Use construct for EF_AD in pySim-{shell, prog, read}.py,

Also serves as example for RFU (reserved for future use) fields
which should not always be reset to zero in case they have been
set on the uSIM for some reason.
See pySim/, class EF_AD.

* Add definitions for RFU {Flag, Bits, Byte, Bytes}
* Use IntEnum for OP_MODE (convenient auto completion)
* Remove obsolete definitions and imports
* Update test results for all SIMs (opmode strings are shortened)

Change-Id: I65e0a426f80a619fec38856a30e590f0e726b554
This commit is contained in:
Robert Falkenberg 2021-04-12 11:43:22 +02:00 committed by laforge
parent c8ff026782
commit 9d16fbca4a
12 changed files with 90 additions and 58 deletions

View File

@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ def parse_options():
parser.add_option("--opmode", dest="opmode", type="choice",
help="Set UE Operation Mode in EF.AD (Administrative Data)",
choices=['{:02X}'.format(m) for m in list(EF_AD.OP_MODE.keys())],
choices=['{:02X}'.format(int(m)) for m in EF_AD.OP_MODE],
parser.add_option("--epdgid", dest="epdgid",
help="Set Home Evolved Packet Data Gateway (ePDG) Identifier. (Only FQDN format supported)",

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ import os
import random
import re
import sys
from pySim.ts_51_011 import EF, DF, EF_SST_map, EF_AD_mode_map
from pySim.ts_51_011 import EF, DF, EF_SST_map, EF_AD
from pySim.ts_31_102 import EF_UST_map, EF_USIM_ADF_map
from pySim.ts_31_103 import EF_IST_map, EF_ISIM_ADF_map
@ -230,11 +230,10 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
(res, sw) = card.read_binary('AD')
if sw == '9000':
print("Administrative data: %s" % (res,))
if res[:2] in EF_AD_mode_map:
print("\tMS operation mode: %s" % (EF_AD_mode_map[res[:2]],))
print("\tMS operation mode: (unknown 0x%s)" % (res[:2],))
if int(res[4:6], 16) & 0x01:
ad = EF_AD()
decoded_data = ad.decode_hex(res)
print("\tMS operation mode: %s" % decoded_data['ms_operation_mode'])
if decoded_data['ofm']:
print("\tCiphering Indicator: enabled")
print("\tCiphering Indicator: disabled")

View File

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ import os
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from pySim.ts_51_011 import EF, DF, EF_SST_map, EF_AD_mode_map
from pySim.ts_51_011 import EF, DF, EF_SST_map
from pySim.ts_31_102 import EF_UST_map, EF_USIM_ADF_map
from pySim.ts_31_103 import EF_IST_map, EF_ISIM_ADF_map

View File

@ -175,29 +175,27 @@ class Card(object):
# read from card
raw_hex_data, sw = self._scc.read_binary(EF['AD'], length=None, offset=0)
raw_bin_data = h2b(raw_hex_data)
abstract_data = ad.decode_bin(raw_bin_data)
abstract_data = ad.decode_hex(raw_hex_data)
# perform updates
if mnc:
if mnc and abstract_data['extensions']:
mnclen = len(str(mnc))
if mnclen == 1:
mnclen = 2
if mnclen > 3:
raise RuntimeError('invalid length of mnc "{}"'.format(mnc))
abstract_data['len_of_mnc_in_imsi'] = mnclen
abstract_data['extensions']['mnc_len'] = mnclen
if opmode:
opmode_symb = ad.OP_MODE.get(int(opmode, 16))
if opmode_symb:
abstract_data['ms_operation_mode'] = opmode_symb
opmode_num = int(opmode, 16)
if opmode_num in [int(v) for v in EF_AD.OP_MODE]:
abstract_data['ms_operation_mode'] = opmode_num
raise RuntimeError('invalid opmode "{}"'.format(opmode))
if ofm:
abstract_data['specific_facilities']['ofm'] = bool(int(ofm, 16))
abstract_data['ofm'] = bool(int(ofm, 16))
# write to card
raw_bin_data = ad.encode_bin(abstract_data)
raw_hex_data = b2h(raw_bin_data)
raw_hex_data = ad.encode_hex(abstract_data)
data, sw = self._scc.update_binary(EF['AD'], raw_hex_data)
return sw

View File

@ -47,3 +47,44 @@ def filter_dict(d, exclude_prefix='_'):
# here we collect some shared / common definitions of data types
LV = Prefixed(Int8ub, HexAdapter(GreedyBytes))
# Default value for Reserved for Future Use (RFU) bits/bytes
# See TS 31.101 Sec. "3.4 Coding Conventions"
# Field that packs Reserved for Future Use (RFU) bit
FlagRFU = Default(Flag, __RFU_VALUE)
# Field that packs Reserved for Future Use (RFU) byte
ByteRFU = Default(Byte, __RFU_VALUE)
# Field that packs all remaining Reserved for Future Use (RFU) bytes
GreedyBytesRFU = Default(GreedyBytes, b'')
def BitsRFU(n=1):
Field that packs Reserved for Future Use (RFU) bit(s)
as defined in TS 31.101 Sec. "3.4 Coding Conventions"
Use this for (currently) unused/reserved bits whose contents
should be initialized automatically but should not be cleared
in the future or when restoring read data (unlike padding).
n (Integer): Number of bits (default: 1)
return Default(BitsInteger(n), __RFU_VALUE)
def BytesRFU(n=1):
Field that packs Reserved for Future Use (RFU) byte(s)
as defined in TS 31.101 Sec. "3.4 Coding Conventions"
Use this for (currently) unused/reserved bytes whose contents
should be initialized automatically but should not be cleared
in the future or when restoring read data (unlike padding).
n (Integer): Number of bytes (default: 1)
return Default(Bytes(n), __RFU_VALUE)

View File

@ -319,22 +319,12 @@ EF_SST_map = {
59: 'MMS User Connectivity Parameters',
# 10.3.18 "EF.AD (Administrative data) "
EF_AD_mode_map = {
'00' : 'normal operation',
'80' : 'type approval operations',
'01' : 'normal operation + specific facilities',
'81' : 'type approval operations + specific facilities',
'02' : 'maintenance (off line)',
'04' : 'cell test operation',
from pySim.utils import *
from struct import pack, unpack
from construct import *
from construct import Optional as COptional
from pySim.construct import HexAdapter, BcdAdapter
from pySim.construct import HexAdapter, BcdAdapter, FlagRFU, ByteRFU, GreedyBytesRFU, BitsRFU, BytesRFU
import enum
from pySim.filesystem import *
import pySim.ts_102_221
@ -553,30 +543,34 @@ class EF_LOCI(TransparentEF):
# TS 51.011 Section 10.3.18
class EF_AD(TransparentEF):
0x00: 'normal',
0x80: 'type_approval',
0x01: 'normal_and_specific_facilities',
0x81: 'type_approval_and_specific_facilities',
0x02: 'maintenance_off_line',
0x04: 'cell_test',
OP_MODE_reverse = dict(map(reversed, OP_MODE.items()))
class OP_MODE(enum.IntEnum):
normal = 0x00
type_approval = 0x80
normal_and_specific_facilities = 0x01
type_approval_and_specific_facilities = 0x81
maintenance_off_line = 0x02
cell_test = 0x04
#OP_MODE_DICT = {int(v) : str(v) for v in EF_AD.OP_MODE}
#OP_MODE_DICT_REVERSED = {str(v) : int(v) for v in EF_AD.OP_MODE}
def __init__(self, fid='6fad', sfid=None, name='EF.AD', desc='Administrative Data', size={3,4}):
super().__init__(fid, sfid=sfid, name=name, desc=desc, size=size)
def _decode_bin(self, raw_bin):
u = unpack('!BH', raw_bin[:3])
ofm = True if u[1] & 1 else False
res = {'ms_operation_mode': self.OP_MODE.get(u[0], u[0]), 'specific_facilities': { 'ofm': ofm } }
if len(raw_bin) > 3:
res['len_of_mnc_in_imsi'] = int(raw_bin[3]) & 0xf
return res
def _encode_bin(self, abstract):
op_mode = self.OP_MODE_reverse[abstract['ms_operation_mode']]
res = pack('!BH', op_mode, abstract['specific_facilities']['ofm'])
if 'len_of_mnc_in_imsi' in abstract:
res += pack('!B', abstract['len_of_mnc_in_imsi'])
return res
self._construct = BitStruct(
# Byte 1
'ms_operation_mode'/Bytewise(Enum(Byte, EF_AD.OP_MODE)),
# Byte 2
# Byte 3
# Byte 4 (optional),
# Byte 5..N-4 (optional, RFU)
# TS 51.011 Section 10.3.20 / 10.3.22
class EF_VGCS(TransRecEF):

View File

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ HPLMNAcT:
ACC: 0008
MSISDN: Not available
Administrative data: 00000002
MS operation mode: normal operation
MS operation mode: normal
Ciphering Indicator: disabled
SIM Service Table: ff3cc3ff030fff0f000fff03f0c0
Service 1 - CHV1 disable function

View File

@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ HPLMNAcT: Can't read file -- SW match failed! Expected 9000 and got 6a82.
ACC: abce
MSISDN: Not available
Administrative data: 00000102
MS operation mode: normal operation
MS operation mode: normal
Ciphering Indicator: enabled
SIM Service Table: ff33ff0f3c00ff0f000cf0c0f0030000
Service 1 - CHV1 disable function

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ HPLMNAcT: Can't read file -- SW match failed! Expected 9000 and got 9404.
ACC: ffff
MSISDN: Not available
Administrative data: 000000
MS operation mode: normal operation
MS operation mode: normal
Ciphering Indicator: disabled
SIM Service Table: ff3fff0f0300f003000c
Service 1 - CHV1 disable function

View File

@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ HPLMNAcT:
ACC: 0200
MSISDN (NPI=1 ToN=3): 6766266
Administrative data: 00000002
MS operation mode: normal operation
MS operation mode: normal
Ciphering Indicator: disabled
SIM Service Table: ff33ffff3f003f0f300cf0c3f00000
Service 1 - CHV1 disable function

View File

@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ HPLMNAcT:
ACC: 0008
MSISDN (NPI=1 ToN=1): +77776336143
Administrative data: 00000002
MS operation mode: normal operation
MS operation mode: normal
Ciphering Indicator: disabled
SIM Service Table: ff3fffff3f003f1ff00c00c0f00000
Service 1 - CHV1 disable function

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ HPLMNAcT: Can't read file -- SW match failed! Expected 9000 and got 9404.
ACC: 0008
MSISDN: Not available
Administrative data: 000000
MS operation mode: normal operation
MS operation mode: normal
Ciphering Indicator: disabled
SIM Service Table: ff3fff0f0f0000030000
Service 1 - CHV1 disable function