GRCollectionTest subclass: GRStringTest [ allowDuplicateValues [ ^true ] arbitraryCollection [ ^ 'fadbbc' copy "String literals are immutable" ] collectionClass [ ^String ] duplicateElement [ ^$b ] excludedElement [ ^$Q ] includedElement [ ^$d ] isExtensible [ ^false ] isInitializable [ ^true ] isSequenced [ ^true ] isSequencedReadable [ ^true ] testAsUppercase [ self assert: 'abc' asUppercase = 'ABC'. self assert: 'ABC' asUppercase = 'ABC' ] testCapitalized [ self assert: 'capitalized' capitalized = 'Capitalized'. self assert: 'Capitalized' capitalized = 'Capitalized'. self assert: 'CAPITALIZED' capitalized = 'CAPITALIZED'. self assert: #'capitalized' capitalized = #'Capitalized'. self assert: #'Capitalized' capitalized = #'Capitalized'. self assert: #'CAPITALIZED' capitalized = #'CAPITALIZED'. ] "testCapitalizedUmlauts [ self assert: 'äöü' capitalized = 'Äöü'. self assert: 'Äöü' capitalized = 'Äöü'. self assert: 'ÄÖÜ' capitalized = 'ÄÖÜ'. self assert: #'äöü' capitalized = #'Äöü'. self assert: #'Äöü' capitalized = #'Äöü'. self assert: #'ÄÖÜ' capitalized = #'ÄÖÜ' ]" testCopyAfter [ self assert: ('de_CH' copyAfter: $_) = 'CH' ] testCopyAfterLast [ self assert: ('' copyAfterLast: $.) = 'mkv'. self assert: ('' copyAfterLast: $$) = '' ] testCopyUpTo [ self assert: ('' copyUpTo: $.) = 'britney'. self assert: ('' copyUpTo: $$) = '' ] testCopyUpToLast [ self assert: ('' copyUpToLast: $.) = '' ] testIncludesSubString [ self assert: ('' beginsWith: 'britney'). self deny: ('' beginsWith: 'sex') ] testSubStrings [ "#subStrings: is defined by ANSI Answer an array containing the substrings in the receiver separated by the elements of separators." | mimeType tokens | mimeType := 'application/xhtml+xml'. tokens := mimeType subStrings: '/'. self assert: tokens size = 2. self assert: tokens first = 'application'. self assert: tokens second = 'xhtml+xml'. "ANSI is a bit unclear on how multiple sequential delimiters should be treated. Make sure behaviour is consistent for several delimiters in a row (taken from Squeak's behaviour)" tokens := 'abc,.def.ghi' subStrings: '.,'. self assert: tokens size = 3. self assert: tokens first = 'abc'. self assert: tokens second = 'def'. self assert: tokens third = 'ghi'. ] testExcerpt [ self assert: ('abcde' excerpt: 'c' radius: 0) = '...c...'. self assert: ('abcde' excerpt: 'c' radius: 1) = '...bcd...'. self assert: ('abcde' excerpt: 'c' radius: 2) = 'abcde'. self assert: ('abcde' excerpt: 'c' radius: 3) = 'abcde'. self assert: ('abcde' excerpt: 'c' radius: 0 ellipsis: 'x') = 'xcx'. self assert: ('abcde' excerpt: 'c' radius: 1 ellipsis: 'x') = 'xbcdx'. self assert: ('abcde' excerpt: 'c' radius: 2 ellipsis: 'x') = 'abcde' ] testExcerptEmpty [ self assert: ('' excerpt: '') isNil. self assert: ('' excerpt: 'x') isNil. self assert: ('x' excerpt: '') isNil ] testExcerptLeft [ self assert: ('abcde' excerpt: 'd' radius: 0 ellipsis: 'x') = 'xdx'. self assert: ('abcde' excerpt: 'd' radius: 1 ellipsis: 'x') = 'xcde'. self assert: ('abcde' excerpt: 'd' radius: 2 ellipsis: 'x') = 'xbcde'. self assert: ('abcde' excerpt: 'd' radius: 3 ellipsis: 'x') = 'abcde' ] testExcerptRight [ self assert: ('abcde' excerpt: 'b' radius: 0 ellipsis: 'x') = 'xbx'. self assert: ('abcde' excerpt: 'b' radius: 1 ellipsis: 'x') = 'abcx'. self assert: ('abcde' excerpt: 'b' radius: 2 ellipsis: 'x') = 'abcdx'. self assert: ('abcde' excerpt: 'b' radius: 3 ellipsis: 'x') = 'abcde' ] testInflectorAssimilated [ self assert: 'vertice' pluralize = 'vertices'. self assert: 'index' pluralize = 'indices' ] testInflectorCommonSuffixes [ self assert: 'mouse' pluralize = 'mice'. self assert: 'synopse' pluralize = 'synopses'. self assert: 'man' pluralize = 'men' ] testInflectorFfffSuffixes [ self assert: 'life' pluralize = 'lives'. self assert: 'wolf' pluralize = 'wolves' ] testInflectorIrregular [ self assert: 'genie' pluralize = 'genies'. self assert: 'ox' pluralize = 'oxen'. self assert: 'cow' pluralize = 'kine'. self assert: 'child' pluralize = 'children'. self assert: 'woman' pluralize = 'women' ] testInflectorNotInflecting [ self assert: 'fish' pluralize = 'fish'. self assert: 'travois' pluralize = 'travois'. self assert: 'chassis' pluralize = 'chassis'. self assert: 'nationalities' pluralize = 'nationalities' ] testInflectorTsssSuffixes [ self assert: 'church' pluralize = 'churches'. self assert: 'class' pluralize = 'classes' ] testInflectorYyyySuffixes [ self assert: 'story' pluralize = 'stories'. self assert: 'lady' pluralize = 'ladies'. self assert: 'stay' pluralize = 'stays'. ] testTrimBoth [ self assert: '' trimBoth = ''. self assert: ' ' trimBoth = ''. self assert: ' ' trimBoth = ''. self assert: 'foo' trimBoth = 'foo'. self assert: ' foo ' trimBoth = 'foo'. self assert: ' foo ' trimBoth = 'foo'. self assert: ((String with: Character cr), ' foo ') trimBoth = 'foo'. self assert: ('aabbaa' trimBoth: [ :each | each = $a ]) = 'bb'. self assert: ('bbaabb' trimBoth: [ :each | each = $a ]) = 'bbaabb' ] testTrimLeft [ self assert: '' trimLeft = ''. self assert: ' ' trimLeft = ''. self assert: ' ' trimLeft = ''. self assert: 'foo' trimLeft = 'foo'. self assert: ' foo ' trimLeft = 'foo '. self assert: ' foo ' trimLeft = 'foo '. self assert: ('aabbaa' trimLeft: [ :each | each = $a ]) = 'bbaa'. self assert: ('bbaabb' trimLeft: [ :each | each = $a ]) = 'bbaabb' ] testTrimRight [ self assert: '' trimRight = ''. self assert: ' ' trimRight = ''. self assert: ' ' trimRight = ''. self assert: 'foo' trimRight = 'foo'. self assert: ' foo ' trimRight = ' foo'. self assert: ' foo ' trimRight = ' foo'. self assert: ('aabbaa' trimRight: [ :each | each = $a ]) = 'aabb'. self assert: ('bbaabb' trimRight: [ :each | each = $a ]) = 'bbaabb' ] testTruncate [ self assert: ('abc' truncate) = 'abc'. self assert: ('abc' truncate: 3) = 'abc'. self assert: ('abc' truncate: 2) = 'ab...'. self assert: ('abc' truncate: 1 ellipsis: '') = 'a'. self assert: ('abc' truncate: 0 ellipsis: 'none') = 'none' ] testTruncateEmpty [ self assert: '' truncate = '' ] ]