#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Program to emulate the entire communication path SMSC-MSC-BSC-BTS-ME # that is usually between an OTA backend and the SIM card. This allows # to play with SIM OTA technology without using a mobile network or even # a mobile phone. # # An external application must encode (and encrypt/sign) the OTA SMS # and submit them via SMPP to this program, just like it would submit # it normally to a SMSC (SMS Service Centre). The program then re-formats # the SMPP-SUBMIT into a SMS DELIVER TPDU and passes it via an ENVELOPE # APDU to the SIM card that is locally inserted into a smart card reader. # # The path from SIM to external OTA application works the opposite way. import argparse import logging import colorlog from pprint import pprint as pp from twisted.protocols import basic from twisted.internet import defer, endpoints, protocol, reactor, task from twisted.cred.portal import IRealm from twisted.cred.checkers import InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse from twisted.cred.portal import Portal from zope.interface import implementer from smpp.twisted.config import SMPPServerConfig from smpp.twisted.server import SMPPServerFactory, SMPPBindManager from smpp.twisted.protocol import SMPPSessionStates, DataHandlerResponse from smpp.pdu import pdu_types, operations, pdu_encoding from pySim.sms import SMS_DELIVER, SMS_SUBMIT, AddressField from pySim.transport import LinkBase, ProactiveHandler, argparse_add_reader_args, init_reader from pySim.commands import SimCardCommands from pySim.cards import UsimCard from pySim.exceptions import * from pySim.cat import ProactiveCommand, SendShortMessage, SMS_TPDU, SMSPPDownload from pySim.cat import DeviceIdentities, Address from pySim.utils import b2h, h2b logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # MSISDNs to use when generating proactive SMS messages SIM_MSISDN='23' ESME_MSISDN='12' # HACK: we need some kind of mapping table between system_id and card-reader # or actually route based on MSISDNs hackish_global_smpp = None class Proact(ProactiveHandler): def __init__(self, smpp_factory): self.smpp_factory = smpp_factory @staticmethod def _find_first_element_of_type(instlist, cls): for i in instlist: if isinstance(i, cls): return i return None """Call-back which the pySim transport core calls whenever it receives a proactive command from the SIM.""" def handle_SendShortMessage(self, data): """Card requests sending a SMS.""" pp(data) # Relevant parts in data: Address, SMS_TPDU addr_ie = Proact._find_first_element_of_type(data.children, Address) sms_tpdu_ie = Proact._find_first_element_of_type(data.children, SMS_TPDU) raw_tpdu = sms_tpdu_ie.decoded['tpdu'] submit = SMS_SUBMIT.fromBytes(raw_tpdu) self.send_sms_via_smpp(data) def handle_OpenChannel(self, data): """Card requests opening a new channel via a UDP/TCP socket.""" pp(data) pass def handle_CloseChannel(self, data): """Close a channel.""" pp(data) pass def handleReceiveData(self, data): """Receive/read data from the socket.""" pp(data) pass def handleSendData(self, data): """Send/write data to the socket.""" pp(data) pass def getChannelStatus(self, data): pp(data) pass def send_sms_via_smpp(self, data): # while in a normal network the phone/ME would *submit* a message to the SMSC, # we are actually emulating the SMSC itself, so we must *deliver* the message # to the ESME dcs = pdu_types.DataCoding(pdu_types.DataCodingScheme.DEFAULT, pdu_types.DataCodingDefault.OCTET_UNSPECIFIED) esm_class = pdu_types.EsmClass(pdu_types.EsmClassMode.DEFAULT, pdu_types.EsmClassType.DEFAULT, gsmFeatures=[pdu_types.EsmClassGsmFeatures.UDHI_INDICATOR_SET]) deliver = operations.DeliverSM(source_addr=SIM_MSISDN, destination_addr=ESME_MSISDN, esm_class=esm_class, protocol_id=0x7F, data_coding=dcs, short_message=h2b(data)) hackish_global_smpp.sendDataRequest(deliver) # # obtain the connection/binding of system_id to be used for delivering MO-SMS to the ESME # connection = smpp_server.getBoundConnections[system_id].getNextBindingForDelivery() # connection.sendDataRequest(deliver) def dcs_is_8bit(dcs): if dcs == pdu_types.DataCoding(pdu_types.DataCodingScheme.DEFAULT, pdu_types.DataCodingDefault.OCTET_UNSPECIFIED): return True if dcs == pdu_types.DataCoding(pdu_types.DataCodingScheme.DEFAULT, pdu_types.DataCodingDefault.OCTET_UNSPECIFIED_COMMON): return True if dcs.scheme == pdu_types.DataCodingScheme.GSM_MESSAGE_CLASS and dcs.schemeData['msgCoding'] == pdu_types.DataCodingGsmMsgCoding.DATA_8BIT: return True else: return False class MyServer: @implementer(IRealm) class SmppRealm: def requestAvatar(self, avatarId, mind, *interfaces): return ('SMPP', avatarId, lambda: None) def __init__(self, tcp_port:int = 2775, bind_ip = '::'): smpp_config = SMPPServerConfig(msgHandler=self._msgHandler, systems={'test': {'max_bindings': 2}}) portal = Portal(self.SmppRealm()) credential_checker = InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse() credential_checker.addUser('test', 'test') portal.registerChecker(credential_checker) self.factory = SMPPServerFactory(smpp_config, auth_portal=portal) logger.info('Binding Virtual SMSC to TCP Port %u at %s' % (tcp_port, bind_ip)) smppEndpoint = endpoints.TCP6ServerEndpoint(reactor, tcp_port, interface=bind_ip) smppEndpoint.listen(self.factory) self.tp = self.scc = self.card = None def connect_to_card(self, tp: LinkBase): self.tp = tp self.scc = SimCardCommands(self.tp) self.card = UsimCard(self.scc) # this should be part of UsimCard, but FairewavesSIM breaks with that :/ self.scc.cla_byte = "00" self.scc.sel_ctrl = "0004" self.card.read_aids() self.card.select_adf_by_aid(adf='usim') # FIXME: create a more realistic profile than ffffff self.scc.terminal_profile('ffffff') def _msgHandler(self, system_id, smpp, pdu): # HACK: we need some kind of mapping table between system_id and card-reader # or actually route based on MSISDNs global hackish_global_smpp hackish_global_smpp = smpp #pp(pdu) if pdu.id == pdu_types.CommandId.submit_sm: return self.handle_submit_sm(system_id, smpp, pdu) else: logging.warning('Rejecting non-SUBMIT commandID') return pdu_types.CommandStatus.ESME_RINVCMDID def handle_submit_sm(self, system_id, smpp, pdu): # check for valid data coding scheme + PID if not dcs_is_8bit(pdu.params['data_coding']): logging.warning('Rejecting non-8bit DCS') return pdu_types.CommandStatus.ESME_RINVDCS if pdu.params['protocol_id'] != 0x7f: logging.warning('Rejecting non-SIM PID') return pdu_types.CommandStatus.ESME_RINVDCS # 1) build a SMS-DELIVER (!) from the SMPP-SUBMIT tpdu = SMS_DELIVER.fromSmppSubmit(pdu) print(tpdu) # 2) wrap into the CAT ENVELOPE for SMS-PP-Download tpdu_ie = SMS_TPDU(decoded={'tpdu': b2h(tpdu.toBytes())}) dev_ids = DeviceIdentities(decoded={'source_dev_id': 'network', 'dest_dev_id': 'uicc'}) sms_dl = SMSPPDownload(children=[dev_ids, tpdu_ie]) # 3) send to the card envelope_hex = b2h(sms_dl.to_tlv()) print("ENVELOPE: %s" % envelope_hex) (data, sw) = self.scc.envelope(envelope_hex) print("SW %s: %s" % (sw, data)) if sw == '9300': # TODO send back RP-ERROR message with TP-FCS == 'SIM Application Toolkit Busy' return pdu_types.CommandStatus.ESME_RSUBMITFAIL elif sw == '9000' or sw[0:2] in ['6f', '62', '63']: # data something like 027100000e0ab000110000000000000001612f or # 027100001c12b000119660ebdb81be189b5e4389e9e7ab2bc0954f963ad869ed7c # which is the user-data portion of the SMS starting with the UDH (027100) # TODO: return the response back to the sender in an RP-ACK; PID/DCS like in CMD deliver = operations.DeliverSM(service_type=pdu.params['service_type'], source_addr_ton=pdu.params['dest_addr_ton'], source_addr_npi=pdu.params['dest_addr_npi'], source_addr=pdu.params['destination_addr'], dest_addr_ton=pdu.params['source_addr_ton'], dest_addr_npi=pdu.params['source_addr_npi'], destination_addr=pdu.params['source_addr'], esm_class=pdu.params['esm_class'], protocol_id=pdu.params['protocol_id'], priority_flag=pdu.params['priority_flag'], data_coding=pdu.params['data_coding'], short_message=h2b(data)) smpp.sendDataRequest(deliver) return pdu_types.CommandStatus.ESME_ROK else: return pdu_types.CommandStatus.ESME_RSUBMITFAIL option_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) argparse_add_reader_args(option_parser) smpp_group = option_parser.add_argument_group('SMPP Options') smpp_group.add_argument('--smpp-bind-port', type=int, default=2775, help='TCP Port to bind the SMPP socket to') smpp_group.add_argument('--smpp-bind-ip', default='::', help='IPv4/IPv6 address to bind the SMPP socket to') if __name__ == '__main__': log_format='%(log_color)s%(levelname)-8s%(reset)s %(name)s: %(message)s' colorlog.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format = log_format) logger = colorlog.getLogger() opts = option_parser.parse_args() #tp = init_reader(opts, proactive_handler = Proact()) tp = init_reader(opts) if tp is None: exit(1) tp.connect() ms = MyServer(opts.smpp_bind_port, opts.smpp_bind_ip) ms.connect_to_card(tp) reactor.run()