pySim-shell: complete CHV/PIN management tools

At the moment we only have a basic version of a verify_chv commnad, but
in order to handle any CHV/PIN related situation we also need commands
to enable, disable, change and unblock CHV.

- fix verify_chv commnad: more distinct parameter names, better help
  strings, correct pin code encoding and add external source lookup
- Add unblock_chv, change_chv, enable_chv and disable_chv commands
- add/fix related functions in

Change-Id: Ic89446e6bd2021095e579fb6b20458df48ba6413
Related: OS#4963
This commit is contained in:
Philipp Maier 2021-03-25 20:24:27 +01:00 committed by Harald Welte
parent b63766b96b
commit 46f09af11d
3 changed files with 108 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ from pySim.exceptions import *
from pySim.commands import SimCardCommands
from import card_detect, Card
from pySim.utils import h2b, swap_nibbles, rpad, h2s
from pySim.utils import dec_st, init_reader, sanitize_pin_adm, tabulate_str_list
from pySim.utils import dec_st, init_reader, sanitize_pin_adm, tabulate_str_list, is_hex
from pySim.card_handler import card_handler
from pySim.filesystem import CardMF, RuntimeState, CardDF, CardADF
@ -141,15 +141,79 @@ class Iso7816Commands(CommandSet):
index_dict = { 1: }
return self._cmd.index_based_complete(text, line, begidx, endidx, index_dict=index_dict)
def get_code(self, code):
"""Use code either directly or try to get it from external data source"""
auto = ('PIN1', 'PIN2', 'PUK1', 'PUK2')
if str(code).upper() not in auto:
return sanitize_pin_adm(code)
result = card_data_get_field(str(code), key='ICCID', value=self._cmd.iccid)
result = sanitize_pin_adm(result)
if result:
self._cmd.poutput("found %s '%s' for ICCID '%s'" % (code.upper(), result, self._cmd.iccid))
self._cmd.poutput("cannot find %s for ICCID '%s'" % (code.upper(), self._cmd.iccid))
return result
verify_chv_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
verify_chv_parser.add_argument('--chv-nr', type=int, default=1, help='CHV Number')
verify_chv_parser.add_argument('code', help='CODE/PIN/PUK')
verify_chv_parser.add_argument('--pin-nr', type=int, default=1, help='PIN Number, 1=PIN1, 2=PIN2 or custom value (decimal)')
verify_chv_parser.add_argument('pin_code', type=str, help='PIN code digits, \"PIN1\" or \"PIN2\" to get PIN code from external data source')
def do_verify_chv(self, opts):
"""Verify (authenticate) using specified CHV (PIN)"""
(data, sw) = self._cmd.card._scc.verify_chv(opts.chv_nr, opts.code)
"""Verify (authenticate) using specified PIN code"""
pin = self.get_code(opts.pin_code)
(data, sw) = self._cmd.card._scc.verify_chv(opts.pin_nr, h2b(pin))
self._cmd.poutput("CHV verfication successful")
unblock_chv_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
unblock_chv_parser.add_argument('--pin-nr', type=int, default=1, help='PUK Number, 1=PIN1, 2=PIN2 or custom value (decimal)')
unblock_chv_parser.add_argument('puk_code', type=str, help='PUK code digits \"PUK1\" or \"PUK2\" to get PUK code from external data source')
unblock_chv_parser.add_argument('new_pin_code', type=str, help='PIN code digits \"PIN1\" or \"PIN2\" to get PIN code from external data source')
def do_unblock_chv(self, opts):
"""Unblock PIN code using specified PUK code"""
new_pin = self.get_code(opts.new_pin_code)
puk = self.get_code(opts.puk_code)
(data, sw) = self._cmd.card._scc.unblock_chv(opts.pin_nr, h2b(puk), h2b(new_pin))
self._cmd.poutput("CHV unblock successful")
change_chv_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
change_chv_parser.add_argument('--pin-nr', type=int, default=1, help='PUK Number, 1=PIN1, 2=PIN2 or custom value (decimal)')
change_chv_parser.add_argument('pin_code', type=str, help='PIN code digits \"PIN1\" or \"PIN2\" to get PIN code from external data source')
change_chv_parser.add_argument('new_pin_code', type=str, help='PIN code digits \"PIN1\" or \"PIN2\" to get PIN code from external data source')
def do_change_chv(self, opts):
"""Change PIN code to a new PIN code"""
new_pin = self.get_code(opts.new_pin_code)
pin = self.get_code(opts.pin_code)
(data, sw) = self._cmd.card._scc.change_chv(opts.pin_nr, h2b(pin), h2b(new_pin))
self._cmd.poutput("CHV change successful")
disable_chv_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
disable_chv_parser.add_argument('--pin-nr', type=int, default=1, help='PIN Number, 1=PIN1, 2=PIN2 or custom value (decimal)')
disable_chv_parser.add_argument('pin_code', type=str, help='PIN code digits, \"PIN1\" or \"PIN2\" to get PIN code from external data source')
def do_disable_chv(self, opts):
"""Disable PIN code using specified PIN code"""
pin = self.get_code(opts.pin_code)
(data, sw) = self._cmd.card._scc.disable_chv(opts.pin_nr, h2b(pin))
self._cmd.poutput("CHV disable successful")
enable_chv_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
enable_chv_parser.add_argument('--pin-nr', type=int, default=1, help='PIN Number, 1=PIN1, 2=PIN2 or custom value (decimal)')
enable_chv_parser.add_argument('pin_code', type=str, help='PIN code digits, \"PIN1\" or \"PIN2\" to get PIN code from external data source')
def do_enable_chv(self, opts):
"""Enable PIN code using specified PIN code"""
pin = self.get_code(opts.pin_code)
(data, sw) = self._cmd.card._scc.enable_chv(opts.pin_nr, h2b(pin))
self._cmd.poutput("CHV enable successful")
dir_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
dir_parser.add_argument('--fids', help='Show file identifiers', action='store_true')

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@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ card_data_provider = []
class CardData(object):
# check input parameters, but do nothing concrete yet
def get_data(self, fields=[], key='ICCID', value=""):

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@ -21,7 +21,8 @@
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
from pySim.utils import rpad, b2h
from pySim.utils import rpad, b2h, sw_match
from pySim.exceptions import SwMatchError
class SimCardCommands(object):
def __init__(self, transport):
@ -219,9 +220,39 @@ class SimCardCommands(object):
def reset_card(self):
return self._tp.reset_card()
def verify_chv(self, chv_no, code):
fc = rpad(b2h(code), 16)
def _chv_process_sw(self, op_name, chv_no, pin_code, sw):
if sw_match(sw, '63cx'):
raise RuntimeError('Failed to %s chv_no 0x%02X with code 0x%s, %i tries left.' %
(op_name, chv_no, b2h(pin_code).upper(), int(sw[3])))
elif (sw != '9000'):
raise SwMatchError(sw, '9000')
def verify_chv(self, chv_no, pin_code):
fc = rpad(b2h(pin_code), 16)
data, sw = self._tp.send_apdu(self.cla_byte + '2000' + ('%02X' % chv_no) + '08' + fc)
if (sw != '9000'):
raise RuntimeError('Failed to authenticate with ADM key %s, %i tries left.' % (code, int(sw[3])))
return (data,sw)
self._chv_process_sw('verify', chv_no, pin_code, sw)
return (data, sw)
def unblock_chv(self, chv_no, puk_code, pin_code):
fc = rpad(b2h(puk_code), 16) + rpad(b2h(pin_code), 16)
data, sw = self._tp.send_apdu(self.cla_byte + '2C00' + ('%02X' % chv_no) + '10' + fc)
self._chv_process_sw('unblock', chv_no, pin_code, sw)
return (data, sw)
def change_chv(self, chv_no, pin_code, new_pin_code):
fc = rpad(b2h(pin_code), 16) + rpad(b2h(new_pin_code), 16)
data, sw = self._tp.send_apdu(self.cla_byte + '2400' + ('%02X' % chv_no) + '10' + fc)
self._chv_process_sw('change', chv_no, pin_code, sw)
return (data, sw)
def disable_chv(self, chv_no, pin_code):
fc = rpad(b2h(pin_code), 16)
data, sw = self._tp.send_apdu(self.cla_byte + '2600' + ('%02X' % chv_no) + '08' + fc)
self._chv_process_sw('disable', chv_no, pin_code, sw)
return (data, sw)
def enable_chv(self, chv_no, pin_code):
fc = rpad(b2h(pin_code), 16)
data, sw = self._tp.send_apdu(self.cla_byte + '2800' + ('%02X' % chv_no) + '08' + fc)
self._chv_process_sw('enable', chv_no, pin_code, sw)
return (data, sw)