ts_102_221: Proper parsing of FCP using pySim.tlv instead of pytlv

pytlv is a nightmare of shortcomings, let's abandon it in favor of
our own meanwhile-created pySim.tlv.  This has the added benefit
that unknown tags finally no longer raise exceptions.

Change-Id: Ic8e0e0ddf915949670d620630d4ceb02a9116471
Closes: OS#5414
This commit is contained in:
Harald Welte 2022-02-11 14:45:23 +01:00
parent e4a6eafc6f
commit c8c3327b6e
1 changed files with 148 additions and 134 deletions

View File

@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
""" """
from pytlv.TLV import *
from construct import * from construct import *
from pySim.construct import * from pySim.construct import *
from pySim.utils import * from pySim.utils import *
@ -78,131 +77,159 @@ ts_102_22x_cmdset = CardCommandSet('TS 102 22x', [
CardCommand('RESIZE FILE', 0xD4, ['8X', 'CX']), CardCommand('RESIZE FILE', 0xD4, ['8X', 'CX']),
]) ])
# ETSI TS 102 221
class FileSize(BER_TLV_IE, tag=0x80):
_construct = GreedyInteger()
FCP_TLV_MAP = { # ETSI TS 102 221
'82': 'file_descriptor', class TotalFileSize(BER_TLV_IE, tag=0x81):
'83': 'file_identifier', _construct = GreedyInteger()
'84': 'df_name',
'A5': 'proprietary_info',
'8A': 'life_cycle_status_int',
'8B': 'security_attrib_ref_expanded',
'8C': 'security_attrib_compact',
'AB': 'security_attrib_espanded',
'C6': 'pin_status_template_do',
'80': 'file_size',
'81': 'total_file_size',
'88': 'short_file_id',
# ETSI TS 102 221
FCP_Proprietary_TLV_MAP = {
'80': 'uicc_characteristics',
'81': 'application_power_consumption',
'82': 'minimum_app_clock_freq',
'83': 'available_memory',
'84': 'file_details',
'85': 'reserved_file_size',
'86': 'maximum_file_size',
'87': 'suported_system_commands',
'88': 'specific_uicc_env_cond',
'89': 'p2p_cat_secured_apdu',
# Additional private TLV objects (bits b7 and b8 of the first byte of the tag set to '1')
# ETSI TS 102 221 # ETSI TS 102 221
class FileDescriptor(BER_TLV_IE, tag=0x82):
def _from_bytes(self, in_bin: bytes):
out = {}
ft_dict = {
0: 'working_ef',
1: 'internal_ef',
7: 'df'
fs_dict = {
0: 'no_info_given',
1: 'transparent',
2: 'linear_fixed',
6: 'cyclic',
0x39: 'ber_tlv',
fdb = in_bin[0]
ftype = (fdb >> 3) & 7
if fdb & 0xbf == 0x39:
fstruct = 0x39
fstruct = fdb & 7
out['shareable'] = True if fdb & 0x40 else False
out['file_type'] = ft_dict[ftype] if ftype in ft_dict else ftype
out['structure'] = fs_dict[fstruct] if fstruct in fs_dict else fstruct
if len(in_bin) >= 5:
out['record_len'] = int.from_bytes(in_bin[2:4], 'big')
out['num_of_rec'] = int.from_bytes(in_bin[4:5], 'big')
self.decoded = out
return self.decoded
# ETSI TS 102 221
class FileIdentifier(BER_TLV_IE, tag=0x83):
_construct = GreedyBytes
def interpret_file_descriptor(in_hex): # ETSI TS 102 221
in_bin = h2b(in_hex) class DfName(BER_TLV_IE, tag=0x84):
out = {} _construct = GreedyBytes
ft_dict = {
0: 'working_ef', # ETSI TS 102 221
1: 'internal_ef', class UiccCharacteristics(BER_TLV_IE, tag=0x80):
7: 'df' _construct = GreedyBytes
fs_dict = { # ETSI TS 102 221
0: 'no_info_given', class ApplicationPowerConsumption(BER_TLV_IE, tag=0x81):
1: 'transparent', _construct = Struct('voltage_class'/Int8ub,
2: 'linear_fixed', 'power_consumption_ma'/Int8ub,
6: 'cyclic', 'reference_freq_100k'/Int8ub)
0x39: 'ber_tlv',
} # ETSI TS 102 221
fdb = in_bin[0] class MinApplicationClockFrequency(BER_TLV_IE, tag=0x82):
ftype = (fdb >> 3) & 7 _construct = Int8ub
if fdb & 0xbf == 0x39:
fstruct = 0x39 # ETSI TS 102 221
else: class AvailableMemory(BER_TLV_IE, tag=0x83):
fstruct = fdb & 7 _construct = GreedyInteger()
out['shareable'] = True if fdb & 0x40 else False
out['file_type'] = ft_dict[ftype] if ftype in ft_dict else ftype # ETSI TS 102 221
out['structure'] = fs_dict[fstruct] if fstruct in fs_dict else fstruct class FileDetails(BER_TLV_IE, tag=0x84):
if len(in_bin) >= 5: _construct = FlagsEnum(Byte, der_coding_only=1)
out['record_len'] = int.from_bytes(in_bin[2:4], 'big')
out['num_of_rec'] = int.from_bytes(in_bin[4:5], 'big') # ETSI TS 102 221
return out class ReservedFileSize(BER_TLV_IE, tag=0x85):
_construct = GreedyInteger()
# ETSI TS 102 221
class MaximumFileSize(BER_TLV_IE, tag=0x86):
_construct = GreedyInteger()
# ETSI TS 102 221
class SupportedFilesystemCommands(BER_TLV_IE, tag=0x87):
_construct = FlagsEnum(Byte, terminal_capability=1)
# ETSI TS 102 221
class SpecificUiccEnvironmentConditions(BER_TLV_IE, tag=0x88):
_construct = BitStruct('rfu'/BitsRFU(4),
'temperature_class'/Enum(BitsInteger(3), standard=0, class_A=1, class_B=2, class_C=3))
# ETSI TS 102 221
class Platform2PlatformCatSecuredApdu(BER_TLV_IE, tag=0x89):
_construct = GreedyBytes
# ETSI TS 102 221
class ProprietaryInformation(BER_TLV_IE, tag=0xA5,
nested=[UiccCharacteristics, ApplicationPowerConsumption,
MinApplicationClockFrequency, AvailableMemory,
FileDetails, ReservedFileSize, MaximumFileSize,
SupportedFilesystemCommands, SpecificUiccEnvironmentConditions]):
# ETSI TS 102 221
class SecurityAttribCompact(BER_TLV_IE, tag=0x8c):
_construct = GreedyBytes
# ETSI TS 102 221
class SecurityAttribExpanded(BER_TLV_IE, tag=0xab):
_construct = GreedyBytes
# ETSI TS 102 221
class SecurityAttribReferenced(BER_TLV_IE, tag=0x8b):
# TODO: longer format with SEID
_construct = Struct('ef_arr_file_id'/Bytes(2), 'ef_arr_record_nr'/Int8ub)
# ETSI TS 102 221
class ShortFileIdentifier(BER_TLV_IE, tag=0x88):
_construct = Byte
# ETSI TS 102 221 # ETSI TS 102 221
class LifeCycleStatusInteger(BER_TLV_IE, tag=0x8A):
def _from_bytes(self, do: bytes):
lcsi = int.from_bytes(do, 'big')
if lcsi == 0x00:
ret = 'no_information'
elif lcsi == 0x01:
ret = 'creation'
elif lcsi == 0x03:
ret = 'initialization'
elif lcsi & 0x05 == 0x05:
ret = 'operational_activated'
elif lcsi & 0x05 == 0x04:
ret = 'operational_deactivated'
elif lcsi & 0xc0 == 0xc0:
ret = 'termination'
ret = lcsi
self.decoded = ret
return self.decoded
# ETSI TS 102 221
class PS_DO(BER_TLV_IE, tag=0x90):
_construct = GreedyBytes
class UsageQualifier_DO(BER_TLV_IE, tag=0x95):
_construct = GreedyBytes
class KeyReference(BER_TLV_IE, tag=0x83):
_construct = Byte
class PinStatusTemplate_DO(BER_TLV_IE, tag=0xC6, nested=[PS_DO, UsageQualifier_DO, KeyReference]):
def interpret_life_cycle_sts_int(in_hex): class FcpTemplate(BER_TLV_IE, tag=0x62, nested=[FileSize, TotalFileSize, FileDescriptor, FileIdentifier,
lcsi = int(in_hex, 16) DfName, ProprietaryInformation, SecurityAttribCompact,
if lcsi == 0x00: SecurityAttribExpanded, SecurityAttribReferenced,
return 'no_information' ShortFileIdentifier, LifeCycleStatusInteger,
elif lcsi == 0x01: PinStatusTemplate_DO]):
return 'creation' pass
elif lcsi == 0x03:
return 'initialization'
elif lcsi & 0x05 == 0x05:
return 'operational_activated'
elif lcsi & 0x05 == 0x04:
return 'operational_deactivated'
elif lcsi & 0xc0 == 0xc0:
return 'termination'
return in_hex
# ETSI TS 102 221
FCP_Pin_Status_TLV_MAP = {
'90': 'ps_do',
'95': 'usage_qualifier',
'83': 'key_reference',
def interpret_ps_templ_do(in_hex):
# cannot use the 'TLV' parser due to repeating tags
#psdo_tlv = TLV(FCP_Pin_Status_TLV_MAP)
# return psdo_tlv.parse(in_hex)
return in_hex
# 'interpreter' functions for each tag
FCP_interpreter_map = {
'80': lambda x: int(x, 16),
'82': interpret_file_descriptor,
'8A': interpret_life_cycle_sts_int,
'C6': interpret_ps_templ_do,
FCP_prorietary_interpreter_map = {
'83': lambda x: int(x, 16),
# pytlv unfortunately doesn't have a setting using which we can make it
# accept unknown tags. It also doesn't raise a specific exception type but
# just the generic ValueError, so we cannot ignore those either. Instead,
# we insert a dict entry for every possible proprietary tag permitted
def fixup_fcp_proprietary_tlv_map(tlv_map):
if 'D0' in tlv_map:
for i in range(0xc0, 0xff):
i_hex = i2h([i]).upper()
tlv_map[i_hex] = 'proprietary_' + i_hex
# Other non-standard TLV objects found on some cards
tlv_map['9B'] = 'target_ef' # for sysmoUSIM-SJS1
def tlv_key_replace(inmap, indata): def tlv_key_replace(inmap, indata):
@ -759,23 +786,10 @@ class CardProfileUICC(CardProfile):
@staticmethod @staticmethod
def decode_select_response(resp_hex: str) -> object: def decode_select_response(resp_hex: str) -> object:
"""ETSI TS 102 221 Section""" """ETSI TS 102 221 Section"""
fixup_fcp_proprietary_tlv_map(FCP_Proprietary_TLV_MAP) t = FcpTemplate()
resp_hex = resp_hex.upper() t.from_tlv(h2b(resp_hex))
# outer layer d = t.to_dict()
fcp_base_tlv = TLV(['62']) return flatten_dict_lists(d['fcp_template'])
fcp_base = fcp_base_tlv.parse(resp_hex)
# actual FCP
fcp_tlv = TLV(FCP_TLV_MAP)
fcp = fcp_tlv.parse(fcp_base['62'])
# further decode the proprietary information
if 'A5' in fcp:
prop_tlv = TLV(FCP_Proprietary_TLV_MAP)
prop = prop_tlv.parse(fcp['A5'])
fcp['A5'] = tlv_val_interpret(FCP_prorietary_interpreter_map, prop)
fcp['A5'] = tlv_key_replace(FCP_Proprietary_TLV_MAP, fcp['A5'])
# finally make sure we get human-readable keys in the output dict
r = tlv_val_interpret(FCP_interpreter_map, fcp)
return tlv_key_replace(FCP_TLV_MAP, r)
@staticmethod @staticmethod
def match_with_card(scc: SimCardCommands) -> bool: def match_with_card(scc: SimCardCommands) -> bool: