transport: add Bluetooth (SIM Access Profile) based transport

Change-Id: I2e8b202ac5cddf7c8533115d53dd0d64da6ca9b9
This commit is contained in:
Gabriel K. Gegenhuber 2022-02-13 21:51:27 +06:00 committed by Vadim Yanitskiy
parent e8d177d88f
commit ccb8499ea9
2 changed files with 562 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -215,6 +215,10 @@ def argparse_add_reader_args(arg_parser):
osmobb_group.add_argument('--osmocon', dest='osmocon_sock', metavar='PATH', default=None,
help='Socket path for Calypso (e.g. Motorola C1XX) based reader (via OsmocomBB)')
btsap_group = arg_parser.add_argument_group('Bluetooth Device (SIM Access Profile)')
btsap_group.add_argument('--bt-addr', dest='bt_addr', metavar='ADDR', default=None,
help='Bluetooth device address')
return arg_parser
@ -237,6 +241,10 @@ def init_reader(opts, **kwargs) -> Optional[LinkBase]:
from pySim.transport.modem_atcmd import ModemATCommandLink
sl = ModemATCommandLink(
device=opts.modem_dev, baudrate=opts.modem_baud, **kwargs)
elif opts.bt_addr is not None:
print("Using Bluetooth device (SIM Access Profile)")
from pySim.transport.bt_rsap import BluetoothSapSimLink
sl = BluetoothSapSimLink(opts.bt_addr, **kwargs)
else: # Serial reader is default
print("Using serial reader interface")
from pySim.transport.serial import SerialSimLink

pySim/transport/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,554 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" pySim: Bluetooth rSAP transport link
# Copyright (C) 2021 Gabriel K. Gegenhuber <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
import time
import struct
import logging
import bluetooth
from pySim.exceptions import ReaderError, NoCardError, ProtocolError
from pySim.transport import LinkBase
from pySim.utils import b2h, h2b, rpad
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# thx to osmocom/softsim
# SAP table 5.16
0x00: "OK, Server can fulfill requirements",
0x01: "Error, Server unable to establish connection",
0x02: "Error, Server does not support maximum message size",
0x03: "Error, maximum message size by Client is too small",
0x04: "OK, ongoing call"
# SAP table 5.18
0x00: "OK, request processed correctly",
0x01: "Error, no reason defined",
0x02: "Error, card not accessible",
0x03: "Error, card (already) powered off",
0x04: "Error, card removed",
0x05: "Error, card already powered on",
0x06: "Error, data not available",
0x07: "Error, not supported"
# SAP table 5.19
0x00: "Unknown Error",
0x01: "Card reset",
0x02: "Card not accessible",
0x03: "Card removed",
0x04: "Card inserted",
0x05: "Card recovered"
# SAP table 5.15
'name': "MaxMsgSize",
'length': 2,
'id': 0x00
'name': "ConnectionStatus",
'length': 1,
'id': 0x01
'name': "ResultCode",
'length': 1,
'id': 0x02
'name': "DisconnectionType",
'length': 1,
'id': 0x03
'name': "CommandAPDU",
'length': None,
'id': 0x04
'name': "ResponseAPDU",
'length': None,
'id': 0x05
'name': "ATR",
'length': None,
'id': 0x06
'name': "CardReaderdStatus",
'length': 1,
'id': 0x07
'name': "StatusChange",
'length': 1,
'id': 0x08
'name': "TransportProtocol",
'length': 1,
'id': 0x09
'name': "CommandAPDU7816",
'length': 2,
'id': 0x10
# SAP table 5.1
'name': 'CONNECT_REQ',
'client_to_server': True,
'id': 0x00,
'parameters': [(0x00, True)]
'name': 'CONNECT_RESP',
'client_to_server': False,
'id': 0x01,
'parameters': [(0x01, True), (0x00, False)]
'client_to_server': True,
'id': 0x02,
'parameters': []
'client_to_server': False,
'id': 0x03,
'parameters': []
'client_to_server': False,
'id': 0x04,
'parameters': [(0x03, True)]
'client_to_server': True,
'id': 0x05,
'parameters': [(0x04, False), (0x10, False)]
'client_to_server': False,
'id': 0x06,
'parameters': [(0x02, True), (0x05, False)]
'client_to_server': True,
'id': 0x07,
'parameters': []
'client_to_server': False,
'id': 0x08,
'parameters': [(0x02, True), (0x06, False)]
'name': 'POWER_SIM_OFF_REQ',
'client_to_server': True,
'id': 0x09,
'parameters': []
'client_to_server': False,
'id': 0x0A,
'parameters': [(0x02, True)]
'name': 'POWER_SIM_ON_REQ',
'client_to_server': True,
'id': 0x0B,
'parameters': []
'name': 'POWER_SIM_ON_RESP',
'client_to_server': False,
'id': 0x0C,
'parameters': [(0x02, True)]
'name': 'RESET_SIM_REQ',
'client_to_server': True,
'id': 0x0D,
'parameters': []
'name': 'RESET_SIM_RESP',
'client_to_server': False,
'id': 0x0E,
'parameters': [(0x02, True)]
'client_to_server': True,
'id': 0x0F,
'parameters': []
'client_to_server': False,
'id': 0x10,
'parameters': [(0x02, True), (0x07, False)]
'name': 'STATUS_IND',
'client_to_server': False,
'id': 0x11,
'parameters': [(0x08, True)]
'name': 'ERROR_RESP',
'client_to_server': False,
'id': 0x12,
'parameters': []
'client_to_server': True,
'id': 0x13,
'parameters': [(0x09, True)]
'client_to_server': False,
'id': 0x14,
'parameters': [(0x02, True)]
class BluetoothSapSimLink(LinkBase):
# UUID for SIM Access Service
UUID_SIM_ACCESS = '0000112d-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'
def __init__(self, bt_mac_addr, **kwargs):
self._bt_mac_addr = bt_mac_addr
self._max_msg_size = self.SAP_MAX_MSG_SIZE
self._atr = None
self.connected = False
# at first try to find the bluetooth device
if not bluetooth.find_service(address=bt_mac_addr):
raise ReaderError(f"Cannot find bluetooth device [{bt_mac_addr}]")
# then check for rSAP support
self._sim_service = next(iter(bluetooth.find_service(
uuid=self.UUID_SIM_ACCESS, address=bt_mac_addr)), None)
if not self._sim_service:
raise ReaderError(
f"Bluetooth device [{bt_mac_addr}] does not support SIM Access service")
def __del__(self):
# TODO: do something here
def wait_for_card(self, timeout=None, newcardonly=False):
def connect(self):
self._sock = bluetooth.BluetoothSocket(bluetooth.RFCOMM)
(self._sim_service['host'], self._sim_service['port']))
self.connected = True
raise ReaderError("Cannot connect to SIM Access service")
# def get_atr(self):
# return bytes(self._con.getATR())
def disconnect(self):
if self.connected:
self.connected = False
def reset_card(self):
if self._connected:
msg_name, param_list = self._recv_sap_response('RESET_SIM_RESP')
connection_status = next(
(x[1] for x in param_list if x[0] == 'ConnectionStatus'), 0x01)
if connection_status == 0x00:"SIM Reset successful")
return 1
return 1
def send_sap_message(self, msg_name, param_list=[]):
# maby check for idle state before sending?
message = self.craft_sap_message(msg_name, param_list)
return self._sock.send(message)
def _recv_sap_message(self):
resp = self._sock.recv(self._max_msg_size)
msg_name, param_list = self.parse_sap_message(resp)
return msg_name, param_list
def _recv_sap_response(self, waiting_msg_name):
while self.connected:
msg_name, param_list = self._recv_sap_message()
self.handle_sap_response_generic(msg_name, param_list)
if msg_name == waiting_msg_name:
return msg_name, param_list
def establish_sim_connection(self, retries=5):
"CONNECT_REQ", [("MaxMsgSize", self._max_msg_size)])
msg_name, param_list = self._recv_sap_response('CONNECT_RESP')
connection_status = next(
(x[1] for x in param_list if x[0] == 'ConnectionStatus'), 0x01)
if connection_status == 0x00:"Successfully connected to rSAP server")
elif connection_status == 0x02: # invalid max size
self._max_msg_size = next(
(x[1] for x in param_list if x[0] == 'MaxMsgSize'), self._max_msg_size)
return self.establish_sim_connection(retries)
"Wait some seconds and make another connection attempt...")
return self.establish_sim_connection(retries-1)
def retrieve_atr(self):
msg_name, param_list = self._recv_sap_response('TRANSFER_ATR_RESP')
result_code = next(
(x[1] for x in param_list if x[0] == 'ResultCode'), 0x01)
if result_code == 0x00:
atr = next((x[1] for x in param_list if x[0] == 'ATR'), None)
self._atr = atr
logger.debug(f"Recieved ATR from server: {b2h(atr)}")
def handle_sap_response_generic(self, msg_name, param_list):
# print stuff
f"Recieved sap message from server: {(msg_name, param_list)}")
for param in param_list:
param_name, param_value = param
if param_name == 'ConnectionStatus':
new_status = SAP_CONNECTION_STATUS.get(param_value)
logger.debug(f"Connection Status: {new_status}")
elif param_name == 'StatusChange':
new_status = SAP_STATUS_CHANGE.get(param_value)
logger.debug(f"SIM Status: {new_status}")
elif param_name == 'ResultCode':
response_code = SAP_RESULT_CODE.get(param_value)
logger.debug(f"ResultCode: {response_code}")
# handle some important stuff:
if msg_name == 'DISCONNECT_IND':
# graceful disconnect --> technically could still send some apdus
# however, we just make it short and sweet and directly disconnect
elif msg_name == 'DISCONNECT_RESP':
self.connected = False"Client disconnected")
# if msg_name == 'CONNECT_RESP':
# elif msg_name == 'DISCONNECT_RESP':
# elif msg_name == 'DISCONNECT_IND':
# elif msg_name == 'TRANSFER_APDU_RESP':
# elif msg_name == 'TRANSFER_ATR_RESP':
# elif msg_name == 'POWER_SIM_OFF_RESP':
# elif msg_name == 'POWER_SIM_ON_RESP':
# elif msg_name == 'RESET_SIM_RESP':
# elif msg_name == 'STATUS_IND':
# elif msg_name == 'ERROR_RESP':
# elif msg_name == 'SET_TRANSPORT_PROTOCOL_RESP':
# else:
# logger.error("Unknown message...")
def craft_sap_message(self, msg_name, param_list=[]):
msg_info = next(
(x for x in SAP_MESSAGES if x.get('name') == msg_name), None)
if not msg_info:
raise ProtocolError(f"Unknown SAP message name ({msg_name})")
msg_id = msg_info.get('id')
msg_params = msg_info.get('parameters')
# msg_direction = msg_info.get('client_to_server')
param_cnt = len(param_list)
msg_bytes = struct.pack(
allowed_params = (x[0] for x in msg_params)
mandatory_params = (x[0] for x in msg_params if x[1] == True)
collected_param_ids = []
for p in param_list:
param_name = p[0]
param_value = p[1]
param_id = next(
(x.get('id') for x in SAP_PARAMETERS if x.get('name') == param_name), None)
if param_id is None:
raise ProtocolError(f"Unknown SAP param name ({param_name})")
if param_id not in allowed_params:
raise ProtocolError(
f"Parameter {param_name} not allowed in message {msg_name}")
msg_bytes += self.craft_sap_parameter(param_name, param_value)
if not set(mandatory_params).issubset(collected_param_ids):
raise ProtocolError(
f"Missing mandatory parameter for message {msg_name} (mandatory: {*mandatory_params,}, present: {*collected_param_ids,})")
return msg_bytes
def calc_padding_len(self, length, blocksize=4):
extra = length % blocksize
if extra > 0:
return blocksize-extra
return 0
def pad_bytes(self, b, blocksize=4):
padding_len = self.calc_padding_len(len(b), blocksize)
return b + bytearray(padding_len)
def craft_sap_parameter(self, param_name, param_value):
param_info = next(
(x for x in SAP_PARAMETERS if x.get('name') == param_name), None)
param_id = param_info.get('id')
param_len = param_info.get('length')
if isinstance(param_value, str):
param_value = h2b(param_value)
if isinstance(param_value, int):
# TODO: when param len is not set we have a problem :X
param_value = (param_value).to_bytes(param_len, byteorder='big')
if param_len is None:
# just assume param length from bytearray
param_len = len(param_value)
elif param_len != len(param_value):
raise ProtocolError(
f"Invalid param length (epected {param_len} but got {len(param_value)} bytes)")
param_bytes = struct.pack(
0, # reserved
param_bytes = self.pad_bytes(param_bytes)
return param_bytes
def parse_sap_message(self, msg_bytes):
header_struct = struct.Struct('!BBH')
msg_id, param_cnt, reserved = header_struct.unpack_from(msg_bytes)
msg_bytes = msg_bytes[header_struct.size:]
msg_info = next(
(x for x in SAP_MESSAGES if x.get('id') == msg_id), None)
msg_name = msg_info.get('name')
msg_params = msg_info.get('parameters')
# msg_direction = msg_info.get('client_to_server')
# TODO: check if params allowed etc
# allowed_params = (x[0] for x in msg_params)
# mandatory_params = (x[0] for x in msg_params if x[1] == True)
param_list = []
for x in range(param_cnt):
param_name, param_value, total_len = self.parse_sap_parameter(
param_list.append((param_name, param_value))
msg_bytes = msg_bytes[total_len:]
return msg_name, param_list
def parse_sap_parameter(self, param_bytes):
header_struct = struct.Struct('!BBH')
total_len = header_struct.size
param_id, reserved, param_len = header_struct.unpack_from(param_bytes)
padding_len = self.calc_padding_len(param_len)
paramval_struct = struct.Struct(f'!{param_len}s{padding_len}s')
param_value, padding = paramval_struct.unpack_from(
total_len += paramval_struct.size
param_info = next(
(x for x in SAP_PARAMETERS if x.get('id') == param_id), None)
# TODO: check if param found, length plausible, ...
param_name = param_info.get('name')
# if it is set then value was int, otherwise it is byte array
if param_info.get('length') is not None:
param_value = int.from_bytes(param_value, "big")
# param_len = param_info.get('length')
return param_name, param_value, total_len
def _send_apdu_raw(self, pdu):
if isinstance(pdu, str):
pdu = h2b(pdu)
self.send_sap_message("TRANSFER_APDU_REQ", [("CommandAPDU", pdu)])
msg_name, param_list = self._recv_sap_response('TRANSFER_APDU_RESP')
result_code = next(
(x[1] for x in param_list if x[0] == 'ResultCode'), 0x01)
if result_code == 0x00:
response = next(
(x[1] for x in param_list if x[0] == 'ResponseAPDU'), None)
sw = response[-2:]
data = response[0:-2]
return b2h(data), b2h(sw)
return None, None