HACK: support for SIM factory file formats

Change-Id: I23cd37fc06b6e2d21964fd4f2694d9ee3c6012d4
This commit is contained in:
Harald Welte 2020-03-27 00:28:53 +01:00
parent 1e42420e57
commit 46bc6d25d6
5 changed files with 367 additions and 0 deletions

execute_ipr.py Executable file
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from pySim.transport.pcsc import PcscSimLink
from pySim.utils import enc_iccid, enc_imsi
from smartcard.Exceptions import NoCardException, CardRequestTimeoutException
from smartcard.System import readers
from lark import Lark, Transformer, Token, Tree
import sys
from format_ipr import ScriptFormatIPR
class DataTransform():
''' Transform raw/logical input data into the format use on the SIM card,
like encoding the PIN from '1234' -> 3132334 or IMSI encoding'''
def transform(self, inp):
outp = {}
for k in inp.keys():
f = getattr(self, 'xfrm_'+k, None)
if f != None:
outp[k] = f(inp[k])
outp[k] = inp[k]
return outp
def xfrm_PIN(self, pin):
ret = ''
for c in str(pin):
ret += '3%c' % c
return ret
def xfrm_PIN1(self, pin):
return self.xfrm_PIN(pin)
def xfrm_PIN2(self, pin):
return self.xfrm_PIN(pin)
def xfrm_PUK1(self, pin):
return self.xfrm_PIN(pin)
def xfrm_PUK2(self, pin):
return self.xfrm_PIN(pin)
def xfrm_ADM1(self, pin):
return self.xfrm_PIN(pin)
def xfrm_ADM2(self, pin):
return self.xfrm_PIN(pin)
def xfrm_IMSI(self, imsi):
return enc_imsi(imsi)
def xfrm_ICCID(self, iccid):
# TODO: calculate luhn check digit
return enc_iccid(iccid)
def expand_cmd_template(cmd, templates):
''' Take a single command, supstituting all [] template keys with data from 'template' '''
ret = ""
for e in cmd:
if e[0] == 'hexstr':
ret += e[1]
if e[0] == 'key':
ret += templates[e[1]]
return ret
def match_sw(actual_sw, sw_match):
''' Check if actual_sw matches any of the templates given in sw_match'''
def match_sw_single(actual_sw, match):
match = match.lower()
if 'x' in match:
if actual_sw.lower() == match:
return True
return False
if sw_match == []:
return True
for m in sw_match:
if match_sw_single(actual_sw, m):
return True
return False
def execute_ipr_raw(s, sl, dynamic_data_raw = {}):
""" translate a single LDR statement to IPR format. """
if s == None:
elif s == 'reset':
elif s[0] == 'rem':
print("REM %s" % (s[1]))
elif s[0] == 'cmd':
d = s[1]
req = expand_cmd_template(d['req'], dynamic_data_raw)
rsp = d['rsp']
print("\tREQ: %s, EXP: %s" % (req, rsp))
(data, sw) = sl.send_apdu_raw(req)
if not match_sw(sw, rsp):
raise ValueError("SW %s doesn't match expected %s" % (sw, rsp))
print("\tRSP: %s\n" % (sw))
def execute_ipr(s, sl, dynamic_data = {}):
""" translate a single LDR statement to IPR format; optionally substitute dynamic_data. """
xf = DataTransform()
return execute_ipr_raw(s, sl, xf.transform(dynamic_data))
'''Dictionaries like this must be generated for each card to be programmed'''
demo_dict = {
'PIN1': '1234',
'PIN2': '1234',
'PUK1': '12345678',
'PUK2': '12345678',
'ADM1': '11111111',
'KIC1': '100102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f',
'KID1': '101102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f',
'KIK1': '102102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f',
'KIC2': '200102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f',
'KID2': '201102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f',
'KIK2': '202102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f',
'KIC3': '300102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f',
'KID3': '301102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f',
'KIK3': '302102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f',
'ICCID': '012345678901234567',
'IMSI': '001010123456789',
'ACC': '0200',
'KI': '000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f',
'OPC': '101112131415161718191a1b1c1d1e1f',
'VERIFY_ICCID': '0001020304050608090a0b0c0d0e0f',
sl = PcscSimLink(0)
infile_name = sys.argv[1]
fmt = ScriptFormatIPR()
fmt.parse_process_file(infile_name, execute_ipr, {'sl':sl, 'dynamic_data':demo_dict})

format_ipr.py Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
from lark import Lark, Transformer, Token, Tree
from script_format import ScriptFormat
from format_ldr import LdrXfrm
class IprXfrm(LdrXfrm):
""" transform the parse tree into a more easily consumable form """
def key(self, items):
return ('key', ''.join(list(items)))
def req(self, items):
return items[:-1]
def rsp(self, items):
return items[:-1]
#def NEWLINE(self, items):
#return None
class ScriptFormatIPR(ScriptFormat):
# parser for the IPR file format as used by the SIM card factory
ipr_parser = Lark(r"""
script: statement*
?statement: cmd | rst | rem | NEWLINE
NONL: /[^\n]/+
rem: "//" NONL? NEWLINE
key: "[" ALNUM+ "]"
cmd: req rsp
req: "I:" [hexstr|key]+ NEWLINE
hexstr: HEX_ITEM+
rsp: "O:" swpattern? NEWLINE
swpattern: HEX_OR_X ~ 4
HEX_OR_X: HEXDIGIT | "X" | "x"
%import common.ESCAPED_STRING -> STRING
%import common.WS_INLINE
%import common.HEXDIGIT
%import common.DIGIT
%import common.LETTER
%import common.NEWLINE
%ignore WS_INLINE
""", start='script', parser='lalr')#, lexer='standard')
def parse_xform(self, text):
tree = self.ipr_parser.parse(text)
p = IprXfrm().transform(tree)
return p

format_ldr.py Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
from lark import Lark, Transformer, Token, Tree
from script_format import ScriptFormat
class LdrXfrm(Transformer):
""" transform the parse tree into a more easily consumable form """
def rst(self, items):
return ('reset')
def NONL(self, items):
return ''.join([i for i in items.value])
def rem(self, items):
return ('rem', items[0])
def swmatch(self, items):
return ('swmatch', items)
def cmd(self, items):
return ('cmd', {'req': items[0], 'rsp': items[1]})
def todigit(self, item):
""" convert from Token/Tree to raw hex-digit """
if isinstance(item, Token):
return item.value
elif isinstance(item, Tree):
return item.data
def hex_item(self, items):
""" return one byte as two-digit HEX string """
return "%s%s" % (items[0].value, items[1].value)
def hexstr(self, items):
""" return list of two-digit HEX strings """
return ('hexstr', ''.join(list(items)))
def swpattern(self, items):
""" return list of four HEX nibbles (or 'x' as wildcard) """
arr = [self.todigit(x) for x in items]
return ''.join(arr)
class ScriptFormatLDR(ScriptFormat):
# parser for the LDR file format as generated by Simulity Profile Editor
ldr_parser = Lark(r"""
script: statement*
?statement: cmd | rst | rem | NEWLINE
BSLASH: "\\\n"
%ignore BSLASH
NONL: /[^\n]/+
key: "[" ALNUM+ "]"
cmd: "CMD" hexstr [swmatch] NEWLINE
cmd_item: hexstr | key
hexstr: hex_item+
swmatch: "(" swpattern ("," swpattern)* ")"
swpattern: hex_or_x hex_or_x hex_or_x hex_or_x
?hex_or_x: HEXDIGIT | "X" -> x | "x" -> x
%import common.ESCAPED_STRING -> STRING
%import common.WS_INLINE
%import common.HEXDIGIT
%import common.DIGIT
%import common.LETTER
%import common.NEWLINE
%ignore WS_INLINE
""", start='script')
def parse_xform(self, text):
tree = self.ldr_parser.parse(text)
p = LdrXfrm().transform(tree)
return p

ldr_to_ipr.py Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
from lark import Lark, Transformer, Token, Tree
import sys
from format_ldr import ScriptFormatLDR
from format_ipr import ScriptFormatIPR
def split_hex(value):
""" split a string of hex digits into groups (bytes) of two digits. """
return ' '.join(value[i:i+2] for i in range(0, len(value), 2))
def expand_cmd(cmd):
ret = ""
for e in cmd:
if e[0] == 'hexstr':
ret += e[1]
raise ValueError("Unsupported '%s'" % (e[0]))
return ret
def ldr_stmt_to_ipr(s):
""" translate a single LDR statement to IPR format. """
if s == None:
elif s == 'reset':
elif s[0] == 'rem':
print("//\t%s" % s[1])
elif s[0] == 'cmd':
cmd = s[1]
req = cmd['req']
rsp = cmd['rsp']
print("I: %s" % split_hex(expand_cmd([req])))
if rsp != None and len(rsp) != 1:
if rsp[0] != 'swmatch' or len(rsp[1]) != 1:
raise ValueError("Unsupported '%s'" % (rsp))
print("O: %s" % rsp[1][0])
print("Unknown %s" % (s.pretty()))
raise ValueError()
test_text = '''
CMD E0 CA DF 1F 13
CMD E0 CA DF 1F (90 00)
CMD E0 CA DF 1F (61 XX, 90 00)
REM foo bar
CMD E4 DA DF 20 09 EA 53 F8 D7 64 1E D9 88 00 \\
(90 00 , 6B 00)
def run_statement(s):
def fii(s):
if s.data == 'rst':
print("=> RESET")
# FIXME: actually perform card reset
elif s.data == 'rem':
elif s.data == 'cmd':
cmd = s.children[0]
# FIXME: if swmatch: match all contained swpattern
print("Unknown %s" % (s.pretty()))
raise ValueError()
#process_ldr(test_text, run_statement)
#process_ldr(test_text, ldr_stmt_to_ipr)
fmt = ScriptFormatLDR()
fmt.parse_process_file(sys.argv[1], ldr_stmt_to_ipr)
#fmt.parse_process_file(sys.argv[1], run_statement)

script_format.py Normal file
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class ScriptFormat():
def parse_process(self, text, stmt_cb, stmt_cb_kwargs={}):
p = self.parse_xform(text)
for stmt in p.children:
stmt_cb(stmt, **stmt_cb_kwargs)
def parse_process_file(self, fname, stmt_cb, stmt_cb_kwargs={}):
f = open(fname, "r")
text = f.read()
return self.parse_process(text, stmt_cb, stmt_cb_kwargs)