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The File (and its derived classes) uses the classes of pySim.filesystem in
order to describe the files specified in UIC Reference P38 T 9001 5.0 "FFFIS for GSM-R SIM Cards"
# without this, pylint will fail when inner classes are used
# within the 'nested' kwarg of our TlvMeta metaclass on python 3.7 :(
# pylint: disable=undefined-variable
# Copyright (C) 2021 Harald Welte <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
from pySim.utils import *
from struct import pack, unpack
from construct import Struct, Bytes, Int8ub, Int16ub, Int24ub, Int32ub, FlagsEnum
from construct import Optional as COptional
from pySim.construct import *
from pySim.profile import CardProfileAddon
from pySim.filesystem import *
class FuncNTypeAdapter(Adapter):
def _decode(self, obj, context, path):
bcd = swap_nibbles(b2h(obj))
last_digit = int(bcd[-1], 16)
return {'functional_number': bcd[:-1],
'presentation_of_only_this_fn': bool(last_digit & 4),
'permanent_fn': bool(last_digit & 8)}
def _encode(self, obj, context, path):
return 'FIXME'
class EF_FN(LinFixedEF):
"""Section 7.2"""
_test_decode = [
( "40315801000010ff01",
{ "functional_number_and_type": { "functional_number": "04138510000001f",
"presentation_of_only_this_fn": True, "permanent_fn": True }, "list_number": 1 } ),
def __init__(self):
super().__init__(fid='6ff1', sfid=None, name='EF.FN',
desc='Functional numbers', rec_len=(9, 9))
self._construct = Struct('functional_number_and_type'/FuncNTypeAdapter(Bytes(8)),
class PlConfAdapter(Adapter):
"""Section 7.4.3"""
def _decode(self, obj, context, path):
num = int(obj) & 0x7
if num == 0:
return 'None'
if num == 1:
return 4
if num == 2:
return 3
if num == 3:
return 2
if num == 4:
return 1
if num == 5:
return 0
def _encode(self, obj, context, path):
if obj == 'None':
return 0
obj = int(obj)
if obj == 4:
return 1
if obj == 3:
return 2
if obj == 2:
return 3
if obj == 1:
return 4
if obj == 0:
return 5
class PlCallAdapter(Adapter):
"""Section 7.4.12"""
def _decode(self, obj, context, path):
num = int(obj) & 0x7
if num == 0:
return 'None'
if num == 1:
return 4
if num == 2:
return 3
if num == 3:
return 2
if num == 4:
return 1
if num == 5:
return 0
if num == 6:
return 'B'
if num == 7:
return 'A'
def _encode(self, obj, context, path):
if obj == 'None':
return 0
if obj == 4:
return 1
if obj == 3:
return 2
if obj == 2:
return 3
if obj == 1:
return 4
if obj == 0:
return 5
if obj == 'B':
return 6
if obj == 'A':
return 7
NextTableType = Enum(Byte, decision=0xf0, predefined=0xf1,
num_dial_digits=0xf2, ic=0xf3, empty=0xff)
class EF_CallconfC(TransparentEF):
"""Section 7.3"""
_test_de_encode = [
( "026121ffffffffffff1e000a040a010253600795792426f0",
{ "pl_conf": 3, "conf_nr": "1612ffffffffffff", "max_rand": 30, "n_ack_max": 10,
"pl_ack": 1, "n_nested_max": 10, "train_emergency_gid": 1, "shunting_emergency_gid": 2,
"imei": "350670599742620f" } ),
def __init__(self):
super().__init__(fid='6ff2', sfid=None, name='EF.CallconfC', size=(24, 24),
desc='Call Configuration of emergency calls Configuration')
self._construct = Struct('pl_conf'/PlConfAdapter(Int8ub),
class EF_CallconfI(LinFixedEF):
"""Section 7.5"""
def __init__(self):
super().__init__(fid='6ff3', sfid=None, name='EF.CallconfI', rec_len=(21, 21),
desc='Call Configuration of emergency calls Information')
self._construct = Struct('t_dur'/Int24ub,
'cause' /
FlagsEnum(Int8ub, powered_off=1,
radio_link_error=2, user_command=5),
class EF_Shunting(TransparentEF):
"""Section 7.6"""
_test_de_encode = [
( "03f8ffffff000000", { "common_gid": 3, "shunting_gid": "f8ffffff000000" } ),
def __init__(self):
super().__init__(fid='6ff4', sfid=None,
name='EF.Shunting', desc='Shunting', size=(8, 8))
self._construct = Struct('common_gid'/Int8ub,
class EF_GsmrPLMN(LinFixedEF):
"""Section 7.7"""
_test_de_encode = [
( "22f860f86f8d6f8e01", { "plmn": "228-06", "class_of_network": {
"supported": { "vbs": True, "vgcs": True, "emlpp": True,
"fn": True, "eirene": True }, "preference": 0 },
"ic_incoming_ref_tbl": "6f8d", "outgoing_ref_tbl": "6f8e",
"ic_table_ref": "01" } ),
( "22f810416f8d6f8e02", { "plmn": "228-01", "class_of_network": {
"supported": { "vbs": False, "vgcs": False, "emlpp": False,
"fn": True, "eirene": False }, "preference": 1 },
"ic_incoming_ref_tbl": "6f8d", "outgoing_ref_tbl": "6f8e",
"ic_table_ref": "02" } ),
def __init__(self):
super().__init__(fid='6ff5', sfid=None, name='EF.GsmrPLMN',
desc='GSM-R network selection', rec_len=(9, 9))
self._construct = Struct('plmn'/PlmnAdapter(Bytes(3)),
'class_of_network'/BitStruct('supported'/FlagsEnum(BitsInteger(5), vbs=1, vgcs=2, emlpp=4, fn=8, eirene=16),
class EF_IC(LinFixedEF):
"""Section 7.8"""
_test_de_encode = [
( "f06f8e40f10001", { "next_table_type": "decision", "id_of_next_table": "6f8e",
"ic_decision_value": "041f", "network_string_table_index": 1 } ),
( "ffffffffffffff", { "next_table_type": "empty", "id_of_next_table": "ffff",
"ic_decision_value": "ffff", "network_string_table_index": 65535 } ),
def __init__(self):
super().__init__(fid='6f8d', sfid=None, name='EF.IC',
desc='International Code', rec_len=(7, 7))
self._construct = Struct('next_table_type'/NextTableType,
class EF_NW(LinFixedEF):
"""Section 7.9"""
_test_de_encode = [
( "47534d2d52204348", "GSM-R CH" ),
( "537769737347534d", "SwissGSM" ),
( "47534d2d52204442", "GSM-R DB" ),
( "47534d2d52524649", "GSM-RRFI" ),
def __init__(self):
super().__init__(fid='6f80', sfid=None, name='EF.NW',
desc='Network Name', rec_len=(8, 8))
self._construct = GsmString(8)
class EF_Switching(LinFixedEF):
"""Section 8.4"""
_test_de_encode = [
( "f26f87f0ff00", { "next_table_type": "num_dial_digits", "id_of_next_table": "6f87",
"decision_value": "0fff", "string_table_index": 0 } ),
( "f06f8ff1ff01", { "next_table_type": "decision", "id_of_next_table": "6f8f",
"decision_value": "1fff", "string_table_index": 1 } ),
( "f16f89f5ff05", { "next_table_type": "predefined", "id_of_next_table": "6f89",
"decision_value": "5fff", "string_table_index": 5 } ),
def __init__(self, fid='1234', name='Switching', desc=None):
super().__init__(fid=fid, sfid=None,
name=name, desc=desc, rec_len=(6, 6))
self._construct = Struct('next_table_type'/NextTableType,
class EF_Predefined(LinFixedEF):
"""Section 8.5"""
_test_de_encode = [
( "f26f85", 1, { "next_table_type": "num_dial_digits", "id_of_next_table": "6f85" } ),
( "f0ffc8", 2, { "predefined_value1": "0fff", "string_table_index1": 200 } ),
# header and other records have different structure. WTF !?!
construct_first = Struct('next_table_type'/NextTableType,
construct_others = Struct('predefined_value1'/BcdAdapter(Bytes(2)),
def __init__(self, fid='1234', name='Predefined', desc=None):
super().__init__(fid=fid, sfid=None,
name=name, desc=desc, rec_len=(3, 3))
def _decode_record_bin(self, raw_bin_data : bytes, record_nr : int) -> dict:
if record_nr == 1:
return parse_construct(self.construct_first, raw_bin_data)
return parse_construct(self.construct_others, raw_bin_data)
def _encode_record_bin(self, abstract_data : dict, record_nr : int) -> bytearray:
r = None
if record_nr == 1:
r =
r =
return filter_dict(r)
class EF_DialledVals(TransparentEF):
"""Section 8.6"""
_test_de_encode = [
( "ffffff22", { "next_table_type": "empty", "id_of_next_table": "ffff", "dialed_digits": "22" } ),
( "f16f8885", { "next_table_type": "predefined", "id_of_next_table": "6f88", "dialed_digits": "58" }),
def __init__(self, fid='1234', name='DialledVals', desc=None):
super().__init__(fid=fid, sfid=None, name=name, desc=desc, size=(4, 4))
self._construct = Struct('next_table_type'/NextTableType,
class DF_EIRENE(CardDF):
def __init__(self, fid='7fe0', name='DF.EIRENE', desc='GSM-R EIRENE'):
super().__init__(fid=fid, name=name, desc=desc)
files = [
# Section 7.1.6 / Table 10 EIRENE GSM EFs
# support of the numbering plan
EF_Switching(fid='6f8e', name='EF.CT', desc='Call Type'),
EF_Switching(fid='6f8f', name='EF.SC', desc='Short Code'),
EF_Predefined(fid='6f88', name='EF.FC', desc='Function Code'),
EF_Predefined(fid='6f89', name='EF.Service',
desc='VGCS/VBS Service Code'),
EF_Predefined(fid='6f8a', name='EF.Call',
desc='First digit of the group ID'),
EF_Predefined(fid='6f8b', name='EF.FctTeam',
desc='Call Type 6 Team Type + Team member function'),
EF_Predefined(fid='6f92', name='EF.Controller',
desc='Call Type 7 Controller function code'),
EF_Predefined(fid='6f8c', name='EF.Gateway',
desc='Access to external networks'),
EF_DialledVals(fid='6f81', name='EF.5to8digits',
desc='Call Type 2 User Identity Number length'),
EF_DialledVals(fid='6f82', name='EF.2digits',
desc='2 digits input'),
EF_DialledVals(fid='6f83', name='EF.8digits',
desc='8 digits input'),
EF_DialledVals(fid='6f84', name='EF.9digits',
desc='9 digits input'),
EF_DialledVals(fid='6f85', name='EF.SSSSS',
desc='Group call area input'),
EF_DialledVals(fid='6f86', name='EF.LLLLL',
desc='Location number Call Type 6'),
EF_DialledVals(fid='6f91', name='EF.Location',
desc='Location number Call Type 7'),
EF_DialledVals(fid='6f87', name='EF.FreeNumber',
desc='Free Number Call Type 0 and 8'),
class AddonGSMR(CardProfileAddon):
"""An Addon that can be found on either classic GSM SIM or on UICC to support GSM-R."""
def __init__(self):
files = [
super().__init__('GSM-R', desc='Railway GSM', files_in_mf=files)
def probe(self, card: 'CardBase') -> bool:
return card.file_exists(self.files_in_mf[0].fid)