utils: fix mcc/mnc encoding in dec_plmn (EF_PLMNsel)

The dec_plmn function takes an hexstring and returns the decoded MCC and
MNC as integer values. The result is then used by the json encoder in
EF_PLMNsel, which means the json output will contrary to the input, use
integer values instead of strings.

This is not correct since there may be leading zeros (e.g. mnc 01 and
001 both exist are different) which must be retained in order to know
the correct length of the MNC.

Related: OS#4963
Change-Id: I393e04836814d992d2a6d0a4e4e01850976d6e81
This commit is contained in:
Philipp Maier 2021-04-23 21:19:36 +02:00 committed by dexter
parent e6f8d683e1
commit 6c5cd8031d
2 changed files with 55 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -136,14 +136,35 @@ def enc_iccid(iccid:str) -> Hexstr:
def enc_plmn(mcc:Hexstr, mnc:Hexstr) -> Hexstr:
"""Converts integer MCC/MNC into 3 bytes for EF"""
if len(mnc) == 2:
mnc += "F" # pad to 3 digits if needed
# Make sure there are no excess whitespaces in the input
# parameters
mcc = mcc.strip()
mnc = mnc.strip()
# Make sure that MCC/MNC are correctly padded with leading
# zeros or 'F', depending on the length.
if len(mnc) == 0:
mnc = "FFF"
elif len(mnc) == 1:
mnc = "F0" + mnc
elif len(mnc) == 2:
mnc += "F"
if len(mcc) == 0:
mcc = "FFF"
elif len(mcc) == 1:
mcc = "00" + mcc
elif len(mcc) == 2:
mcc = "0" + mcc
return (mcc[1] + mcc[0]) + (mnc[2] + mcc[2]) + (mnc[1] + mnc[0])
def dec_plmn(threehexbytes:Hexstr) -> dict:
res = {'mcc': 0, 'mnc': 0 }
res['mcc'] = dec_mcc_from_plmn(threehexbytes)
res['mnc'] = dec_mnc_from_plmn(threehexbytes)
res = {'mcc': "0", 'mnc': "0" }
res['mcc'] = dec_mcc_from_plmn_str(threehexbytes)
res['mnc'] = dec_mnc_from_plmn_str(threehexbytes)
return res
def dec_spn(ef):
@ -172,6 +193,13 @@ def dec_mcc_from_plmn(plmn:Hexstr) -> int:
return 0xFFF # 4095
return derive_mcc(digit1, digit2, digit3)
def dec_mcc_from_plmn_str(plmn:Hexstr) -> str:
digit1 = plmn[1] # 1st byte, LSB
digit2 = plmn[0] # 1st byte, MSB
digit3 = plmn[3] # 2nd byte, LSB
res = digit1 + digit2 + digit3
return res.upper().strip("F")
def dec_mnc_from_plmn(plmn:Hexstr) -> int:
ia = h2i(plmn)
digit1 = ia[2] & 0x0F # 3rd byte, LSB
@ -181,6 +209,13 @@ def dec_mnc_from_plmn(plmn:Hexstr) -> int:
return 0xFFF # 4095
return derive_mnc(digit1, digit2, digit3)
def dec_mnc_from_plmn_str(plmn:Hexstr) -> str:
digit1 = plmn[5] # 3rd byte, LSB
digit2 = plmn[4] # 3rd byte, MSB
digit3 = plmn[2] # 2nd byte, MSB
res = digit1 + digit2 + digit3
return res.upper().strip("F")
def dec_act(twohexbytes:Hexstr) -> List[str]:
act_list = [
{'bit': 15, 'name': "UTRAN"},

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@ -37,6 +37,12 @@ class DecTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def testDecMCCfromPLMN_unused(self):
self.assertEqual(utils.dec_mcc_from_plmn("ff0f00"), 4095)
def testDecMCCfromPLMN_str(self):
self.assertEqual(utils.dec_mcc_from_plmn_str("92f501"), "295")
def testDecMCCfromPLMN_unused_str(self):
self.assertEqual(utils.dec_mcc_from_plmn_str("ff0f00"), "")
def testDecMNCfromPLMN_twoDigitMNC(self):
self.assertEqual(utils.dec_mnc_from_plmn("92f501"), 10)
@ -46,6 +52,15 @@ class DecTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def testDecMNCfromPLMN_unused(self):
self.assertEqual(utils.dec_mnc_from_plmn("00f0ff"), 4095)
def testDecMNCfromPLMN_twoDigitMNC_str(self):
self.assertEqual(utils.dec_mnc_from_plmn_str("92f501"), "10")
def testDecMNCfromPLMN_threeDigitMNC_str(self):
self.assertEqual(utils.dec_mnc_from_plmn_str("031263"), "361")
def testDecMNCfromPLMN_unused_str(self):
self.assertEqual(utils.dec_mnc_from_plmn_str("00f0ff"), "")
def test_enc_plmn(self):
with self.subTest("2-digit MCC"):
self.assertEqual(utils.enc_plmn("001", "01F"), "00F110")