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callagent: Add the bye transaction...

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Holger Hans Peter Freyther 2011-06-14 02:26:50 +02:00
parent 2c8cb82c6f
commit 4d6b967b21
1 changed files with 42 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
PackageLoader fileInPackage: 'Sockets'.
Object subclass: SIPTransaction [
| useragent dialog state timeout success failure notification cseq branch terminated |
| useragent dialog state timeout success failure notification cseq branch terminated t1|
SIPTransaction class >> stateInitial [ ^ 0 ]
SIPTransaction class >> stateTrying [ ^ 1 ]
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ Object subclass: SIPTransaction [
SIPTransaction subclass: SIPInviteTransaction [
| sdp t1 ack_branch |
| sdp ack_branch |
<category: 'RFC3161 17.2.1'>
"200ms to get TRYING or OK"
@ -201,3 +201,43 @@ SIPTransaction subclass: SIPInviteTransaction [
^ super respFailure: aReq.
SIPTransaction subclass: SIPByeTransaction [
<category: 'a bye...'>
SIPByeTransaction class >> createWith: aDialog on: aUA [
^ self new
userAgent: aUA;
dialog: aDialog;
start [
| bye |
self state = self class stateInitial ifFalse: [
^ self error: 'Can not restart.'
"Enter the state, remember the timeout"
state := self class stateTrying.
t1 := DateTime now.
bye := self createBye.
self queueData: bye asDatagram.
createBye [
| bye |
<category: 'invite'>
bye := (SIPByeRequest from: dialog)
addParameter: 'Via' value: (useragent generateVia: branch);
addParameter: 'CSeq' value: '%1 %2' % {cseq. 'BYE'};
addParameter: 'Call-ID' value: dialog callId;
useragent injectDefaults: bye.
^ bye