// // Copyright 2011-2013 Ettus Research LLC // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . // #include using namespace osmosdr; /*********************************************************************** * Time spec system time **********************************************************************/ #ifdef HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME #include time_spec_t time_spec_t::get_system_time(void){ timespec ts; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts); return time_spec_t(ts.tv_sec, ts.tv_nsec, 1e9); } #endif /* HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME */ #ifdef HAVE_MACH_ABSOLUTE_TIME #include time_spec_t time_spec_t::get_system_time(void){ mach_timebase_info_data_t info; mach_timebase_info(&info); intmax_t nanosecs = mach_absolute_time()*info.numer/info.denom; return time_spec_t::from_ticks(nanosecs, 1e9); } #endif /* HAVE_MACH_ABSOLUTE_TIME */ #ifdef HAVE_QUERY_PERFORMANCE_COUNTER #include time_spec_t time_spec_t::get_system_time(void){ LARGE_INTEGER counts, freq; QueryPerformanceCounter(&counts); QueryPerformanceFrequency(&freq); return time_spec_t::from_ticks(counts.QuadPart, double(freq.QuadPart)); } #endif /* HAVE_QUERY_PERFORMANCE_COUNTER */ #ifdef HAVE_MICROSEC_CLOCK #include namespace pt = boost::posix_time; time_spec_t time_spec_t::get_system_time(void){ pt::ptime time_now = pt::microsec_clock::universal_time(); pt::time_duration time_dur = time_now - pt::from_time_t(0); return time_spec_t( time_t(time_dur.total_seconds()), long(time_dur.fractional_seconds()), double(pt::time_duration::ticks_per_second()) ); } #endif /* HAVE_MICROSEC_CLOCK */ /*********************************************************************** * Time spec constructors **********************************************************************/ #define time_spec_init(full, frac) { \ const time_t _full = time_t(full); \ const double _frac = double(frac); \ const int _frac_int = int(_frac); \ _full_secs = _full + _frac_int; \ _frac_secs = _frac - _frac_int; \ if (_frac_secs < 0) {\ _full_secs -= 1; \ _frac_secs += 1; \ } \ } inline long long fast_llround(const double x){ return (long long)(x + 0.5); // assumption of non-negativity } time_spec_t::time_spec_t(double secs){ time_spec_init(0, secs); } time_spec_t::time_spec_t(time_t full_secs, double frac_secs){ time_spec_init(full_secs, frac_secs); } time_spec_t::time_spec_t(time_t full_secs, long tick_count, double tick_rate){ const double frac_secs = tick_count/tick_rate; time_spec_init(full_secs, frac_secs); } time_spec_t time_spec_t::from_ticks(long long ticks, double tick_rate){ const long long rate_i = (long long)(tick_rate); const double rate_f = tick_rate - rate_i; const time_t secs_full = time_t(ticks/rate_i); const long long ticks_error = ticks - (secs_full*rate_i); const double ticks_frac = ticks_error - secs_full*rate_f; return time_spec_t(secs_full, ticks_frac/tick_rate); } /*********************************************************************** * Time spec accessors **********************************************************************/ long time_spec_t::get_tick_count(double tick_rate) const{ return long(fast_llround(this->get_frac_secs()*tick_rate)); } long long time_spec_t::to_ticks(double tick_rate) const{ const long long rate_i = (long long)(tick_rate); const double rate_f = tick_rate - rate_i; const long long ticks_full = this->get_full_secs()*rate_i; const double ticks_error = this->get_full_secs()*rate_f; const double ticks_frac = this->get_frac_secs()*tick_rate; return ticks_full + fast_llround(ticks_error + ticks_frac); } double time_spec_t::get_real_secs(void) const{ return this->get_full_secs() + this->get_frac_secs(); } /*********************************************************************** * Time spec math overloads **********************************************************************/ time_spec_t &time_spec_t::operator+=(const time_spec_t &rhs){ time_spec_init( this->get_full_secs() + rhs.get_full_secs(), this->get_frac_secs() + rhs.get_frac_secs() ); return *this; } time_spec_t &time_spec_t::operator-=(const time_spec_t &rhs){ time_spec_init( this->get_full_secs() - rhs.get_full_secs(), this->get_frac_secs() - rhs.get_frac_secs() ); return *this; } bool osmosdr::operator==(const time_spec_t &lhs, const time_spec_t &rhs){ return lhs.get_full_secs() == rhs.get_full_secs() and lhs.get_frac_secs() == rhs.get_frac_secs() ; } bool osmosdr::operator<(const time_spec_t &lhs, const time_spec_t &rhs){ return ( (lhs.get_full_secs() < rhs.get_full_secs()) or ( (lhs.get_full_secs() == rhs.get_full_secs()) and (lhs.get_frac_secs() < rhs.get_frac_secs()) )); }