#!/usr/bin/env ruby # encoding: UTF-8 =begin This file is part of softSIM. softSIM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. softSIM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with sofSIM. If not, see . Copyright (C) 2011 Kevin "tsaitgaist" Redon kevredon@mail.tsaitgaist.info =end require './sap/server.rb' require './lib/apdu.rb' require 'socket' require 'xml' # SAP server using a SIM backup file class SIMServer < Server def initialize(io,path="sim.xml") super(io) @xml_path = path end #==================== #== main functions == #==================== # read file def connect begin xml = IO.read(@xml_path) doc = XML::Parser.string(xml) @card = doc.parse rescue log("connect","can't read #{@xml_path}",3) status = create_message("STATUS_IND",[[0x08,[0x02]]]) send(status) sleep 1 redo end # select MF select([0x3f,0x00]) # card ready return true end def disconnect @card.save(@xml_path) log("disconnect","save SIM in #{@xml_path}",3) end # get ATR def atr raise "connect to card to get ATR" unless @card return @card.find_first("/sim")["atr"].hex2arr end # send APDU and get response def apdu(request) raise "connect to card to send APDU" unless @card # check the size return [0x6f,0x00] unless request.length>=5 # I can only handle SIM APDU (class A0) return [0x6e,0x00] unless request[0]==0xa0 # default data = [] sw = [0x6f,0x00] # the instruction case request[1] when 0xa4 # SELECT # remove the last response @response = nil # verify the apdu if request[2,2]!=[0x00,0x00] then # incorrect parameter P1 or P2 sw = [0x6b,0x00] elsif request[4]!=0x02 then # incorrect parameter P3 sw = [0x67,0x02] else # is the file ID present ? if request.length==7 then # check if the directory can be selected file_id = request[5,2] node = select(file_id) if node then # file selected, response awaiting @response = node.find_first("./header").content.hex2arr sw = [0x9f,@response.length] log("APDU select","file selected : #{file_id.to_hex_disp}",3) else # out of range (invalid address) sw = [0x94,0x02] log("APDU select","file not found/accessible : #{file_id.to_hex_disp}",3) end else # out of range (invalid address) sw = [0x94,0x02] log("APDU select","file not found/accessible : #{file_id.to_hex_disp}",3) end end when 0xc0 # GET RESPONSE # verify the apdu if request[2,2]!=[0x00,0x00] then # incorrect parameter P1 or P2 sw = [0x6b,0x00] elsif !@response then # technical problem with no diagnostic given sw = [0x6f,0x00] elsif request[4]!=@response.length then # incorrect parameter P3 sw = [0x67,@response.length] else # return the response data = @response sw = [0x90,0x00] end when 0xf2 # STATUS # get current directory status = @pwd.find_first("./header").content.hex2arr # verify the apdu if request[2,2]!=[0x00,0x00] then # incorrect parameter P1 or P2 sw = [0x6b,0x00] elsif request[4]!=status.length then # incorrect parameter P3 sw = [0x67,status.length] else # return the status data = status sw = [0x90,0x00] end when 0xb0 # READ BINARY # is an ef selected ? type = file_info if type[:type]!="EF" then # no EF selected sw = [0x94,0x00] elsif type[:structure]!="transparent" then # file is inconsitent with the command sw = [0x94,0x08] else body = @selected.find_first("./body").content.hex2arr offset = (request[2]<<8)+request[3] length = request[4] if offset>=body.length or offset+length>body.length then # out of range (invalid address) sw = [0x94,0x02] else # return the data data = body[offset,length] sw = [0x90,0x00] end end when 0xd6 # UPDATE BINARY # is an transparent ef selected ? type = file_info if type[:type]!="EF" then # no EF selected sw = [0x94,0x00] elsif type[:structure]!="transparent" then # file is inconsitent with the command sw = [0x94,0x08] else body = @selected.find_first("./body").content.hex2arr offset = (request[2]<<8)+request[3] length = request[4] if offset>=body.length or offset+length>body.length then # out of range (invalid address) sw = [0x94,0x02] else # write the data body[offset,length] = request[5,length] sw = [0x90,0x00] end end when 0x88 # RUN GSM ALGORITHM # verify the apdu if request[2,2]!=[0x00,0x00] then # incorrect parameter P1 or P2 sw = [0x6b,0x00] elsif request[4]!=0x10 then # incorrect parameter P3 sw = [0x67,0x00] elsif ![file_info(@pwd)[:id],file_info(@pwd.find_first(".."))[:id]].include? [0x7F,0x20] then # not under DF_GSM, file is inconsistent with the command sw = [0x94,0x08] else # return the SRES/Kc # do I have it ? tuple = @card.find_first("/sim/a38/tuple[@rand='#{request[5,16].to_hex}']") if tuple then @response = tuple["sres"].hex2arr+tuple["kc"].hex2arr sw = [0x9f,@response.length] else # memory problem sw = [0x92,0x40] end end else # unknown instruction byte sw = [0x6d,0x00] end return data+sw end #=================== #== SIM functions == #=================== # select file using the file ID # node representing the file is returned # nil is return if file does not exist or is unaccessible def select(id) # find file if id==[0x3f,0x00] then # the MF is always selectable response = @card.find_first("/sim/file[@id='#{id.to_hex}']") elsif result=@pwd.find_first("./file[@id='#{id.to_hex}']") then # any file which is an immediate child of the current directory response = result elsif file_info(@pwd)[:type]=="DF" and result=@pwd.find_first("../file[@id='#{id.to_hex}']") then # any DF which is an immediate child of the parent of the current DF response = result elsif result=@pwd.find_first("..") and file_info(result)[:id]==id then # the parent of the current directory response = result elsif file_info(@pwd)[:id]==id then # the current DF response = @pwd else # file not found response = nil end # remember new selected file @selected = response if response # get current directory if ["MF","DF"].include? file_info(@selected)[:type] then # selected of a DF @pwd = @selected else # selected is an ED, DF is parent @pwd = @selected.find_first("..") end return response end # get type of selected file, and structure if EF def file_info(file=@selected) to_return = {} header = @selected.find_first("./header").content.hex2arr # file id to_return[:id] = [header[4],header[5]] # file type type = case header[6] when 0 "RFU" when 1 "MF" when 2 "DF" when 4 "EF" else "unknown" end to_return[:type] = type # EF struture if type=="EF" then # structure structure = case header[13] when 0 "transparent" when 1 "linear fixed" when 3 "cyclic" else "unknown" end to_return[:structure] = structure end return to_return end end