/* (C) 2018-2019 by Harald Welte * * All Rights Reserved * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "bankd.h" #include "rspro_client_fsm.h" #include "debug.h" #include "rspro_util.h" /* signal indicates to worker thread that its map has been deleted */ #define SIGMAPDEL SIGRTMIN+1 #define SIGMAPADD SIGRTMIN+2 static void handle_sig_usr1(int sig); static void handle_sig_mapdel(int sig); static void handle_sig_mapadd(int sig); __thread void *talloc_asn1_ctx; struct bankd *g_bankd; static void *g_tall_ctx; static char g_hostname[256]; static void *worker_main(void *arg); /*********************************************************************** * bankd core / main thread ***********************************************************************/ int asn_debug; static void bankd_init(struct bankd *bankd) { g_tall_ctx = talloc_named_const(NULL, 0, "global"); osmo_init_logging2(g_tall_ctx, &log_info); log_set_print_level(osmo_stderr_target, 1); log_set_print_category(osmo_stderr_target, 1); log_set_print_category_hex(osmo_stderr_target, 0); osmo_fsm_log_addr(0); log_set_print_tid(osmo_stderr_target, 1); log_enable_multithread(); asn_debug = 0; /* initialize members of 'bankd' */ bankd->slotmaps = slotmap_init(bankd); INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&bankd->workers); pthread_mutex_init(&bankd->workers_mutex, NULL); /* set some defaults, overridden by commandline/config */ bankd->srvc.bankd.bank_id = 1; bankd->srvc.bankd.num_slots = 8; bankd->comp_id.type = ComponentType_remsimBankd; OSMO_STRLCPY_ARRAY(bankd->comp_id.name, g_hostname); OSMO_STRLCPY_ARRAY(bankd->comp_id.software, "remsim-bankd"); OSMO_STRLCPY_ARRAY(bankd->comp_id.sw_version, PACKAGE_VERSION); /* FIXME: other members of app_comp_id */ INIT_LLIST_HEAD(&bankd->pcsc_slot_names); bankd->cfg.permit_shared_pcsc = false; } /* create + start a new bankd_worker thread */ static struct bankd_worker *bankd_create_worker(struct bankd *bankd, unsigned int i) { struct bankd_worker *worker; int rc; worker = talloc_zero(bankd, struct bankd_worker); if (!worker) return NULL; worker->bankd = bankd; worker->num = i; worker->ops = &pcsc_driver_ops; /* in the initial state, the worker has no client.fd, bank_slot or pcsc handle yet */ rc = pthread_create(&worker->thread, NULL, worker_main, worker); if (rc != 0) { talloc_free(worker); return NULL; } pthread_mutex_lock(&bankd->workers_mutex); llist_add_tail(&worker->list, &bankd->workers); pthread_mutex_unlock(&bankd->workers_mutex); return worker; } static bool terminate = false; /* deliver given signal 'sig' to the firts worker matching bs and cs (if given) */ static void send_signal_to_worker(const struct bank_slot *bs, const struct client_slot *cs, int sig) { struct bankd_worker *worker; pthread_mutex_lock(&g_bankd->workers_mutex); llist_for_each_entry(worker, &g_bankd->workers, list) { if (bs && (bs->bank_id != worker->slot.bank_id || bs->slot_nr != worker->slot.slot_nr)) continue; if (cs && (cs->client_id != worker->client.clslot.client_id || cs->slot_nr != worker->client.clslot.slot_nr)) continue; pthread_kill(worker->thread, sig); break; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_bankd->workers_mutex); } /* Remove a mapping */ static void bankd_srvc_remove_mapping(struct slot_mapping *map) { struct bank_slot bs = map->bank; slotmap_del(g_bankd->slotmaps, map); /* kill/reset the respective worker, if any! */ send_signal_to_worker(&bs, NULL, SIGMAPDEL); } /* handle incoming messages from server */ static int bankd_srvc_handle_rx(struct rspro_server_conn *srvc, const RsproPDU_t *pdu) { const CreateMappingReq_t *creq = NULL; const RemoveMappingReq_t *rreq = NULL; struct bankd_worker *worker; struct slot_mapping *map; struct bank_slot bs; struct client_slot cs; RsproPDU_t *resp; LOGPFSML(srvc->fi, LOGL_DEBUG, "Rx RSPRO %s\n", rspro_msgt_name(pdu)); switch (pdu->msg.present) { case RsproPDUchoice_PR_connectBankRes: if (pdu->msg.choice.connectBankRes.identity.type != ComponentType_remsimServer) { LOGPFSML(srvc->fi, LOGL_ERROR, "Server connection to a ComponentType(%ld) != RemsimServer? " "Check your IP/Port configuration\n", pdu->msg.choice.connectBankRes.identity.type); osmo_fsm_inst_dispatch(srvc->fi, SRVC_E_DISCONNECT, NULL); return -1; } /* Store 'identity' of server in srvc->peer_comp_id */ rspro_comp_id_retrieve(&srvc->peer_comp_id, &pdu->msg.choice.connectBankRes.identity); osmo_fsm_inst_dispatch(srvc->fi, SRVC_E_CLIENT_CONN_RES, (void *) pdu); break; case RsproPDUchoice_PR_createMappingReq: creq = &pdu->msg.choice.createMappingReq; if (creq->bank.bankId != g_bankd->srvc.bankd.bank_id) { LOGPFSML(srvc->fi, LOGL_ERROR, "createMapping specifies invalid Bank ID %lu " "(we are %u)\n", creq->bank.bankId, g_bankd->srvc.bankd.bank_id); resp = rspro_gen_CreateMappingRes(ResultCode_illegalBankId); } else if (creq->bank.slotNr >= g_bankd->srvc.bankd.num_slots) { LOGPFSML(srvc->fi, LOGL_ERROR, "createMapping specifies invalid Slot Nr %lu " "(we have %u)\n", creq->bank.slotNr, g_bankd->srvc.bankd.num_slots); resp = rspro_gen_CreateMappingRes(ResultCode_illegalSlotId); } else { rspro2bank_slot(&bs, &creq->bank); rspro2client_slot(&cs, &creq->client); /* check if map exists */ map = slotmap_by_bank(g_bankd->slotmaps, &bs); if (map) { if (client_slot_equals(&map->client, &cs)) { LOGPFSML(srvc->fi, LOGL_ERROR, "ignoring identical slotmap\n"); resp = rspro_gen_CreateMappingRes(ResultCode_ok); goto send_resp; } else { LOGPFSML(srvc->fi, LOGL_NOTICE, "implicitly removing slotmap\n"); bankd_srvc_remove_mapping(map); } } /* Add a new mapping */ map = slotmap_add(g_bankd->slotmaps, &bs, &cs); if (!map) { LOGPFSML(srvc->fi, LOGL_ERROR, "could not create slotmap\n"); resp = rspro_gen_CreateMappingRes(ResultCode_illegalSlotId); } else { send_signal_to_worker(NULL, &cs, SIGMAPADD); resp = rspro_gen_CreateMappingRes(ResultCode_ok); } } send_resp: server_conn_send_rspro(srvc, resp); break; case RsproPDUchoice_PR_removeMappingReq: rreq = &pdu->msg.choice.removeMappingReq; if (rreq->bank.bankId != g_bankd->srvc.bankd.bank_id) { LOGPFSML(srvc->fi, LOGL_ERROR, "removeMapping specifies invalid Bank ID %lu " "(we are %u)\n", rreq->bank.bankId, g_bankd->srvc.bankd.bank_id); resp = rspro_gen_RemoveMappingRes(ResultCode_illegalBankId); } else if (rreq->bank.slotNr >= g_bankd->srvc.bankd.num_slots) { LOGPFSML(srvc->fi, LOGL_ERROR, "removeMapping specifies invalid Slot Nr %lu " "(we have %u)\n", rreq->bank.slotNr, g_bankd->srvc.bankd.num_slots); resp = rspro_gen_RemoveMappingRes(ResultCode_illegalSlotId); } else { rspro2bank_slot(&bs, &rreq->bank); /* Remove a mapping */ map = slotmap_by_bank(g_bankd->slotmaps, &bs); if (!map) { LOGPFSML(srvc->fi, LOGL_ERROR, "could not find to-be-deleted slotmap\n"); resp = rspro_gen_RemoveMappingRes(ResultCode_unknownSlotmap); } else { rspro2client_slot(&cs, &rreq->client); if (!client_slot_equals(&map->client, &cs)) { LOGPFSML(srvc->fi, LOGL_NOTICE, "ClientId in removeMappingReq != map\n"); resp = rspro_gen_RemoveMappingRes(ResultCode_unknownSlotmap); } else { LOGPFSML(srvc->fi, LOGL_INFO, "removing slotmap\n"); bankd_srvc_remove_mapping(map); resp = rspro_gen_RemoveMappingRes(ResultCode_ok); } } } server_conn_send_rspro(srvc, resp); break; case RsproPDUchoice_PR_resetStateReq: /* delete all slotmaps */ slotmap_del_all(g_bankd->slotmaps); /* notify all workers about maps having disappeared */ pthread_mutex_lock(&g_bankd->workers_mutex); llist_for_each_entry(worker, &g_bankd->workers, list) { pthread_kill(worker->thread, SIGMAPDEL); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_bankd->workers_mutex); /* send response to server */ resp = rspro_gen_ResetStateRes(ResultCode_ok); server_conn_send_rspro(srvc, resp); break; default: LOGPFSML(srvc->fi, LOGL_ERROR, "Unknown/Unsupported RSPRO PDU type: %u\n", pdu->msg.present); return -1; } return 0; } static void printf_help() { printf( " -h --help Print this help message\n" " -V --version Print the version of the program\n" " -d --debug option Enable debug logging (e.g. DMAIN:DST2)\n" " -i --server-host A.B.C.D remsim-server IP address (default:\n" " -p --server-port <1-65535> remsim-server TCP port (default: 9998)\n" " -b --bank-id <1-1023> Bank Identifier of this SIM bank (default: 1)\n" " -n --num-slots <1-1023> Number of Slots in this SIM bank (default: 8)\n" " -I --bind-ip A.B.C.D Local IP address to bind for incoming client\n" " connections (default: INADDR_ANY)\n" " -P --bind-port <1-65535> Local TCP port to bind for incoming client\n" " connectionss (default: 9999)\n" " -s --permit-shared-pcsc Permit SHARED access to PC/SC readers (default: exclusive)\n" ); } static int g_bind_port = 9999; static char *g_bind_ip = NULL; static void handle_options(int argc, char **argv) { while (1) { int option_index = 0, c; static const struct option long_options[] = { { "help", 0, 0, 'h' }, { "version", 0, 0, 'V' }, { "debug", 1, 0, 'd' }, { "server-host", 1, 0, 'i' }, { "server-port", 1, 0, 'p' }, { "bank-id", 1, 0, 'b' }, { "num-slots", 1, 0, 'n' }, { "component-name", 1, 0, 'N' }, { "bind-ip", 1, 0, 'I' }, { "bind-port", 1, 0, 'P' }, { "permit-shared-pcsc", 0, 0, 's' }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hVd:i:o:b:n:N:I:P:s", long_options, &option_index); if (c == -1) break; switch (c) { case 'h': printf_help(); exit(0); break; case 'V': printf("osmo-remsim-bankd version %s\n", VERSION); exit(0); break; case 'd': log_parse_category_mask(osmo_stderr_target, optarg); break; case 'i': g_bankd->srvc.server_host = optarg; break; case 'p': g_bankd->srvc.server_port = atoi(optarg); break; case 'b': g_bankd->srvc.bankd.bank_id = atoi(optarg); break; case 'n': g_bankd->srvc.bankd.num_slots = atoi(optarg); break; case 'N': OSMO_STRLCPY_ARRAY(g_bankd->srvc.own_comp_id.name, optarg); break; case 'I': g_bind_ip = optarg; break; case 'P': g_bind_port = atoi(optarg); break; case 's': g_bankd->cfg.permit_shared_pcsc = true; break; } } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct rspro_server_conn *srvc; int i, rc; g_bankd = talloc_zero(NULL, struct bankd); OSMO_ASSERT(g_bankd); if (gethostname(g_hostname, sizeof(g_hostname)) < 0) OSMO_STRLCPY_ARRAY(g_hostname, "unknown"); bankd_init(g_bankd); srvc = &g_bankd->srvc; srvc->server_host = "localhost"; srvc->server_port = 9998; srvc->handle_rx = bankd_srvc_handle_rx; srvc->own_comp_id.type = ComponentType_remsimBankd; OSMO_STRLCPY_ARRAY(srvc->own_comp_id.name, g_hostname); OSMO_STRLCPY_ARRAY(srvc->own_comp_id.software, "remsim-bankd"); OSMO_STRLCPY_ARRAY(srvc->own_comp_id.sw_version, PACKAGE_VERSION); handle_options(argc, argv); g_bankd->main = pthread_self(); signal(SIGMAPDEL, handle_sig_mapdel); signal(SIGMAPADD, handle_sig_mapadd); signal(SIGUSR1, handle_sig_usr1); /* Np lock or mutex required for the pcsc_slot_names list, as this is only * read once during bankd initialization, when the worker threads haven't * started yet */ rc = bankd_pcsc_read_slotnames(g_bankd, "bankd_pcsc_slots.csv"); if (rc) exit(1); /* Connection towards remsim-server */ rc = server_conn_fsm_alloc(g_bankd, srvc); if (rc < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to create Server conn FSM: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } osmo_fsm_inst_dispatch(srvc->fi, SRVC_E_ESTABLISH, NULL); /* create listening socket for inbound client connections */ rc = osmo_sock_init(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP, g_bind_ip, g_bind_port, OSMO_SOCK_F_BIND); if (rc < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to create TCP socket at %s:%d: %s\n", g_bind_ip ? g_bind_ip : "INADDR_ANY", g_bind_port, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } g_bankd->accept_fd = rc; /* create worker threads: One per reader/slot! */ for (i = 0; i < g_bankd->srvc.bankd.num_slots; i++) { struct bankd_worker *w; w = bankd_create_worker(g_bankd, i); if (!w) { fprintf(stderr, "Error creating bankd worker thread\n"); exit(21); } } while (1) { if (terminate) break; osmo_select_main(0); } talloc_free(g_bankd); exit(0); } /*********************************************************************** * bankd worker thread ***********************************************************************/ static __thread struct bankd_worker *g_worker; struct value_string worker_state_names[] = { { BW_ST_INIT, "INIT" }, { BW_ST_ACCEPTING, "ACCEPTING" }, { BW_ST_CONN_WAIT_ID, "CONN_WAIT_ID" }, { BW_ST_CONN_CLIENT, "CONN_CLIENT" }, { BW_ST_CONN_CLIENT_WAIT_MAP, "CONN_CLIENT_WAIT_MAP" }, { BW_ST_CONN_CLIENT_MAPPED, "CONN_CLIENT_MAPPED" }, { BW_ST_CONN_CLIENT_MAPPED_CARD,"CONN_CLIENT_MAPPED_CARD" }, { BW_ST_CONN_CLIENT_UNMAPPED, "CONN_CLIENT_UNMAPPED" }, { 0, NULL } }; static int worker_send_rspro(struct bankd_worker *worker, RsproPDU_t *pdu); static void worker_set_state(struct bankd_worker *worker, enum bankd_worker_state new_state) { LOGW(worker, "Changing state to %s\n", get_value_string(worker_state_names, new_state)); worker->state = new_state; worker->timeout = 0; } static void worker_set_state_timeout(struct bankd_worker *worker, enum bankd_worker_state new_state, unsigned int timeout_secs) { LOGW(worker, "Changing state to %s (timeout=%u)\n", get_value_string(worker_state_names, new_state), timeout_secs); worker->state = new_state; worker->timeout = timeout_secs; } /* signal handler for receiving SIGMAPDEL from main thread */ static void handle_sig_mapdel(int sig) { LOGW(g_worker, "SIGMAPDEL received: Main thread informs us our map is gone\n"); OSMO_ASSERT(sig == SIGMAPDEL); if (g_worker->state >= BW_ST_CONN_CLIENT_MAPPED) { g_worker->slot.bank_id = 0xffff; g_worker->slot.slot_nr = 0xffff; worker_set_state(g_worker, BW_ST_CONN_CLIENT_UNMAPPED); } } /* signal handler for receiving SIGMAPADD from main thread */ static void handle_sig_mapadd(int sig) { LOGW(g_worker, "SIGMAPADD received\n"); /* do nothing */ } static void handle_sig_usr1(int sig) { OSMO_ASSERT(sig == SIGUSR1); if (pthread_equal(g_bankd->main, pthread_self())) { struct bankd_worker *worker; /* main thread */ fprintf(stderr, "=== Talloc Report of main thread:\n"); talloc_report_full(g_tall_ctx, stderr); /* iterate over worker threads and ask them to dump their talloc state */ pthread_mutex_lock(&g_bankd->workers_mutex); llist_for_each_entry(worker, &g_bankd->workers, list) { pthread_kill(worker->thread, SIGUSR1); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_bankd->workers_mutex); } else { /* worker thread */ fprintf(stderr, "=== Talloc Report of %s\n", g_worker->name); talloc_report_full(g_worker->tall_ctx, stderr); } } static void worker_cleanup(void *arg) { struct bankd_worker *worker = (struct bankd_worker *) arg; struct bankd *bankd = worker->bankd; /* FIXME: should we still do this? in the thread ?!? */ pthread_mutex_lock(&bankd->workers_mutex); llist_del(&worker->list); talloc_free(worker); /* FIXME: is this safe? */ pthread_mutex_unlock(&bankd->workers_mutex); } static int worker_open_card(struct bankd_worker *worker) { int rc; OSMO_ASSERT(worker->state == BW_ST_CONN_CLIENT_MAPPED); if (!worker->reader.name) { /* resolve PC/SC reader name from slot_id -> name map */ worker->reader.name = bankd_pcsc_get_slot_name(worker->bankd, &worker->slot); if (!worker->reader.name) { LOGW(worker, "No PC/SC reader name configured for %u/%u, fix your config\n", worker->slot.bank_id, worker->slot.slot_nr); return -1; } } OSMO_ASSERT(worker->reader.name); rc = worker->ops->open_card(worker); if (rc < 0) return rc; worker_set_state(worker, BW_ST_CONN_CLIENT_MAPPED_CARD); /* FIXME: notify client about this state change */ return 0; } static int blocking_ipa_read(struct bankd_worker *worker, uint8_t *buf, unsigned int buf_size) { struct ipaccess_head *hh; uint16_t len; int needed, rc; if (buf_size < sizeof(*hh)) return -1; hh = (struct ipaccess_head *) buf; /* we use 'recv' and not 'read' below, as 'recv' will always fail with -EINTR * in case of a signal being received */ restart_hdr: /* 1) blocking recv from the socket (IPA header) */ rc = recv(worker->client.fd, buf, sizeof(*hh), 0); if (rc == -1 && errno == EINTR) { if (worker->state == BW_ST_CONN_CLIENT_UNMAPPED) return -23; goto restart_hdr; } else if (rc < 0) return rc; else if (rc < sizeof(*hh)) return -2; len = ntohs(hh->len); needed = len; //- sizeof(*hh); restart_body: /* 2) blocking recv from the socket (payload) */ rc = recv(worker->client.fd, buf+sizeof(*hh), needed, 0); if (rc == -1 && errno == EINTR) { if (worker->state == BW_ST_CONN_CLIENT_UNMAPPED) return -23; goto restart_body; } else if (rc < 0) return rc; else if (rc < needed) return -3; return len; } static int worker_send_rspro(struct bankd_worker *worker, RsproPDU_t *pdu) { struct msgb *msg = rspro_enc_msg(pdu); int rc; if (!msg) { ASN_STRUCT_FREE(asn_DEF_RsproPDU, pdu); LOGW(worker, "error encoding RSPRO\n"); return -1; } msg->l2h = msg->data; /* prepend the header */ ipa_prepend_header_ext(msg, IPAC_PROTO_EXT_RSPRO); ipa_prepend_header(msg, IPAC_PROTO_OSMO); /* actually send it through the socket */ rc = write(worker->client.fd, msgb_data(msg), msgb_length(msg)); if (rc == msgb_length(msg)) rc = 0; else { LOGW(worker, "error during write: %d != %d\n", rc, msgb_length(msg)); rc = -1; } msgb_free(msg); return rc; } /* attempt to obtain slot-map */ static int worker_try_slotmap(struct bankd_worker *worker) { struct slot_mapping *slmap; slmap = slotmap_by_client(worker->bankd->slotmaps, &worker->client.clslot); if (!slmap) { LOGW(worker, "No slotmap (yet) for client C(%u:%u)\n", worker->client.clslot.client_id, worker->client.clslot.slot_nr); /* check in 10s if the map has been installed meanwhile by main thread */ worker_set_state_timeout(worker, BW_ST_CONN_CLIENT_WAIT_MAP, 10); return -1; } else { LOGW(worker, "slotmap found: C(%u:%u) -> B(%u:%u)\n", slmap->client.client_id, slmap->client.slot_nr, slmap->bank.bank_id, slmap->bank.slot_nr); worker->slot = slmap->bank; worker_set_state_timeout(worker, BW_ST_CONN_CLIENT_MAPPED, 10); return worker_open_card(worker); } } /* inform the remote end (client) about the (new) ATR */ static int worker_send_atr(struct bankd_worker *worker) { RsproPDU_t *set_atr; set_atr = rspro_gen_SetAtrReq(worker->client.clslot.client_id, worker->client.clslot.slot_nr, worker->card.atr, worker->card.atr_len); if (!set_atr) return -1; return worker_send_rspro(worker, set_atr); } static int worker_handle_connectClientReq(struct bankd_worker *worker, const RsproPDU_t *pdu) { const struct ComponentIdentity *cid = &pdu->msg.choice.connectClientReq.identity; RsproPDU_t *resp = NULL; e_ResultCode res; int rc; OSMO_ASSERT(pdu->msg.present == RsproPDUchoice_PR_connectClientReq); LOGW(worker, "Rx RSPRO connectClientReq(T=%lu, N='%s', SW='%s', VER='%s')\n", cid->type, cid->name.buf, cid->software.buf, cid->swVersion.buf); /* FIXME: store somewhere? */ if (worker->state != BW_ST_CONN_WAIT_ID) { LOGW(worker, "Unexpected connectClientReq\n"); rc = -102; goto respond_and_err; } if (!pdu->msg.choice.connectClientReq.clientSlot) { LOGW(worker, "missing clientID, aborting\n"); res = ResultCode_illegalClientId; rc = -103; goto respond_and_err; } worker->client.clslot.client_id = pdu->msg.choice.connectClientReq.clientSlot->clientId; worker->client.clslot.slot_nr = pdu->msg.choice.connectClientReq.clientSlot->slotNr; worker_set_state(worker, BW_ST_CONN_CLIENT); if (worker_try_slotmap(worker) >= 0) res = ResultCode_ok; else res = ResultCode_cardNotPresent; resp = rspro_gen_ConnectClientRes(&worker->bankd->comp_id, res); rc = worker_send_rspro(worker, resp); if (rc < 0) return rc; if (res == ResultCode_ok) rc = worker_send_atr(worker); return rc; respond_and_err: if (res) { resp = rspro_gen_ConnectClientRes(&worker->bankd->comp_id, res); worker_send_rspro(worker, resp); } return rc; } static int worker_handle_tpduModemToCard(struct bankd_worker *worker, const RsproPDU_t *pdu) { const struct TpduModemToCard *mdm2sim = &pdu->msg.choice.tpduModemToCard; uint8_t rx_buf[1024]; DWORD rx_buf_len = sizeof(rx_buf); RsproPDU_t *pdu_resp; struct client_slot clslot; struct bank_slot bslot; int rc; LOGW(worker, "Rx RSPRO tpduModemToCard(%s)\n", osmo_hexdump_nospc(mdm2sim->data.buf, mdm2sim->data.size)); if (worker->state != BW_ST_CONN_CLIENT_MAPPED_CARD) { LOGW(worker, "Unexpected tpduModemToCaard\n"); return -104; } /* Validate that toBankSlot / fromClientSlot match our expectations */ rspro2client_slot(&clslot, &mdm2sim->fromClientSlot); rspro2bank_slot(&bslot, &mdm2sim->toBankSlot); if (!bank_slot_equals(&worker->slot, &bslot)) { LOGW(worker, "Unexpected BankSlot %u:%u in tpduModemToCard\n", bslot.bank_id, bslot.slot_nr); return -105; } if (!client_slot_equals(&worker->client.clslot, &clslot)) { LOGW(worker, "Unexpected ClientSlot %u:%u in tpduModemToCard\n", clslot.client_id, clslot.slot_nr); return -106; } rc = worker->ops->transceive(worker, mdm2sim->data.buf, mdm2sim->data.size, rx_buf, &rx_buf_len); if (rc < 0) return rc; LOGW(worker, "Tx RSPRO tpduCardToModem(%s)\n", osmo_hexdump_nospc(rx_buf, rx_buf_len)); /* encode response PDU and send it */ pdu_resp = rspro_gen_TpduCard2Modem(&mdm2sim->toBankSlot, &mdm2sim->fromClientSlot, rx_buf, rx_buf_len); worker_send_rspro(worker, pdu_resp); return 0; } static int worker_handle_clientSlotStatusInd(struct bankd_worker *worker, const RsproPDU_t *pdu) { const struct ClientSlotStatusInd *cssi = &pdu->msg.choice.clientSlotStatusInd; const struct SlotPhysStatus *sps = &cssi->slotPhysStatus; int rc = 0; LOGW(worker, "Rx RSPRO clientSlotStatusInd(RST=%s, VCC=%s, CLK=%s)\n", sps->resetActive ? "ACTIVE" : "INACTIVE", sps->vccPresent ? *sps->vccPresent ? "PRESENT" : "ABSENT" : "NULL", sps->clkActive ? *sps->clkActive ? "ACTIVE" : "INACTIVE" : "NULL"); /* perform cold or warm reset */ if (sps->vccPresent && *sps->vccPresent == 0) rc = worker->ops->reset_card(worker, true); else if (sps->resetActive) rc = worker->ops->reset_card(worker, false); return rc; } /* handle one incoming RSPRO message from a client inside a worker thread */ static int worker_handle_rspro(struct bankd_worker *worker, const RsproPDU_t *pdu) { int rc = -100; switch (pdu->msg.present) { case RsproPDUchoice_PR_connectClientReq: rc = worker_handle_connectClientReq(worker, pdu); break; case RsproPDUchoice_PR_tpduModemToCard: rc = worker_handle_tpduModemToCard(worker, pdu); break; case RsproPDUchoice_PR_clientSlotStatusInd: rc = worker_handle_clientSlotStatusInd(worker, pdu); rc = 0; break; case RsproPDUchoice_PR_setAtrRes: LOGW(worker, "Rx RSPRO %s\n", rspro_msgt_name(pdu)); rc = 0; break; default: LOGW(worker, "Rx RSPRO %s (unhandled)\n", rspro_msgt_name(pdu)); rc = -101; break; } return rc; } static int wait_for_fd_or_timeout(int fd, unsigned int timeout_secs) { struct timeval tout = { timeout_secs, 0 }; fd_set readset; FD_ZERO(&readset); FD_SET(fd, &readset); return select(fd + 1, &readset, NULL, NULL, timeout_secs ? &tout : NULL); } /* body of the main transceive loop */ static int worker_transceive_loop(struct bankd_worker *worker) { struct ipaccess_head *hh; struct ipaccess_head_ext *hh_ext; uint8_t buf[65536]; /* maximum length expressed in 16bit length field */ asn_dec_rval_t rval; int data_len, rc; RsproPDU_t *pdu = NULL; restart_wait: rc = wait_for_fd_or_timeout(worker->client.fd, worker->timeout); if (rc == -1 && errno == EINTR) { if (worker->state == BW_ST_CONN_CLIENT_UNMAPPED) return -23; else worker_try_slotmap(worker); goto restart_wait; } else if (rc < 0) return rc; else if (rc == 0) { /* TIMEOUT case */ switch (worker->state) { case BW_ST_CONN_CLIENT_WAIT_MAP: /* re-check if mapping exists meanwhile? */ rc = worker_try_slotmap(worker); break; case BW_ST_CONN_CLIENT_MAPPED: /* re-check if reader/card can be opened meanwhile? */ rc = worker_open_card(worker); break; default: OSMO_ASSERT(0); } if (rc == 0) worker_send_atr(worker); /* return early, so we do another select rather than the blocking read below */ return 0; }; /* 1) blocking read of entire IPA message from the socket */ rc = blocking_ipa_read(worker, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (rc < 0) return rc; data_len = rc; hh = (struct ipaccess_head *) buf; if (hh->proto != IPAC_PROTO_OSMO && hh->proto != IPAC_PROTO_IPACCESS) { LOGW(worker, "Received unsupported IPA protocol != OSMO: 0x%02x\n", hh->proto); return -4; } if (hh->proto == IPAC_PROTO_IPACCESS) { switch (hh->data[0]) { case IPAC_MSGT_PING: return ipa_ccm_send_pong(worker->client.fd); case IPAC_MSGT_ID_ACK: return ipa_ccm_send_id_ack(g_worker->client.fd); default: LOGW(worker, "IPA CCM 0x%02x not implemented yet\n", hh->data[0]); break; } return 0; } hh_ext = (struct ipaccess_head_ext *) buf + sizeof(*hh); if (data_len < sizeof(*hh_ext)) { LOGW(worker, "Received short message\n"); return -5; } data_len -= sizeof(*hh_ext); if (hh_ext->proto != IPAC_PROTO_EXT_RSPRO) { LOGW(worker, "Received unsupported IPA EXT protocol != RSPRO: 0x%02x\n", hh_ext->proto); return -6; } /* 2) ASN1 BER decode of the message */ rval = ber_decode(NULL, &asn_DEF_RsproPDU, (void **) &pdu, hh_ext->data, data_len); if (rval.code != RC_OK) { LOGW(worker, "Error during BER decode of RSPRO\n"); return -7; } /* 3) handling of the message, possibly resulting in PCSC commands */ rc = worker_handle_rspro(worker, pdu); ASN_STRUCT_FREE(asn_DEF_RsproPDU, pdu); if (rc < 0) { LOGW(worker, "Error handling RSPRO\n"); return rc; } /* everything OK if we reach here */ return 0; } /* obtain an ascii representation of the client IP/port */ static int worker_client_addrstr(char *out, unsigned int outlen, const struct bankd_worker *worker) { char hostbuf[32], portbuf[32]; int rc; rc = getnameinfo((const struct sockaddr *)&worker->client.peer_addr, worker->client.peer_addr_len, hostbuf, sizeof(hostbuf), portbuf, sizeof(portbuf), NI_NUMERICHOST | NI_NUMERICSERV); if (rc != 0) { out[0] = '\0'; return -1; } snprintf(out, outlen, "%s:%s", hostbuf, portbuf); return 0; } /* worker thread main function */ static void *worker_main(void *arg) { void *top_ctx; int rc; g_worker = (struct bankd_worker *) arg; worker_set_state(g_worker, BW_ST_INIT); /* not permitted in multithreaded environment */ talloc_disable_null_tracking(); g_worker->tall_ctx = talloc_named_const(NULL, 0, "top"); talloc_asn1_ctx = talloc_named_const(g_worker->tall_ctx, 0, "asn1"); /* set the thread name */ g_worker->name = talloc_asprintf(g_worker->tall_ctx, "bankd-worker(%u)", g_worker->num); pthread_setname_np(pthread_self(), g_worker->name); /* push cleanup helper */ pthread_cleanup_push(&worker_cleanup, g_worker); g_worker->slot.bank_id = 0xffff; g_worker->slot.slot_nr = 0xffff; /* we continuously perform the same loop here, recycling the worker thread * once the client connection is gone or we have some trouble with the card/reader */ while (1) { char buf[128]; g_worker->client.peer_addr_len = sizeof(g_worker->client.peer_addr); worker_set_state(g_worker, BW_ST_ACCEPTING); /* first wait for an incoming TCP connection */ rc = accept(g_worker->bankd->accept_fd, (struct sockaddr *) &g_worker->client.peer_addr, &g_worker->client.peer_addr_len); if (rc < 0) { continue; } g_worker->client.fd = rc; worker_client_addrstr(buf, sizeof(buf), g_worker); LOGW(g_worker, "Accepted connection from %s\n", buf); worker_set_state(g_worker, BW_ST_CONN_WAIT_ID); /* run the main worker transceive loop body until there was some error */ while (1) { rc = worker_transceive_loop(g_worker); if (rc < 0) break; if (g_worker->state == BW_ST_CONN_CLIENT_UNMAPPED) break; } if (rc == -23) LOGW(g_worker, "Client unmapped: Cleaning up state\n"); else LOGW(g_worker, "Error %d occurred: Cleaning up state\n", rc); /* clean-up: reset to sane state */ memset(&g_worker->card, 0, sizeof(g_worker->card)); g_worker->ops->cleanup(g_worker); if (g_worker->reader.name) g_worker->reader.name = NULL; if (g_worker->client.fd >= 0) close(g_worker->client.fd); memset(&g_worker->client.peer_addr, 0, sizeof(g_worker->client.peer_addr)); g_worker->client.fd = -1; g_worker->client.clslot.client_id = g_worker->client.clslot.slot_nr = 0; } pthread_cleanup_pop(1); talloc_free(top_ctx); pthread_exit(NULL); }