
493 lines
18 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" A toolkit for the Toorcamp SIM cards
Requires the pySim libraries (
# Copyright (C) 2012 Karl Koscher <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# December 2014, Dieter Spaar: add OTA security for sysmoSIM SJS1
from pySim.commands import SimCardCommands
from pySim.utils import swap_nibbles, rpad, b2h, i2h
import argparse
except Exception, err:
print "Missing argparse -- try apt-get install python-argparse"
import zipfile
import time
import struct
import binascii
# Python Cryptography Toolkit (pycrypto)
from Crypto.Cipher import DES3
def hex_ber_length(data):
dataLen = len(data) / 2
if dataLen < 0x80:
return '%02x' % dataLen
dataLen = '%x' % dataLen
lenDataLen = len(dataLen)
if lenDataLen % 2:
dataLen = '0' + dataLen
lenDataLen = lenDataLen + 1
return ('%02x' % (0x80 + (lenDataLen / 2))) + dataLen
class AppLoaderCommands(object):
def __init__(self, transport):
self._tp = transport
self._apduCounter = 0;
def test_rfm(self):
# use only one of the following
if (1):
# SIM: select MF/GSM/EF_IMSI and read content (requires keyset two)
if not args.smpp:
print self.send_wrapped_apdu_rfm_sim('A0A40000023F00' + 'A0A40000027F20' + 'A0A40000026F07' + 'A0B0000009');
self.send_wrapped_apdu_rfm_sim('A0A40000023F00' + 'A0A40000027F20' + 'A0A40000026F07' + 'A0B0000009');
# USIM: select MF/GSM/EF_IMSI and read content (requires keyset three)
if not args.smpp:
print self.send_wrapped_apdu_rfm_usim('00A40004023F00' + '00A40004027F20' + '00A40004026F07' + '00B0000009');
self.send_wrapped_apdu_rfm_usim('00A40004023F00' + '00A40004027F20' + '00A40004026F07' + '00B0000009');
def send_terminal_profile(self):
rv = self._tp.send_apdu('A010000011FFFF000000000000000000000000000000')
if "91" == rv[1][0:2]:
# In case of "91xx" -> Fetch data, execute cmd and reply
self._tp.send_apdu('A0120000' + rv[1][2:4]) # FETCH
# otherwise "9300" (SIM Busy)
return self._tp.send_apdu('A01400000C810301030002028281030100') # TERMINAL RESPONSE
return rv;
# Wrap an APDU inside an SMS-PP APDU
def send_wrapped_apdu_internal(self, data, tar, msl, kic_index, kid_index):
# See ETSI TS 102 225 and ETSI TS 102 226 for more details
# about OTA security.
# So far only no signature check, RC or CC are supported.
# The only supported ciphering mode is "Triple DES in outer-CBC
# mode using two different keys" which is also used for CC.
# SPI first octet: set to MSL
spi_1 = msl;
# length of signature
if ((spi_1 & 0x03) == 0): # no integrity check
len_sig = 0;
elif ((spi_1 & 0x03) == 1): # RC
len_sig = 4;
elif ((spi_1 & 0x03) == 2): # CC
len_sig = 8;
print "Invalid spi_1"
pad_cnt = 0;
# Padding if Ciphering is used
if ((spi_1 & 0x04) != 0): # check ciphering bit
len_cipher = 6 + len_sig + (len(data) / 2)
pad_cnt = 8 - (len_cipher % 8) # 8 Byte blocksize for DES-CBC (TODO: different padding)
# TODO: there is probably a better way to add "pad_cnt" padding bytes
for i in range(0, pad_cnt):
data = data + '00';
# CHL + SPI first octet
part_head = ('%02x' % (0x0D + len_sig)) + ('%02x' % (spi_1))
Kic = '00';
KID = '00';
if ((spi_1 & 0x04) != 0): # check ciphering bit
Kic = ('%02x' % (0x05 + (kic_index << 4))) # 05: Triple DES in outer-CBC mode using two different keys
if ((spi_1 & 0x03) == 2): # CC
KID = ('%02x' % (0x05 + (kid_index << 4))) # 05: Triple DES in outer-CBC mode using two different keys
# SPI second octet (01: POR required) + Kic + KID + TAR
# TODO: depending on the returned data use ciphering (10) and/or a signature (08)
part_head = part_head + '01' + Kic + KID + tar;
# CNTR + PCNTR (CNTR not used)
part_cnt = '0000000000' + ('%02x' % (pad_cnt))
envelopeData = part_head + part_cnt + data;
# two bytes CPL, CPL is part of RC/CC/DS
envelopeData = ('%04x' % (len(envelopeData) / 2 + len_sig)) + envelopeData
if (len_sig == 8):
# Padding
temp_data = envelopeData
len_cipher = (len(temp_data) / 2)
pad_cnt = 8 - (len_cipher % 8) # 8 Byte blocksize for DES-CBC (TODO: add different padding)
# TODO: there is probably a better way to add "pad_cnt" padding bytes
for i in range(0, pad_cnt):
temp_data = temp_data + '00';
key = binascii.a2b_hex(args.kid);
iv = binascii.a2b_hex('0000000000000000');
cipher =, DES3.MODE_CBC, iv);
ciph = cipher.encrypt(binascii.a2b_hex(temp_data));
envelopeData = part_cnt + binascii.b2a_hex(ciph[len(ciph) - 8:]) + data;
elif (len_sig == 4):
crc32 = binascii.crc32(binascii.a2b_hex(envelopeData))
envelopeData = part_cnt + ('%08x' % (crc32 & 0xFFFFFFFF)) + data;
elif (len_sig == 0):
envelopeData = part_cnt + data;
print "Invalid len_sig"
# Ciphering (CNTR + PCNTR + RC/CC/DS + data)
if ((spi_1 & 0x04) != 0): # check ciphering bit
key = binascii.a2b_hex(args.kic);
iv = binascii.a2b_hex('0000000000000000');
cipher =, DES3.MODE_CBC, iv);
ciph = cipher.encrypt(binascii.a2b_hex(envelopeData));
envelopeData = part_head + binascii.b2a_hex(ciph)
envelopeData = part_head + envelopeData;
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# Command (add UDHI: USIM Toolkit Security Header)
# TS 23.048
# 02: UDHDL
# 70: IEIA (CPI=70)
# 00: IEIDLa
# two bytes CPL
# no CHI
envelopeData = '027000' + ('%04x' % (len(envelopeData) / 2)) + envelopeData;
# For sending via SMPP, those are the data which can be put into
# the "hex" field of the "sendwp" XML file (see examples in libsmpp34).
if args.smpp:
print "SMPP: " + envelopeData;
return ('00', '9000');
# SMS-TDPU header: MS-Delivery, no more messages, TP-UD header, no reply path,
# TP-OA = TON/NPI 55667788, TP-PID = SIM Download, BS timestamp
envelopeData = '400881556677887ff600112912000004' + ('%02x' % (len(envelopeData) / 2)) + envelopeData;
# (82) Device Identities: (83) Network to (81) USIM
# (8b) SMS-TPDU
envelopeData = '820283818B' + hex_ber_length(envelopeData) + envelopeData
# d1 = SMS-PP Download, d2 = Cell Broadcast Download
envelopeData = 'd1' + hex_ber_length(envelopeData) + envelopeData;
(response, sw) = self._tp.send_apdu('a0c20000' + ('%02x' % (len(envelopeData) / 2)) + envelopeData)
if "9e" == sw[0:2]: # more bytes available, get response
response = self._tp.send_apdu_checksw('A0C00000' + sw[2:4])[0] # GET RESPONSE
# Unwrap response
response = response[(int(response[10:12],16)*2)+12:]
return (response[6:], response[2:6])
def send_wrapped_apdu_ram(self, data):
if (len(args.kic) == 0) and (len(args.kid) == 0):
# TAR RAM: 000000, no security (JLM SIM)
return self.send_wrapped_apdu_internal(data, '000000', 0, 0, 0)
# TAR RAM: 000000, sysmoSIM SJS1: MSL = 6, first keyset
return self.send_wrapped_apdu_internal(data, '000000', 6, 1, 1)
def send_wrapped_apdu_rfm_sim(self, data):
# TAR RFM SIM: B00010, sysmoSIM SJS1: MSL = 6, second keyset
return self.send_wrapped_apdu_internal(data, 'B00010', 6, 2, 2)
def send_wrapped_apdu_rfm_usim(self, data):
# TAR RFM USIM: B00011, sysmoSIM SJS1: MSL = 6, third keyset
return self.send_wrapped_apdu_internal(data, 'B00011', 6, 3, 3)
def send_wrapped_apdu_checksw(self, data, sw="9000"):
response = self.send_wrapped_apdu_ram(data)
if response[1] != sw:
raise RuntimeError("SW match failed! Expected %s and got %s." % (sw.lower(), response[1]))
return response
def get_security_domain_aid(self):
# Get Status followed by Get Response
response = self.send_wrapped_apdu_checksw('80F28000024F0000C0000000')[0]
return response[2:(int(response[0:2],16)*2)+2]
def delete_aid(self, aid, delete_related=True):
aidDesc = '4f' + ('%02x' % (len(aid) / 2)) + aid
apdu = '80e400' + ('80' if delete_related else '00') + ('%02x' % (len(aidDesc) / 2)) + aidDesc + '00c0000000'
return self.send_wrapped_apdu_checksw(apdu)
def load_aid_raw(self, aid, executable, codeSize, volatileDataSize = 0, nonvolatileDataSize = 0):
loadParameters = 'c602' + ('%04x' % codeSize)
if volatileDataSize > 0:
loadParameters = loadParameters + 'c702' ('%04x' % volatileDataSize)
if nonvolatileDataSize > 0:
loadParameters = loadParameters + 'c802' ('%04x' % nonvolatileDataSize)
loadParameters = 'ef' + ('%02x' % (len(loadParameters) / 2)) + loadParameters
# Install for load APDU, no security domain or hash specified
data = ('%02x' % (len(aid) / 2)) + aid + '0000' + ('%02x' % (len(loadParameters) / 2)) + loadParameters + '0000'
self.send_wrapped_apdu_checksw('80e60200' + ('%02x' % (len(data) / 2)) + data + '00c0000000')
# Load APDUs
loadData = 'c4' + hex_ber_length(executable) + executable
loadBlock = 0;
while len(loadData):
if len(loadData) > 0xd8:
apdu = '80e800' + ('%02x' % loadBlock) + '6c' + loadData[:0xd8]
loadData = loadData[0xd8:]
loadBlock = loadBlock + 1
apdu = '80e880' + ('%02x' % loadBlock) + ('%02x' % (len(loadData) / 2)) + loadData
loadData = ''
self.send_wrapped_apdu_checksw(apdu + '00c0000000')
def generate_load_file(self, capfile):
zipcap = zipfile.ZipFile(capfile)
zipfiles = zipcap.namelist()
header = None
directory = None
impt = None
applet = None
clas = None
method = None
staticfield = None
export = None
constpool = None
reflocation = None
for i, filename in enumerate(zipfiles):
if filename.lower().endswith('header.cap'):
header =
elif filename.lower().endswith('directory.cap'):
directory =
elif filename.lower().endswith('import.cap'):
impt =
elif filename.lower().endswith('applet.cap'):
applet =
elif filename.lower().endswith('class.cap'):
clas =
elif filename.lower().endswith('method.cap'):
method =
elif filename.lower().endswith('staticfield.cap'):
staticfield =
elif filename.lower().endswith('export.cap'):
export =
elif filename.lower().endswith('constantpool.cap'):
constpool =
elif filename.lower().endswith('reflocation.cap'):
reflocation =
data = header.encode("hex")
if directory:
data = data + directory.encode("hex")
if impt:
data = data + impt.encode("hex")
if applet:
data = data + applet.encode("hex")
if clas:
data = data + clas.encode("hex")
if method:
data = data + method.encode("hex")
if staticfield:
data = data + staticfield.encode("hex")
if export:
data = data + export.encode("hex")
if constpool:
data = data + constpool.encode("hex")
if reflocation:
data = data + reflocation.encode("hex")
return data
def get_aid_from_load_file(self, data):
return data[26:26+(int(data[24:26],16)*2)]
def load_app(self, capfile):
data = self.generate_load_file(capfile)
aid = self.get_aid_from_load_file(data)
self.load_aid_raw(aid, data, len(data) / 2)
def install_app(self, args):
loadfile = self.generate_load_file(args.install)
aid = self.get_aid_from_load_file(loadfile)
toolkit_params = ''
if args.enable_sim_toolkit:
assert len(args.access_domain) % 2 == 0
assert len(args.priority_level) == 2
toolkit_params = ('%02x' % (len(args.access_domain) / 2)) + args.access_domain
toolkit_params = toolkit_params + args.priority_level + ('%02x' % args.max_timers)
toolkit_params = toolkit_params + ('%02x' % args.max_menu_entry_text)
toolkit_params = toolkit_params + ('%02x' % args.max_menu_entries) + '0000' * args.max_menu_entries + '0000'
if args.tar:
assert len(args.tar) % 6 == 0
toolkit_params = toolkit_params + ('%02x' % (len(args.tar) / 2)) + args.tar
toolkit_params = 'ca' + ('%02x' % (len(toolkit_params) / 2)) + toolkit_params
assert len(args.nonvolatile_memory_required) == 4
assert len(args.volatile_memory_for_install) == 4
parameters = 'c802' + args.nonvolatile_memory_required + 'c702' + args.volatile_memory_for_install
if toolkit_params:
parameters = parameters + toolkit_params
parameters = 'ef' + ('%02x' % (len(parameters) / 2)) + parameters + 'c9' + ('%02x' % (len(args.app_parameters) / 2)) + args.app_parameters
data = ('%02x' % (len(aid) / 2)) + aid + ('%02x' % (len(args.module_aid) / 2)) + args.module_aid + ('%02x' % (len(args.instance_aid) / 2)) + \
args.instance_aid + '0100' + ('%02x' % (len(parameters) / 2)) + parameters + '00'
self.send_wrapped_apdu_checksw('80e60c00' + ('%02x' % (len(data) / 2)) + data + '00c0000000')
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Tool for Toorcamp SIMs.')
parser.add_argument('-s', '--serialport')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--pcsc', nargs='?', const=0, type=int)
parser.add_argument('-d', '--delete-app')
parser.add_argument('-l', '--load-app')
parser.add_argument('-i', '--install')
parser.add_argument('--nonvolatile-memory-required', default='0000')
parser.add_argument('--volatile-memory-for-install', default='0000')
parser.add_argument('--enable-sim-toolkit', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--access-domain', default='ff')
parser.add_argument('--priority-level', default='01')
parser.add_argument('--max-timers', type=int, default=0)
parser.add_argument('--max-menu-entry-text', type=int, default=16)
parser.add_argument('--max-menu-entries', type=int, default=0)
parser.add_argument('--app-parameters', default='')
parser.add_argument('--print-info', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-n', '--new-card-required', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-z', '--sleep_after_insertion', type=float, default=0.0)
parser.add_argument('-t', '--list-applets', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--dump-phonebook', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--set-phonebook-entry', nargs=4)
parser.add_argument('--kic', default='')
parser.add_argument('--kid', default='')
parser.add_argument('--smpp', action='store_true')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.pcsc is not None:
from pySim.transport.pcsc import PcscSimLink
sl = PcscSimLink(args.pcsc)
elif args.serialport is not None:
from pySim.transport.serial import SerialSimLink
sl = SerialSimLink(device=args.serialport, baudrate=9600)
elif args.smpp is not None:
class DummySL:
sl = DummySL()
raise RuntimeError("Need to specify either --serialport, --pcsc or --smpp")
sc = SimCardCommands(sl)
ac = AppLoaderCommands(sl)
if not args.smpp:
if not args.smpp:
# Get the ICCID
print "ICCID: " + swap_nibbles(sc.read_binary(['3f00', '2fe2'])[0])
# for RFM testing
if args.delete_app:
if args.load_app:
if args.install:
if args.print_info:
print "--print-info not implemented yet."
if args.disable_pin:
sl.send_apdu_checksw('0026000108' + args.disable_pin.encode("hex") + 'ff' * (8 - len(args.disable_pin)))
if args.dump_phonebook:
num_records = sc.record_count(['3f00','7f10','6f3a'])
print ("Phonebook: %d records available" % num_records)
for record_id in range(1, num_records + 1):
print sc.read_record(['3f00','7f10','6f3a'], record_id)
if args.set_phonebook_entry:
num_records = sc.record_count(['3f00','7f10','6f3a'])
record_size = sc.record_size(['3f00','7f10','6f3a'])
record_num = int(args.set_phonebook_entry[0])
if (record_num < 1) or (record_num > num_records):
raise RuntimeError("Invalid phonebook record number")
encoded_name = rpad(b2h(args.set_phonebook_entry[1]), (record_size - 14) * 2)
if len(encoded_name) > ((record_size - 14) * 2):
raise RuntimeError("Name is too long")
if len(args.set_phonebook_entry[2]) > 20:
raise RuntimeError("Number is too long")
encoded_number = swap_nibbles(rpad(args.set_phonebook_entry[2], 20))
record = encoded_name + ('%02x' % len(args.set_phonebook_entry[2])) + args.set_phonebook_entry[3] + encoded_number + 'ffff'
sc.update_record(['3f00','7f10','6f3a'], record_num, record)
if args.list_applets:
(data, status) = ac.send_wrapped_apdu_ram('80f21000024f0000c0000000')
while status == '6310':
(partData, status) = ac.send_wrapped_apdu_ram('80f21001024f0000c0000000')
data = data + partData
while len(data) > 0:
aidlen = int(data[0:2],16) * 2
aid = data[2:aidlen + 2]
state = data[aidlen + 2:aidlen + 4]
privs = data[aidlen + 4:aidlen + 6]
num_instances = int(data[aidlen + 6:aidlen + 8], 16)
print 'AID: ' + aid + ', State: ' + state + ', Privs: ' + privs
data = data[aidlen + 8:]
while num_instances > 0:
aidlen = int(data[0:2],16) * 2
aid = data[2:aidlen + 2]
print "\tInstance AID: " + aid
data = data[aidlen + 2:]
num_instances = num_instances - 1