
657 lines
16 KiB

/* GMR-1 SDR - FCCH bursts */
/* See GMR-1 05.004 (ETSI TS 101 376-5-4 V1.2.1) - Section 8.1 */
/* (C) 2011-2019 by Sylvain Munaut <tnt@246tNt.com>
* All Rights Reserved
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
/*! \addtogroup fcch
* @{
/*! \file sdr/fcch.c
* \brief Osmocom GMR-1 FCCH bursts implementation
#include <complex.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fftw3.h>
#include <osmocom/dsp/cxvec.h>
#include <osmocom/dsp/cxvec_math.h>
#include <osmocom/gmr1/sdr/defs.h>
#include <osmocom/gmr1/sdr/fcch.h>
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Reference waveform generation */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*! \brief Generate FCCH reference up or down chirp at a given oversampling
* \param[in] sps Oversampling rate
* \param[in] up_down Selects chirp direction (0=down 1=up)
* \returns A newly allocated complex vector containing the chirp
* Up-Chirp: \f$\frac{\sqrt{2}}{2}\cdot e^{j\left(
* 0.64\pi\left(t-\frac{T}{2}\right)^2/T^2\right)}\f$
* Down-Chirp: \f$\frac{\sqrt{2}}{2}\cdot e^{-j\left(
* 0.64\pi\left(t-\frac{T}{2}\right)^2/T^2\right)}\f$
* The length will be 117 * sps
static struct osmo_cxvec *
gmr1_sdr_fcch_gen_up_down_chirp(int sps, int up_down)
struct osmo_cxvec *cv;
int i, l;
float sq2d2, phase_base, pos, halfpos;
l = GMR1_FCCH_SYMS * sps;
cv = osmo_cxvec_alloc(l);
if (!cv)
return NULL;
cv->len = l;
sq2d2 = sqrtf(2.0f) / 2.0f;
phase_base = 0.64f * M_PIf / (float)(GMR1_FCCH_SYMS);
halfpos = ((float)(GMR1_FCCH_SYMS)) / 2.0f;
if (up_down)
phase_base *= -1.0f;
for (i=0; i<l; i++) {
pos = ((float)i / (float)sps) - halfpos;
cv->data[i] = sq2d2 * cexpf( I * phase_base * (pos * pos) );
return cv;
/*! \brief Generate FCCH reference up chirp at a given oversampling
* \param[in] sps Oversampling rate
* \returns A newly allocated complex vector containing the chirp
* \f$\frac{\sqrt{2}}{2}\cdot e^{j\left(
* 0.64\pi\left(t-\frac{T}{2}\right)^2/T^2\right)}\f$
* The length will be 117 * sps
static struct osmo_cxvec *
gmr1_sdr_fcch_gen_up_chirp(int sps)
return gmr1_sdr_fcch_gen_up_down_chirp(sps, 0);
/*! \brief Generate FCCH reference down chirp at a given oversampling
* \param[in] sps Oversampling rate
* \returns A newly allocated complex vector containing the chirp
* \f$\frac{\sqrt{2}}{2}\cdot e^{-j\left(
* 0.64\pi\left(t-\frac{T}{2}\right)^2/T^2\right)}\f$
* The length will be 117 * sps
static struct osmo_cxvec *
gmr1_sdr_fcch_gen_down_chirp(int sps)
return gmr1_sdr_fcch_gen_up_down_chirp(sps, 1);
/*! \brief Generate FCCH reference dual chirp at a given oversampling
* \param[in] sps Oversampling rate
* \returns A newly allocated complex vector containing the dual chirp
* \f$\sqrt{2}\cdot\cos\left(0.64\pi\left(t-\frac{T}{2}\right)^2/\;T^2\right)\f$
* The length will be 117 * sps. The vector is also 'real only'.
static struct osmo_cxvec *
gmr1_sdr_fcch_gen_dual_chirp(int sps)
struct osmo_cxvec *cv;
int i, l;
float sq2, phase_base, pos, halfpos;
l = GMR1_FCCH_SYMS * sps;
cv = osmo_cxvec_alloc(l);
if (!cv)
return NULL;
cv->len = l;
cv->flags |= CXVEC_FLG_REAL_ONLY;
sq2 = sqrtf(2.0f);
phase_base = 0.64f * M_PIf / (float)(GMR1_FCCH_SYMS);
halfpos = ((float)(GMR1_FCCH_SYMS)) / 2.0f;
for (i=0; i<l; i++) {
pos = ((float)i / (float)sps) - halfpos;
cv->data[i] = sq2 * cosf( phase_base * (pos * pos) );
return cv;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Raw FCCH detection functions */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*! \brief Rough FCCH timing acquisition
* \param[in] search_win_in Complex signal where to search for FCCH
* \param[in] sps Oversampling used in the input complex signal
* \param[in] freq_shift Frequency shift to pre-apply to search_win_in (rad/sym)
* \param[out] toa Pointer to the toa return variable
* \returns 0 in case of success. -errno for errors.
* To be sure to acquire the signal, you need more than a single BCCH period.
* (so more than 320 ms of signal, plus the fcch length itself)
gmr1_fcch_rough(struct osmo_cxvec *search_win_in, int sps, float freq_shift,
int *toa)
struct osmo_cxvec *ref = NULL;
struct osmo_cxvec *search_win = NULL;
struct osmo_cxvec *corr = NULL;
float pos;
int rv = 0;
/* Generate reference dual chirp */
ref = gmr1_sdr_fcch_gen_dual_chirp(1);
if (!ref) {
rv = -ENOMEM;
goto err;
/* Normalize and decimate the search window */
search_win = osmo_cxvec_sig_normalize(search_win_in, sps, freq_shift, NULL);
/* Correlate with the reference */
corr = osmo_cxvec_correlate(ref, search_win, 1, NULL);
DEBUG_SIGNAL("fcch_rough", corr);
/* Find the highest energy window */
pos = osmo_cxvec_peak_energy_find(corr, 5, PEAK_WEIGH_WIN, NULL);
/* Return TOA */
*toa = (int)round(pos * sps);
/* Cleanup */
return rv;
/*! \brief Internal method to record peaks in order or power and remove dupes
* \param[in,out] toa Array of TOA already recorded
* \param[in,out] pwr Array of pwr already recorded
* \param[in,out] n Number of peaks already recorded
* \param[in] N size of the above arrays
* \param[in] Lp Periodicity length
* \param[in] sps Oversampling ratio
* \param[in] peak_toa New peak TOA
* \param[in] peak_pwr New peak power
static inline void
_peak_record(int *toa, float *pwr, int *n, int N, int Lp, int sps,
int peak_toa, float peak_pwr)
int i,j;
int has_dupe = 0;
/* Make sure it's not a duplicate at Lp interval */
/* (with a GMR1_FCCH_SYMS / 2 window) */
for (i=0; i<*n; i++) {
/* Compute params */
int th = (GMR1_FCCH_SYMS * sps) >> 1; /* threshold */
int d = (toa[i] % Lp) - (peak_toa % Lp);/* wrapped toa diff */
/* If not a dupe, continue */
if (abs(d) > th)
/* If the new peak has less power, continue */
if (pwr[i] > peak_pwr) {
if (!has_dupe)
has_dupe = 1;
/* Remove the old peak */
for (j=i; j<(*n)-1; j++) {
toa[j] = toa[j+1];
pwr[j] = pwr[j+1];
*n = *n - 1;
/* We'll insert it no mather what */
has_dupe = -1;
if (has_dupe > 0)
/* Find insert point */
for (i=0; i<*n; i++)
if (peak_pwr > pwr[i])
/* If it's at the end, nothing to do */
if (i == N)
/* Shift everything down */
for (j=N-1; j>i; j--) {
toa[j] = toa[j-1];
pwr[j] = pwr[j-1];
/* Insert */
toa[i] = peak_toa;
pwr[i] = peak_pwr;
/* One more entry ? */
if (*n != N)
*n = *n + 1;
/*! \brief Rough FCCH timing acquisition w/ multiple FCCH detection
* \param[in] search_win_in Complex signal where to search for FCCH
* \param[in] sps Oversampling used in the input complex signal
* \param[in] freq_shift Frequency shift to pre-apply to search_win_in (rad/sym)
* \param[out] peaks_toa Array of floats to store the returned alignements
* \param[in] N Maximum number of alignements to returns
* \returns A positive value of the number of FCCH returned. -errno for errors
* This method can detect multiple overlapping FCCH and returns alignements for
* all of them. To do so it needs at least 650 ms worth of data (two SI cycles
* plus some margin).
gmr1_fcch_rough_multi(struct osmo_cxvec *search_win_in, int sps, float freq_shift,
int *peaks_toa, int N)
struct osmo_cxvec *ref = NULL;
struct osmo_cxvec *search_win = NULL;
struct osmo_cxvec *corr = NULL;
float *corr_pwr = NULL;
float pwr_max, pwrs[2], peaks[2], avg, stddev, th, peaks_pwr[N];
int Lw, Lp, nLp, i, pwr_max_idx, a, peaks_cnt;
int rv;
/* Safety : need 650 ms of signal */
if (search_win_in->len < ((650 * GMR1_SYM_RATE * sps) / 1000))
return -EINVAL;
/* Generate reference dual chirp */
ref = gmr1_sdr_fcch_gen_dual_chirp(1);
if (!ref) {
rv = -ENOMEM;
goto err;
/* Normalize and decimate the search window */
search_win = osmo_cxvec_sig_normalize(search_win_in, sps, freq_shift, NULL);
/* Correlate with the reference */
corr = osmo_cxvec_correlate(ref, search_win, 1, NULL);
DEBUG_SIGNAL("fcch_rough_multi", corr);
/* Convert to power + find peak within first 330 ms */
corr_pwr = malloc(sizeof(float) * corr->len);
if (!corr_pwr) {
rv = -ENOMEM;
goto err;
Lw = (320 * GMR1_SYM_RATE) / 1000; /* Len window */
Lp = (320 * GMR1_SYM_RATE) / 1000; /* Len period */
pwr_max_idx = 0;
pwr_max = 0.0f;
for (i=0; i<corr->len; i++) {
float e = osmo_normsqf(corr->data[i]);
corr_pwr[i] = e;
if ((e > pwr_max) && (i < Lw)) {
pwr_max = e;
pwr_max_idx = i;
/* Whatever peak we found, there should be a matching one Lp
* samples later. Find it ! */
pwrs[0] = pwrs[1] = 0.0f;
peaks[0] = peaks[1] = 0.0f;
for (i=-10; i<=10; i++)
int j = pwr_max_idx + i;
if ((j > 0) && (j < corr->len)) {
pwrs[0] += corr_pwr[j];
peaks[0] += corr_pwr[j] * j;
j += Lp;
if ((j > 0) && (j < corr->len)) {
pwrs[1] += corr_pwr[j];
peaks[1] += corr_pwr[j] * j;
peaks[0] /= pwrs[0];
peaks[1] /= pwrs[1];
nLp = (int)round(peaks[1] - peaks[0]);
/* Safety */
if (abs(nLp - Lp) > 10) {
rv = -EINVAL;
goto err;
Lp = nLp;
/* 'Mix' the two cycles to improve signal. Compute avg at the same time */
avg = 0.0f;
for (i=0; i<Lw; i++) {
float v = sqrtf(corr_pwr[i] * corr_pwr[i+Lp]);
corr_pwr[i] = v;
avg += v;
avg /= Lw;
/* Compute std dev */
stddev = 0.0f;
for (i=0; i<Lw; i++) {
float v = corr_pwr[i] - avg;
stddev += v * v;
stddev = sqrtf(stddev / Lw);
/* Threshold is avg + (3 * stddev) */
th = avg + 3.0f * stddev;
/* Scan to find peaks */
peaks_cnt = 0;
for (i=1, a=0; i<Lw-1; i++) {
if (corr_pwr[i] > th) {
float p_pwr, p_fpos;
int p_pos;
/* Prevent doubles */
if (a)
a = 1;
/* Precise peak power and position */
p_pwr = corr_pwr[i-1] + corr_pwr[i] + corr_pwr[i+1];
p_fpos = (-corr_pwr[i-1] + corr_pwr[i+1]) / p_pwr;
p_pos = (int)round((i + p_fpos) * sps);
/* Record the peak */
peaks_toa, peaks_pwr, &peaks_cnt, N, Lp, sps,
p_pos, p_pwr
} else {
/* Not in the peak */
a = 0;
rv = peaks_cnt;
/* Cleanup */
return rv;
/*! \brief Fine FCCH timing & frequency acquisition
* \param[in] burst_in Complex signal of the FCCH burst
* \param[in] sps Oversampling used in the input complex signal
* \param[in] freq_shift Frequency shift to pre-apply to burst_in (rad/sym)
* \param[out] toa Pointer to the toa return variable
* \param[out] freq_error Pointer to the frequency error return variable (rad/sym)
* \returns 0 in case of success. -errno for errors.
* The input vector must be GMR1_FCCH_SYMS * sps samples long.
* The frequency error is doesn't include any correction done with
* freq_shift.
gmr1_fcch_fine(struct osmo_cxvec *burst_in, int sps, float freq_shift,
int *toa, float *freq_error)
struct osmo_cxvec *ref_up = NULL, *ref_down = NULL;
struct osmo_cxvec *mix_up = NULL, *mix_down = NULL;
struct osmo_cxvec *burst = NULL;
fftwf_plan fft_plan;
float peak_up, peak_down;
float freq_err_hz, freq_err_rps, toa_ms, toa_samples;
int len, mid, i;
int rv = 0;
/* Generate reference up & down chirp */
ref_up = gmr1_sdr_fcch_gen_up_chirp(1);
ref_down = gmr1_sdr_fcch_gen_down_chirp(1);
if (!ref_up || !ref_down) {
rv = -ENOMEM;
goto err;
/* Normalize and decimate the burst to 1 sps */
burst = osmo_cxvec_sig_normalize(burst_in, sps, freq_shift, NULL);
if (!burst) {
rv = -ENOMEM;
goto err;
/* Sanity check */
if ((len != burst->len) ||
(len != ref_up->len) ||
(len != ref_down->len)) {
rv = -EINVAL;
goto err;
/* Multiply burst with the ref */
mix_up = osmo_cxvec_alloc(len);
mix_down = osmo_cxvec_alloc(len);
if (!mix_up || !mix_down) {
rv = -ENOMEM;
goto err;
for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
mix_up->data[i] = burst->data[i] * ref_up->data[i];
mix_down->data[i] = burst->data[i] * ref_down->data[i];
mix_up->len = mix_down->len = len;
/* Debug */
DEBUG_SIGNAL("fcch_mix_up", mix_up);
DEBUG_SIGNAL("fcch_mix_down", mix_down);
/* Compute the FFT */
/* Shift the frequency to center the FFT on x[58] */
mid = (float)(len >> 1);
for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
float complex fs = cexp(I * 2.0f * M_PIf * mid / (float)(len) * i);
mix_up->data[i] *= fs;
mix_down->data[i] *= fs;
/* Do the fft */
fft_plan = fftwf_plan_dft_1d(len, mix_up->data, mix_up->data, FFTW_FORWARD, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
fft_plan = fftwf_plan_dft_1d(len, mix_down->data, mix_down->data, FFTW_FORWARD, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
/* Debug */
DEBUG_SIGNAL("fcch_fft_up", mix_up);
DEBUG_SIGNAL("fcch_fft_down", mix_down);
/* Find peaks position */
peak_up = osmo_cxvec_peak_energy_find(mix_up, 5, PEAK_WEIGH_WIN, NULL);
peak_down = osmo_cxvec_peak_energy_find(mix_down, 5, PEAK_WEIGH_WIN, NULL);
/* Convert to frequencies */
peak_up = (peak_up - mid) * 200.0f; /* 200 Hz bin size */
peak_down = (peak_down - mid) * 200.0f;
/* Frequency error */
freq_err_hz = (peak_up + peak_down) / 2;
freq_err_rps = (2 * M_PIf * freq_err_hz) / GMR1_SYM_RATE;
*freq_error = freq_err_rps;
/* Time of arrival */
/* 3 kHz / ms chrip ramp rate */
toa_ms = ((peak_up - peak_down) / 2) / 3000.0f;
toa_samples = (toa_ms * GMR1_SYM_RATE * sps) / 1000.0f;
*toa = (int)round(toa_samples);
/* Cleanup */
return rv;
/*! \brief SNR estimation on a FCCH burst
* \param[in] burst_in Complex signal of the FCCH burst
* \param[in] sps Oversampling used in the input complex signal
* \param[in] freq_shift Frequency shift to pre-apply to burst_in (rad/sym)
* \param[out] snr Pointer to the SNR return variable
* \returns 0 in case of success. -errno for errors.
* The input vector must be GMR1_FCCH_SYMS * sps samples long.
* This method estimated the FFT peak energy over the FFT average energy
* to estimate SNR.
gmr1_fcch_snr(struct osmo_cxvec *burst_in, int sps, float freq_shift, float *snr)
struct osmo_cxvec *ref = NULL;
struct osmo_cxvec *burst = NULL;
fftwf_plan fft_plan;
float avg;
int len, i;
int rv = 0;
/* Generate reference dual chirp */
ref = gmr1_sdr_fcch_gen_dual_chirp(1);
if (!ref) {
rv = -ENOMEM;
goto err;
/* Normalize and decimate the burst to 1 sps */
burst = osmo_cxvec_sig_normalize(burst_in, sps, freq_shift, NULL);
if (!burst) {
rv = -ENOMEM;
goto err;
/* Sanity check */
if ((len != burst->len) ||
(len != ref->len)) {
rv = -EINVAL;
goto err;
/* Multiply burst with the ref (we know it's real only) */
for (i=0; i<len; i++)
burst->data[i] *= crealf(ref->data[i]);
DEBUG_SIGNAL("fcch_snr_mix", burst);
/* Compute the FFT */
fft_plan = fftwf_plan_dft_1d(len, burst->data, burst->data, FFTW_FORWARD, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
DEBUG_SIGNAL("fcch_snr_fft", burst);
/* Evaluate SNR */
avg = 0.0f;
for (i=0; i<burst->len-3; i++)
avg += osmo_normsqf(burst->data[2+i]);
avg /= (burst->len-3);
*snr = osmo_normsqf(burst->data[0]) / avg;
/* Cleanup */
return rv;
/*! @} */