
self should: [elem xsiType = 'types:Customer'].
self should: [(elem findChildNamed: 'name') value = 'John'].
self should: [(elem findChildNamed: 'age') value = '25'].
self should:
[(elem findChildNamed: 'dateOfBirth') value = '1980-11-22T00:00:00-07:00'].
elem2 := enc encodeSoapVariable: (SoapVariable
name: 'customer'
value: cust
xsdType: (enc complexXsdTypeOf: cust)).
self should: [elem2 name = 'customer'].
self should: [elem2 xsiType = 'types:Customer'].
self should: [(elem2 findChildNamed: 'name') value = 'John'].
self should: [(elem2 findChildNamed: 'age') value = '25'].
self should:
[(elem2 findChildNamed: 'dateOfBirth') value = '1980-11-22T00:00:00-07:00']
testEncodeCustomStructTypeHavingCustomStructs [
"self debug: #testEncodeCustomStructTypeHavingCustomStructs"
<category: 'testing'>
| enc group elem members memA memB |
enc := SoapEncoder new.
group := SoapSampleGroup groupA.
enc complexTypeDict at: #SoapSampleGroup put: 'types:Group'.
enc complexTypeDict at: #SoapSampleCustomer put: 'types:Customer'.
enc useSharedValues: true.
elem := enc encodeSoapVariable: (SoapVariable name: 'group' value: group).
self should: [elem name = 'group'].
self should: [(elem findChildNamed: 'name') value = 'Squeak support'].
members := elem findChildNamed: 'members'.
self should: [members xsiType isNil].
self should: [members arrayItemType = 'types:Customer'].
self should: [members size = 2].
memA := members children first.
self should: [memA name = 'item'].
self should: [memA xsiType = 'types:Customer'].
self should: [(memA findChildNamed: 'name') value = 'Masashi'].
self should: [(memA findChildNamed: 'age') value = '36'].
self should:
[(memA findChildNamed: 'dateOfBirth') value = '1970-11-22T00:00:00-07:00'].
memB := members children second.
self should: [memB name = 'item'].
self should: [memB xsiType = 'types:Customer'].
self should: [(memB findChildNamed: 'name') value = 'Mike'].
self should: [(memB findChildNamed: 'age') value = '26'].
self should:
[(memB findChildNamed: 'dateOfBirth') value = '1980-10-20T00:00:00-07:00']
testEncodeCustomStructTypeSharedInArray [
"self debug: #testEncodeCustomStructTypeSharedInArray"
<category: 'testing'>
| enc cust cust2 elems elem first second third |
enc := SoapEncoder new.
cust := SoapSampleCustomer new.
name: 'John';
age: 25;
dateOfBirth: (DateTime fromString: '1980-11-22T00:00:00-07:00');
enc complexTypeDict at: #SoapSampleCustomer put: 'types:Customer'.
cust2 := SoapSampleCustomer new.
name: 'Taro';
age: 35;
dateOfBirth: (DateTime fromString: '1970-11-22T00:00:00-07:00');
enc useSharedValues: true.
elems := (SoapEncArray encoder: enc)
fromArray: (Array
with: cust
with: cust2
with: cust)
named: 'resultElements'
elementType: 'ResultElement'.
elem := enc
encodeSoapVariable: (SoapVariable name: 'resultElements' value: elems).
self should: [elem isArrayType].
first := elem children first.
self should: [first id notNil].
self should: [(first findChildNamed: 'name') value = 'John'].
self should: [(first findChildNamed: 'age') value = '25'].
self should:
[(first findChildNamed: 'dateOfBirth') value = '1980-11-22T00:00:00-07:00'].
second := elem children second.
self should: [second id isNil].
self should: [(second findChildNamed: 'name') value = 'Taro'].
self should: [(second findChildNamed: 'age') value = '35'].
self should:
[(second findChildNamed: 'dateOfBirth') value = '1970-11-22T00:00:00-07:00'].
third := elem children third.
self should: [third id isNil].
self should: [third children isEmpty].
self should: [first id = (third href copyFrom: 2) asNumber]
testEncodeCustomStructTypeSharedInStruct [
"self debug: #testEncodeCustomStructTypeSharedInStruct"
<category: 'testing'>
| enc cust cust2 elem struct1 a b c |
enc := SoapEncoder new.
cust := SoapSampleCustomer new.
name: 'John';
age: 25;
dateOfBirth: (DateTime fromString: '1980-11-22T00:00:00-07:00');
enc complexTypeDict at: #SoapSampleCustomer put: 'types:Customer'.
cust2 := SoapSampleCustomer new.
name: 'Taro';
age: 35;
dateOfBirth: (DateTime fromString: '1970-11-22T00:00:00-07:00');
struct1 := SoapEncStruct fromAssociations:
{#a -> cust.
#b -> cust2.
#c -> cust2}.
enc useSharedValues: true.
elem := enc
encodeSoapVariable: (SoapVariable name: 'resultElements' value: struct1).
self should: [elem name = 'resultElements'].
a := elem findChildNamed: 'a'.
self should: [a id isNil].
self should: [(a findChildNamed: 'name') value = 'John'].
self should: [(a findChildNamed: 'age') value = '25'].
self should:
[(a findChildNamed: 'dateOfBirth') value = '1980-11-22T00:00:00-07:00'].
b := elem findChildNamed: 'b'.
self should: [b id notNil].
self should: [(b findChildNamed: 'name') value = 'Taro'].
self should: [(b findChildNamed: 'age') value = '35'].
self should:
[(b findChildNamed: 'dateOfBirth') value = '1970-11-22T00:00:00-07:00'].
c := elem findChildNamed: 'c'.
self should: [c id isNil].
self should: [c children isEmpty].
self should: [b id = (c href copyFrom: 2) asNumber]
TestCase subclass: SoapDecoderCustomTestCase [
<comment: nil>
<category: 'SOAP-TestCases'>
dotNetSharedValuesEnvelopeXML2 [
<category: 'fixtures'>
^'<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsd=""
xmlns:types="" xmlns:tns=""
<soap:Body soap:encodingStyle="">
<FindCustomersResult href="#id1"></FindCustomersResult>
<soapenc:Array id="id1" soapenc:arrayType="types:Customer[2]">
<Item href="#id2"></Item>
<Item href="#id3"></Item>
<types:Customer id="id2" xsi:type="types:Customer">
<Name xsi:type="xsd:string">Ume</Name>
<Age xsi:type="xsd:int">36</Age>
<types:Customer id="id3" xsi:type="types:Customer">
<Name xsi:type="xsd:string">Ramon</Name>
<Age xsi:type="xsd:int">31</Age>
testDecodeDotNetSharedValuesXMLEnvelope2 [
"self debug: #testDecodeDotNetSharedValuesXMLEnvelope2"
<category: 'testing'>
| originalUseDotNetStyleSharedValues envelopeBuilder returnEnvelope message resp value |
SoapSampleCustomer initialize.
[originalUseDotNetStyleSharedValues := SoapResponse
SoapResponse useDotNetStyleSharedValues: true.
envelopeBuilder := SoapEnvelopeBuilder new.
returnEnvelope := envelopeBuilder
buildSoapEnvelopeFromXmlString: self dotNetSharedValuesEnvelopeXML2.
message := SoapMessage envelope: returnEnvelope.
resp := SoapResponse fromSoapMessage: message.
value := resp returnValue.
self should: [value size = 2].
self should: [value first name = 'Ume'].
self should: [value first age = 36].
"BUG: broken time classes
self should:
[value first dateOfBirth
= (DateTime fromString: '1970-11-22T00:00:00-07:00')].
self should: [value second name = 'Ramon'].
self should: [value second age = 31].
"BUG: broken time classes in GST
self should:
[value second dateOfBirth
= (DateTime fromString: '1995-11-22T00:00:00-07:00')]
useDotNetStyleSharedValues: originalUseDotNetStyleSharedValues]