" (C) 2012 by Holger Hans Peter Freyther All Rights Reserved This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . " "This is a fake base station used for injecting RSL/DTAP messages and simulating failure condition..." PackageLoader fileInPackage: #OsmoGSM. RSLBCCHInformation extend [ trxDispatchOn: aTrx [ "nothing todo" ] ] RSLSACCHFilling extend [ trxDispatchOn: aTrx [ "nothing todo" ] ] RSLMessageBase extend [ trxChannelDispatch: aTrx [ | ts lchan | "Generic channel based dispatch." ts := aTrx channel: self channelNumber timeslotNumber + 1. lchan := ts lchan: self channelNumber subslotNumber + 1. self trxDispatchOn: aTrx with: lchan. ] ] RSLDedicatedChannelManagement extend [ trxDispatchOn: aTrx [ self trxChannelDispatch: aTrx. ] ] RSLChannelActivation extend [ trxAllocateChan: aTrx lchan: aChan [ | ack | Transcript nextPutAll: 'Allocated channel'; nl. ack := RSLChannelActivationAck new channelNumber: self channelNumber; frameNumber: #(23 42) asRSLAttributeData; yourself. aTrx mainBts sendRSLActivationAck: ack toMessage on: aTrx. ] trxNackChan: aTrx lchan: aLchan [ ^ self notYetImplemented ] trxDispatchOn: aTrx with: lchan [ "Find the channel and activate it." Transcript nextPutAll: 'Channel Activation: '; nextPutAll: self channelNumber subslotNumber asString; nl. "Allocate..." lchan allocate ifTrue: [self trxAllocateChan: aTrx lchan: lchan] ifFalse: [self trxNackChan: aTrx lchan: lchan]. ] ] RSLRFChannelRelease extend [ trxDispatchOn: aTrx with: lchan [ lchan releaseRequested. ] ] RSLImmediateAssignment extend [ trxDispatchOn: aTrx [ | gsm ts lchan chan_nr | self channelNumber isPchAgch ifFalse: [^self error: 'Can only handle assignment on PCH/AGCH']. "Skip the L2 Pseudo length" gsm := OsmoGSM.GSM48MSG decode: (self fullL3Info readStream skip: 1; yourself). "Convert the GSM 04.08 Channel Description to a RSL Channel number. Do it by copying the first byte. This makes no differentation between channel or packet description right now" chan_nr := RSLChannelNumber new data: (ByteArray with: gsm channelOrPacketDescription data first). "Find the lchan now." ts := aTrx channel: chan_nr timeslotNumber + 1. lchan := ts lchan: chan_nr subslotNumber + 1. "Check that the is allocated." lchan isFree ifTrue: [^self error: 'The lchan should be allocated.']. aTrx mainBts channelAssigned: lchan ra: gsm requestReference ra. ] ] RSLDataRequest extend [ trxDispatchOn: aTrx with: lchan [ lchan dataRequest: self l3Information data sapi: (self linkIdentifier data first bitAnd: 2r111). ] trxDispatchOn: aTrx [ self trxChannelDispatch: aTrx. ] ] RSLSacchDeactivate extend [ trxDispatchOn: aTrx with: lchan [ lchan dataRequest: self l3Information data sapi: (self linkIdentifier data first bitAnd: 2r111). ] trxDispatchOn: aTrx [ Transcript nextPutAll: 'Deactivating SACCH. Not doing anything'; nl. ] ] RSLEncryptionCommand extend [ trxDispatchOn: aTrx with: lchan [ lchan dataRequest: self l3Information data sapi: (self linkIdentifier data first bitAnd: 2r111). ] trxDispatchOn: aTrx [ self trxChannelDispatch: aTrx. ] ] RSLModeModifyRequest extend [ trxDispatchOn: aTrx with: lchan [ | ack | ack := RSLModeModifyAck new channelNumber: self channelNumber; yourself. aTrx mainBts sendRSL: ack toMessage on: aTrx. ] trxDispatchOn: aTrx [ self trxChannelDispatch: aTrx. ] ] RSLReleaseRequest extend [ trxDispatchOn: aTrx with: lchan [ lchan releaseSapiRequest: self linkIdentifier data first. ] trxDispatchOn: aTrx [ "A sapi has been released." self trxChannelDispatch: aTrx. ] ] RSLIPACreateConnection extend [ trxDispatchOn: aTrx with: lchan [ | ack | lchan ipaConnId: aTrx mainBts newConnectionIdentifier asRSLAttributeData. ack := RSLIPACreateConnectionAck new channelNumber: lchan channelNumber; connectionIdentifier: lchan ipaConnId; localPort: #(23 42) asRSLAttributeData; localIP: #(0 0 0 0) asRSLAttributeData; yourself. aTrx mainBts sendRSL: ack toMessage on: aTrx. ] trxDispatchOn: aTrx [ "A sapi has been released." self trxChannelDispatch: aTrx. ] ] RSLIPAModifyConnection extend [ trxDispatchOn: aTrx with: lchan [ | ack | ack := RSLIPAModifyConnectionAck new channelNumber: lchan channelNumber; connectionIdentifier: lchan ipaConnId; yourself. aTrx mainBts sendRSL: ack toMessage on: aTrx. ] trxDispatchOn: aTrx [ "A sapi has been released." self trxChannelDispatch: aTrx. ] ] RSLPagingCommand extend [ trxDispatchOn: aTrx [ aTrx mainBts paging: self msIdenity. ] ] Object subclass: BTS [ | site_mgr oml rsl oml_queue oml_init connected oml_up ras ras_mutex bts_id on_paging last_conn_id | BTS class >> omlInitClass [ ^ OMLBTSInit ] BTS class >> channelWaitDelay [ ^2 ] connect: anAddress [ self stop. rsl := nil. last_conn_id := 0. oml := BTSOmlConnection new onData: [:each | self handleOml: each]; onStop: [self omlStopped]; onConnect: [self omlConnected]; btsId: bts_id; yourself. "Make sure oml is fully assigned" oml_up := Semaphore new. oml_queue := SharedQueue new. ras := OrderedCollection new. ras_mutex := Semaphore forMutualExclusion. oml connect: anAddress ] siteManager [ ^ site_mgr ] trx [ ^ site_mgr bts basebandTransceiver ] omlStopped [ Transcript nextPutAll: 'OML Connection gone.'; nl. ] omlConnected [ Transcript nextPutAll: 'OML Connected'; nl. "Create a new SiteManager and forward OML data." site_mgr := SiteManagerOML new onData: [:each | self sendOML: each]; yourself. "Forward all RSL data from the TRX." site_mgr bts basebandTransceiver onData: [:each | self sendOnPrimaryRSL: each]; mainBts: self. "Start the OML init now in a new thread" oml_init := self class omlInitClass initWith: self. [[oml_init run ] ensure: [Transcript nextPutAll: 'OML-Init exited'; nl]] fork. ] omlUp [ oml_up signal. ] omlBcchArfcn [ ^ site_mgr bts bcchArfcn. ] findAllocatedLchanOn: aTrx with: aChannelDescription [ | lchan | "We have the TRX and now need to find the right channel and then the lchan" aChannelDescription channelType = 1 ifFalse: [^self error: 'Only channel type TCH/F... supported']. lchan := (aTrx channel: (aChannelDescription timeSlot + 1)) lchan: 1. lchan isFree ifTrue: [^self error: 'Should have been allocated by the BSC.']. ^ lchan ] findAllocatedLchan: aChannelDescription [ "Find the given the channel. First find the TRX and then the channel" Transcript nextPutAll: 'ARFCN: '; nextPutAll: aChannelDescription arfcn printString; nextPutAll: ' Type: '; nextPutAll: aChannelDescription channelType printString; nextPutAll: ' TS: ' ; nextPutAll: aChannelDescription timeSlot printString; nl; yourself. 1 to: site_mgr bts availableTrx do: [:nr | | rc trx | rc := site_mgr bts radioCarrier: nr. trx := site_mgr bts basebandTransceiver: nr. (rc arfcnList includes: aChannelDescription arfcn) ifTrue: [^self findAllocatedLchanOn: trx with: aChannelDescription]. ]. ^ self error: 'Failed to find the lchan' ] stop [ Transcript nextPutAll: 'Stop'; nl. rsl isNil ifFalse: [rsl stop. rsl := nil]. oml isNil ifFalse: [oml stop. oml := nil]. oml_init isNil ifFalse: [oml_queue nextPut: nil. oml_init := nil]. ] sendOML: aMsg [ oml send: aMsg. ] waitForOMLMsg [ "TODO: do something funny with continuations" ^ oml_queue next ] handleOml: aMsg [ [ | oml | oml := OMLMessageBase parse: aMsg asByteArray readStream. oml_queue nextPut: oml. ] on: Exception do: [:e | Transcript nextPutAll: 'OML Parsing failed with'; nl. e inspect. Transcript nextPutAll: 'With data: '; nextPutAll: aMsg asByteArray printString; nl. ] ] waitForBTSReady [ oml_up wait. oml_up wait. "Wait for OML queue to be empty. TODO: get a cb when last message was processed." [oml txQueueIsEmpty] whileFalse: [(Delay forMilliseconds: 500) wait]. ] startRSL: aPort streamId: anId on: aTrx [ rsl isNil ifFalse: [rsl stop]. rsl := BTSRslConnection new onData: [:each | self handleRsl: each on: aTrx]; onStop: [self rslStopped: rsl]; onConnect: [self rslConnected: rsl]; btsId: bts_id; streamId: anId; yourself. rsl connect: oml address port: aPort. ] btsId: aId [ bts_id := aId. ] handleRsl: aMsg on: aTrx [ | rsl | [ | rsl | rsl := RSLMessageBase parse: aMsg asByteArray readStream. rsl trxDispatchOn: aTrx. ] on: Exception do: [:e | Transcript nextPutAll: 'RSL Parsing failed with'; nl. e inspect. Transcript nextPutAll: 'With data: '; nextPutAll: aMsg asByteArray printString; nl. ] ] rslStopped: anInput [ Transcript nextPutAll: 'RSL Stopped'; nl. ] rslConnected: anInput [ Transcript nextPutAll: 'RSL Connected'; nl. "Send anything so rsl will be initialized." anInput send: #(1 2 3 4 5). oml_up signal. ] sendOnPrimaryRSL: aMsg [ rsl send: aMsg. ] sendRSL: aMsg on: aTrx [ self sendOnPrimaryRSL: aMsg. ] sendRSLActivationAck: aMsg on: aTrx [ self sendRSL: aMsg on: aTrx ] findRequestee: aRa [ ras_mutex critical: [ ras do: [:each | each key = aRa ifTrue: [^each]]]. ^ self error: 'Failed to find RA: ', aRa displayString. ] channelAssigned: aLchan ra: aRa [ | requestee | "Find and remove the requestee" requestee := self findRequestee: aRa. ras_mutex critical: [ ras identityRemove: requestee. ]. "Inform about the new channel" requestee value value: aLchan. ] waitForChannel: aMsg with: ra [ | sem out_chan entry | sem := Semaphore new. "Insert the callback" entry := ra -> [:lchan | out_chan := lchan. sem signal]. ras_mutex critical: [ ras add: entry. ]. "Send the request" self sendOnPrimaryRSL: aMsg. "Wait for a result and just return the out_chan, remove the entry" (Delay forSeconds: self class channelWaitDelay) timedWaitOn: sem. ras_mutex critical: [ras identityRemove: entry ifAbsent: []]. ^ out_chan ] paging: aPaging [ on_paging ifNotNil: [on_paging value: aPaging] ] onPaging: aCallback [ on_paging := aCallback ] newConnectionIdentifier [ last_conn_id := last_conn_id + 1. ^ ByteArray with: ((last_conn_id bitShift: -8) bitAnd: 16rFF) with: (last_conn_id bitAnd: 16rFF) ] ]