utils: COMPREHENSION-TLV support

Change-Id: I8d969382b73fa152ee09c456fa4aee428fb36285
This commit is contained in:
Harald Welte 2021-05-04 18:18:09 +02:00
parent 485692bc77
commit 9f3b44d6ff
2 changed files with 66 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -89,6 +89,50 @@ def lpad(s:str, l:int, c='f') -> str:
def half_round_up(n:int) -> int:
return (n + 1)//2
# poor man's COMPREHENSION-TLV decoder.
def comprehensiontlv_parse_tag(binary:bytes) -> Tuple[dict, bytes]:
"""Parse a single Tag according to ETSI TS 101 220 Section 7.1.1"""
if binary[0] in [0x00, 0x80, 0xff]:
raise ValueError("Found illegal value 0x%02x in %s" % (binary[0], binary))
if binary[0] == 0x7f:
# three-byte tag
tag = (binary[1] & 0x7f) << 8
tag |= binary[2]
compr = True if binary[1] & 0x80 else False
return ({'comprehension': compr, 'tag': tag}, binary[3:])
# single byte tag
tag = binary[0] & 0x7f
compr = True if binary[0] & 0x80 else False
return ({'comprehension': compr, 'tag': tag}, binary[1:])
def comprehensiontlv_encode_tag(tag) -> bytes:
"""Encode a single Tag according to ETSI TS 101 220 Section 7.1.1"""
# permit caller to specify tag also as integer value
if isinstance(tag, int):
compr = True if tag < 0xff and tag & 0x80 else False
tag = {'tag': tag, 'comprehension': compr}
compr = tag.get('comprehension', False)
if tag['tag'] in [0x00, 0x80, 0xff] or tag['tag'] > 0xff:
# 3-byte format
byte3 = tag['tag'] & 0xff;
byte2 = (tag['tag'] >> 8) & 0x7f
if compr:
byte2 |= 0x80
return b'\x7f' + byte2.to_bytes(1, 'big') + byte3.to_bytes(1, 'big')
# 1-byte format
ret = tag['tag']
if compr:
ret |= 0x80
return ret.to_bytes(1, 'big')
# length value coding is equal to BER-TLV
# poor man's BER-TLV decoder. To be a more sophisticated OO library later

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@ -179,6 +179,28 @@ class TestBerTlv(unittest.TestCase):
res = utils.bertlv_parse_one(b'\x81\x01\x01');
self.assertEqual(res, ({'tag':1, 'constructed':False, 'class':2}, 1, b'\x01', b''))
class TestComprTlv(unittest.TestCase):
def test_ComprTlvTagDec(self):
res = utils.comprehensiontlv_parse_tag(b'\x12\x23')
self.assertEqual(res, ({'tag': 0x12, 'comprehension': False}, b'\x23'))
res = utils.comprehensiontlv_parse_tag(b'\x92')
self.assertEqual(res, ({'tag': 0x12, 'comprehension': True}, b''))
res = utils.comprehensiontlv_parse_tag(b'\x7f\x12\x34')
self.assertEqual(res, ({'tag': 0x1234, 'comprehension': False}, b''))
res = utils.comprehensiontlv_parse_tag(b'\x7f\x82\x34\x56')
self.assertEqual(res, ({'tag': 0x234, 'comprehension': True}, b'\x56'))
def test_ComprTlvTagEnc(self):
res = utils.comprehensiontlv_encode_tag(0x12)
self.assertEqual(res, b'\x12')
res = utils.comprehensiontlv_encode_tag({'tag': 0x12})
self.assertEqual(res, b'\x12')
res = utils.comprehensiontlv_encode_tag({'tag': 0x12, 'comprehension':True})
self.assertEqual(res, b'\x92')
res = utils.comprehensiontlv_encode_tag(0x1234)
self.assertEqual(res, b'\x7f\x12\x34')
res = utils.comprehensiontlv_encode_tag({'tag': 0x1234, 'comprehension':True})
self.assertEqual(res, b'\x7f\x92\x34')
if __name__ == "__main__":